
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Go see what happens if you wear some panties that have a little bit of yeast on them over your face.

LOL @ panties :xf.laugh::ROFL::xf.laugh:

Here's a fact check:

The claim: Mask wearers are arriving in ICUs with pneumonia inhaled from masks

Our ruling: False
We rate this claim FALSE because it is not supported by our research. USA TODAY and other fact check outlets could not confirm reports of people with antibiotic-resistant pneumonia being admitted to intensive care units. Health experts have said the chance of developing pneumonia from mask wearing could theoretically exist but is highly unlikely with appropriate and typical mask use.

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It seems that they caused you some inconvenience, but it's good that you were able to get your first shot anyway.

I am interested to know that in your assessment of the three available vaccine types how did you come up with your choice as to which ones you liked the best.

Was it just a personal preference or did you have some scientific data that helped you put the vaccines in the order that you have mentioned.

I have heard that some vaccines might be more suitable for older people, but that they were all very effective in preventing Covid.


A great deal of the 'research' I did was from the posts of other members in this thread. I do my best to thoughtfully read each post and its corresponding information via provided the link(s).

There is actually a post a few pages back that has a link to information about the vaccines that I will try to find and add below.

Today I interreacted with three professionals (other than the GM) with one being a nurse, one in her last year of nursing school and a pharmacist that was roaming around chatting with the crowd. They all have had one of the vaccines, one had Pfizer and two had Moderna. Both that had the Moderna said they felt a little bad after the second injection, the Pfizer recipient said she had no issues (about 23 and very athletic looking) and they all said that soreness was a problem.

Having had well over 500 injections, IV, chemo, blood draws, etc. I too can say this puppy causes significant soreness. I did not even feel the needle going in (even asked the guy sitting behind me if she really gave me an injection) but since it went to the muscle it has made itself known now some 9 hours later!

All three said the same thing when I asked their personal 'off the record' opinions of the different vaccines and they all said the same. The recent data shows all three equally prevent severe illness and/or hospitalization but they all mentioned the fact the Moderna is about 20% less effective in preventing infection...they were not concerned about anything else.

BTW, the card I received had all the pertinent information about this vaccine/batch plus a space indicated for date and batch of the second shot of the series. It also had room for 2 other covid 19 vaccinations in the future...
A great deal of the 'research' I did was from the posts of other members in this thread. I do my best to thoughtfully read each post and its corresponding information via provided the link(s).

There is actually a post a few pages back that has a link to information about the vaccines that I will try to find and add below.

Today I interreacted with three professionals (other than the GM) with one being a nurse, one in her last year of nursing school and a pharmacist that was roaming around chatting with the crowd. They all have had one of the vaccines, one had Pfizer and two had Moderna. Both that had the Moderna said they felt a little bad after the second injection, the Pfizer recipient said she had no issues (about 23 and very athletic looking) and they all said that soreness was a problem.

Having had well over 500 injections, IV, chemo, blood draws, etc. I too can say this puppy causes significant soreness. I did not even feel the needle going in (even asked the guy sitting behind me if she really gave me an injection) but since it went to the muscle it has made itself known now some 9 hours later!

All three said the same thing when I asked their personal 'off the record' opinions of the different vaccines and they all said the same. The recent data shows all three equally prevent severe illness and/or hospitalization but they all mentioned the fact the Moderna is about 20% less effective in preventing infection...they were not concerned about anything else.

BTW, the card I received had all the pertinent information about this vaccine/batch plus a space indicated for date and batch of the second shot of the series. It also had room for 2 other covid 19 vaccinations in the future...

Thanks for the explanation,

I thought maybe that you had some additional data that had not been mentioned in the thread since you know a lot of people in the medical field.

I am not worried about the soreness in the arm that much if it's going to be temporary. The important thing is to be able to get the vaccine this month.

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Factory mix-up spoils 15 million doses of J&J COVID vaccine

About 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot COVID-19 vaccine were ruined, and future vaccine shipments will be delayed. This all follows a mix-up at a manufacturing facility in Baltimore, according to multiple media reports.


Johnson & Johnson had partnered with Emergent BioSolutions to manufacture the active ingredient of its vaccine. But according to two US officials who spoke with Politico, workers at the West Baltimore facility mixed up the ingredients in Johnson &Johnson’s vaccine with those for a different coronavirus vaccine. Emergent BioSolutions is also a manufacturing partner of AstraZeneca, according to the New York Times, which first reported the problem.
Trial started for vaccine against one of the scariest coronavirus variants

Researchers have given out the first jabs of a tweaked version of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, one aimed at fighting one of the most concerning coronavirus variants—the B.1.351 variant, first identified in South Africa.


The jabs are part of an early trial of the tweaked vaccine, which is being run by the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The agency aims to enroll around 210 healthy adults in the trial by the end of April.

The US Has Reached a Terrifying And Precarious Moment in The Pandemic. Here's Why

Although 23 percent of the US population is now vaccinated against the coronavirus, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned of "impending doom."

In a press briefing on Wednesday, Rochelle Walensky said the US is in "a critical moment in our fight against the pandemic."

