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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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From the International section:

"Trump Invites Putin to G7 - The British and Canadian governments oppose admitting Russia into the bloc, as President Trump continues a renewed courtship of Russia’s leader."

“Our relationship with Russia has come a long way in the last few months,” Trump said

No collusion, remember?​
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They gassed a minister of that church to take that photo op. A minister of the church, who was on church property. And a peaceful group of protestors.

Ask yourself: “Would Jesus have approved of that?”

He didn’t go there to pray. He didn’t go there to talk to comminuty leaders. He went there to have his picture taken with a Bible (that he’s holding upside down) in front of a church. Probably wanted the footage for a campaign ad.

I bet he was surprised to be called out - oops, those were real Christians, not the phony sycophants he’s accustomed to.

FWIW, potus started his day yesterday with a call to Putin.
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A friend of mine lives in the flatiron district of NYC. She watched from her window yesterday as a large group of peaceful protestors marched down the avenue.

After they passed through, a small group of bad actors came through breaking shop windows.

Two distinctly separate groups.
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mr-x today:

the photo-op isn't a photo-op

Not what I said. I said it was a good thing. When white house was attacked by rioters and secret service guards were caught off guard, media narrative became Trump is hiding in his bunker. You repeated it several times.

Clearing the "protesters" at curfew, walking to the Church with his cabinet in view of same protesters, sent a strong signal: IT'S OVER. Order will be restored.

the bishop isn't a bishop because mr-x said so in a Political Thread in a Domain Forum. I guess that's supposed to override the actual church

As I said, a women can't lead a Christian church. Not my rule. If you can find justification for it in the Bible, let us know.

mr-x's struggle with reality, which is expected from a reality denier

I'm not struggling with reality. You're upset I don't agree with you.
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They gassed a minister of that church to take that photo op. A minister of the church, who was on church property. And a peaceful group of protestors.

** No prof this happened. Probably a lie, just like the photoshopped pic of hitler.

Ask yourself: “Would Jesus have approved of that?”

Do you care what Jesus thinks or are you just using his name?

He didn’t go there to pray. He didn’t go there to talk to comminuty leaders. He went there to have his picture taken with a Bible (that he’s holding upside down) in front of a church. Probably wanted the footage for a campaign ad.

That's right, he sent a clear message.

I bet he was surprised to be called out - oops, those were real Christians, not the phony sycophants he’s accustomed to.

FWIW, potus started his day yesterday with a call to Putin.

Liberals are more upset about the President taking his picture in front of St John's Church than the church being burned by rioters.
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Imagine ... the President sees uncontrollable vandalism, arson and looting going on in cities all across America and takes action to stop it.

Liberals Cuomo point to the dispersement of “peaceful protestors” ahead of Trump’s visit to St. John’s church after “peaceful protestors” tried to burn it down.

Liberals He say nothing about the fact that they’d planned to destroy it. Nor do they mention the violence and destruction that’s taken place throughout the country over the last week.

That in a nutshell is the democrat reaction to a week of riots, looting and assaults in 144 cities across the United States.
black lives matter and antifa defending the nation from hitler


Imagine the joy journalist in the White House press corp felt in their heart when they saw the entrance to the Peoples House vandalized with f -k trump, f -k America. The fevered narrative of the President cowering in his bunker.

Then the President walked out the gates, strolled down the street and told Americans, if the Governors wouldn't protect them, he would.

CNN's reaction: Trump has declared WAR on Americans!!! Can't wait for the press conference today.
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Question: Do you feel safer today than you did 3.5 years ago?

Answer: Vote Trump, what do you have to lose?
If you feel safer, why mobilize the military against your own?
A friend of mine lives in the flatiron district of NYC. She watched from her window yesterday as a large group of peaceful protestors marched down the avenue.
After they passed through, a small group of bad actors came through breaking shop windows.

Two distinctly separate groups.
LOL... a small group of bad actors... So that's what Liberals are calling "Violent looters" nowadays...
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Hate to break it to you, but for the first 300 years after Christ, many women were preaching his word, some were bishops.
But the powerful men of the church at the Council of Nicea stopped it all real quick of having any women in charge of anything.
Far-left ‘fuelling’ violent protests across US
Far-left groups, including Antifa, are stoking violence and engaging in “mindless lawlessness” under the guise of protesting police brutality, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi.

George Soros money’s goes very far with Democratic Party
One thing that is disturbing to me, I go to CNN and everyone blames the Right, I go to Fox news and everyone blames the left, this is as bad as racism in ways, it is like a spreading disease. I wont be voting in the up coming 2020 election, out of pure protest against division and ignorance, I am very disappointed in the President and his actions throughout the George Floyd protests.
Leftist riots, in Leftist cities, governed by Leftist Mayors and Governors put there by Leftist voters...
If you feel safer, why mobilize the military against your own?

The marxist, communist and anarchist rioting and looting our cities are not "my own". They are trying to destroy our republic.
Hate to break it to you, but for the first 300 years after Christ, many women were preaching his word, some were bishops.
But the powerful men of the church at the Council of Nicea stopped it all real quick of having any women in charge of anything.

I didn't say women can't proselytize or don't have a place in ministry. The old and new testaments are pretty clear, women are not leaders in the church. Women lead missions, ministries, schools, etc. when required. They are not supposed to have positions of authority in the Church.

Women being promoted to a position of authority over the church doesn't make it allowed by the word of God. Churches split over stuff like this.
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Stock photo from 2015 (Before Trump was in office) edited to look like lights were out at White House:

Now shared thousands of times as a fact, to prop up leftist claims Trump was hiding.....
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LOL... a small group of bad actors... So that's what Liberals are calling "Violent looters" nowadays...

Probably white people with skate boards.
Stock photo from 2015 (Before Trump was in office) edited to look like lights were out at White House:

Now shared thousands of times as a fact, to prop up leftist claims Trump was hiding.....

I'm not socked.

CLAIM: Photo shows all the exterior and interior lights out at the White House on Sunday night, as President Donald Trump hid in a bunker.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The original photo was posted to a stock image site in 2015, before Trump took office.

THE FACTS: An image shared thousands of times online that appears to show all the lights out in and around the White House was taken before Trump even assumed office.
Here was an AP photo taken Sunday night, according to the article:
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