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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I wasn't interested in crazy poll numbers but this expose on polls is telling.

Why the Polls Don't Make ANY Sense
This guy isn’t the brightest bulb, I can see why he’s doing this from his basement. How do you miss obvious metrics like fundraising or early voting numbers.
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I wasn't interested in crazy poll numbers but this expose on polls is telling.

Why the Polls Don't Make ANY Sense

Biden own campaign manager says the polls are pretty BS ... my polls are far more accurate
This guy isn’t the brightest bulb, I can see why he’s doing this from his basement. How do you miss obvious metrics like fundraising or early voting numbers.

fundraising and early voting will only give you hope .... aside from that... it means little ...... Trump has the electoral in 2020 ... is it going to be enough for Biden to concede is the question
fundraising and early voting will only give you hope .... aside from that... it means little ...... Trump has the electoral in 2020 ... is it going to be enough for Biden to concede is the question
Actually Biden has everything. There is nothing out there pointing to a Trump win
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Once this is done, all the time, energy and money is spent, we will have a definitive answer.

Some will rejoice, others will resent. It depends on how people's brains are wired.

Debate is futile IMO, other than providing the reasons: Why, What, How and When (the who and where depends on one's perspective and geography).

I wish everyone peace and prosperity, but as we well know, that is not probable or even possible (in our time).

Cannuck out :beaver:
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Once this is done, all the time, energy and money is spent, we will have a definitive answer.

Some will rejoice, others will resent. It depends on how people's brains are wired.

Debate is futile IMO, other than providing the reasons: Why, What, How and When (the who and where depends on one's perspective and geography).

I wish everyone peace and prosperity, but as we well know, that is not possible. Cannuck out :beaver:
1) Thank you.

2) Debates can change minds when they are civil. This thread is really just a few people who yell at each other.

3) I'm looking forward to the next presidential debate. I want to see how the candidates interact, how they deal with pressure.

Joe Biden starts from behind because everyone knows he will be treated like a 8th grade child instead of a candidate for President.

Trump on the other hand will debate Joe and any democrat the corruptocats throw at him.
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Forget Elon Musk, Here Comes Joe Biden
or how Joe Biden will create a billion jobs.

The Biden Plan for fostering new industries and creating the jobs of the future is simplicity itself. He is going to take the money that people like Elon Musk use to bootstrap their new ideas.. and invest it. And then he’s going to raise corporate income taxes... and invest that as well.

You know as well as I do what happens inside corporations when money gets tight: they cut the R&D budget, and they put in a hiring freeze. So instead of 3M doing R&D on magic adhesives that turn into Post-It notes, or IBM inventing a new approach for simulating molecules inside a quantum computer, we can have different things that politicians like Joe Biden think would be good. Plus we’ll have hiring freezes in all the big companies.

Democrats believe in this approach because, as a government official, Joe Biden will have better and more forward-thinking ideas than private actors like Elon Musk or IBM.

Many people today have no memory of just how well government allocation of investment capital worked. That’s because the economies of the countries that were doing things that way collapsed. Alas, the knowledge of how well it was working was lost. That must be why so many of our young people look forward to trying it again.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the commie mob.
Without America, China would still be a third world country.
CIA, other spy agencies told White House about Rudy Giuliani's dealings with alleged Russian agents
The U.S. wasn't spying on Giuliani, but on people with whom he talked, including Andrii Derkach, identified by the Treasury Department as a Russian agent.


Remember a few years ago when liberals used the "17 Intelligence Agencies" lie to some how argue President Trump was "colluding" with the Russians?

Let's look at recent events to see who the real anit-American tyrants are:

  1. Democrats have flooded America with ballots for dead people
  2. Refuse any attempt at election security,
  3. Have worked to decrease election integrity
    1. allow lax ballot harvesting
    2. no-signature no-witness mail in ballots
    3. pass laws to allow voting after Nov. 3rd
    4. Hire hundreds of lawyers
    5. Encouraged antifa / blm to not be intimidated by police at polling places

Anti free speech, anti-law
  1. Far-left anarchist and marxist have become the nazi brown shirts.
    1. Attacking anyone with a different message, pro-life, free speech rallies
    2. Non-stop chaos, riots across major cities in America
    3. Forcing compliance from people in public
    4. Threatening people in their neighborhoods
  2. Cancel culture
    1. People can loose their jobs for simply expressing support for a idea or person the left doesn't like.
    2. Forcing people to support ideas they don't like
  3. Different justice systems for the left and right
    1. The left can burn and loot with immunity. Even if arrested, they are released without bail and charges are dropped
    2. Anyone who fights back against the mob in a blue state with a liberal District Attorney will be charged with multiple felonies, be require to post extraordinarily high bail.

