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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This thread has become a microcosm of overall US politics. The growing fascist movement on the left drowning out any attempts at dialog or debate in favor of name calling, violence and tribalism. As with Stalin, everything is political, including skin color, religion, dress and sexual preferences. Which is why gay people or minorities who don't toe the leftist line are crushed. Forget about humor or even humility - that has no place in this world.
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This thread has become a microcosm of overall US politics. The growing fascist movement on the left drowning out any attempts at dialog or debate in favor of name calling, violence and tribalism. As with Stalin, everything is political, including skin color, religion, dress and sexual preferences. Which is why gay people or minorities who don't toe the leftist line are crushed. Forget about humor or even humility - that has no place in this world.

Just change the channel. So how are political things in Japan these days? I read the stock market isn’t doing well, but not keeping up with the news. Also saw the new fish market opened Awhile back and reported a new record price bluefin, 300 million yen sale. Wonder how much the Toro will sell for on that.
when my sis

Yea, ambas hermanas.... ghetto alright, Sistas doin it for themselves.

116th Congress is going to be entertaining! A kick over the beehive stretch for radical left nut cases, CNN will have some fine subject matter to worship instead steady Trump hate. How about a Maxine/Rashida creating an impeach team. Like to see them on stage together im-Peach Fotty 5!
Yea, ambas hermanas.... ghetto alright, Sistas doin it for themselves.

116th Congress is going to be entertaining! A kick over the beehive stretch for radical left nut cases, CNN will have some fine subject matter to worship instead steady Trump hate. How about a Maxine/Rashida creating an impeach team. Like to see them on stage together im-Peach Fotty 5!

When my sis? I guess the Radical Right get a pass when they run over and kill people. But hey, somebody said a cuss word or they danced in college. I hope we can survive all that radicalism.

Just change the channel. So how are political things in Japan these days? I read the stock market isn’t doing well, but not keeping up with the news. Also saw the new fish market opened Awhile back and reported a new record price bluefin, 300 million yen sale. Wonder how much the Toro will sell for on that.

Since he has me on fake block, ask him why the suicide rate in Japan is twice as much compared to the U.S. I've read it's school bullying, the culture is stressed with so much emphasis on work etc.
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It is, you guys are showing yourselves. And you are a hypocrite when you complain to mods about the same thing you do yourself. You do come across as some old, repressed Conservatives. Go reread your posts. Getting excited about videos of people dancing. In 2019.

No one should complain to the Mods, This thread stays civil considering it is a political thread, we express opinions, and I can say, I personally have learned a lot more than I thought I knew from this thread. I have learned something from each contributor to this thread.

Carry on good people.
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Republican hypocrisy at its finest: saying that Trump admitting to sexual assault on tape is just “locker room talk,” but scandalizing themselves into faux-outrage when my sis says a curse word in a bar.

GOP lost entitlement to policing women’s behavior a long time ago.

Thats what you posted and where the “Sista” comment came from. If this is the new face of democrats, you might, or should be concerned. Ghetto rap coming into congress might be tolerated, but if it takes over too much, your level headed, non ghetto Dem midwest farmers, business owners, corporate cubicle dwellers and other somewhat normal folks, might switch.

10 years from now, with all this new leading edge, all inclusive agenda stuff and open borders and diversity, the US is bound to have a Gay President married to the “First Man”, a Trans Vice President, and a Dom speaker of the house, who uses a whip instead of a gavel (with gloves). Senate majority leader a Sharia law advocate, Senate minority a reformed MS-13 member and changing the American Flag to have a rainbow in the center. No more Citizenship needed to vote, confiscate everybodies firearms, Free basic income and stuff for all, 80% tax rate, Amazon is the only store, Facebook takes over all media, an AI robot electric cars (no fossil fuel or coal), Alexa controlled decision making over all matters, and throw out all the bibles for swearing in on a Mad Magazine cover. No passports or ID needed, no cash accepted, RFID chip implanted in your hand, IRS Tax collectors authorized to carry swords to behead debtors.

Hetero white priviledge toxic masculinity “people” they be disappearing!

What a wonderful world it might be.... :xf.eek:
If this is the new face of democrats, you might, or should be concerned.

It's not tho, she's way to the left of most Democrats. It's the new face you guys like to go after. I'm not for abolishing ICE, I'm not for somebody paying 70% taxes etc. It's who you guys think you can handle.

Hetero white priviledge toxic masculinity “people” they be disappearing!

This just sounds like you being a (small kitten). You're afraid of people being different, change, that kind of thing. The white genocide conspiracy stuff you like to subscribe to.
Since he has me on fake block, ask him why the suicide rate in Japan is twice as much compared to the U.S. I've read it's school bullying, the culture is stressed with so much emphasis on work etc.

