
question Any Vax side effects?

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Mods, please don't bury this message by moving it elsewhere, yet

Did you or anyone you know get a covid vax? Any side effects?
Asking because I heard of thousands of deaths,
and hundreds of thousands of adverse side effects.

These are official records, but they can still be faked , as part of
revolution.. and vaxes may have been replaced with water.
this is my only hope for brainwashed people.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Fair enough. You have to understand with the BS being spread through this thread,

The BS being spread is by the MSM and crooked politicians when they smear it all over a gullible public (on flickering devices specifically engineered to control minds) and now the public is wiping off the BS and tossing that BS around as fact. SMH

Then the public goes back for more BS, soaks it up and again the gullible public shares the BS as fact.

We've been in this cycle for decades and it has all come to a critical mass once the plandemic began.
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Around 91 million Americans have been full vaccinated.

With your math that works out to 0.00091 people. It seems legit, and not like a number you just pulled out of your ass with no empirical data to back it up.


bet u know em all too huh
For sure. We would have saved way more lives if we let smallpox, measles, polio, mumps, and other viruses run wild. :xf.confused:

Not only have vaccines saved countless lives. They have improved countless lives.


poor thing
u must think all vax are same..equally effective.. equally harmless etc

poor thing
"Flu deaths" are now "Covid" deaths to scare the public and puff the figures.

"Covid" is the flu relabelled as is quite obvious with your #s (and other deaths from comorbidities ordinarily labeled as such added to puff that 571k figure)

You keep speaking of "cases" which over half of the medical community KNOWS is a sham.

But hey Brad - You do sound a lot more eloquent and knowledgable about medicine than Fraudci does!

Tough call. Do I trust the CDC or some random person on a forum?

It is not only the empirical data, it is even anecdotal.

I personally have many friends and family who have been negatively effected by COVID.
Way more than the flu. It is not even comparable.

After reading through some of the delusional drivel in this thread, I have a real dim view of humanity going forward.


humanity has dim view of u too
Flu is worst than you think. link below

CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

this is USA only, I believe.

the link gets you to the spreadsheet to see all the data. You under estimated Flu, it's a terrible virus that has been around for a long, long time.

So, COVID has been responsible for between 10x-50x as many deaths as the flu is yearly.

I don't think that really makes COVID seem much less deadly.

Tough call. Do I trust the CDC or some random person on a forum?

It is not only the empirical data, it is even anecdotal.

I personally have many friends and family who have been negatively effected by COVID.
Way more than the flu. It is not even comparable.


is it more than 0.000000000000001% of world population?
I am looking so forward to getting my vaccine so i can post an on topic comment on this thread. My alternative health practitioner got his az and no effects
poor thing
u must think all vax are same..equally effective.. equally harmless etc

poor thing

And prayers that reductionist medicine utilizing the archaic innate-adaptive immunological model carries weight.
I am looking so forward to getting my vaccine so i can post an on topic comment on this thread. My alternative health practitioner got his az and no effects

Allopathic doctor?

Allos = Greek for other.
Technically Allopathic at its purest definition is the alternative medicine.
is it more than 0.000000000000001% of world population?

I guess math is not your strong suit. You clearly do not understand how percentages work.

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Feel free to refute central points and intellectually engage.

If, as you say, Covid virus has not been isolated, how then can one make the case for homeopathic medicine? No homeopathic product has been proven effective, yet they have been sold in US since1988 (without FDA approval).

There’s No Such Thing as a Homeopathic Vaccine Alternative

Doctors warn of no evidence suggesting homeopathic nosodes should replace vaccines.

However, contrary to the medical advice of the day, having educated myself on the risks and side effects of vaccines particularly on children's undeveloped immune systems, decades ago I vaccinated two of my children homeopathically. Since then they have not succumbed to disease and have grown strong and healthy with robust immune systems. They also avoided many of the inflictions that are commonly associated with pediatric medicine. So I would say, that just because one can't see something does not prove non existence. The same argument might also apply to gravity or dark matter, for that matter. :xf.wink:
Here something from the CDC I am having trouble understanding.

