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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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ZUBY: @ZubyMusic

The quickest way to become right-wing is to interact with leftists on Twitter.

I'm trying to remain centred but they keep pushing me.

Far leftism is just resentment with a mask of compassion.
No humour, no empathy, no tolerance. Secular religion of hate and false virtue.
1:59 AM - May 9, 2019

Ohio, Georgia, Alabama - states passing these draconian (and in some cases unscientific) anti abortion bills that focus on punishing women...

These laws are about protecting unborn babies.

So how about this. If a guy impregnates a woman without her consent he has just put her health and life at risk and changed the course of her life, career and finances for the next 18 years. He shouldn’t be able to walk away without consequences.

"without her consent" would be rape which is a serious felony.

As everyone living in the USA should know, if a women names a man the father of her baby, the Gov will force that man to pay child support until he can prove he is not the father. No refunds on what he has paid either.

  • Mandatory vasectomy (so he doesnt do it to anyone else.)
  • Child support to age 18, plus 50% pre and post natal care and maternity costs and 50% any special needs care for the child.
  • Funeral costs, restitution to the family and manslaughter charges if the pregnancy results in the death of the mother.
  • Pays a fine (because it costs money to have the government up everyone’s business.)

This is nonsense. If I suggested a women should be sterilized for getting pregnant without a mans consent you'd come unglued.

You have control over your body and responsibility for what you choose to do.

I think we’d see a big drop in unwanted and unplanned pregnancies.

Or maybe just mandatory vasectomies for every male at age 14? Reversed if and when they want to start a family, with their partner’s sign off.

Nah. That last would be wrong. Because it would be legislating men’s bodies.

Like these states are doing to women.
Stop whining. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex or use birth control.
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One of my favorite ads,
Ohio, Georgia, Alabama - states passing these draconian (and in some cases unscientific) anti abortion bills that focus on punishing women...

Here’s a thought:

Women don’t get pregnant by themselves, right? Can we all agree on that? (Even if it’s AI, there had to be a donor .)


So how about this. If a guy impregnates a woman without her consent he has just put her health and life at risk and changed the course of her life, career and finances for the next 18 years. He shouldn’t be able to walk away without consequences.
  • Mandatory vasectomy (so he doesnt do it to anyone else.)
  • Child support to age 18, plus 50% pre and post natal care and maternity costs and 50% any special needs care for the child.
  • Funeral costs, restitution to the family and manslaughter charges if the pregnancy results in the death of the mother.
  • Pays a fine (because it costs money to have the government up everyone’s business.)
I think we’d see a big drop in unwanted and unplanned pregnancies.

Or maybe just mandatory vasectomies for every male at age 14? Reversed if and when they want to start a family, with their partner’s sign off.

Nah. That last would be wrong. Because it would be legislating men’s bodies.

Like these states are doing to women.

This issue was touched on in this interview. Was wondering why Ben Shapiro was trending, a hero to some in this thread. He just got destroyed by an actual Conservative:

"Ben Shapiro Runs From BBC Interview After Being Embarrassed By A Conservative"

"Ben Shapiro going on BBC and demanding conservative Andrew Neil admit he's a leftist then crying about how unfair it is to be asked critical questions about his book before running away from the interview shows how these American conservatives are accustomed to their safe spaces"

Like people in this thread.

Couldn't handle his nonsense getting taken apart and had to walk off:

Some of these comments are funny:
https://twitter.com/search?q="Ben Shapiro"&src=tren&data_id=tweet:1126866023561531392&lang=en

"Ben Shapiro has been doing windmill dunks on a Fisher-Price hoop and everyone in the media was convinced that meant he was an All-Star. The nanosecond BBC raises the rim by a foot he loses his shit, calls it unfair and storms out." :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:

"The American Right is such an echo chamber that Ben Shapiro left an interview after he felt his interviewer (the former Chairman of the Federation of Conservative Students) was too biased towards the left"

hahaha, Andrew Neil with Alex Jones:

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Stop whining. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex or use birth control.

If you don't want women to have abortions, don't have sex, or use birth control.

