
news NamePros Landers with Buy Now, Escrow.com integration, and much more

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Hey, domain sellers! 👋

We have a special surprise for you.

Continuing from last year (and last week), we have some exciting updates to share with you about NamePros Parking!

First, consider this:

You price your domain name at $2,500. For years, hundreds of interested buyers want to buy it, but the price is too high for them. They don't even try to contact you because they don't realize that the price is negotiable or may change. Years later, you decide to lower the price to $995. How many previously-interested buyers would buy it at this lowered price? You’d never know — until now!

With our new Buy Now options, you can finally contact those previous buyers to increase your sales opportunities. 💸

Here’s how:

Our landers require buyers to confirm their email address before they can see the price. Once confirmed, the price is available to them and their email address is available to you. Simple and effective.


Now, let’s talk new features!​

  • Buy Now: Add a Buy button with a sales price and payment options for buyers to purchase your domains.
    • Escrow.com (Recommended): Starts an Escrow.com transaction for you and allows the buyer to pay immediately.
    • PayPal: Creates a PayPal transaction for the buyer to pay directly to your PayPal account.
    • Email: You and the buyer use email to choose a payment method (e.g., crypto), discuss lease-to-own (LTO) options, etc.
  • Location: Country, region (e.g., state or province), and locality (e.g., city, town, or village) of your inquirers to help you understand where they are located, the best time to contact them, etc.
  • Bulk Management: Set options on multiple domains at the same time: prices, payment methods, appearance, etc.
  • Exports: Download your inquiries, including buyers’ email addresses, offers, etc. (CSV format.)
  • Domain Verification: Verify your domains by using any of these methods: name servers (NS), CNAME, or TXT records.
  • Supersonic Speed Boost: Our landers already loaded blazingly fast, but now they’re even faster — a powerful increase in performance!
    • For techies: Go, Redis, and Elastic (previously only: PHP and MySQL)

Wait, there’s more!

Tell us the features that you want for NamePros Parking because we’re adding new features all month!

Features coming soon:​

(Updates: ⏳ = In progress; ✅ = Complete – Available now!)
  • ⏳ Payment Plans: Payment buttons for lease-to-own (LTO) and renting, e.g., “$995/mo for 8 months”
  • ✅ Minimum Offers: Save time by specifying a minimum offer amount to set buyers’ expectations.
  • ⏳ Portfolio Website: A sharable storefront of the domains in your account with search and filters.
  • ✅ Traffic monitoring with Google Analytics: See real-time visitors and historical statistics about them, including demographics, referral sources, search engine queries, browsers, OS, etc.
  • ⏳ Traffic reporting natively: The number of visitors to parked domains, optionally displayed on your landing pages.
  • ✅ Remove NamePros Branding: An option to remove unnecessary mentions of NamePros from parked pages.
  • ✅ More Landers: Choose from multiple landing pages for various purposes, such as a new Buy Now Optimized lander.
  • ⏳ File Imports: Add domains to your account and set their prices by uploading spreadsheet files (e.g., .CSV).
  • ✅ Escrow.com Concierge: An option to use Domain Concierge Service for your Escrow.com transactions.
  • ✅ Auto-Detected Buyer Details: View detailed information about your potential buyers alongside their inquiries, based on their IP address: their current time and timezone, location, ISP, hostname domain, connection type (e.g., Cable/DSL, Cellular, Corporate, or Satellite), etc.
  • ⏳ Account notifications: Inquiry summaries and account notices about your parked domains, sent by email.

PRO TIP: There is a common misconception about how many domain sales happen because of marketplaces. In reality, many sales would still happen (and do happen) without the help of a marketplace, so NamePros is providing a free solution to sell domains and you keep 100% of your profit.

Our for-sale parking service is 100% free:​

  • No upfront fees
  • No monthly fees
  • No commission (0%)
  • No upgraded account necessary
  • 100% of your sales belong to you!

How does all that sound?

