
question Domain scamming

Spaceship Spaceship


Restricted (15-30%)
Hi I bought some domains and I redirected them to aff sites. They got many thousand visits. Then I directed them to Dan and Godaddy and visits decrease masive to 10 a day. Then I redirected them to my personal sites and first days they got traffic big but then decreased to 0. May this be that my domains are hacked? Dan might block bots but still my typo domains are good for traffic.

Anyone know of such type of scam Were others come in and redirect domains to their own and allow the owner user to see domains as they are?
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To affect just one user, users device has to be hacked to hijack dns queries.
Or, to affect everyone DNS hijacking should be done in the registrar side and then everyone including you will be seeing the same page that was not supposed to be there.
To make your assumption true, both registrar side and your device need to be hacked which I don't think anyone would do unless they have a huge benefit out of these domains.
You can test how the website loads from a different device & network that you never use / ask a friend to check and update you.

It could be something related to the search engines recommendation after you changed the name servers to point to a different page.

Which registrar do you have those domains with?
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Domainnameshop AS. Norwegian.
You probably disappeared from Google due to the changing redirects.
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You probably disappeared from Google due to the changing redirects.

Yeah I also had the idea of that www redirects destroy for the sites rank but anyway I would have had visits from type in.
yes, the same incident happened to me still I don't know the reason behind it yet.
There are many spoken parallels between Real Estate and Domaining. Real Estate "Red Lining" and Domain "Traffic Redirects" is an unspoken parallel.

Domain traffic 'Geofencing', for example, can show or hide versions of the same page to various 'targets' in any global 'Geofenced' area.

To get an idea of how pervasive and pernicious illicit domain trafficking is consider the (documented) big picture.

Redirected domain traffic theft began with the first domain name traffic generators, Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

ISPs claimed they only redirect traffic when a non-existent URL is entered.

A few years ago the U.S. FTC looked into how ISPs handle consumer traffic and concluded:

"The report identified several troubling data collection practices among several of the ISPs, including that they combine data across product lines; combine personal, app usage, and web browsing data to target ads; place consumers into sensitive categories such as by race and sexual orientation; and share real-time location data with third-parties.
At the same time, the report found the privacy protections many of the companies offer raised several concerns. Even though several of the ISPs promise not to sell consumers personal data, they allow it to be used, transferred, and monetized by others and hide disclosures about such practices in fine print of their privacy policies.
For example, several news outlets noted that subscribers’ real-time location data shared with third-party customers was being accessed by car salesmen, property managers, bail bondsmen, bounty hunters, and others without reasonable protections or consumers’ knowledge and consent, according to the report."
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Hi I bought some domains and I redirected them to aff sites. They got many thousand visits. Then I directed them to Dan and Godaddy and visits decrease masive to 10 a day. Then I redirected them to my personal sites and first days they got traffic big but then decreased to 0. May this be that my domains are hacked? Dan might block bots but still my typo domains are good for traffic.

Anyone know of such type of scam Were others come in and redirect domains to their own and allow the owner user to see domains as they are?
Traffic could be affected by tons of factors. When directed to sites, there is SEO, content and backlinks to consider. If google sees you constantly changing or the information on the site changes and doesnt seem relevant, then it will decrease visability in google (as far as I know).
Without knowing the domain name, looking at its backlinks, history, etc, we cant tell you for sure. This doesnt sound like a scam to me
Need more details on this one, did you buy expired domain or from user listed? if its from user, could be just fake traffic. if from expired/deleted. last update from google talking about expired domain abuse.

Expired domain abuse​

Occasionally, expired domains are purchased and repurposed with the primary intention of boosting search ranking of low-quality or unoriginal content. This can mislead users into thinking the new content is part of the older site, which may not be the case. Expired domains that are purchased and repurposed with the intention of boosting the search ranking of low-quality content are now considered spam.
I bought them by domain registar. Clean no past as far as I know.
You probably disappeared from Google due to the changing redirects.

For the record: Redirects, even numerous redirects (or content changes), no longer dilute URL (Page) Rank in Google.

Also, folks, keep in mind Google / Alphabet is an advertising company.

When "widespread" domain traffic hijacking was first exposed, in 2011, Google was the biggest advertising company involved.

Once exposed, the practice and its patented traffic hijacking proxy servers, quickly changed tactics, targets, and mostly became invisible.

How much of your traffic is being hijacked today?
"The scary part is that you'll never know, and may never find out."

Quoting one of the researchers who exposed traffic theft --back in the dial-up days when a 'wiretapping' lawsuit was threatened to stop it.
Thats good to know.

Message type: [WNC-yayaya]
Search Console
New reason preventing your pages from being indexed
Search Console has identified that some pages on your site are not being indexed due to the following new reason:

Page with redirect
If this reason is not intentional, we recommend that you fix it in order to get affected pages indexed and appearing on Google.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.