
Damaging your brand!

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Konstantinos Zournas @OnlineDomainCom

Posted this on his blog:

about this topic

I posted the following on his blog

Konstantinos Zournas @OnlineDomainCom

As the owner of a blog site I expected so much more of you.
Your unprofessional comments will be logged with google forever.

Name calling like what you are doing is the lowest common denominator and it makes you no different than the person you are criticizing.

Such a disappointing post in general and as someone trying to portray a professional image you have just sunk as low as a journalist can get.

Feel free to delete this because I will cross post it on namepros.

Regardless of the subject that is being discussed I think Konstantinos has sunk as low as a journalist can. He calls the person (AD) an asshole and then single handedly calls every namepros member that supports Adam making the right decision an idiot. He goes on to say anyone having done business with him is an idiot.

In my case Adam transferred a valuable .com before I even paid him yet under Konstantinos post I must also be an idiot or an asshole.

In case he change his home blog here is the text in full...

Do people deserve a second chance? Of course they do.

But some people had many opportunities over the past 5 years to make things right or AT LEAST they had the opportunity not being an asshole to the people they owe money to.

Anyone that says “I had a good experience with him… blah blah blah” is simply an idiot to have a transaction with him in the first place.

Yes, that Adam thing is back.

Assholes will always be assholes.

This topic is not about Adam, you can discuss that in the original topic.
This post is about Konstantinos and I think he owes a lot of namepros members an apology.

As a journalist/blogger he has just crossed the line and in my opinion has damaged his brand.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
If someone acts like one then calling them it is fine....with me.

Works the other way to, if I act like one then being told I'm one has made me change the errors of my ways and shed light on the issues...

From a journalistic perspective it does not look good but is he a journalist or a blogger? If you blog then sharing your personal opinion is all well and good....

He didn't call everyone an asshole, the rest are just idiots according to him.....fair? No.....his opinion, yes....
As for all the members that say let Adam make restitution

And everyone that had a valid transaction

Acording to Konstantinos...

Anyone that says “I had a good experience with him… blah blah blah” is simply an idiot to have a transaction with him in the first place.
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The original title of this topic was

Does calling someone an asshole make you one!

I thought that was a little strong and I removed it because in my opinion doing that in print would make me no better than the person I am discussing. I think as professionals in the field blog subjects should not resort to name calling.

He can have his opinion about Adam but name calling like that on a public forum is logged on google forever. In the end he damages his own brand because he will now forever be attached to those words. It will be like an old facebook post that does not go away.

Like I said, his opinion, but where do you draw the line?
I mean he is also calling a number of namepros members idiots and personally I could care less what he says but I have a lot of friends on namepros and calling them idiots is basically uncalled for.

Konstantinos needs to man up and apologize to those members.
Konstantinos needs to man up and apologize to those members.

Do you mind linking me to AD apology post because I can't find where he says sorry to the hundreds if not thousands of victims he displaced?

Granted, I have never met nor did i have business dealing with AD. I did however reach out to several of his victims and handed out work.

Here's my personal opinion...
Just because you had a smooth transaction with AD shouldn't and doesn't constitute you ANY authority to defend a self admitted criminal who wants to pay his way back in.
The only name being damaged here is yours.
You have been a long standing member here and frankly I'm surprised at your actions here.

Are you willing to cover losses if he does it again?
Do you mind linking me to AD apology post because I can't find where he says sorry to the hundreds if not thousands of victims he displaced?

Granted, I have never met nor did i have business dealing with AD. I did however reach out to several of his victims and handed out work.

Here's my personal opinion...
Just because you had a smooth transaction with AD shouldn't and doesn't constitute you ANY authority to defend a self admitted criminal who wants to pay his way back in.
The only name being damaged here is yours.
You have been a long standing member here and frankly I'm surprised at your actions here.

Are you willing to cover losses if he does it again?

I'm not defending anyone, I'm simply stating that Konstantinos called namepros members who made transactions with him idiots.
In fact, I VERY CLEARLY state in my opening post that it is not about Adam.
He is also name calling on what appears to be a professional blog.

Unprofessional if I ever saw it.

As for AD, I simply stated I have done numerous transactions and all went smooth.
I did not say go ahead and do so yourself, everyone must weigh their own risks.