You don't think the male is equally responsible? Are you truly Neanderthal enough to believe that a man who accidentally impregnates a woman should be exempt from responsibility? It takes sperm fertilize an egg (in case you missed that birds and bees lecture...)

Ohio bill mandates a procedure which DOESNT EXIST because it's not even medically possible.
Georgia and Alabama bill would have women criminally investigated for having a miscarriage.

A miscarriage.

These bills also don't have exceptions for rape, incest or non-viable fetuses.

Remember "I Dream of Jeannie?" Barbara Eden?

Prior to Roe vs Wade she was pregnant. It was a wanted pregnancy. The fetus died.

She was forced to go around for weeks carrying a DEAD fetus because aborting it was illegal so she had to wait until she was due before they could legally do anything about it. She was obviously pregnant at the time. You know how people treat pregnant women? Asking when they're due? If it's a boy or a girl? If you have a name picked out yet? Touching their baby bump?

Now imagine going through weeks of that when you know you're eventually going to deliver a corpse.

Or imagine having a miscarriage. You wanted this baby. Something went wrong, you went to the hospital, you miscarried. You're there covered in blood with a dead fetus between your legs. Before you can be cleaned up, police / medical examiner needs to come and investigate it as a crime scene and interrogate you.

That's not hyperbole. That's how women who miscarried were treated prior to R vs W

These bills would bring us back to those days.

This isn't about "pro life" - you're a raging hypocrite. If you're so "pro life" why don't you show more interest in the well being of children and their mothers AFTER they're born? You make a lot of noise about babies being born because it’s your cause du jour. Once they pop out you don’t GAF.

This is about control and about a group of people forcing their religious beliefs on the rest of us.

PS. If an embroyo is a “person” at 6 weeks, does that also mean you can’t deport an immigrant who gets pregnant because you’d be violating the rights of a citizen?

*You think this is a personal concern?- lol!!!!
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Mandatory vasectomy (so he doesnt do it to anyone else.)

Somethng that you write I actually agree with. But even more draconian.

No abortions needed ever. Convert Planned Parenthood Clinics to sterilzation centers.

Mandatory for all violent criminal felons, all people with low IQ or penalty if caught as an Illegal Alien or Asylum seekers, fake Refugees, or ISIS candidates. No exceptions.

Arriving as an illegal with a “child as your passport” gaming and crossing border is child endangerment, so penalty is no more right to pop up more kids, because you were an ignorant POS mother endangered the one you brought on the long journey.

Mandatory proof of a man or womens 100% infertility on receipt of a Tourist visa from any impoverished nations and high risk “visa skipping” countries, to prevent creating more anchor babies. Medical liens against future earnings for giving birth with illegal status.

Womens Tubes cut mandatory after giving birth to two welfare receiving babies, (many do voluntarily btw in Latin America, completely voluntarily.).

For those giving birth as anchor babies, Upon children reaching 5 years, mandatory english proficiency of the mother as she has 5 years to study it. Mandatory work as child is in school, so salary deductions begin for repaying debts from welfare received in first 5 years.

I could spec it all out. But you liberals want to create more free stuff and accept the status quo. Joe Biden wants votes so bad he wants illegals to get free medical.
If I suggested a women should be sterilized for getting pregnant without a mans consent you'd come unglued.

Add that to my list, I will say it. Tom Leykis should be listened to by all men 16-30, so as to make sure they dont become stupid.


If you don't want women to have abortions, don't have sex, or use birth control.

I'm married. I don't have sex with anyone but my wife.

You don't think the male is equally responsible? Are you truly Neanderthal enough to believe that a man who accidentally impregnates a woman should be exempt from responsibility? It takes sperm fertilize an egg (in case you missed that birds and bees lecture...)

I understand you want to be angry.. but I didn't say a man shouldn't be responsible. I said a man is held responsible by LAW.

When a women names a man the father of her child, he is legally responsible for the care of that child. No questions asked. Even if he knows the baby is not his, he pays until he can prove it.

Don't pay? Go to JAIL. That's the reality.

Ohio bill mandates a procedure which DOESNT EXIST because it's not even medically possible.
Georgia and Alabama bill would have women criminally investigated for having a miscarriage.

A miscarriage.

These bills also don't have exceptions for rape, incest or non-viable fetuses.

