
sales Test.Center New Extension Domain Sells for $195,000 at Auction (Update: Purchase Not Completed)

Spaceship Spaceship
The NameBio database this morning shows the sale of the new extension domain name test.center for $195,000 through a Sedo auction. This is the second highest-value new extension sale so far in 2019, with free.games having sold in May 2019 for $335,000 remaining in first place. This is the highest-value sale ever in the .center extension. Previously TV.center that sold for $15,000 in 2016 held the record for .center extension sales.

The test.center sale is currently the eighth highest new extension domain sale of all time in the NameBio database. The top 10 new extension domain sales have all occurred in the last two and a half years. When all extensions are considered, this sale currently ranks in position twenty for 2019 NameBio listed domain sales. The current top 20 list for 2019 includes one .org, one co.au, two new extensions, and 16 .com domains.

Update on Jul 29, 2019: The transfer of test.center was cancelled; this sale did not complete.

The official creation date for test.center is Sept 16, 2018, although the domain name was first registered on July 1, 2015. The domain name was listed on various sales and parking pages from 2015-2018 under control of a registrant from the Netherlands.

The domain test.center currently redirects to a welcome eAssessment page for Euphony HR, the apparent buyer. Euphony HR, based in India, operates currently on the website EuphonyHR.com and have been in operation since 2004. Euphony HR provide 120 personality, skills and aptitude tests to companies from around the world. Their corporate mission statement is “Our mission is to develop and deliver best Employment Assessment & HR Optimization Solutions to organizations worldwide.” As well as their testing services, Euphony HR offer a suite of HR management tools.

It would appear that Euphony HR have been in control of the domain name for at least a few months according to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. The archive shows a February, 2019 record associated with Euphony HR. In 2018 and earlier the archive records show the domain name for sale and with various parking services.

The domain test.center had been listed for sale at $500,000. The Estibot valuation of the domain name is $200,000 USD, which is similar to the price paid in the recent sale and may have been adjusted due to the recent sale.

The exact term has about 5 million monthly searches with a cost per click of just over $1 according to data provided by NameBio.

The similarly strong domain name testing.center was already in use at the time of the sale and redirects to Zoomorphix Systems, a company that offers expertise in testing item creation, exam banks, etc. The well-known ExamStudio is one of their products. It was registered a few days before test.center in 2015.

I will provide additional information on the sale as it becomes available. If you have additional details on the sale, please share them in the comments.

How significant do you regard this sale for new extension domain investors in general?

Update on Jul 25, 2019: Sedo indicated in the comments that the sale transfer has not completed yet. Therefore, this is a tentative sale at this point, despite it being in the NameBio database.

Update on Jul 26, 2019: The sale has been removed from NameBio's database until the transaction is complete.

Update on Jul 29, 2019: The transfer of test.center was cancelled; this sale did not complete.

Hat tip to domainIQ (Ivan Rasskazov). I used the powerful Whois history tool in domainIQ for researching the history of this domain name. Also thanks to those associated with the Internet Archive Wayback Machine that I used to research website records, and to NameBio (Michael Sumner) that alerted me to this sale and that I used to find comparable sales records.


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The sale is listed on NameBio, which normally only happens after sale closes. Also, the page directs to a corporate page. But as you say, Sedo apparently say it has not yet closed. Strange, so I guess we should be hesitant until we know for sure. Thanks - I added the Edit line at end.

Sir do not believe that, Namebio has posted a transaction which i have won it and i have not paid it yet since two weeks , and the transaction going to cancel
Sir do not believe that, Namebio has posted a transaction which i have won it and i have not paid it yet since two weeks , and the transaction going to cancel

Whew, for a second there I misread that you had bought Test.Center.
I am watching Sedo auctions closely. When I saw this domain in the auction, the first what came on my mind was a "fake offer" being send to 7 days auction to pick up a dummy bidder (I believe this wouldn't be the first case @Sedo). Who wouldn't accept such a high offer instantly? On the other hand the "buyer" must be verified to offer so much money, so not sure if this kind of scam would be possible...

The sale is listed on NameBio, which normally only happens after sale closes.

High tickets sales (like this one) perhaps, however not all Sedo sales being listed @NameBio ever too place, it would be impossible to confirm every random sale IMHO. Many sold names never get paid for.
I've done all of this and even made a video. Visit the domain to see.