@Domainace JB has an inquiring mind. Not sure if the question is sincere or a jab comparison. I haven’t seen the suicide stat referenced. Never heard of bullying in Japan.
@Domainace JB has an inquiring mind. Not sure if the question is sincere or a jab comparison. I haven’t seen the suicide stat referenced. Never heard of bullying in Japan.

Nevertheless, suicide is still the leading cause of death for women age 15–34 in Japan. In 2009, the number of suicides rose 2 percent to 32,845, exceeding 30,000 for the twelfth straight year and equating to nearly 26 suicides per 100,000 people.

In 2016, there were 44,965 recorded suicides, up from 42,773 in 2014, according to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). On average, adjusted for age, the annual U.S. suicide rate increased 24% between 1999 and 2014, from 10.5 to 13.0 suicides per 100,000 people, the highest rate recorded in 28 years.

26 per 100k vs. 13 per 100k

Japan's youth suicide rate highest in 30 years
The latest survey shows 250 elementary and high school age children took their own lives in that year for a variety of reasons including bullying, family issues and stress, the country's Ministry of Education said Monday, according to local media.

"The long break from school enables you to stay at home, so it's heaven for those who are bullied," Nanae Munemasa, then 17, told CNN in 2015. "When summer ends, you have to go back. And once you start worrying about getting bullied, committing suicide might be possible."

I'm seriously curious, it's double the U.S. Most of his posts about the U.S. are overly dramatic, the U.S. is about to fall like Rome. And then he posts stuff like we have food inspection, Japan, not so much. Really, ridiculous type stuff.
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This just sounds like you being a (small kitten). You're afraid of people being different, change, that kind of thing. The white genocide conspiracy stuff you like to subscribe to.

Ok, King of the Jungle Mr. Lion. I don’t own any pets. Here, your theme song le regalas.

Afraid? Please. Remember I feign true interest and poke fun at it from a distance. You have to enjoy your future there, not me. You know in Latin America there isn’t mess and this stuff.
Afraid? Please. Remember I feign true interest and poke fun at it from a distance. You have to enjoy your future there, not me. You know in Latin America there isn’t mess and this stuff.

Clearly afraid.

Trump is the 45th President.

44 out of 45 Presidents have been white males.

That one RNC was 93% white. Is America 93% white? No.

Part of that is culture, not many female and other candidates running.

Things are changing. I have given Trump credit for some of this.

People see somebody like Trump, a true disgrace in every way imaginable, and have decided to get into politics.

More women, minorities, gays, trans, etc.

This scares the shit out of some Conservatives. I can imagine some of their faces when they see that trans flag. Just read some of the posts in this thread, even what you just posted.
Conservatives are terrified of us alternative people. Gay president sounds awesome to me. Gay president, trans vp , and a Dom speaker of the house? Dom is a dominant male. I think you mean to say Domme or Femdom, which is the proper name for a dominant female. Sounds like a great party to me. I’ll bring the gloves
Yep. Let's go backwards, tax the hell out of those bloody wealthy 1% people.
90% tax rate for the wealthy.

Watch, they are smarter and will all move out to get second passports like to the Caribbean.

The ACO tax plan on the wealthy will simply result in them just flying to somewhere like St. Kitts and Nevis, it wasn't an valid option in 44'. Renounce, pay the exit tax and buy a great passport for $150K. No big deal. Poof.

Or Andorra.

Or pick your destination:

"(CNN) — Turns out money doesn't just buy a glamorous vacation in the Caribbean or a killer suite in Quebec -- it can buy residency too.
While British citizens are rushing to claim Irish passports post-Brexit vote, the world's most elite travelers don't bother standing in line at immigration counters.
Instead, they enlist in citizenship by investment programs (CIPs), where investing in a country's economy can grant easy access to more powerful passports."
"you guys" It was mistressbellek who complained to the mod.

It is, you guys are showing yourselves. And you are a hypocrite when you complain to mods about the same thing you do yourself. You do come across as some old, repressed Conservatives. Go reread your posts. Getting excited about videos of people dancing. In 2019.
"you guys" It was mistressbellek who complained to the mod.

Old news, it's like a delayed response. You already replied to that post above.

Even the nice Canadians are calling Trump a motherfucker:

Campbell, Canada’s first female prime minister, tweeted just before 10 a.m. on Saturday: “He really IS a mother------!” Campbell attached a video of Trump reiterating his call for a border wall, despite zero support from House Democrats to support the marquee plan.