Check this out (bolded and underlined) are the parts I am getting confused on - didnt want to take the sentences out of context (reason for big copy-paste)

& here is the link to the full CDC publication/page -

5. Mortality Surveillance

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality surveillance data – NCHS collects death certificate data from state vital statistics offices for all deaths occurring in the United States and are aggregated by the week of death occurrence. Deaths are classified based on ICD-10 multiple cause of death codes as associated with influenza, COVID-19, or pneumonia. To allow for collection of enough data to produce a stable percentage, NCHS surveillance data are released one week after the week of death and percentages for earlier weeks are continually revised and may increase or decrease as new and updated death certificate data are received by NCHS.

In previous seasons, the NCHS surveillance data were used to calculate the percent of all deaths occurring each week that had pneumonia and/or influenza (P&I) listed as a cause of death. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 coded deaths were added to P&I to create the PIC (pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19) classification. PIC includes all deaths with pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 listed on the death certificate. Because many influenza deaths and many COVID-19 deaths have pneumonia included on the death certificate, P&I no longer measures the impact of influenza in the same way that is has in the past. This is because the proportion of pneumonia deaths associated with influenza is now influenced by COVID-19-related pneumonia. The PIC percentage and the number of influenza and number of COVID-19 deaths will be presented in order to help better understand the impact of these viruses on mortality and the relative contribution of each virus to PIC mortality.
First of all , people who got vaxed, you are harming yourself, not us.
We were trying to protect you.
If nothing happened to you after vaccination, this is because people like Trump saved you
by replacing those vaccines with innocent stuff. Hope this is the case.

PCR positive doesn't mean anything. It might mean, maybe you have influenza.
Influenza disappeared because it is counted as covid.

People with poor health are PCR tested, and appear positive.
And then they die because of heart attack or poor hospital conditions.
And automatically they are counted as covid victims.
No autopsy, because of infection risk !

So we should look at total number of deaths for each year.
Is there a significant change or not.

Strangely Google doesn't want to show that data.
It should be a very basic info easy to locate with a simple search, but no.
it is a trade secret for bigpharma.
There might be a new virus.
But this would just imply it is a GMO bioweapon.
But there is no evidence of its existence so far.
It is extremely obvious that the whole plan is to vaccinate almost everyone.
So if bigpharma has such a plan, I don't care whether there is such a virus,
I would prefer to die from covid rather than become a slave with their vaccine.

And noone with enough Vit D levels (at least if produced naturally under sunshine)
dies from covid.

So get sunshine, not the mark of the beast, I mean coronavaccine.
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All you have to do is look at excess deaths.

According to a report published Friday by the New York Times, in 2020 the United States suffered the biggest single-year surge in its death rate since the federal government began publishing statistics, significantly surpassing the rise in the death rate during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.

The Times report aligns with an analysis of mortality data conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that from March 2020 until February 20, 2021, there were 574,000 more Americans who died than would be expected in a typical year.

So what caused the extra deaths, if not COVID?

First of all , people who got vaxed, you are harming yourself, not us.
We were trying to protect you.
If nothing happened to you after vaccination, this is because people like Trump saved you
by replacing those vaccines with innocent stuff. Hope this is the case.

PCR positive doesn't mean anything. It might mean, maybe you have influenza.
Influenza disappeared because it is counted as covid.

People with poor health are PCR tested, and appear positive.
And then they die because of heart attack or poor hospital conditions.
And automatically they are counted as covid victims.
No autopsy, because of infection risk !

So we should look at total number of deaths for each year.
Is there a significant change or not.

Strangely Google doesn't want to show that data.
It should be a very basic info easy to locate with a simple search, but no.
it is a trade secret for bigpharma.
There might be a new virus.
But this would just imply it is a GMO bioweapon.
But there is no evidence of its existence so far.
It is extremely obvious that the whole plan is to vaccinate almost everyone.
So if bigpharma has such a plan, I don't care whether there is such a virus,
I would prefer to die from covid rather than become a slave with their vaccine.

And noone with enough Vid D levels (at least if produced naturally under sunshine)
dies from covid.

So get sunshine, not the mark of the beast, I mean coronavaccine.

