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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
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4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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You make a decent point, poison fan:) but ideally poison as food should phased out or Monstanto will be feeding us solent green from the cradle to the grave:)

:) no one is arguing with making an informed adult decision, although some of us and as friends would like to.....:)
Show attachment 192548

My concern is with the uniformed and the kids and the endless booster shots. If there was ever a time to resist bad public policy it would be at its beginning.
Poison fan? You got it wrong there... I don't eat Junk food or GM foods every day.

The last time I had a Big Mac was 2 years ago and prior to that I indulged in a KFC almost 4 years ago... My body can handle that amount of poison + 2 Covid vaccines of Pfeizer quite easily every 3-4 years.

It's people in North America that should question the amount of poison that Monsanto and others have (not "will" as you say) put out there for several generations, which Americans eat on a daily basis...

So I think that you should not only concentrate on the Covid vaccine poison, but the even larger amount of poisons you are consuming, quietly, without complaining... every day!

BTW, Monsanto was bought by Bayer a few years ago, but you can bet your bottom dollar that all their poisonous shit will still be there... with a different name!
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The problem with this and other facts coming out and showing how the lying Liberal Media bastards convinced millions of Americans that Trump was bad, is that they succeeded in getting Trump out, by withholding or inventing information during 4 long years, non stop.

Actually, he did himself in, they just turned up the volume. :xf.wink:
Poison fan? You got it wrong there... I don't eat Junk food or GM foods every day.

The last time I had a Big Mac was 2 years ago and prior to that I indulged in a KFC almost 4 years ago... My body can handle that amount of poison + 2 Covid vaccines of Pfeizer quite easily every 3-4 years.

It's people in North America that should question the amount of poison that Monsanto and others have (not "will" as you say) put out there for several generations, which Americans eat on a daily basis...

So I think that you should not only concentrate on the Covid vaccine poison, but the even larger amount of poisons you are consuming, quietly, without complaining... every day!

BTW, Monsanto was bought by Bayer a few years ago, but you can bet your bottom dollar that all their poisonous shit will still be there... with a different name!

Was only having a little fun and would never assume you would eat any poor tasting junk food.

Agree, I have been interested in nutrition ever since I was a kid. It takes a little effort to find food that has not been affected by corporate influence but it isn't that hard either and voting with our money is worthwhile especially when health is on the line.

The more people are aware of the corporate influence in food production the better the choices might become. But I believe it is best way to change address it is to buy directly from farmers and reward those who are creating a healthy product.
It's people in North America that should question the amount of poison that Monsanto and others have (not "will" as you say) put out there for several generations, which Americans eat on a daily basis...

I think there is good food available if you hunt it out in the US, but not what you find in the supermarket. On taste alone, I reject most of the US produce I see over here.
The more people are aware of the corporate influence in food production the better the choices might become. But I believe it is best way to change address it is to buy directly from farmers and reward those who are creating a healthy product.
How many people, % wise do you think buy directly from farmers in Canada or in the US?... I would imagine it's a small %...
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How many people, % wise do you think buy directly from farmers in Canada or in the US?... I would imagine it's a small %...

hard to say but you are probably right. People who are aware do want to make better choices and that will only change if one creates a relationship with someone who is producing it. Gov wants to control everything for the corporate donors and the farmer is left in a position where only quantity matters rather than quality. Very up hill situation for sure.

I am guessing there is more diversity in the market place in the US.
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How many people, % wise do you think buy directly from farmers in Canada or in the US?... I would imagine it's a small %...

The percentage is growing. I belong to a farmer's co-op, they do brisk business, mostly during the summer. I grow most of my own greens and fruits are plentiful from the local farmers in trade. In the fall and winter months fresh fish and hunting wild game supplements my diet, no preservatives or additives. Spring water is always available. No pollution in the air either. Good in = good out! :xf.wink:
Poison fan? You got it wrong there... I don't eat Junk food or GM foods every day. The last time I had a Big Mac was 2 years ago and prior to that I indulged in a KFC almost 4 years ago...

Donald is a huge fan of fast food, including McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC... MMmm. His preferred order is “a full McDonald’s dinner of two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and a small chocolate shake.” He also loves Diet Coke, reportedly drinking 12 cans a day! :xf.eek:
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Too bad Sky News didn't show protestors in Guatemala

'Yet again Donald Trump was right'

Donald who?:cautious:

LOL, y'know the BIG guy who is all about CEO's and corporate USA. Afterall, who really cares about GMO production & big-pharma? Or the independent farmer who needs to buy seed? O_o

The guy who pushed approval for the Bayer buyout of Monsanto, bipassing previous administration's anti-trust, FDA and environmental regulations:


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LOL, y'know the BIG guy who is all about CEO's and corporate USA. Afterall, who really cares about GMO production & big-pharma? Or the independent farmer who needs to buy seed?

Nope, no clue. Must be someone close to your heart, though, that you keep bringing this Donald person up in conversation.:unsure:
Nope, no clue. Must be someone close to your heart, though, that you keep bringing this Donald person up in conversation.:unsure:

I mean who cares about Globalist corporate mergers when you got jobs? Why bother with pollinators when you have GMO's and pesticides that do all the work? :xf.wink:
Well, I guess things will keep getting better every day now that this Donald fella is out of your life.
Trust me it will only take three weeks to flatten this curve....trust me

Well, I guess things will keep getting better every day now that this Donald fella is out of your life.

Didn't he have to swear a Pledge of Allegiance ie. "liberty and justice for all"? Truth be told, why hasn't the DOJ hasn't dropped him? He's still being funded by taxpayer dollars in his defense for defamation against Jean Carroll, who accused him of rape. That means that a president (even as former president), he could literally do or say anything, get away with it and the public continues pay the bill. I wonder why that didn't work so well for Bill Clinton? Some justice system :xf.confused:
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He's still being funded by taxpayer dollars in his defense for defamation against Jean Carroll, who accused him of rape.

Why should an elected official have to use personal funds to defend against obvious crackpot charges? That would mean crackpots could bankrupt anyone who become president.

Fake moon landing and flat-earther types have more believable stories than her. Maybe they should sue too.
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That would mean crackpots could bankrupt anyone who become president.

America has deep pockets, I guess. Even when his comments have nothing to do with his duties as president. Mueller made no decision on whether to charge Trump because of a Justice Department policy barring prosecution of sitting presidents. Recent testimony (McGahn’s) confirmed that Trump lied and described several episodes of potential obstruction by trying to remove or suppress the Mueller probe into Russian interference with the 2016 election.
Fake moon landing and flat-earther types have more believable stories than her. Maybe they should sue too.

Then it ought to be an open and shut door case, what's the problem? O_o
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