In the last seven days, average daily case numbers have trended up in more than 30 US states. The country's daily number of new cases has risen 12 percent during that time, according to Walensky. Hospitalizations nationally increased 5 percent, on average, over the last two weeks.

"For the health of our country, we must work together now to prevent a fourth surge," Walensky said earlier this week.

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Vaccinated People Do Not Appear to Carry or Spread COVID-19, CDC Director Says

A large, real-world CDC study had vaccinated people test themselves for COVID-19 every week and the low number of cases indicates that they can’t even carry the virus asymptomatically


People who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 do not appear to be able to carry or transmit the virus to others, the director of the Centers for Disease Control said, based on data from the large, real-world study of vaccinated people released this week.

"Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that is not just in the clinical trials but it's also in real world data," CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky said on The Rachel Maddow Show on Tuesday.

That data came from the CDC study released Monday of just under 4,000 heath care workers, police, firefighters and other essential workers who received one of the two mRNA vaccines between Dec. 14 and March 13. The vaccinated people were tested for COVID-19 every week for 13 weeks to monitor how effective the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were in daily life in the U.S., outside of a clinical trial.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,830,751
United States: 565,256
Brazil: 321,886
India: 162,960
Russia: 99,233
United Kingdom: 126,713
France: 95,640
Italy: 109,346
Spain: 75,459
Mexico: 203,210
Poland: 53,665
South Africa: 52,846
Indonesia: 41,054
Netherlands: 16,538
Canada: 22,959
Chile: 23,135
Belgium: 23,016
Philippines: 13,303
Japan : 9,113
Bolivia: 12,257
Papua New Guinea: 60
I thought maybe that you had some additional data that had not been mentioned in the thread since you know a lot of people in the medical field.

To be frank, I would rely on the input and thoughts of those 'in the trenches' before some of those I know, as far as some information goes. All the medical professionals I interact with as well as those that are in my family, have said the same thing all along...take whatever vaccine is available to you.
To be frank, I would rely on the input and thoughts of those 'in the trenches' before some of those I know, as far as some information goes. All the medical professionals I interact with as well as those that are in my family, have said the same thing all along...take whatever vaccine is available to you.

Not this doctor nor millions of others


LOL @ panties :xf.laugh::ROFL::xf.laugh:

Here's a fact check:

The claim: Mask wearers are arriving in ICUs with pneumonia inhaled from masks

Our ruling: False
We rate this claim FALSE because it is not supported by our research. USA TODAY and other fact check outlets could not confirm reports of people with antibiotic-resistant pneumonia being admitted to intensive care units. Health experts have said the chance of developing pneumonia from mask wearing could theoretically exist but is highly unlikely with appropriate and typical mask use.


Fact Checks are for Fascists IMHO

The scientific method is for scientists.....

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Sunlight Inactivates Coronavirus 8 Times Faster Than Predicted. We Need to Know Why

A team of scientists is calling for greater research into how sunlight inactivates SARS-CoV-2 after realizing there's a glaring discrepancy between the most recent theory and experimental results.

UC Santa Barbara mechanical engineer Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz and colleagues noticed the virus was inactivated as much as eight times faster in experiments than the most recent theoretical model predicted.

"The theory assumes that inactivation works by having UVB hit the RNA of the virus, damaging it," explained Luzzatto-Fegiz.

But the discrepancy suggests there's something more going on than that, and figuring out what this is may be helpful for managing the virus.

In July 2020, an experimental study tested the effects of UV light on SARS-CoV-2 in simulated saliva. They recorded the virus was inactivated when exposed to simulated sunlight for between 10-20 minutes.

"Natural sunlight may be effective as a disinfectant for contaminated nonporous materials," Wood and colleagues concluded in the paper.

Luzzatto-Feigiz and team compared those results with a theory about how sunlight achieved this, which was published just a month later, and saw the math didn't add up.

Read the full article...

Not this doctor nor millions of others


Seriously, I would love to see your list of 'millions'. Shouldn't you be posting in the (your) conspiracy thread. Please don't make me report you again for not following the rules of the thread.

BTW, if you are maintaining your positions(s), regarding the pandemic, in the real world, aren't you concerned with legal action for your 'alternative' advice? I've got an old legal associate in your area I can recommend if/when you have to defend yourself for your 'guidance'.

Also, I would rather not block you again and add you to my troll list, so do your best to play nice. As a reminder, the title of the thread is 'Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news'
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,842,768
United States: 566,611
Brazil: 325,559
India: 163,428
Russia: 99,633
United Kingdom: 126,764
France: 95,976
Italy: 109,847
Spain: 75,541
Mexico: 203,664
Poland: 54,165
South Africa: 52,897
Indonesia: 41,151
Netherlands: 16,559
Canada: 23,002
Chile: 23,328
Belgium: 23,045
Philippines: 13,320
Japan : 9,162
Bolivia: 12,280
Papua New Guinea: 60

How children get to go to school in Los Angeles thanks to the coronavirus agenda!

Plenty of housing available now in LA as the sentient flee.

Seriously, I would love to see your list of 'millions'.

They're censored
And the media won't show you these doctors.

