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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Today, they were talking about the raid and the Access Hollywood tape and many asked:

"What the heck does the “Access Hollywood” tape have to do with Russia collusion?"

I was wondering that myself.

Well, check this out:
4:03 pm, 10/7: Access Hollywood tape
4:32 pm, 10/7: WikiLeaks email dump

Wanted to check the dates and if this was true:

I just checked, both October 7th:

On October 7, 2016, "during the 2016 United States presidential election, The Washington Post published a video and accompanying article about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and television host Billy Bush having "an extremely lewd conversation about women" in 2005."

On October 7, 2016,"WikiLeaks began publishing thousands of emails from Podesta's Gmail account."

And remember, they hacked the RNC as well, didn't leak those.

They're connecting the dots.

Fox News
Trump gives Russia green light to retrieve Hillary's emails

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No, that's why I didn't want to put inexperienced, reality TV stars in the WH. For some reason people thought that was a good idea, must have been The Apprentice fans. This coward can't even fire people like he did on the show. He has other people do it or via tweet.

Television star? Hmmm. The Trump organization has had it’s up’s and downs, he has made mistakes like any business person. He seems to be able to deal with debt and bankruptcy and reorganizations. (The US is bankrupt technically but the Fed Reserve scam keeps it inflating to remain in business). Trump was elected to clean house, since the middle class is tired of seeing their future ruined by foreign lobbying, endless wars, welfare state, illegal immigration depressing labor rates, etc. etc.

On the other hand, in my lifetime I don’t recall any elected Presidents as politicians who had business experience or were more experienced as Trump as Job creators, or managers. Most of the people elected in DC never met a payroll, created or marketed a brand, multi tasked and delegated with efficiency. All of those are required, he has more skill sets than most CEO’s who are not founders. How many Jobs did Bush, Clinton, Obama create in businesses they started with their own money? Zero. Maybe Prescott Bush did. All of them were Gov’t career swamp bugs. Ross Perot was the only close non politician candidate I recall that was able to run a large company, like the gov’t. He didn’t win though because he didn’t plan his campaign. He did subcontract work for the US gov’t though so familar how f-ed up dealing with FAR’s regulations and bureacracy.

The President is not a diplomat. He isn’t dependent on getting reelected like those in their fake smiling, hand shaking, ribbon cutters in congress, or lifetime employment as judges (stupid system if you ask me, like tenure for teachers also stupid).

Time will tell. I will lose interest in the US gov’t turnaround if the stupidity of war surfaces, or the Syrian thing turns into WW3 or the middle east becomes the focus once again. Or if some major changes do not happen. But, like I said I can just change the dial and forget it all too since I don’t have to deal with anyone or anything there except send in my 1040. I do love the country I was born in, and hate to see all this mess.
Based on that logic, I guess Mueller and the FBI should be raiding all the press offices too.

“The Enquirer staffers, like many of the dozens of other current and former AMI employees interviewed by the AP in the past year, spoke on condition of anonymity. All said AMI required them to sign nondisclosure agreements barring them from discussing internal editorial policy and decision-making.”
From your article:
"He is happy to be quoted, so long as I don't name him."

Lol! Of course, the old anonymous sources! What a bunch of horsesh*t!

Why do you feel the need to post such nonsense JB? If you can't put a name to it, it's just more "Fake News" from the never Trumpsters! Horrible journalism at it's finest, thanks for sharing your horsesh*t with the masses!

My guess is the congressman in the is story is Sen. Jeff Flake. He was a swing vote for Barack Obama. Praised Trump early on until he realized he couldn't win reelection.

Eric's #nevertrump and CNN contributor.
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@enlytend, weird how @JB Lions's posts are no longer showing edit date / time.

Screenshot from 2018-04-12 07-48-08.png
Russian Hackers?

They look like they have times to me
Why are you tagging me ??? Maybe they weren’t edited?
You're a moderator, it was.

I quoted JB then he went back and added another sentence.
I don't think ET an all-purpose Mod. If you see something wrong in the SEO section let her know. He probably added to it within the edit allocated time and you didn't see it until later.
I don't think ET an all-purpose Mod. If you see something wrong in the SEO section let her know. He probably added to it within the edit allocated time and you didn't see it until later.

What johname said. I have limited privileges in specific areas of the forum. I am not an admin and don’t do tech support.

If you have a question about edit timestamps or other post format issues, please contact support in the Help Desk section. If you see a violation of NP rules, use the “report” link.

You know JB often posts then realizes he has something to add and edits - that’s perfectly OK and not a violation of the forum rules. Maybe wait a little longer until you’re pretty sure he’s done before quoting and replying?
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You're a moderator, it was.

I quoted JB then he went back and added another sentence.

Let me explain this to you.

