
alert The fund can't be withdrawal from via Masterbucks wallet

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It happened on 23rd Aug 2022 and this matter lasted almost one month without any process. declined my fund withdrawal and disabled the button of fund withdrawal. And I contacted and got no further action even if Rob Monster got involved in it for two weeks. All the time I was told in email by management review.

What is wrong with Do you think it is normal to disable fund withdrawal? How can I get back my fund from Thanks for your suggestion.

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Brian is an experienced fraudster, a specialist in the destruction of companies.
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So, here's an interesting story. I was talking with a former colleague of mine, Robert, that I worked with for many, many years. (Calling friends for therapy!). I was telling him about my loss of and the loss of my money and about the reports of money being taken from the Epik, etc. He says let me tell you about my sister.

His sister dated this guy for four years, then married him, and has currently been married to him for 8 years. For the past 6+ years, he was always upgrading his home. Robert said that his brother in law has landscaping in his yard that looked like it belonged at a hotel. He was always buying cars for his wife--said he bought her four very expensive-upscale cars. Robert said he just thought the guy was doing really well in his business. Said he was larger than life. He bought himself a great big warehouse and bought himself all kinds of cars, and installed an elevator/lift system in the warehouse so that he could have 3 cars on top of each other, like a parking lot garage. It was full of antique cars, huge warehouse.

This guy worked for a construction company and had a lot of contact with customers. He created a bank account with a name that was similar to the company name, and told customers to send checks to his bank account. For 6 years he did this, and stole $2.5 million from the company, until he got caught.

A DOJ investigation has been underway and he now has to pay back all of the money. His sentencing is soon and will be dependent on how much of the money he pays back. His poor wife has nowhere to go. Her finances are all tied up in the mess and she is trapped there for now. Robert can't call his sister to find out what is going on because the DOJ monitors the phones.

Another sad story.

u posted that u are of fragile health for many years so dont let this get the best of u. it's a lot.of money ... and it should be yours but ask yourself if it's worth sleepless.nites and hospitals.. ps were u original registrant of this name
Derek, oh I was being unfair, wasn't I? I should be thinking about the needs of Rob Monster, and Brian Royce, and JJE! How dare I think of my own financial needs? They decided that I needed to be an involuntary investor in their company, and not for a couple of weeks, for 6 months now, with no end in sight! How dare I want my money back! Rob and Brian and (likely JJE) should have first dibs on my money and to take it out on a high risk journey, and I had no choice in the matter!

Let me tell you. The first time I spoke with Brian Royce, which took me about 2 months to get a return phone call (and this only occurred due to Rob Monsters persistence), he spent the whole time talking about himself. He didn't ask a single question about me, what happened with my funds, nor did he have any concern about me. It was all about him, his background, his connections, his plans, it was all so self centered and selfish. I don't think I have ever talked to someone that was this self centered and unaware of others. It was all about him. I guess someone wanted him in place to steal all of our money and give it to the "investors". I guess it was a match made in heaven. The investor needed someone to steal all of the victims money to try to get their money back, but they didn't give a crap about anyone else, just themselves. So much for reviving the American dream. What a bunch of crap.

Oh, and this week I learned that Brian lied to a shareholder in the company and told him that I had received some payments. I have not received a penny. And then he told the shareholder that he must have confused me with another woman they owe money. Yeah, right. Lie after lie after lie.

I hope there truly is such a thing called Karma.
LOL. You're on a roll tonight. I don't blame you, Lord only knows what I'd be doing in your shoes.

To be clear, I certainly don't think it is right for investors or creditors to be getting paid back before customers. it's just wrong on many levels and probably illegal, however, it does seem to be the case.

Here's my take and evaluation of all the players:

Not paying back all the customers that were scammed by ROYCE (all customers victims created under his watch) just might be the biggest CEO fail in the history of CEOs. Just dumb and greedy beyond measure. If he'd of just paid back, or at least tried to pay back customers or even just stayed in contact with them and showed some concern I'd be helping him burn Monster and find assets, instead I spent 2 hours on a call with a guy that knows his entire sad grifter history that has been trying to collect an $85K debt for years - apparently Royce burned a bunch of ex employees and developers. We came up with some pretty funny moves that will certainly cause some problems for him and Epik and make it hard for him to trick any registrars into high offers. Anyway, I dont want to get into too many details or discuss much personal stuff about Royce but he is not an honest guy, in fact he is a pathological liar and has some real personal issues he needs to get help for and I hope he does but also he needs to stop lying and stop hurting innocent people and grow a heart immediately or things are gonna get bad for him and his.