Former PM Kim Campbell calls Trump expletive on Twitter
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Nobody is terrified of you. You confuse condemnation of deviant behavior, rejection of relative morality and a love for traditional values as hate or rejection.

Few people care about a trans flag, almost everyone thought OAC dancing was a great moment.

Conservatives are terrified of us alternative people. Gay president sounds awesome to me. Gay president, trans vp , and a Dom speaker of the house? Dom is a dominant male. I think you mean to say Domme or Femdom, which is the proper name for a dominant female. Sounds like a great party to me. I’ll bring the gloves

You claim to be libertarian, how about a little tolerance for people who find your behavior objectionable. You need to get over yourself. If you tell someone to F-off, better not have a thin skin.
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Nobody is terrified of you. You confuse condemnation of deviant behavior, rejection of relative morality and traditional conservative values as hate or rejection.

You support Trump. Do you expect people to take you seriously when you start talking about morality?

He just posted this:


must have been partying with Troy

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I supported President Bush and President Clinton too. He's no more immoral than the Clinton's who you have no problem with.

You support Trump. Do you expect people to take you seriously when you start talking about morality?

He just posted this:


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@Domainace JB has an inquiring mind. Not sure if the question is sincere or a jab comparison. I haven’t seen the suicide stat referenced. Never heard of bullying in Japan.

I would have un-ignore JB to read his post, but won't bother since it sounds like the same old racist stuff about Japan or China. Some people think 5 minutes on Google makes them an authority on a country. The suicide jab is always funny, since Japan's numbers, while high, are far from the top. Also there is no religious taboo about suicide and, more importantly, life insurance is still paid out when there is a suicide. So there is no reason to disguise a suicide as anything else, as there is in the US - which would of course skew statistics. In any case, I am not going to get into a USA is better than China/Japan/Senegal...whatever. Every country has its problems, but the USA not a place I would want to raise kids. Kids shouldn't have to be dealing pregnancy, drug use, alcohol use, excessive social network narcissism, etc while still in school. I used to try to educate JB on Japan, but he wasn't interested.

Japan had loads of problems, but it's still a very nice place to be for the most part. And society mostly works. All societies are a balance of good and bad. Often newcomers will come to Japan and complain about something they think should be changed, without considering that the same something may also have positive aspects.

Honne and tatemae are a typical one. People are upset that honne seems fake. And of course it is - all forms of politeness are fake. But it means, for example, that you can get drunk and become a jerk in a bar and not end up getting beaten or killed. It also means that people tolerate a great deal of diversity as long as the honne is maintained when needed. As long as Taro or Kumiko show up at the office on Monday and are dressed and acting appropriately, nobody cares what they do in their free time.

There are lots of places better to live in than America, depending on the kind of life one prefers. I sometimes see "happiness" surveys, which are inherently flawed. I long ago noted that Americans seem to be the angriest people on the planet, ready to explode over the smallest thing. Other expats I know have notice the same thing. People just seem unhappy and angry everywhere. And then there is the widespread use of psychotropic drugs, prescribed and otherwise. Not a healthy sign.
I supported President Bush and President Clinton too. He's no more immoral than the Clinton's who you have no problem with.

Not even in the same Universe. I don't think even your fellow Trump supporters would agree with you on that one. Trump is next level with it.
You really are an ass.

Old news, it's like a delayed response. You already replied to that post above.

Even the nice Canadians are calling Trump a motherf*cker:

Campbell, Canada’s first female prime minister, tweeted just before 10 a.m. on Saturday: “He really IS a mother------!” Campbell attached a video of Trump reiterating his call for a border wall, despite zero support from House Democrats to support the marquee plan.

Former PM Kim Campbell calls Trump expletive on Twitter
Every country has its problems, but the USA not a place I would want to raise kids. Kids shouldn't have to be dealing pregnancy, drug use, alcohol use, excessive social network narcissism, etc while still in school. I used to try to educate JB on Japan, but he wasn't interested.

haha, see what I mean. USA not a place to raise kids, but acting like kids in Japan don't have some of the same issues and others. Twice the rate of suicide. You never schooled anybody, you fake blocked me because you couldn't deal with your nonsense being exposed.

I long ago noted that Americans seem to be the angriest people on the planet, ready to explode over the smallest thing. Other expats I know have notice the same thing. People just seem unhappy and angry everywhere. And then there is the widespread use of psychotropic drugs, prescribed and otherwise. Not a healthy sign.

haha. Twice the suicide rate. That's not exactly a healthy sign.
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You rationalize your hypocrisy.

Not even in the same Universe. I don't think even your fellow Trump supporters would agree with you on that one. Trump is next level with it.
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