You're reading spreading propaganda.

Remember "I Dream of Jeannie?" Barbara Eden?

Prior to Roe vs Wade she was pregnant. It was a wanted pregnancy. The fetus died.

She was forced to go around for weeks carrying a DEAD fetus because aborting it was illegal so she had to wait until she was due before they could legally do anything about it. She was obviously pregnant at the time. You know how people treat pregnant women? Asking when they're due? If it's a boy or a girl? If you have a name picked out yet? Touching their baby bump?

Now imagine going through weeks of that when you know you're eventually going to deliver a corpse.

Or imagine having a miscarriage. You wanted this baby. Something went wrong, you went to the hospital, you miscarried. You're there covered in blood with a dead fetus between your legs. Before you can be cleaned up, police / medical examiner needs to come and investigate it as a crime scene and interrogate you.

That's not hyperbole. That's how women who miscarried were treated prior to R vs W

It's a lie. Democrats regularly argue outlandish scenarios. people are going to die, etc. I don't know if you've worked yourself up to believe it or are just gas-lighting to spread fear.

These bills would bring us back to those days.

This isn't about "pro life" - you're a raging hypocrite. If you're so "pro life" why don't you show more interest in the well being of children and their mothers AFTER they're born? You make a lot of noise about babies being born because it’s your cause du jour. Once they pop out you don’t GAF.

This is about control and about a group of people forcing their religious beliefs on the rest of us.

PS. If an embroyo is a “person” at 6 weeks, does that also mean you can’t deport an immigrant who gets pregnant because you’d be violating the rights of a citizen?

*You think this is a personal concern?- lol!!!!

Most of what you claim just isn't true. You denied the truth of NY's abortion law which is worse than the one proposed in Virginia.

You're accusations about our lack of concern for children, the mother or families is just b/s to make yourself feel virtuous by demonizing others.
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Leftists outside of a Philadelphia rally refuse to denounce Democrat Brian Sims for his recent hateful antics...

The difference between the caliber of people at a conservative gathering and a leftist one is like night and day. Most Leftists are really rotten people...
EXCLUSIVE: The Mexican father of alleged Colorado school shooter Alec McKinney, 16, was jailed for domestic violence and deported TWICE, with his son posting how he missed him just days before the atrocity
  • Jose Evis Quintana, 33, was jailed for 15 months for domestic violence against McKinney's mother Morgan Lynn McKinney and 'menacing with a weapon'
  • Despite terrorizing Morgan, 32, he convinced her to marry him in 2009 in Castle Rock, Colorado
  • He was deported back to Mexico in 2010 and Morgan, who has three children including Alec with Quintana, divorced him in 2015
  • Quintana illegally came back into the country and was deported again in 2017
  • Alec posted on twitter how he missed his father - just 11 days before the May 7 shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch near Denver, Colorado
  • Alec and friend Devon Erickson, 18, allegedly shot nine students, killing one, and will appear in court on Wednesday May 15

Father of Colorado school shooter Alec McKinney is a serial felon and illegal immigrant...
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EXCLUSIVE: The Mexican father of alleged Colorado school shooter Alec McKinney, 16, was jailed for domestic violence and deported TWICE, with his son posting how he missed him just days before the atrocity
  • Jose Evis Quintana, 33, was jailed for 15 months for domestic violence against McKinney's mother Morgan Lynn McKinney and 'menacing with a weapon'
  • Despite terrorizing Morgan, 32, he convinced her to marry him in 2009 in Castle Rock, Colorado
  • He was deported back to Mexico in 2010 and Morgan, who has three children including Alec with Quintana, divorced him in 2015
  • Quintana illegally came back into the country and was deported again in 2017
  • Alec posted on twitter how he missed his father - just 11 days before the May 7 shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch near Denver, Colorado
  • Alec and friend Devon Erickson, 18, allegedly shot nine students, killing one, and will appear in court on Wednesday May 15

Father of Colorado school shooter Alec McKinney is a serial felon and illegal immigrant...

This means Democrats will give him the medal of honor and front row tickets to watch Hamilton in Puerto Rico.
Joe Biden wants votes so bad he wants illegals to get free medical.

