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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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What do you think happened in Atlanta , Seattle, Portland , Chicago ???? BLM and Antifa blocked the streets from passage by motorist , as well as highways , people couldn’t pass down those roads and highways to get to work???? Then, BLM and Antifa were marching neighborhoods, in the nighttime as well as well as day time .. beating drums , hollering.

Funny when the shoe is on the other foot. I suppose the Golden Rule holds true, as spoken by Jesus, "Do unto others as they say...", echoed by Rabbi Hillel, "What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor; that is the whole Torah, while the rest is commentary. Go and learn it."

@Cannuck , you and I can play “Mines bigger than yours”. For ages , and we both are going to stand by our allies , our people , and that’s sad to say , because all people should be our people , but that is no longer possible to be the case until and unless our sides can come to some agreements , which Is highly unlikely at this point .. so it all plays out how it plays out , it will end , everything has a beginning and a ending , until the ending happens , we are going clash naturally .

I think you and I could sit down and eat together and drink beer and have a good time . I don’t see you as a radicalized person , you seem to be a pretty well grounded person.
But you will, as I will , defend our people , I don’t like their being a Far Right or Far Left .. but we are dealt the cards we are dealt

Thanks for the invite, but @Cannuck don't drink (occasional 420). I just finished a nice meal of moose and partridge. A full belly helps keep the wolf away. Tomorrow I'm going on a tournment hunt for cash and prizes, already staked out my game :xf.wink:
Funny when the shoe is on the other foot. I suppose the Golden Rule holds true, as spoken by Jesus, "Do unto others as they say...", echoed by Rabbi Hillel, "What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor; that is the whole Torah, while the rest is commentary. Go and learn it."

Thanks for the invite, but @Cannuck don't drink (occasional 420). I just finished a nice meal of moose and partridge. A full belly helps keep the wolf away. Tomorrow I'm going on a tournment hunt for cash and prizes, already staked out my game :xf.wink:

I know the versus , and I know I am wrong in doing it , and I do pray about it , because I know a day will come when I have to answer for it , so I repent to Jesus , A LOT , and that is what I have and am working on very hard , not saying things that I don’t mean, out of frustration or anger , I have got the cussing down to a minimum now I think , I am working daily on the rest .
I know the versus , and I know I am wrong in doing it , and I do pray about it , because I know a day will come when I have to answer for it , so I repent to Jesus , A LOT , and that is what I have and am working on very hard , not saying things that I don’t mean, out of frustration or anger , I have got the cussing down to a minimum now I think , I am working daily on the rest .

We're all dealing with BS beyond our control, but there's One who holds all the cards...with HIS mercy and grace, your prayers will be answered, of that, I am 100% confident. :xf.wink:
We're all dealing with BS beyond our control, but there's One who holds all the cards...with HIS mercy and grace, your prayers will be answered, of that, I am 100% confident. :xf.wink:

@.X. , this evening after giving thanks (& tobacco), I asking for His guidance...'twas then a partridge landed directly in front of me. I took it with my slingshot. Then a white fox came to me. I could have had a nice pelt, but instead gave it the partridge. What comes around goes around. Just sayin' :xf.wink:
@.X. , this evening after giving thanks (& tobacco), I asking for His guidance...'twas then a partridge landed directly in front of me. I took it with my slingshot. Then a white fox came to me. I could have had a nice pelt, but instead gave it the partridge. What comes around goes around. Just sayin' :xf.wink:

Agreed , and Karma is self inflicted pain , the thing that all societies in the world need to do is to do better and be better , like you said, we are under conditions that are beyond our control , so we need to control, what we can control , otherwise humanity won’t be sustainable. It’s our world to keep , or our world to lose . IMO
17 Days and counting down , Power Up!!! I predict a sweep , Republicans win it all

How are your living circumstances today , as opposed to pre- Biden ????

Demers did it to themselves.
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Are you living your beliefs concerning climate change right now?

gasoline, Air conditioning and fuel heating , driving any vehicles that use gasoline, chemical agents , bug sprays, aerosols, are you currently using any of these products ????

Are you living your beliefs concerning climate change right now?

gasoline, Air conditioning and fuel heating , driving any vehicles that use gasoline, chemical agents , bug sprays, aerosols, are you currently using any of these products ????

