
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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Popular Blog Articles

In this article, we provide a handpicked list of some of the most popular, interesting, and helpful articles to have ever appeared on the NamePros Blog. If you're short on time, or if you're not sure where to start, then you may want to check out these articles – we think they're worth your...

advice Six Lessons For Domaining Beginners, From a Beginner

There are many websites offering great advice from successful people in the domain industry, with tons of tips for beginners. I haven’t had as much success as some seasoned domainers, but as a beginner, I think I'm in a unique position to help others like me learn the ropes. Here are some tips...

advice Daily Dose: Outbound techniques.

This weekend I was able to sneak in some free time to wind down. During this wind down, I had an idea... the Daily Dose needs to be more than just domain names. It needs advice, tips, tricks, and tactics. I mean, I can show you domain names all day long, right? Well, what about when it comes...
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information 21 Useful Sites for Domain Name Investors

For this last post in 2021, I assembled a list of 21 websites that I find useful. Many of these are well known, but a few will perhaps be new. Although a number of the sites offer a paid service, all provide some level of free service. Please extend this list with your own suggestions in the...
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guide Free Tools For Quick Domain Research

This article lists a selection of free tools to help evaluate a domain name. It covers how you can quickly determine how many similar names are registered or for sale, prices of sales of similar names, the popularity of the name for business use, and the history of the domain name. In about ten...
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information The Story of My First Five Figure Sale From a $69 Purchase

I wanted to share with you the story of my first five-figure domain name sale, which came from a $69 purchase. This story isn't intended to be boastful in any way. I hope it will show that sometimes luck, along with taking a risk, can lead to a good return. This is by no means my usual method or...

analysis Analysis of NamePros Reported Domain Name Sales

For more than 19 years NamePros members have been reporting sales in the thread, started by @RJ, Report Completed Domain Name Sales Here.

In this article I look at sales data posted at NamePros so far in 2024. I went through the thread, noting the domain name, date sale reported...

strategy Scaling Up A Domain Name Portfolio

The long term goal for some domainers is to grow their portfolio so that domain names become a full time job, or at least a serious part time income stream.

In a survey conducted mid-2021, almost 20% of NamePros respondents indicated that they were essentially full-time, and another 33%...

strategy Domain Name Investing Is Not Fast, Easy or Sure

There are numerous books, videos, courses and articles that mention anecdotes of domain names that sold quickly for large amounts, and then say this book will teach you how to easily flip domain names for profit. Most members of our community know that is a misrepresentation; most domain names...
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advice The Truth About Domaining

I have been domaining for awhile now. Buying and selling domain names can certainly be fun. It's a thrill when you scan a list for hours to find 1-2 domain names that show "promise" and then you're able to acquire them through an auction or you successfully drop catch them straight into your...

information Hand Registering Domain Names

Most domain name investors start out with hand registrations. Many later move on to acquiring domain names mainly through expired auctions or closeouts. While it is true that many of the best domain names were registered long ago, creative domain investors can occasionally find worthwhile names...
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other How I broke free from the chains and got my start

What chains am I referring to breaking free from you might ask? I'm simply alluding to those of us who feel stuck in a 9-to-5 job. Everyone who feels that there is no more room for advancement on their current career path, who dreads getting up for work each day, and/or who views their job as a...

advice Six Years of Domain Name Mistakes

NamePros is full of tales of mistakes made and mistakes to avoid. Personally, I have made my share of mistakes. This post is about the mistakes I made during the last six years. While I won’t cite specific cases, the article is also informed by mistakes that I have read on NamePros.

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analysis Domain Name Sales During First Six Months Of 2023: Red Ink Almost Everywhere

The first six months of 2023 resulted in just over 70,000 NameBio-listed domain sales in total, with a dollar volume of just over $66 million.

That is a decrease of 21.5% in sales dollar volume compared to the same six months of 2022.

In this article I use the same...
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tips Your Guide to Chinese Domain Names: From 0 to 99

In response to many requests for me to translate numbers into Chinese meanings, I've created a chart in this post as a quick guide for you to see some of the possible Chinese meanings for numbers from 0 to 99, as well as 00 to 09. These meanings can help you evaluate domains to purchase for the...

information The Many Ways People Might Discover Your Domain Name

Successful domain investing might be simplified as
  • Acquire domain names that people will want.
  • Price them correctly.
  • Get the names noticed by potential purchasers.
  • Effectively negotiate sales.
In this article, intended mainly for those relatively new to the field, I look at...

information An Outbound Domain Sales Walkthrough

Outbound domain sales are a popular means of creating a revenue stream without having to wait for a buyer to come to you. Consisting of finding a suitable owner for a domain and then contacting them directly, outbound sales is typically done via email or phone to a targeted group of individuals...

information Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 1

This two-part series is intended for those just starting out in domain investing. It covers basic information about registering, buying, renewing, researching, and listing domain names.

Next week, in the second part, I will look at landers, types of domain names, pricing, tracking...

analysis Premium Two-Word .COM Domain Sales in 2019

It is not surprising that single words and short acronyms attract most of the attention at the high end of the domain name sales news. For example, voice.com sold for $30 million, and California.com, EKO.com, TM.com and RX.com all above one million dollars in...
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sales Closed an unexpected domain sale with a stranger at Denny's

An eye opener for anyone with a domain portfolio for sale should be that selling one of those properties can be as easy as going out to dinner.

Last night, my fiancée and I were debating what we should do for dinner. We went back and forth with different options and finally decided that the...

domains Investing in LLLL.com – A Starter Guide

How do you make one million dollars in six months? You might recall the story of Ken O’Brien. Ken did not own a single LLLL domain until he bought Adam Dicker‘s portfolio last May. Since then, Ken started working with me to learn about the LLLL market, and he acquired a thousand more...


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guide Finding Expiring and Recently Expired Domain Names

Many domain investors primarily acquire names from expiring domain auctions or closeouts. This article, intended mainly for those relatively new to the field, provides an introduction to efficient ways to find domain names that are either about to expire or have expired.

A Few...
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advice 5 Tips Before You Start Investing in Domains

When you get into a new hobby or career, it’s natural to make mistakes. Everyone does. Fortunately, other people have already made those mistakes and you can learn from their experiences rather than having to learn from your own mistakes, which can be discouraging and expensive. Armed with...

opinion Why I Develop Every Domain Name Investment

About 10 years ago I discovered the secret to domain success. Though, not much of a secret, domain development is a wonderful way to improve upon your investment, yet it is highly underutilized. Once I figured that out, I began developing everything I could get my hands. It’s...

analysis What Does Domain Name Sales Data Really Say?

Afternic recently provided data insights from the 2022 sales year. While precise numerical values are not given, graphical results are presented for total dollar volume, average price, sell-through rate and average revenue per domain. This allows one to compare the performance of different...
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advice It's never too late...

…to become a domain name investor.

“It’s too late! All the good names are taken!”

Sadly, because of that single thought, a lot of would be investors are turned off and leave the industry before ever giving it a chance. Others try it, lose money and give up. I’m here to remind you that it’s...
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