Last week, I became a Jr. Partner with the Bilderberg Group. We have special urls that give us "perks". For this site, I just go to and I have a special co-branded page. One of the perks is I have a special box I can check off, if I want to. The box says - Check here to hide edit time stamps. Which I did with that post.

I have a quota I need to meet each week and spreading the truth about Globalism, so let me knock that out here. Another Bilderberger, who I think is racist, was talking about the NBA. His name is Thomas. He is saying that America doesn't produce enough talented, white basketball players. I said, that's racist bro. He said who were the last 2 white league MVP's. I said Dirk and Steve Nash. He pointed out they were born in Germany and Canada. He went on to point out years ago, the NBA was mostly comprised of American born players. But recently, more and more foreign born players are in the league. That makes the league stronger, more competitive. This is true. Back to the U.S.A and globalism and the message we at Bilderberg want to get out:

Isolationism is for pussies.

Globalism is for competitors.

We're working on a few different slogans:

Globalism - Making America Strong Again

Globalism - Making America Competitive Again


We're Americans, we don't cower to competition, we compete and whip their ass.

We're not scared of competition, we say bring it on.

Right now we don't have a President that reflects those values. With our next President we need:

Somebody with normal sized hands, not small ones.

Somebody who isn't scared to fire somebody face to face, not via Twitter or thru some underling.

Somebody who doesn't need a military parade to feel tough.

Somebody who doesn't attack American success stories like Amazon, but holds them up on what can be accomplished in this great country. Take care of the customer, you will find success.

Somebody who doesn't act like some fanboy to Putin and kisses his ass but somebody who says, you can come and kiss this big red, white and blue ass and say thank you when you're done.

Somebody who doesn't constantly hop on social media and gets all caught up in their emotions and cries how things "aren't fair".

Somebody who doesn't constantly cry about somebody using the edit function, a function they use themselves.

Less crying from Trump and Trumpers, grow a set, be American.

.................Last edited: A moment ago - a spelling mistake, I forgot to check the box off

That's nice.

Got it before you edited your post.

Your new post reflects Trump and what he did to you.

I had a friend who used to say, if you can't impress 'em with knowledge, baffle 'em with bullsh*t. You need to do better.

Before you edit again. On your 3rd edit now. Flustered. I think you realize, me, mr-x circa 2016, Scott Walker, Cruz were right about Trump and you're struggling with your Trump worship today.
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I had a friend who used to say, if you can't impress 'em with knowledge, baffle 'em with bullshit. You need to do better.

Let me explain this to you.

Last week, I became a Jr. Partner with the Bilderberg Group. We have special urls that give us "perks". For this site, I just go to and I have a special co-branded page. One of the perks is I have a special box I can check off, if I want to. The box says - Check here to hide edit time stamps. Which I did with that post.

I have a quota I need to meet each week and spreading the truth about Globalism, so let me knock that out here. Another Bilderberger, who I think is racist, was talking about the NBA. His name is Thomas. He is saying that America doesn't produce enough talented, white basketball players. I said, that's racist bro. He said who were the last 2 white league MVP's. I said Dirk and Steve Nash. He pointed out they were born in Germany and Canada. He went on to point out years ago, the NBA was mostly comprised of American born players. But recently, more and more foreign born players are in the league. That makes the league stronger, more competitive. This is true. Back to the U.S.A and globalism and the message we at Bilderberg want to get out:

Isolationism is for pussies.

Globalism is for competitors.

We're working on a few different slogans:

Globalism - Making America Strong Again

Globalism - Making America Competitive Again


We're Americans, we don't cower to competition, we compete and whip their ass.

We're not scared of competition, we say bring it on.

Right now we don't have a President that reflects those values. With our next President we need:

Somebody with normal sized hands, not small ones.

Somebody who isn't scared to fire somebody face to face, not via Twitter or thru some underling.

Somebody who doesn't need a military parade to feel tough.

Somebody who doesn't attack American success stories like Amazon, but holds them up on what can be accomplished in this great country. Take care of the customer, you will find success.

Somebody who doesn't act like some fanboy to Putin and kisses his ass but somebody who says, you can come and kiss this big red, white and blue ass and say thank you when you're done.

Somebody who doesn't constantly hop on social media and gets all caught up in their emotions and cries how things "aren't fair".

Somebody who doesn't constantly cry about somebody using the edit function, a function they use themselves.