As a medical professional we get to see who is who.

Plenty of doctors on both sides of the fence. Some still dangling on the fence. I'd say more than half of the Western doctors I know see what is REALLY going on (such as what Senator Jensen MD speaks about)

Most nurses are awake to the scam.
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World Doctors Alliance - Thousands of Medical Doctors say the COVID-19 Pandemic Was Planned (AKA a PLANDEMIC see: Event 201)

Notice they sit shoulder to shoulder and they are not covering their faces :)

God bless these people for standing up against tyranny!
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Kamala Harris has received the vaccine on December 29, or 12/29.

1229, 201st prime *Event 201 coronavirus outbreak simulation



This day is 70 days after her 56th birthday. *Coronavirus = 56 / 70



Adding insult to injury, she received the Moderna vaccine.



Recall the death of James Kamala Harris at age 70, two days before Kamala was named at Joe Biden’s VP nominee: https://gematriaeffect.news/cnn-ran...ames-kamala-harris-of-the-wwe-august-10-2020/

And don’t forget Kamala’s birthday fell on a 70 date numerology.

10/20/2020 = 10+20+20+20 = 70






And notice how UMC fits in with ‘Harris’.




Where she did her ritual is at UMC
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Coronavirus Variant Spread Through 15 Countries Before Discovery

The B117 variant of the virus responsible for COVID-19 has been spreading for longer than previously known, researchers have found.

The highly contagious SARS-CoV-2 variant was unknowingly spreading for months in the United States by October 2020, according to the new study.

Scientists first discovered it in early December in the United Kingdom, where the highly contagious and more lethal variant is thought to have originated.

The study provides evidence that the coronavirus variant B117 (501Y) had spread across the globe undetected for months when scientists discovered it.

“By the time we learned about the UK variant in December, it was already silently spreading across the globe,” says Lauren Ancel Meyers, the director of the COVID-19 Modeling Consortium at the University of Texas at Austin and a professor of integrative biology. “We estimate that the B117 variant probably arrived in the US by October of 2020, two months before we knew it existed.”

Analyzing data from 15 countries, researchers estimated the chance that travelers from the UK introduced the variant into 15 countries between September 22 and December 7, 2020. They found that the virus variant had almost certainly arrived in all 15 countries by mid-November. In the US, the variant probably had arrived by mid-October.
AstraZeneca COVID vaccine 70% effective vs B117 variant

Data from a UK phase 2/3 clinical trial suggest the AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-vaccine is 70.4% effective against symptomatic COVID-19 caused by the B117 variant, which was identified in the United Kingdom in late 2020.

The data, published in The Lancet yesterday, also showed it was 28.9% effective at preventing asymptomatic infections or cases with unknown symptoms.

Overall efficacy was 61.7% against the B117 variant and 77.3% against other variants, according to the study. The vaccine was 81.5% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 caused by non-B117 strains.


In a Lancet commentary, Rogier W. Sanders, PhD, and Menno D. de Jong, MD, PhD, of Amsterdam University Medical Centers, write, "Given the wide CIs [confidence intervals] in these exploratory analyses, no firm conclusions can be drawn on the precise clinical efficacy against the B.1.1.7 variant and, importantly, how this efficacy compares with efficacy against the original circulating variants."

Even so, they say the findings "suggest a meaningful degree of efficacy against the B.1.1.7 variant, which is encouraging."

Remember thoughtful posters, please take the time to report content that is not properly contributing to this (or any other) thread.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,852,987
United States: 567,610
Brazil: 328,366
India: 164,141
Russia: 100,017
United Kingdom: 126,816
France: 96,280
Italy: 110,328
Spain: 75,541
Mexico: 203,854
Poland: 54,737
South Africa: 52,946
Indonesia: 41,242
Netherlands: 16,575
Canada: 23,008
Chile: 23,421
Belgium: 23,083
Philippines: 13,423
Japan : 9,185
Bolivia: 12,305
Papua New Guinea: 60
covid at 6 local schools.

Teachers misinformed about getting jab, giving it to mexican immigrant workers more important
Looking at 6-8 weeks here before this cancer survivor x2 gets injected. Old people that got poked, repoked in 12-16 weeks

Thanks for the thread mr funsky and everyone who contributes, except compassion wish you would FO
Fully Vaccinated Americans Can Travel With Low Risk, C.D.C. Says

They should still wear masks but no quarantines are necessary, the agency said in new guidance that cited growing data about the effectiveness of the shots.


In announcing the change at a White House news conference, officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stressed that they preferred that people avoid travel. But they said growing evidence of the real-world effectiveness of the vaccines — which have been given to more than 100 million Americans — suggested that inoculated people could do so “at low risk to themselves.”

The shift in the C.D.C.’s official stance comes at a moment of both hope and peril in the pandemic. The pace of vaccinations has been rapidly accelerating across the country, and the number of deaths has been declining.

Yet cases are increasing significantly in many states as new variants of the coronavirus spread through the country. Just last Monday, Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the C.D.C. director, warned of a potential fourth wave if states and cities continued to loosen public health restrictions, telling reporters that she had feelings of “impending doom.”

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