
news Tired of dealing with Trolls, Swetha says goodbye to Namepros

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Swetha has said goodbye to Namepros requesting that her account be closed. You can read her interaction with Namepros management believing Namepros is now a “Trollers Place”
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Were Swetha a male, her gender wouldn’t be called into question. Since she’s female, however, her gender has seemingly become a focal point for the criticism aimed at her.

How is that appropriate? You’re sending a message that unless you are a stereotypical male businessman, your gender is fair game for personal attacks within our community. Is that really what you want to publish on the internet, publicly attached to your name for eternity? I should hope not.
Were Swetha a male, her gender wouldn’t be called into question. Since she’s female, however, her gender has seemingly become a focal point for the criticism aimed at her.

How is that appropriate? You’re sending a message that unless you are a stereotypical male businessman, your gender is fair game for personal attacks within our community. Is that really what you want to publish on the internet, publicly attached to your name for eternity? I should hope not.
I am woman, and I know about women's almost zero rights in India. I also know how much Indians like hinding behind females avatars. .xyz is a spam and fraud extention, which doesn't even worth 2 USD of handreg.
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I am woman, and I know about women's almost zero rights in India. I also know how much Indians like hinding behind females avatars. .xyz is a spam and fraud extention, which doesn't even worth 2 USD of handreg.
None of your observations—regardless of their merit—warrant dragging someone’s gender into the discussion. Again, were Swetha male, nobody would’ve brought up her gender. You’re sending a message that women in this industry will face additional attacks and scrutiny that their male counterparts wouldn’t, and that’s not okay.

Our team is fully aware of trends in spam—we run a forum, after all. That has nothing to do with the topic at hand and is not valid evidence for or against anyone’s stance here.
None of your observations—regardless of their merit—warrant dragging someone’s gender into the discussion. Again, were Swetha male, nobody would’ve brought up her gender. You’re sending a message that women in this industry will face additional attacks and scrutiny that their male counterparts wouldn’t, and that’s not okay.

Our team is fully aware of trends in spam—we run a forum, after all. That has nothing to do with the topic at hand and is not valid evidence for or against anyone’s stance here.
I said clearly, Swetha is part of XYZ bubble/scam. And I mentioned the fact that Indiand and Pakistany men use hinding behind femails perfiles.
I said clearly, Swetha is part of XYZ bubble/scam. And I mentioned the fact that Indiand and Pakistany men use hinding behind femails perfiles.
But you are wrong on the former. And hinding and femails are highly misappropriated.
Sweatha is a NamePros Hall Of Famer, I hate to see it, But with Social Media now leading the way more than forums, She can carry on.

over the last few years, quite a few people have bailed on NamePros, or been banned, it's a new generation for the forum, but the people who built NamePros will never be forgotten, it's a new era, for me as well, i am retired from domaining now, i have been close myself a couple times in this new era the last few years, to hanging up my NamePros affiliation , I think it's important to preserve history. but its not a necessary by any means.
all i know is namepros is a forum for discussing, selling and buying domains. And @DNGear , Swetha, was a professional, kind, knowledgeable human being of all those things. ty.
all i know is namepros is a forum for discussing, selling and buying domains. And @DNGear , Swetha, was a professional, kind, knowledgeable human being of all those things. ty.
Couldn’t have said it better ourselves. 😔

It’s a shame, but open forums are being replaced by closed echo chambers. The world won’t be better off because of it, but it may be more peaceful.

Time will tell.
Sounds about right. Not been here long and it seems the trolls far outweigh any decent conversations.
I can’t work out if it’s competition or domaining just brings not very mature people

Not sure but I have to say the calibre of this forum is nearly as low as Reddit and that is saying something.
all i know is namepros is a forum for discussing, selling and buying domains. And @DNGear , Swetha, was a professional, kind, knowledgeable human being of all those things. ty.
Really or just a forum to allow trolls to attack people because they are good at what they do or because they won’t sell to you?
Currently I have a not so clever person trying to buy domains from me in a conversation because I sent a DM for a request to someone else. He has gone through requests folders.

He has -1 feedback and I have said I don't have them. He then reports me to the mods.

Is he someone we know or just not very clever?
Swetha is correct this is troll central and that's just the senior members
Swetha is correct this is troll central and that's just the senior members
You still in here? I thought you said you were leaving.

Welcome back. Next time you can add a mod into your private conversation.

#FYI - don't mean to be that guy

Even @MasterOfMyDomains still holding that red carpet for Swetha

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I said clearly, Swetha is part of XYZ bubble/scam.

any proof or it's just opinion based on _____?

(Bubble aka Regbait ($1 first year) are quite common tactics by almost every no-gov controlled registry, even some cctld registries like to dance.

Identity.Digital aka Donuts registry is the #1 , $0 first year, premium renewal etc.

And I mentioned the fact that Indiand and Pakistany men use hinding behind femails perfiles.
Expand your knowledge

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I am woman, and I know about women's almost zero rights in India. I also know how much Indians like hinding behind females avatars. .xyz is a spam and fraud extention, which doesn't even worth 2 USD of handreg.
What on earth is this nonsense and yet a mod replies to the thread and as usual does nothing!
But apparently they are too busy to look at the posts
any proof or it's just opinion based on _____?