.................Last edited: A moment ago - a spelling mistake, I forgot to check the box off
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We had a talk with Donnie:

Never said when an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all! In any event, the United States, under my Administration, has done a great job of ridding the region of ISIS. Where is our “Thank you America?”
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

It's yet another reason we will replace him with an American next election. Somebody who stands by his word and not handle diplomacy via Twitter and say we're going to bomb you, then fall back later.
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@JB Lions since you asked: speculations? I read here that the UN in 2017 in their continued incompetence, failed to reach a conclusion. Months after an immediate response from the US with cruise missles.
November 16, 2017: The mandate of the OPCW-UN JIM, responsible for determining the culpable actor for chemical weapons attacks in Syria, expired after both resolutions introduced at the UN Security Council to extend it failed. The resolution sponsored by the United States received 11 votes in favor, 2 against and 2 abstentions and failed because Russia vetoed it. The Russian resolution received 4 votes in favor, 7 against and 4 abstentions.

Whereas is that US claims aircraft flight routes used as evidence.

This Syria Operation started by CIA under Obama arming and training anti Assad troops in Jordon and funded by Saudi’s, the Assad Govt has been propped up by Russia. Last years 59 Tomahawks was supposed to be some sort of wake up call, yet now the Russian-Iran-Assad coalition is stronger with more troops and equipment and a much more difficult posturing. I feel this is a trap being set to pull the US into this by Russia. This is a huge decision, and hope it isn’t continued.

The true reason imo as I posted before is about competing LNG pipelines.
This is a great example of how the 'internet' can get something wrong in mass. This is not a "booster seat" it's an "I am a Billionaire and I am not used to hard cheap crappy chairs" seat cushion. LOL

Could be one of these, something I bought to try to help with my piriformis before I just bought a new chair with nice, new padding:

ComfiLife Premium Comfort Seat Cushion – Non-Slip Orthopedic Memory Foam Coccyx Cushion for Tailbone Pain – Office Chair Car Seat Cushion – Back Pain & Sciatica Relief

I imagine he sits in chairs for long periods of time.
Some news around the web:

Trump weighs rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership amid trade dispute with China

JUST IN: @BenSasse tells reporters that during their meeting with Trump, he ordered Robert Lighthizer and Larry Kudlow to look at rejoining TPP - to open up more markets for farmers

12:26 PM - Apr 12, 2018


Dems: Former Pruitt aide alleges more wasteful spending, retaliation at EPA


Something I'd love to see a reporter ask Trump Org about:
1) Cohen formed EC LLC on Oct 17 2016
2) The contract provided for EC LLC to pay Stormy $130K by Oct 27 2016
3) Between Oct 17 & Oct 25, the Trump campaign made payments to Trump Org properties that add up to $129,999.72.

Update: On Oct. 26th – 1 day after the Trump campaign completed a series of disbursements to Trump Org hotels that totaled $130K – the bank emailed Cohen at his account to confirm the $130K for Stormy's settlement had been deposited. Helluva coincidence.




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Comey's book is out today, triggered the right -

Stories of Pee Tape -"Pee Tape"&src=tren

Comey: Trump asked me to investigate ‘pee tape’ to reassure Melania


Something about some love child in another story:
Trump Had Affair With Housekeeper That Produced a Child, Former Doorman Claims

I figure a DNA test would clear that one up.

Some tweets

"James Comey is an incompetent, unscrupulous, slimy piece of shit, rat bastard, crybaby."

"Comey’s book is just proof that he is a self serving, weak, partisan swamp weasel."

“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values," James Comey writes in new book. "His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”

and so forth

James Comey: John Kelly Called Trump ‘Dishonorable’ for Firing Me


A lot of supporters not happy with the TPP news, we'll see what happens with that, even non-supporters

.@realDonaldTrump has sworn up and down that he won't support bad trade deals. He pulled out of the TPP after he was elected – but now he wants back in. It’s a ridiculous reversal & a slap in the face to the hard-working Americans Trump promised to fight for. TPP is a lousy deal.

Elizabeth Warren‏Verified account @SenWarren 4h4 hours ago

You down with TPP? Yeah, you know me. Who's down with TPP? Every last homie.

Not a good week for Trump, but good news, just another working day before he can hit the golf course, as mr-x pointed out, will be better for America.
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Que the flood of leaks from attorneys investigating M. Cohen.
Que the flood of leaks from attorneys investigating M. Cohen.

Good leaks coming, besides the pee tape:

Trump allies fear feds seized lawyer's recordings of conversations: report

Just saw this pop up, just in case Pruitt gets the boot:

Former coal lobbyist confirmed as No. 2 official at EPA

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Thursday confirmed a former coal industry lobbyist as the second-highest official at the Environmental Protection Agency, putting him next in line to run the agency if embattled administrator Scott Pruitt is forced out or resigns.

Senators approved Andrew Wheeler as the agency’s deputy administrator despite complaints from Democrats that Wheeler helped lead a fight by the coal industry to block regulations that protect Americans’ health and begin to address climate change."

Trump has swamp people lined up ready to go. Take one swamp person out, Trump has another on standby. A coal lobbyist, people were telling me he was going to drain the swamp.

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