As far as hundreds and thousands of victims go, that is an assumption, if that were the case he would surely not offer restitution.
Chances are it was in the dozens but again that would be an assumption on my part and not based on any knowledge thereof so I will refrain from stating it as fact.

As far as opening the topic, I feel name calling is a low way to attack in a blog topic (comments, who cares) so I felt it was warranted to remind Konstantinos that namepros members who have had successful transactions, and state as such, are not idiots. In fact I purchased what ended up being a major .com property for me. Other members have done similar and according to Konstantinos we are all idiots.

No, you see this is not about Adam, it is about Konstantinos calling anyone who had a transaction with him an idiot.

As in hello namepros members, you bought a domain from him, you are an idiot.

Not the least of which he calls someone clearly trying to do restitution an asshole.
What the hell, let the man pay back what he owes, if he does not do that then call him an asshole but please give him a chance to do what he set out to do. We can judge after that!

AD said he came to the topic to make restitution, members have since posted that restitution has indeed been made.
Konstantinos told him to get lost. -
Who the heck is he to speak for all the members who may get back what they are owed.

No sorry but Konstantinos has overstepped here.
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It’s not possible to make a thread and then declare what it’s not about. The thread goes where it goes.
As far as hundreds and thousands of victims go, that is an assumption, if that were the case he would surely not offer restitution.

Speaks volumes to what MANY already know.

Chances are it was in the dozens but again that would be an assumption on my part and not based on any knowledge thereof so I will refrain from stating it as fact.

Let's assume you're right...
Those dozens had, Hope's, dreams and most importantly families.

If you got offended by black letters on a white background that spelled idiot well... that's a personal problem. One you could have PM'D him and dealt with him yourself.

Again let me state that you have been a long time NP member in good standing. Take a breather and evaluate your present actions.
I wouldn't hesitate doing business with you for a second. Just want that to be clear.
Let the asshole calling string begin....
If you got offended by black letters on a white background that spelled idiot well... that's a personal problem. One you could have PM'D him and dealt with him yourself.

I take no offence, I bear Konstantinos no ill will, I just think he is the one that needs to take a breather. He posted his topic on

Assholes and Idiots on a major website linking to his blog.
I think that is way over the top, especially saying anyone stating they had a successful transaction with AD is an idiot.
Many members have had successful transactions with him, that does not make them all idiots.

Telling someone who is trying to pay back members repeatedly to get lost is also wrong. I wish that everyone owed money gets back what they are owed. I personally will give the man a chance to make restitution because from my RECENT transactions with him he has completed the terms of his transactions as agreed upon.

So if anything, I'm simply saying settle down, lets see what happens and set the name calling aside until this plays out.
But please don't go posting on that everyone is an idiot or an asshole, that does not help anyone and if anything may scare him away therefore costing those members still owed money.
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Just my opinion, but I this thread should be deleted (could probably also delete some of OnlineDomain's posts in the other thread as well).

MapleDots, I think one difference in your interaction with AD is that you have obvious power, due to having plenty of money in the bank and certain knowhow... which means you could hire a lawyer if your transactions with AD didn't go well.

But for people who were obviously lacking in power/money, it didn't go well for them some years ago.

However, it is definitely good though that AD is paying people back now (and I don't see the need to be really harsh about that fact). It should have been done years ago though - perhaps by getting a loan backed by some premium domains, or getting an investor.

To really make things a bit more fair now though, I think he should also add some % per year ROI, for the lost time-value of money.

And maybe if the people who are owed money agree, if he pays them back their principal + some extra for the delay (20% per year added on? or whatever they decide), that other thread could also be deleted. It might be harder with that thread still there, so maybe if those "lenders" agree, it can be deleted for a certain period of time with a deadline for repayment.
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I personally will give the man a chance to make restitution because from my RECENT transactions with him he has completed the terms of his transactions as agreed upon.

"Hypothetically speaking"

I sell you a dream and take your money, then with promise in your hand I stab you in the back and walk away....
I'll be back in 5 years with your EXACT amount of cash i stole from you.
Would you forgive me?

Coming forward 5 years later with a admission of guilt on his conscious and payment indeed is a start in the right direction. Those who are owed should come forward and collect. But for AD.... I will be polite and keep my opinion to myself. I have that right.

As for the name calling... dude, come on man. Be the better person and walk away.
But for people who were obviously lacking in power/money, it didn't go well for them some years ago.