Rob Monster is apparently back in the US and will hopefully be served and charged very soon for his many financial crimes. He seems to think that he deserves another couple million as part of the Epik sale and that he didn't do anything He is a very messed up soul, obviously, but still trying to pretend to be a good guy to justify himself, I guess to himself but maybe God and certainly to others, for whatever reason. Royce seems to have just accepted who he is. I have seen hard evidence of Monster directly stealing from his close personal friends. Again, just a messed up and broken person who, as Royce, is literally capable of about anything.

He claims to be in negotiations with the "deep state" to sell his silence. That part, ironically, is probably true and why I'm here.

I don't think that Rob and Jill Monster needed my money. Why would Rob and Jill Monster be more deserving of my $91000 than I am? I can tell by the look of the inside of their lovely home that they did not need or deserve my $91000. I can tell by the look of this lovely $4 million home that they didn't deserve to take my money.

And I am quite sure that Brian Royce was not "entitled" to my $91000!

And I can't imagine that the sweet Christian people at the bottom of this page would ever take my $91000.

So who has my money?

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Regarding JJE. I briefly spoke with Julian Wilson five or six months ago and tried again recently but he didn't take my call, rude, but can't really blame Again, I don't repeat personal elements of a conversation but he told me straight away that he couldn't give me any info as they were involved with legal issues with Epik but I sensed he wasn't exactly thrilled with Monster to say the least. I had never heard of them up until that point, even though I used to live right next to one of their stores and have no idea of their history and still don't. I did figure out through watching the Murdach trial that his brother is SC AG. He seemed like very nice guy, especially for a Calvinist, I usually find Calvinists and hyper-dispentationalists (well really any dispensationalist) very I watched some videos of their CEO Jamin McCallum and he seems like really intense soul liberty sperg as myself. Literally the extent of my knowledge on them.

My initial concern about them was whether they were funders of the Epik hack data dumb since they gave Monster such a ridiculous valuation but I don't think that is the case. I think they are just victims, like everyone else, of Monster's grifter ways. They obviously made a huge mistake believing Monster and were not very discerning, wouldn't surprise me if they got tricked again and are being lied to by Royce as well, even now.

I don't know if they ever knew Royce before he was made CEO or if they have much or any sway with the goings on at Epik day-to-day but i do know that Monster knew him before hand. It is probably something like Monster suggested him and they agreed because at that point Monster was like 9 months behind on payments and on an embezzlement binge, claiming all the money was gone and it was either new CEO or shut it all down.

Anyway, this whole drawn out story of trying to keep Epik alive so they can get their money back is just wrong, imho, because you have to partner with devil and hope he succeeds in order for it to work. If you discover a traitor and thief in your midst you rek him so he can't hurt anyone else and then go through his pockets to recover what you can and beat the rest out of him. Weak, greedy and dumb strategy they implemented that ended up hurting a lot of innocent people, as anyone with half a brain could have foreseen. I hope they learn to be more discerning and to be stronger men and don't compromise or dance with the devil(s) in the future as they did here because guys like them really are best hope for America.
u posted that u are of fragile health for many years so dont let this get the best of u. it's a lot.of money ... and it should be yours but ask yourself if it's worth sleepless.nites and hospitals.. ps were u original registrant of this name
I bought the domain from Candida Corporation in 2010. I sold part of my 401K plan to buy the domain.
Hi everyone,

I decided to try to provide some levity and humor to all of you interested in these characters, crimes, and misdeeds


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LOL. You're on a roll tonight. I don't blame you, Lord only knows what I'd be doing in your shoes.

To be clear, I certainly don't think it is right for investors or creditors to be getting paid back before customers. it's just wrong on many levels and probably illegal, however, it does seem to be the case.

Here's my take and evaluation of all the players:

Not paying back all the customers that were scammed by ROYCE (all customers victims created under his watch) just might be the biggest CEO fail in the history of CEOs. Just dumb and greedy beyond measure. If he'd of just paid back, or at least tried to pay back customers or even just stayed in contact with them and showed some concern I'd be helping him burn Monster and find assets, instead I spent 2 hours on a call with a guy that knows his entire sad grifter history that has been trying to collect an $85K debt for years - apparently Royce burned a bunch of ex employees and developers. We came up with some pretty funny moves that will certainly cause some problems for him and Epik and make it hard for him to trick any registrars into high offers. Anyway, I dont want to get into too many details or discuss much personal stuff about Royce but he is not an honest guy, in fact he is a pathological liar and has some real personal issues he needs to get help for and I hope he does but also he needs to stop lying and stop hurting innocent people and grow a heart immediately or things are gonna get bad for him and his.