Fuel, not much, since I mostly burning wood that I do cut with a chainsaw (so that uses some gas). I sold my sled and bought an electric fatbike that I charge with my solar panels, power appliances (tv, phone, computer, fridge, fans etc.), but I do have a backup diesel generator that I used once. I own a classic sportscar that I drive on the occasional Sunday in summer, maybe 100 litres/20 gallons per year. When I travel by air, there's av gas involved (scheduled flight). I disdain chemicals, so I developed my own all-purpose cleaner/bug spray over a decade ago that is completely biodegradeable and non-polluting. I have no need for air conditioning, it doesn't get that hot around here, so all in all, my carbon footprint is minimal. I try my best to walk the talk...thanks for asking.

Have you read the latest headlines? Texans and Floridians may be forced to move to the mid-west in order to survive future heat waves and flooding. It's either that or emigrate to Canada. We may end up building a wall, lol.
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The thing I like about domaining is that my business is in the cloud. I don't have to transport anything and it's completely portable. I work full-time, so there's enough money to keep the wolf away. That said, I have to admit a low carbon footprint lifestyle isn't for everyone, nor is it even feasible. Winters are long, dark and cold in the north which often drains the batteries. I have a separate (backup) battery bank on trickle that comes in handy alot of times. I plan to get a static wind turbine for night time and dark days, so that should help too. Food is not cheap, but I grow in the summer (lots of light) and hunt/fish wild game. I've been lucky this year and it always helps having friends around to share when stocks are down, it's not socialism, it's called survival.
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Fuel, not much, since I mostly burning wood that I do cut with a chainsaw (so that uses some gas). I sold my sled and bought an electric fatbike that I charge with my solar panels, power appliances (tv, phone, computer, fridge, fans etc.), but I do have a backup diesel generator that I used once. I own a classic sportscar that I drive on the occasional Sunday in summer, maybe 100 litres/20 gallons per year. When I travel by air, there's av gas involved (scheduled flight). I disdain chemicals, so I developed my own all-purpose cleaner/bug spray over a decade ago that is completely biodegradeable and non-polluting. I have no need for air conditioning, it doesn't get that hot around here, so all in all, my carbon footprint is minimal. I try my best to walk the talk...thanks for asking.

Have you read the latest headlines? Texans and Floridians may be forced to move to the mid-west in order to survive future heat waves and flooding. It's either that or emigrate to Canada. We may end up building a wall, lol.
We already get very hot in summers , we always have , 108 isn’t anything to get overly excited about here … our personal grid held down the summer with no qualms , it was a very hot summer this year here. The grid is straight wind generated energy.

its no hotter here than it has been since i have been alive, 1980 was the hottest summer of my life.

it is not feasible to survival to live in many states with out air conditioning, heating on the other hand could be done by secondary methods, but then all the trees will be gone ? we could heat water with wood as well, but then all the trees would be gone? if the trees go, so goes a lot of animal habitation? that is just two items of essential living... when i consider everything it takes for essential living, how does that happen without taking one thing away that is also essential, like the trees as used as an example above??
... when i consider everything it takes for essential living, how does that happen without taking one thing away that is also essential, like the trees as used as an example above??

Good question, I suppose it ain't possible to balance the demands of a modern lifestyle without impacting nature. Population density is a major factor, the LoneStar state (density 110/sq mi) has practically the same population as all of Canada (10/sq mi), so there's no way, especially dealing with heat. I can dress for the cold, but hot days/nights are killer. Last summer was hot, I had to spend several days by and in the lake. Besides Jamaica, the hottest place I've been to is southern China (density 11,000/sq mi). It was brutal, I was like a fish out of water but I lived right beside a mountain, so the cool breeze was refreshing and air was decent otherwise I could not have survived. They all take a siesta early afternoon and buildings are designed to maximize air flow. Being environmentally friendly is practically impossible in places with such huge populations. Besides, I love freedom...the population density here is less than 1 person/sq mi. (note: km/sq. converted into miles - the old Imperial system).
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when i consider everything it takes for essential living, how does that happen without taking one thing away that is also essential, like the trees as used as an example above??