To really make things a bit more fair now though, I think he should also add some % per year ROI, for the lost time-value of money.

And maybe if the people who are owed money agree, if he pays them back their principal + some extra for the delay (20% per year added on? or whatever they decide), that other thread could also be deleted.

Thank you!
Common sense.
Namepros at its finest.
Be thankful i am staying out this time.
S and N taught me a valuable lesson last time
As for the name calling... dude, come on man. Be the better person and walk away.

ehh O_o I think you have me confused
I am the one asking there NOT to be any name calling.
ehh O_o I think you have me confused
I am the one asking there NOT to be any name calling.

I'm not confused whatsoever..
Hence "Be the better man and walk away"


Let AD focus on what he should have done 5 years ago and stop distracting from what little opportunity the victims have to gain of it.
This i ask of you as a professional gentleman.
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Those are mostly quotes, I am not calling him a name, I am repeating what he says.
With the exception of unprofessional and takes one to know one.

The takes one to know one is about him referring to namepros members as idiots.

This was not made to insinuate that I am calling Konstantinos one of those names, they are taken from his blog post and the discussion is about him, his blog, and that topic, hence the tags.

In retrospect I can see how that can be misconstrued so I have edited them out.

This is how I personally feel


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Show attachment 171164

Konstantinos Zournas @OnlineDomainCom

Posted this on his blog:

about this topic

I posted the following on his blog

Regardless of the subject that is being discussed I think Konstantinos has sunk as low as a journalist can. He calls the person (AD) an asshole and then single handedly calls every namepros member that supports Adam making the right decision an idiot. He goes on to say anyone having done business with him is an idiot.

In my case Adam transferred a valuable .com before I even paid him yet under Konstantinos post I must also be an idiot or an asshole.

In case he change his home blog here is the text in full...

This topic is not about Adam, you can discuss that in the original topic.
This post is about Konstantinos and I think he owes a lot of namepros members an apology.

As a journalist/blogger he has just crossed the line and in my opinion has damaged his brand.

You have a join date of 2017, that long thread was started in 2015 -

It's long, 163 pages. I read it as it was going. Did you read it all?
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Does calling someone an asshole make you one!

no, I don't think so

sometimes assholes are just assholes
and it doesn't hurt to call them an asshole

sometimes that's really satisfying
so how can it be wrong?

(still, you may be an asshole yourself, as it doesn't cure either .. )
From a journalistic perspective it does not look good but is he a journalist or a blogger? If you blog then sharing your personal opinion is all well and good....

I had a quick look at his bio and I don't believe that he has claimed to be a journalist.

A journalist is someone who writes news articles for a newspaper or magazine (or online version). Journalism is a profession.

He writes a blog. He's a blogger.
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no, I don't think so

sometimes assholes are just assholes
and it doesn't hurt to call them an asshole

sometimes that's really satisfying
so how can it be wrong?

(still, you may be an asshole yourself, as it doesn't cure either .. )
Differently put but so true in a way. Here we are, enjoying some unexpected philosophy while trying to understand the DN world. Thanks.
So, you think he damaged his brand. Who cares? Now what? How does this post contribute to an amicable solution? I don't see one, just causing more drama.
Just my opinion, but I this thread should be deleted (could probably also delete some of OnlineDomain's posts in the other thread as well).

MapleDots, I think one difference in your interaction with AD is that you have obvious power, due to having plenty of money in the bank and certain knowhow... which means you could hire a lawyer if your transactions with AD didn't go well.

But for people who were obviously lacking in power/money, it didn't go well for them some years ago.

However, it is definitely good though that AD is paying people back now (and I don't see the need to be really harsh about that fact). It should have been done years ago though - perhaps by getting a loan backed by some premium domains, or getting an investor.

To really make things a bit more fair now though, I think he should also add some % per year ROI, for the lost time-value of money.

And maybe if the people who are owed money agree, if he pays them back their principal + some extra for the delay (20% per year added on? or whatever they decide), that other thread could also be deleted. It might be harder with that thread still there, so maybe if those "lenders" agree, it can be deleted for a certain period of time with a deadline for repayment.

How about I add that both of them being Canadians and in Canada? @MapleDots cannot be screwed by Adam I guess so not just about Mapledots having money.
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