Rob Monster is apparently back in the US and will hopefully be served and charged very soon for his many financial crimes. He seems to think that he deserves another couple million as part of the Epik sale and that he didn't do anything He is a very messed up soul, obviously, but still trying to pretend to be a good guy to justify himself, I guess to himself but maybe God and certainly to others, for whatever reason. Royce seems to have just accepted who he is. I have seen hard evidence of Monster directly stealing from his close personal friends. Again, just a messed up and broken person who, as Royce, is literally capable of about anything.

He claims to be in negotiations with the "deep state" to sell his silence. That part, ironically, is probably true and why I'm here.

Regarding JJE. I briefly spoke with Julian Wilson five or six months ago and tried again recently but he didn't take my call, rude, but can't really blame Again, I don't repeat personal elements of a conversation but he told me straight away that he couldn't give me any info as they were involved with legal issues with Epik but I sensed he wasn't exactly thrilled with Monster to say the least. I had never heard of them up until that point, even though I used to live right next to one of their stores and have no idea of their history and still don't. I did figure out through watching the Murdach trial that his brother is SC AG. He seemed like very nice guy, especially for a Calvinist, I usually find Calvinists and hyper-dispentationalists (well really any dispensationalist) very I watched some videos of their CEO Jamin McCallum and he seems like really intense soul liberty sperg as myself. Literally the extent of my knowledge on them.

My initial concern about them was whether they were funders of the Epik hack data dumb since they gave Monster such a ridiculous valuation but I don't think that is the case. I think they are just victims, like everyone else, of Monster's grifter ways. They obviously made a huge mistake believing Monster and were not very discerning, wouldn't surprise me if they got tricked again and are being lied to by Royce as well, even now.

I don't know if they ever knew Royce before he was made CEO or if they have much or any sway with the goings on at Epik day-to-day but i do know that Monster knew him before hand. It is probably something like Monster suggested him and they agreed because at that point Monster was like 9 months behind on payments and on an embezzlement binge, claiming all the money was gone and it was either new CEO or shut it all down.

Anyway, this whole drawn out story of trying to keep Epik alive so they can get their money back is just wrong, imho, because you have to partner with devil and hope he succeeds in order for it to work. If you discover a traitor and thief in your midst you rek him so he can't hurt anyone else and then go through his pockets to recover what you can and beat the rest out of him. Weak, greedy and dumb strategy they implemented that ended up hurting a lot of innocent people, as anyone with half a brain could have foreseen. I hope they learn to be more discerning and to be stronger men and don't compromise or dance with the devil(s) in the future as they did here because guys like them really are best hope for America.
Derek, if this is JJE taking money from all of these poor victims just to pay their billionaire selves back, I hope that we have someone else that are our best hope for America. What a bitter disappointment they are.

Check out their vision. If JJE is taking victims money, how does this provide an opportunity for the American people? Their involvement certainly did not help me any. They seem as selfish as Brian Royce himself. My retirement was just destroyed.

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Derek, if this is JJE taking money from all of these poor victims just to pay their billionaire selves back, I hope that we have someone else that are our best hope for America. What a bitter disappointment they are.
Kathleen, surely you are willing to sacrifice your funds so a multi-millionaire or billionaire doesn't have to downsize their 16 bedroom mansion...

Without your funds, maybe they can't buy that 15th car or that expensive work of art they had their eye on.

You don't want to deprive them of a gold plated toilet do you?

Kathleen, surely you are willing to sacrifice your funds so a multi-millionaire or billionaire doesn't have to downsize their 16 bedroom mansion...

Without your funds, maybe they can't buy that 15th car or that expensive work of art they had their eye on.

You don't want to deprive them of a gold plated toilet do you?

Brad, it is just beyond pathetic that we have brothers and sisters of faith that willingly choose to do this to their other brothers and sisters.
This guy, Julian Wilson, from JJE, (whose brother is Attorney General of SC), is a Clemson Grad and is an Executive Committeeman for the Boy Scouts. I' going to start calling him today. Let's find out if he is a shareholder or debtholder and how much influence he has over Brian Royce. Does he know that Brian stole my $91000 out of escrow and does he condone it?

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And the CFO of JJE, James McCrudden, has a mutual connection with me on LinkedIn. I am adding him to my call list today too.

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And here is the CEO of JJE, Jamin McCallum, showing us how they make ammunition.

Estimates are that his liquid net worth is between $5-$10 million. I wonder if he knows that Brian Royce stole $91K out of Epik escrow from me. Would he condone it? Jamin McCallum is on my call list now too.
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Adding Ed Larocque to the call list, as he is also an owner of JJE. I just gotta know if they are OK with Brian Royce stealing my $91000 out of escrow.