      The undeniable effect is to threaten anyone thinking about fighting back.
  4. Forced marxist doctrine
    1. Forced acceptance of critical race theory, 1619 project.
    2. Object and you could loose your job, social network. "canceled"
Ministry of Propaganda
  1. Media and government join forces to shape a "narrative". So many examples of this in the last 12 years it's hard to name them.
  2. Corporate media protects liberal politicians unless they are so blatantly corrupt, they can't be protected.
  3. Corporate media demonizes politicians who deviate from the "main stream" narrative.
  4. Being a minority and refusing to support the liberal narrative results in an avalanche of abuse.
  5. Media censors other views.
  6. Different rules for the left and right.
    Joe Biden is clearly corrupt; he doesn't even bother to deny it. All he has to do is stay silent and a jury of his "peers" will find not even a "smigen" of corruption. "Nothing at all wrong".

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Remember a few years ago when liberals used the "17 Intelligence Agencies" lie to some how argue President Trump was "colluding" with the Russians?

Let's look at recent events to see who the real anit-American tyrants are:

  1. Democrats have flooded America with ballots for dead people
  2. Refuse any attempt at election security,
  3. Have worked to decrease election integrity
    1. allow lax ballot harvesting
    2. no-signature no-witness mail in ballots
    3. pass laws to allow voting after Nov. 3rd
    4. Hire hundreds of lawyers
    5. Encouraged antifa / blm to not be intimidated by police at polling places

Anti free speech, anti-law
  1. Far-left anarchist and marxist have become the nazi brown shirts.
    1. Attacking anyone with a different message, pro-life, free speech rallies
    2. Non-stop chaos, riots across major cities in America
    3. Forcing compliance from people in public
    4. Threatening people in their neighborhoods
  2. Cancel culture
    1. People can loose their jobs for simply expressing support for a idea or person the left doesn't like.
    2. Forcing people to support ideas they don't like
  3. Different justice systems for the left and right
    1. The left can burn and loot with immunity. Even if arrested, they are released without bail and charges are dropped
    2. Anyone who fights back against the mob in a blue state with a liberal District Attorney will be charged with multiple felonies, be require to post extraordinarily high bail.

      The undeniable effect is to threaten anyone thinking about fighting back.
  4. Forced marxist doctrine
    1. Forced acceptance of critical race theory, 1619 project.
    2. Object and you could loose your job, social network. "canceled"
Ministry of Propaganda
  1. Media and government join forces to shape a "narrative". So many examples of this in the last 12 years it's hard to name them.
  2. Corporate media protects liberal politicians unless they are so blatantly corrupt, they can't be protected.
  3. Corporate media demonizes politicians who deviate from the "main stream" narrative.
  4. Being a minority and refusing to support the liberal narrative results in an avalanche of abuse.
  5. Media censors other views.
  6. Different rules for the left and right.
    Joe Biden is clearly corrupt; he doesn't even bother to deny it. All he has to do is stay silent and a jury of his "peers" will find not even a "smigen" of corruption. "Nothing at all wrong".
Show attachment 170594

Show attachment 170595
Look at the big copy and paste nonsense job from x
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Pay up Soros, our boy needs a vacation before the meltdown:)
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Anyone thinking of escaping to Canada might want to rethink it. Canada is going Melbourne Australia style.

"Canadian government ordered 36 thousand units of chemical agents for March of next year, they have also put out a request for information regarding service providers for federal quarantine isolation camps. This news comes in the midst of a total lockdown in Quebec, which is rapidly becoming a police state. Ontario is not too far behind, as it re-enters a stage 2 lockdown."

It's worth repeating. Democrat politicians on average are much worse than Donald Trump.

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