Is that what the lizard people told you?
First of all , people who got vaxed, you are harming yourself, not us.
We were trying to protect you.
If nothing happened to you after vaccination, this is because people like Trump saved you
by replacing those vaccines with innocent stuff. Hope this is the case.

PCR positive doesn't mean anything. It might mean, maybe you have influenza.
Influenza disappeared because it is counted as covid.

People with poor health are PCR tested, and appear positive.
And then they die because of heart attack or poor hospital conditions.
And automatically they are counted as covid victims.
No autopsy, because of infection risk !

So we should look at total number of deaths for each year.
Is there a significant change or not.

Strangely Google doesn't want to show that data.
It should be a very basic info easy to locate with a simple search, but no.
it is a trade secret for bigpharma.
There might be a new virus.
But this would just imply it is a GMO bioweapon.
But there is no evidence of its existence so far.
It is extremely obvious that the whole plan is to vaccinate almost everyone.
So if bigpharma has such a plan, I don't care whether there is such a virus,
I would prefer to die from covid rather than become a slave with their vaccine.

And noone with enough Vid D levels (at least if produced naturally under sunshine)
dies from covid.

So get sunshine, not the mark of the beast, I mean coronavaccine.

dumb sheep never question a thing... they just take whatever they bring... for them the bells just never ring... it's nothing more than just another sting...
Yes. Other. He is my cannabis dealer, calls himself alternative health practitioner since he wears a smock, got from value village. I have more faith in my chiropractor than my GP though, and a lot of what you say makes complete sense. A lot of what you say is complete none sense too. Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, right.
Still will get my shot, enough people guinea pigs have been injected and more die from covid than vaccine, no link to that stat sorry
Allopathic doctor?

Allos = Greek for other.
Technically Allopathic at its purest definition is the alternative medicine.
Is that what the lizard people told you?

what...u dont believe in lizard people either? wow am I glad god did bless me with an open mind..yours must be so boring... thinking u know it all.. the climax of boredom and lameness
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I guess math is not your strong suit. You clearly do not understand how percentages work.


its called illustrating a is never meant to be accurate in any shape or form.
You Can find any data you want on the CDC website - it's all there for us to read anytime.

Just found this:

In the USA alone - over 60,000 yes more than Sixty Thousand people die from falling off ladders every year.

60K every year - can you image how many people must die worldwide (each year)? must be hundreds of thousands of deaths every year - do to falling off ladders. Scary as heck! Even scarier is there are almost as many deaths each years from accidental poisonings.

Maybe you shouldn't look at the data on the CDC, it could be pretty upsetting
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Yes. Other. He is my cannabis dealer, calls himself alternative health practitioner since he wears a smock, got from value village. I have more faith in my chiropractor than my GP though, and a lot of what you say makes complete sense. A lot of what you say is complete none sense too. Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, right.
Still will get my shot, enough people guinea pigs have been injected and more die from covid than vaccine, no link to that stat sorry

Live a healthy lifestyle, breathe fresh air, get good sleep, eat clean food and stick with cannabis, herbs and preventative medicine and lifespan increases.

Go into the Medical Mafia Matrix for the jab and anything helpful beyond treatment for acute injuries? lifespan decreases IMHO

And it isn't just opinion

Lifespans in the USA have gone DOWN in recent years.
the THIRD leading cause of death is errors by doctors (Iatrogenesis)
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its amazing how close minded u are to not even conceive possibility they made virus to.control yer lives and inject u with whatever the hell they please.

never mind if it's TRUE.. the real issue is your closed minds

that is a disease 1000 times more serious than corona.. u need to open yer minds. zombies.
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people like Trump saved you

Lots of wise words come from you, many backed by facts and data, however, Trump is a Jesuit puppet on the stage - never intended to actually be more than that. The Bidens and Trumps are two wings on the same bird. (Phoenix)
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Ok, here are Italy death rates per year.

There is 0.01 percent increase, from 2019 to 2020, this means 1 in a ten thousand. Is this because of covid.
Maybe.. but if so not much. But also there is 0.01 increase from 2018 to 2019. So it might be related to aging population or worsening economy etc.

No significant increase in deaths because of covid whether it is real or fake. Less than 0.01 percent and probably much lower and maybe even none.
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