Visit namepros.com/parking to get started! 🎉

Tip: Quickly access your parking dashboard using the "Sell" dropdown menu at the top.

Questions? Ask below, or check out our Help Guide for NamePros Parking.

P.S. Our announcement last week was not a prank. Spatial Scrolling™ is real, courtesy of NamePros innovation! 🤯
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hi guys, sorry for the interference. When can we see the parking stats :xf.cool:
ISP and hostname domain are now shown. 😁

Let us know if there is any other information about an IP address that you’d like us to add.

I'm liking the bin and minimum numbers showing.
i'm very happy to see the continuous development on the product :xf.love:(y)

Few suggestion:
1) Give an option to resend email (+ once buyer submitted the form, don't see close button on popup).
2) Rename "Show purchase price" to "Submit" or somthing similar with easy understanding for new buyer as well.
3) Add crypto payment (Bitpay is easy to add) or add CryptoExchange.com for crypto escrow.
4) Give option to share our email / phone on landing page for easier communication.
5) Integrate free chat widget like tawk.to (i'm not fan of chat widget but it's good for quicker communication)

Kudos to NP dev team <3 ❤️
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@Bravo Mod Team, I'm still wondering (post 470) about the ability to delete inquiries. There are some accumulating from the lunatic fringe I'd like to eliminate so I can declutter.

Additionally, will there be a way to blacklist an individual by name, phone and/or email? If I understand correctly, once the potential buyer (or fraudster) meets or exceed the minimum, which some will do just to get through, they are sent our (sellers) email. If that is the case, can we opt out of our email being sent to them? There is more than one fruitcake stalking me over a particular name.

I just had offers come in from one of the fruitcakes mentioned above. In previous encounters they called down the wrath of their god upon me because I would not sell them a name for $1. The good news is I'm not too worried about their god but repeated contact from them might end up causing a little indigestion.
It is asking for a website url. you can see the image attached. So do we need to create a tag for each domain we have?

Show attachment 257993
You can use the following URL:
You don’t need to do this for each domain name. You just configure it once, add the Google Tag ID to your NamePros account, and then it’ll work for all existing and future domains.

We’ll try to create a guide this week on how to do it quickly.

Don’t worry too much about doing something wrong; it won’t hurt anything.
I'm still wondering (post 470) about the ability to delete inquiries. There are some accumulating from the lunatic fringe I'd like to eliminate so I can declutter.
We’ve responded to this question a few times in this thread. In short, it’s on our list of user suggestions, and we recommend managing inquiries within your email or CRM because we don’t plan to recreate features that your email/CRM services already provide.

That said, plans can change, and it’s possible that over time we may build some of these features, including our own CRM for domainers like DomainNameSales/Uniregistry had. 🪦

Additionally, will there be a way to blacklist an individual by name, phone and/or email? If I understand correctly, once the potential buyer (or fraudster) meets or exceed the minimum, which some will do just to get through, they are sent our (sellers) email. If that is the case, can we opt out of our email being sent to them? There is more than one fruitcake stalking me over a particular name.
Interesting idea; thanks for sharing!

What do you want to happen when you block an inquirer?

Let us know.
What do you want to happen when you block an inquirer?
It would be ideal if those that are blocked could go to and be retained in a separate folder.

It might require too much coding/work to have future contact from the blocked person go to another folder but for more than one reason it might be helpful to keep track of all the 'buyer' attempts.

We’ve responded to this question a few times in this thread. In short, it’s on our list of user suggestions, and we recommend managing inquiries within your email or CRM because we don’t plan to recreate any of the features that your email/CRM services already provide.

That said, plans can change, and it’s possible that over time we may build some of these features, including our own CRM for domainers like DomainNameSales/Uniregistry had. 🪦
Sorry for repeating questions previously asked (might have to compile a list) but it not that I want to manage the fruitcake inquires, I would simply would like to remove them from the running list.

