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Meryl Streep: Shut the F*ck Up...
LOL... This is really great... Wikileaks Publishes Michael Wolff's Entire Sold Out Trump Book As A PDF

Hey Liberals, here's the link... 327 pages for FREE....

And don't say I never gave you lefties anything. Happy reading to all of you living on the other side of common sense... LOL

Assange must be brilliant at chess. This was a great move and a
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LOL... This is really great... Wikileaks Publishes Michael Wolff's Entire Sold Out Trump Book As A PDF

Hey Liberals, here's the link... 327 pages for FREE....

And don't say I never gave you lefties anything. Happy reading to all of you living on the other side of common sense... LOL

That's awesome. Wolff already made his money, this just gets this in front of more people.

If the stuff was false, Trump could sue for defamation. Will he? Of course not.
OMG... "Mad Cows" Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are gonna soil their pants with...

after hearing about Wolff's book now available in PDF for FREE... :ROFL: :xf.grin: :ROFL:
Trump announces he will be present for the “Fake News Awards” to the most “Corrupt & Biased” Mainstream Media Losers

Looking forward to these Awards on Wednesday...


Who do you think is favorite?
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No one (except for Nazi white supremacist Islamophobes who hate refugees for totally irrational reasons) could have seen this coming!
Stephen Miller had to be escorted off CNN's set after his interview with Jake Tapper went off the rails

Another crazy.

Who do you think is favorite?

Fox and all of the right wing rags you guys quote all the time. The greatest source of misinformation. Talk about what's going to be a backfire, he's too dumb to realize it. Just put the spotlight right back on all his lying.

"Imaginary awards show by a very stable genius."
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The majority of the actresses in Hollywood got their "big break" on their backs or knees. WILLINGLY. These women did anything to get an acting job and especially for a Weinstein movie. Anything. They prostituted themselves.

Now that they feel established, all these Hollywood Fakery in their fake black dresses, want to hit the rewind button.
Hollywood, Frenchwood and other woods are basically the same. They're mostly a bunch of overpaid, over-idolized, over-exposed perverts (both men and women) that protect each other.

What's amazing is that the same “celebrities” that covered up sexual assaults for years are now “protesting” sexual assaults?

The majority of the actresses in Hollywood got their "big break" on their backs or knees. WILLINGLY. These women did anything to get an acting job and especially for a Weinstein movie. Anything. They prostituted themselves.

Thats the irony, now they whine with million dollar bank accounts.
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I don't know if 45 is really showing early signs of dementia (could explain a few things and excuse him), but he sure has a lot of free time for somebody in such a high position, more than me (and I like to fiddle about).
This entire Oprah for President thing is a great example of the ignorance of the masses who watch TV shows like the Kardashians all the time. But thats great, because that segment of ignorant dumbocrats that would nominate her to run, then she would lose the nomination and divide the democratic party further than it is right now wandering aimlessly with possible Demetia suffering Pelosi who for the sake of the country and Democratic party should retire with dignity. Same with McCain IMHO, these aged career politicians should know when to quit.

Even Celebrities like should know when to quit Mick Jagger included, lol. Zepp hung it up when the lost Bonham, great choice.

You gotta know when to quit. While you are on top.

I respect Oprahs success in business, not too sure of her skill set other than being a TV host and using her brand name to promote other doo-dad things made in China that she simply puts her endorsement on in name only.

No argument that she is intelligent and has been successful financially. Kudos to her on those achievements, but she isn’t some industry leader or creator of jobs AFAIK.

If she wanted to really get started, she might tackle a smaller project like Chicago for now instead.
This entire Oprah for President thing is a great example of the ignorance of the masses who watch TV shows like the Kardashians all the time. But thats great, because that segment of ignorant dumbocrats that would nominate her to run, then she would lose the nomination and divide the democratic party further than it is right now wandering aimlessly with possible Demetia suffering Pelosi who for the sake of the country and Democratic party should retire with dignity. Same with McCain IMHO, these aged career politicians should know when to quit.

Even Celebrities like should know when to quit Mick Jagger included, lol. Zepp hung it up when the lost Bonham, great choice.

You gotta know when to quit. While you are on top.

I respect Oprahs success in business, not too sure of her skill set other than being a TV host and using her brand name to promote other doo-dad things made in China that she simply puts her endorsement on in name only.

No argument that she is intelligent and has been successful financially. Kudos to her on those achievements, but she isn’t some industry leader or creator of jobs AFAIK.

If she wanted to really get started, she might tackle a smaller project like Chicago for now instead.

Do you know most of your post could be talking about Trump? From the TV stuff, to stuff being made in China, his ties, the steel etc. To being old, he's 71. Second term, he would end up being 78.

I was going to ask that. What's the case against her running and being President? Knowing you guys put Trump in?

Net worth same neighborhood. Trump 3.1 billion, Oprah 2.8 billion. Difference is Oprah grew up in poverty and abuse, Trump grew up with Daddy giving him millions, draft dodging etc. Oprah truly self-made, American success story.

Smart? Went to school on full scholarship.

Temperament? Easy one for Oprah. She had Skinheads on stage calling her n*****r.

Decency? Oprah easy.

No government experience tho. No record. But that's Trump as well.

So specifically what are the negatives for her.

Just reading the earlier posts, what's all these Neanderthal type of posts from all you guys? Going after women, victims, people trying to do something positive? Especially, all this, they all knew stuff. You guys all knew as well and still voted for Trump. Still support him.

The speech that spurned all the President talk.

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Oprah Winfrey: White People Have To Die!
Oprah Winfrey: White People Have To Die!

Nice headline as if she meant all white people.

"As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,” she said, adding,“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die."

That's right. It's generational and some racists pass it down. I hope you didn't pass on down your own racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia etc.

The people Oprah was talking about, you hope they realize they're just fuck ups and love their family enough to let it die with them and not infect the younger generation. But most of the time that doesn't happen. You see some young racist kid, their parents are probably racist as well.

Before you start going in on Oprah too much, realize Trump loves Oprah. Was a guest on her show on many occasions. Also praising Clinton is this clip. This clip might be hard for some of you to watch. Talking about Oprah as VP, the first time he ran and failed. You know, the thing he lied about on Twitter the other day.

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NBC Removes Oprah President Tweet After 12 Hours – Says It Was Not Meant to Be a Political Statement with this excuse...


Yesterday a tweet about the Golden Globes and Oprah Winfrey was sent by a third party agency for NBC Entertainment in real time during the broadcast. It is in reference to a joke made during the monologue and not meant to be a political statement. We have since removed the tweet.

3:39 PM - Jan 8, 2018

Didn't Oprah promise to move to Canada last year?
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