“When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money.”​

― Alanis Obomsawin
Tapes reveal what Trump knew with regard to Covid-19, what he told his son, but neglected to inform th public. :oops:

“I said, it came out of China, Barron. Pure and simple. It came out of China. And it should’ve been stopped. And to be honest with you, Barron, they should’ve let it be known it was a problem two months earlier … the world wouldn’t have a problem. We could have stopped it easily.”

"Now it's turning out it's not just old people, Bob. But just today, and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It's not just old, older," Trump said, according to an audio clip, and then added, "young people, too, plenty of young people."

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Finnish govt says we need to rethink EVs. The world does not have enough lithium or cobalt to replace batteries every 10 years

Thirty years ago I lived in Finland. As our company was on the cusp of scientific development (digital cameras, fiber-optics, wireless power supplies etc.), I spoke with the CEO's of Nokia who were breaking ground, but Sanyo had the pre-eminant lithium-ion battery technology at the time and it was a highly competitive field. I had my day in the sun.

Have cell-phones changed over the past thirty years? Of course they have. Hydrogen power will likely emerge as a clean alternative to fossil fuels, just as battery technology will develop as the demand increases (ie. solid-state batteries).
just as battery technology will develop as the demand increases (ie. solid-state batteries).

Another example:

Illinois Tech spinoff Influit Energy says it's coming out of stealth mode to commercialize a rechargeable electrofuel – a non-flammable, fast-refuelling liquid flow battery that already carries 23% more energy than lithium batteries, at half the cost.

Very much targeted at vehicles and aircraft, Influit's "nanoelectrofuels" offer an alternative to current battery tech with what appears to be a pretty compelling list of pros and cons.
Illinois Tech spinoff Influit Energy says it's coming out of stealth mode to commercialize a rechargeable electrofuel – a non-flammable, fast-refuelling liquid flow battery that already carries 23% more energy than lithium batteries, at half the cost.

Very much targeted at vehicles and aircraft, Influit's "nanoelectrofuels" offer an alternative to current battery tech with what appears to be a pretty compelling list of pros and cons.

American ingenuity is not something to be dismissed. I worked in partnership with Can-Am Technologies at the time. Finland was a magnet for IT, and Russians were actively engaging Western investment. The Cold War seemed to have cooled down, tensions low following Perestroika and fall of the Berlin Wall. It was not uncommon practice to find former KGB agents in the mix willing to trade Soviet era secrets in exchange for Western technologies. So you see, my suspicion of your former president is not without foundation. But I'm just a bushwhacker from Canada, eh? :beaver:
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American ingenuity is not something to be dismissed. I worked in partnership with Can-Am Technologies at the time. Finland was a magnet for IT, and Russians were actively engaging Western investment. The Cold War seemed to have cooled down, tensions low following Perestroika and fall of the Berlin Wall. It was not uncommon practice to find former KGB agents in the mix willing to trade Soviet era secrets in exchange for Western technologies. So you see, my suspicion of your former president is not without foundation. But I'm just a bushwhacker from Canada, eh? :beaver:

A couple more examples from my battery file:

Sodium Batteries May Power Your New Electric Car​

As EV sales increase, supplies of lithium may get tight. So some companies are incorporating cells with sodium, which provides almost as big a charge.


Batteries Made From Crab Shells Could Power Your Future Car​
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American ingenuity is not something to be dismissed. I worked in partnership with Can-Am Technologies at the time. Finland was a magnet for IT, and Russians were actively engaging Western investment. The Cold War seemed to have cooled down, tensions low following Perestroika and fall of the Berlin Wall. It was not uncommon practice to find former KGB agents in the mix willing to trade Soviet era secrets in exchange for Western technologies. So you see, my suspicion of your former president is not without foundation. But I'm just a bushwhacker from Canada, eh? :beaver:

Not a bushwhacker , you are living the dream my friend , you are with nature as your primary source of most everything , and to me, that is living the dream .

I live rural ,it used to be very rural , but simply do to growth has changed my way of life as I knew it growing up . Not in a good way to me , I enjoyed the freedom of nature without being bothered by road workers , people looking to drill for something with large machinery and such , rural has changed greatly . I use to love going to see them when I needed supplies , but I never wanted then to come see me lol
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