Of course it might require too much coding work but in my fantasy panel there would be a checkbox by the lead/inquiry that we could use to delete the whole thing. I keep track of the disruptors in a special file. :xf.wink:
it not that I want to manage the fruitcake inquires, I would simply would like to remove them from the running list.
In our previous message, management includes deleting, organizing, editing, etc.

Coincidentally, the dev team was recently discussing adding a feature that could be used for organizing domains/inquiries, so it’s possible we’ll have these features in the future.

Edited to add clarification.
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Management includes deleting, organizing, editing, etc.

Coincidentally, the dev team was recently discussing a feature that could be used for organization of domains/inquiries, so it’s possible.
Sorry, but I can't find a management tab where to delete. I see the 3 tabs at the top for organizing by date, amount, etc. but even when I check the box beside the name, I can not find a delete function. Or are you speaking about something that might be added in the future?

As of now there are only 2 or 3 I'd like to get out of the inquiry list but in time I'm sure there will be many more as I continue to add names.
Sorry, but I can't find a management tab where to delete. I see the 3 tabs at the top for organizing by date, amount, etc. but even when I check the box beside the name, I can not find a delete function. Or are you speaking about something that might be added in the future?

As of now there are only 2 or 3 I'd like to get out of the inquiry list but in time I'm sure there will be many more as I continue to add names.
It was a clarification for “we recommend managing inquiries within your email or CRM” where “managing” includes deleting, organizing, etc.
I'm on my to having 500 names pointed to nps landers...thanks for the domain search box at the top of the column!
Hi! We need a seperate page to track what new features have been added- without having to go through this thread.. does it already exist?
E.g. I'm curious if godaddy payment link or atom payment link already added to the lander
We need a seperate page to track what new features have been added- without having to go through this thread.. does it already exist?
We plan to post those updates in the Help Guide thread.

Please subscribe to it to be notified: Watch NamePros Parking Updates.

E.g. I'm curious if godaddy payment link or atom payment link already added to the lander
Which GoDaddy payment link do you want added?

It's probably too soon to consider AtomPay until we've seen more community feedback on how well (or not well) it works.

Let us know.
@Bravo Mod Team, please confirm for me that a buyer that meets the min offer or BIN gets our email info once they complete required info.

I ask this because not one person has responded...even a recent BIN buyer. Most are sketchy types (fake name, throw away email) but the BIN that came in (50K+) was a legitimate person with family/business pockets deep enough to make the buy and a logical reason to acquire the domain.

In this particular case the buyer did not enter a phone number and I'm thinking their email account could have been hacked (I was able to confirm it is a long standing email for this person). Thanks to the data provided, I'm able to find the cell number for the person and I'm considering reaching out via text but wont do so unless I get crickets for 10 or so days.

ADD: Can you make it so we can make phone number mandatory in our settings?
I just did a quick check and the vast majority (percentage wise) of my sales came from leads that included the phone number on the first contact.
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please confirm for me that a buyer that meets the min offer or BIN gets our email info once they complete required info.
After email confirmation, all emails that they receive include a message that they can reply to the email to reach you.

If you want your email address included in the body of the email, then you can use the "Unreachable" option on the inquiry. That will send your email address to them in the message and ask them to email you.

We hope that helps.
ADD: Can you make it so we can make phone number mandatory in our settings?
Keep in mind that for each mandatory field, people may decide not to complete the form. It's a delicate balance. I would therefore not make it mandatory for everyone, but if you want it as an option, it can be set per account or per domain.

At the risk of seeming extra dense this AM (I am on a new medication so that MUST be the cause :xf.smile::sleep:) but I can't seem to find this setting. Don't think I will use it but it eludes me.
At the risk of seeming extra dense this AM (I am on a new medication so that MUST be the cause :xf.smile::sleep:) but I can't seem to find this setting. Don't think I will use it but it eludes me.
It can be found when you click on an inquiry first.

Then you will see the following light blue buttons at the top:

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  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.