When you say he wants to get illegals free medical, are you saying he ONLY wants to get human beings inside America who immigrated to America illegally free medical?

Or are you saying he wants to get free medical to ALL human beings inside America regardless of their immigration status?

How on Earth could America afford potentially a vast majority or the world's health problems, if it became common practice to get free medical in America, then go back to their home country??

To do something like that, the US would have to redirect funds meant for overseas wars and foreign policy, to stateside hospitals and healthcare.

But why would the US, a country known for it's dominant warchest and foreign involvement, do an about face and concentrate their efforts on becoming the world's leader in universal health care? Where's the capitalism in that humanity?

What kind of world would we be living in if God forbid healthcare was classified as a human right; rather than a privilege?

Surely the advancement in technology can't assist in making this once thought of impossible feats, possible.

Rather, let's roll back progressive healthcare policy, and go back to the dark ages of things such as the heartbeat bill. Because it's what Jesus would do?
This means Democrats will give him the medal of honor and front row tickets to watch Hamilton in Puerto Rico.

Translation? I don't get it.
The Future...
Zuckerberg is copying the tactics used against Samizdat dissidents during the Soviet dictatorship...
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Conservative author, media entrepreneur and CPAC 2019 star Michelle Malkin has been censored by Facebook for posting supportive messages about recently-banned conservative figures Laura Loomer and Gavin McInnes.
As Breitbart News has reported, Facebook recently declared that posting support for certain banned individuals and organizations — including links to Infowars — would result in post takedowns and bans. This is a formula not just for banning the targeted individuals, but their friends and supporters as well. Used to its full extent, it could result in the purge of large swathes of the anti-establishment grassroots from Facebook by the 2020 election.

In a comment to Breitbart News, Malkin vowed to keep speaking out against big tech censorship.

“I will not stop protesting discriminatory de-platforming until I’m booted off the Big 3 (Facebook – 2.1 million followers, Twitter 2.1 million followers, Instagram -60,000 followers)” said Malkin.

“Since I created my first website in 1999, I have donated time, money, and energy to helping keep the Internet free and supporting independent and grass-roots voices fighting on the front lines. The witch hunts led by SPLC/Soros and CAIR/Hamas are crippling the effective activism and investigative journalism that pro-liberty and pro-sovereignty Americans desperately need and want.”

Malkin also called for Republican attorneys general and the White House to take action to protect freedom of speech in America.

Michelle Malkin

F*ck you @facebook and @instagram and @twitter - I'll use my platforms as long as I have my platforms to support my friends and allies. #freespeechfriday #worldpressfreedomday https://www.facebook.com/therightmichellemalkin/photos/a.10151865702380084/10161644316320084/?type=3&theater …


So... posting photos of Hitler or Bin Laden is fine on Facebook. Posting photos of 21st century thought criminals? Verboten.
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The Times They Are A Changin' ... We are getting closer and closer to 1984
Looks like some bloody Leftie Snowflake with a Grilled brain is Disliking my post. What's wrong, you have nothing to say or do you get Dislike trigger happy when you come here? Here's another one for you to Dislike...
Add that to my list, I will say it. Tom Leykis should be listened to by all men 16-30, so as to make sure they dont become stupid.

I fall under that category, but I cringingly object to watching a video titled, "Why you should stay clear of sIngle mother's?"

So I read the comments.

And it seems to be a gathering of mostly (a) men who have been screwed over by women, hating, accepting no responsibility for their own actions or inactions in the relationship. (b) father's jealous of father figures other than themselves in their children's life (c) Ex's who would have their wife and kids back, by default, if there were no good men out there to take care of them, because financially they were dependant on the husband, and when a new husband stepped up, the old husband lost his leverage. (d) Misoginis (e) Incels (f) Men who picked the wrong woman and are blaming it on the fact she is/was a single mother, opposed to the realization they we're never right for each other in the first place.

And after reading some comments, I'm OK with not filling my head with 30 minutes of garbage. I'm glad I don't identify with those in the comments as it seems like a bitter place for a man to be.

I checked out his Twitter page to see his thoughts on mother's and stumbled upon this disturbingly dangerous tweet.

What a charmer POS

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