(Bubble aka Regbait ($1 first year) are quite common tactics by almost every no-gov controlled registry, even some cctld registries like to dance.

Identity.Digital aka Donuts registry is the #1 , $0 first year, premium renewal etc.

Expand your knowledge

Swetha is part of the XYZ bubble/scam.
Indian and Pakistani men hide behind female profiles.

Talking about the popularity of XYZ... I get a lot of spam about SEO, etc. Most of these SEO specialists built their sites on XYZ domains, and 99% of these sites are less than 1 year old. All these scammers and spammers reg XYZ for 2 dollars, then drop them, and the next year reg another XYZ domain. And of course, all scammed clients get nothing. Cheap enough to pay 2 dollars than 10-15 USD for a domain, from this comes the popularity of XYZ.

XYZ is a popular extension for scammers and spammers because of the price. If you need a temporary site or plan to scam and disappear, there is nothing better than the XYZ domain.

Of course, there are some working XYZ sites and some sales are real because Swetha and K created a bubble and many domainers and investors pay XXX-XXXX for XYZ domains.
Start using your brain.

No need to prove that statement about female profiles of Indians and Pakistani men, visit guest posts and SEO-related groups on FB and you see a lot of female users, and I say it with 100%, all of them are guys. I worked with them, I know it.

Both statements are correct 100%
Swetha is part of the XYZ bubble/scam.
Indian and Pakistani men hide behind female profiles.

Talking about the popularity of XYZ... I get a lot of spam about SEO, etc. Most of these SEO specialists built their sites on XYZ domains, and 99% of these sites are less than 1 year old. All these scammers and spammers reg XYZ for 2 dollars, then drop them, and the next year reg another XYZ domain. And of course, all scammed clients get nothing. Cheap enough to pay 2 dollars than 10-15 USD for a domain, from this comes the popularity of XYZ.

XYZ is a popular extension for scammers and spammers because of the price. If you need a temporary site or plan to scam and disappear, there is nothing better than the XYZ domain.

Of course, there are some working XYZ sites and some sales are real because Swetha and K created a bubble and many domainers and investors pay XXX-XXXX for XYZ domains.
Start using your brain.

No need to prove that statement about female profiles of Indians and Pakistani men, visit guest posts and SEO-related groups on FB and you see a lot of female users, and I say it with 100%, all of them are guys. I worked with them, I know it.

Both statements are correct 100%
Do you have evidence for you assertions or just using the usual racist stereotypes?
Do you have evidence for you assertions or just using the usual racist stereotypes?
I talk about my own experience.
100% Indian and Pakistaní females perfiles on Facebook are men. I mean working in SEO, domaining, guest posts resellers etc.
Since English is not my first language, I copied and pasted the following from Investopedia, for the sake of clarity (I highlighted in bold type the core idea that IMHO applies here):

"The burden of proof is a legal requirement that determines the viability of a claim based on the factual evidence produced.
The onus for the burden of proof lies with the party initiating or filing a claim."

In my cultural background, this concept is not only pertinent to legal field but also originates in logical thinking and it is a standard for social fairness.
I think this is the legal definition globally.
I am woman, and I know about women's almost zero rights in India. I also know how much Indians like hinding behind females avatars.

I'm sorry your upbringing has conditioned you to believe that only men can succeed.
It is a pity that Swetha left the forum... thanks to her and other forum participants, my mother and I got out of the recouped Mariupol (march-april 2022) and were able to evacuate to a safe part of Ukraine and we are alive for three years.
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The word “troll” is being misused far too often. It’s being weaponized to attack people who don’t agree with you.

A person with a different opinion than you, even if they’re very passionate about their opinion, is not necessarily a troll. If we used that definition, then everyone is a troll about something.

It’s a low-effort remark. What are you really trying to say? Address the actual problems. Don’t toss a blanket term at them; that solves nothing.

It’s also circular: if you call someone a troll, then they almost certainly feel the same way about you. It’s a two-way street and an endless road to nowhere. Therefore, it provides no value to the conversation. It’s not productive.

You can choose to shelter yourself from differing opinions if you want, but it’ll stifle your growth as a person.
this is troll central
Statements like this are a sign that you only want to be around people who think the same way as you, feel the same way as you, and behave the same way as you.

That’s not how the world works.

Everyone is unique, with different upbringings, experiences, and perspectives.

You don’t have to agree with them, but you should seek to understand them rather than attack them.

Sending threatening direct messages to moderators is also quite immature of you.
What on earth is this nonsense and yet a mod replies to the thread and as usual does nothing!
But apparently they are too busy to look at the posts
You get upset and throw temper-tantrums nearly every time we don’t do exactly what you want lately. There’s no middle ground with you. There’s no reason with you. There’s just your opinion and everything else is wrong.

NamePros is a global community. We take a fair and balanced approach to every situation that involves consideration of everyone involved, not just one side.

You come across as wanting to be a dictator with excessive censorship. Your way or the high way, right?

You won’t find that here.
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