Get off the couch and go do your homework, learn the industry, find out what your name is good for, and who to approach, write a clear and concise but short email to the top dogs ! Make it happen

Any GTLDs that are double keywords even though the subject “Blockchain” is one word, must be made carefully and the combination has to make sense, what’s the domain good for / can you build a brand off that name, can you use it as an EMD for search engine optimization usage ...

Next you need to understand that any and all domains are rare sales ... if it wasn’t rare then everybody would be doing it, to take an asset and profit 100% - 1000% is a rare thing.
Great news love to have the extension strengthened as have webmaster dot center.
Really testcenter.com esitbot values at 1200.00 and test.center is 200k. That is because it is a reported so called sale was at 200k What is this amateur hour! ????
Good observation
For some reason estibot is not opening on my device today.. .Wanted to know their appraisal for my same.center name
Hope everyone's week is already off to a great start. We just wanted to follow up on the thread here as promised regarding Test.Center.

We have had to cancel the transfer of this to the buyer involved. No completed sale at this time but it's a domain with a lot of potential so it will interesting to see who ends up with it down the road.
Hope everyone's week is already off to a great start. We just wanted to follow up on the thread here as promised regarding Test.Center.

We have had to cancel the transfer of this to the buyer involved. No completed sale at this time but it's a domain with a lot of potential so it will interesting to see who ends up with it down the road.

Thanks for the update. Hopefully cas?no.com (IDN) with current $100,000 offer won't be next.
We continue to see the combination of the best keywords that integrate with the extension do well.

In other words, the keyword has to work with the extension and vice versa. It doesn't matter what the extension is, as long as the keyword works with it.

With NewG's it's less about the extension and more about the combination, the complete string.

All too often people focus on only the extension or only the keyword. Thats a big mistake. We see it all the time when people see a sale in an extension and then reg keywords that have no business on the extension.


What do these (above) have in common?

Again, you need a good combination of both the keyword and the extension to align for a winner......of course IMO......
Would this include AfterWork.Network
Thanks for the update. Hopefully cas?no.com (IDN) with current $100,000 offer won't be next.

Exactly! This one is a strange one too.. Single bid of $100,000 for a no reserve auction.
Ofcourse, this again could be a "Make offer" converted to auction.
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We have had to cancel the transfer of this to the buyer involved. No completed sale at this time but it's a domain with a lot of potential so it will interesting to see who ends up with it down the road.

Thanks for the update, but like all big headlines that get a reversal, Joe Q. Public will be referring to this "sale" for years to come.
I guess SEDO should report "Auction Results" only AFTER receiving the money in their escrow-account.
Thanks to @Bob Hawkes and @Michael for clearing this up. It does get me thinking.. how @Sedo would do with dot-com only i.e. become like brandbucket?
Never work, as a lot of their biggest sales are ccTLD, especially their home .DE.

I take your point, it does seem crazy. I wonder could they segregate the content based on geo location of the user.
I take your point, it does seem crazy. I wonder could they segregate the content based on geo location of the user.

Again tough one, as it might be a big US IP firm searching for domains for European/Asian/African clients.

What Sedo needs to do is improve their search capabilities so that end users have much more control over the results. I find it nearly impossible to fine-tune their system, as it seems designed to spew as much garbage out as possible.
People take drugs all the time and buy names. After they get sober they decide it was a bad idea.
Obviously this name test.center is kind of worthless, 195K is just insane.
Why test.center redirected to euphony hr assessment page?
Why test.center redirected to euphony hr assessment page?
A good question that I could not determine an answer to. As article noted, the last (privacy hidden) ownership change was some months ago when the name switched from a for sale lander to that redirection. Unless it is they who are now trying to sell it again, i do not understand. I submitted a query to that company some days ago which was not yet answered. I am sorry but I have no good answer to your good question.
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When you get someone to offer 195k for your name, probably not a good idea to push to auction. That is probably what screwed the sale. Should have just accepted the deal and gotten it done. That is where the greed will get you.
I stopped going to Interviews after BlueChip IT companies of India among 2 of them rejected me for Chat Support after having over 5 years of SEO experience on Resume...
Only the Female HR and Women relatives of Bluechip IT Companies India could buy this kind of domain...
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