I really don't think any of the creditors or even shareholders have anything to do with how we got here, at least none that I know of and I know most of the larger ones and I've gone at some of them pretty hard. Luigi is owed $1.5M, making him one of the top 5 creditors, probably. Do you you think he is responsible? Brian said that Monster took a $3M loan from the Genove family, making them one of the top 3 creditors. They're Catholic, like you @Kathleen Kalaf why don't you post their pics and family members pressure them into paying you? lol. Don't do that. There are shareholders who literally lost their entire life savings because they believed Monster and his Christian free speech affinity grift. Those sad souls are now stuck in the unsavory position of hoping for evil to prosper so they can get their money back. i don't envy them.

Rob monster built a massive ponzi scheme that was some $4M upside down. All Ponzis eventually collapse and when they do someone is going to get trapped. It is like musical chairs when the music stops someone is going to get stuck without a chair. In this case it was kathleen, Igor, and many others that got left without a chair. it is terrible and totally unfair but is what happened and it is important to remember how we got here and not forget who it is that is responsible for ALL of it:

1) LIED about epik tech and ended up getting hundreds of people fired, doxxed, swatted and very many even put in jail on bogus charges.

2) LIED about his VPN endangering the safety and security of all who used it.

3) Helped COVER-UP giant child porn distribution network and threatened those who tried to expose it and then even purchased the hosting company that was part of this distribution chain.

4) DEFRAUDED investor(s) into ridiculous valuations and thereby stole $16-20+ million.

5) Embezzled millions and spent it on personal expenses, including but not limited to a $2M home improvement project.

6) LIED about the liquidity of Masterbucks and left users holding the bags totally more than $4M.

In all of his lying and stealing that has hurt so many people in terrible ways Rob Monster has continued to play the victim, shown no remorse for his victims and even continues to try and claim the moral high ground like some kind of gaslighting hyper-spiritual psychopath. Rob Monster is not a Christian, he's a sick man that needs to spend a good 4-5 years in prison to come to himself.

Rob Monster has spent more than $4M on himself and his house and embezeled many million more over the last 18-24 months. He could have easily paid Kathy and at least the smaller accounts back any time he wanted but he didn't. Instead he goes around tickling ears of those victims pretending like he cares trying to make his victims help him regain Epik. He has been stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from some of his closest friends for many years, does anyone really believe he cares about anyone at this point? He is a psychopath and anyone who still thinks he is a good guy is just beyond hope.
I really don't think any of the creditors or even shareholders have anything to do with how we got here, at least none that I know of and I know most of the larger ones and I've gone at some of them pretty hard. Luigi is owed $1.5M, making him one of the top 5 creditors, probably. Do you you think he is responsible? Brian said that Monster took a $3M loan from the Genove family, making them one of the top 3 creditors. They're Catholic, like you @Kathleen Kalaf why don't you post their pics and family members pressure them into paying you? lol. Don't do that. There are shareholders who literally lost their entire life savings because they believed Monster and his Christian free speech affinity grift. Those sad souls are now stuck in the unsavory position of hoping for evil to prosper so they can get their money back. i don't envy them.

Rob monster built a massive ponzi scheme that was some $4M upside down. All Ponzis eventually collapse and when they do someone is going to get trapped. It is like musical chairs when the music stops someone is going to get stuck without a chair. In this case it was kathleen, Igor, and many others that got left without a chair. it is terrible and totally unfair but is what happened and it is important to remember how we got here and not forget who it is that is responsible for ALL of it:

1) LIED about epik tech and ended up getting hundreds of people fired, doxxed, swatted and very many even put in jail on bogus charges.

2) LIED about his VPN endangering the safety and security of all who used it.

3) Helped COVER-UP giant child porn distribution network and threatened those who tried to expose it and then even purchased the hosting company that was part of this distribution chain.

4) DEFRAUDED investor(s) into ridiculous valuations and thereby stole $16-20+ million.

5) Embezzled millions and spent it on personal expenses, including but not limited to a $2M home improvement project.

6) LIED about the liquidity of Masterbucks and left users holding the bags totally more than $4M.

In all of his lying and stealing that has hurt so many people in terrible ways Rob Monster has continued to play the victim, shown no remorse for his victims and even continues to try and claim the moral high ground like some kind of gaslighting hyper-spiritual psychopath. Rob Monster is not a Christian, he's a sick man that needs to spend a good 4-5 years in prison to come to himself.

Rob Monster has spent more than $4M on himself and his house and embezeled many million more over the last 18-24 months. He could have easily paid Kathy and at least the smaller accounts back any time he wanted but he didn't. Instead he goes around tickling ears of those victims pretending like he cares trying to make his victims help him regain Epik. He has been stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from some of his closest friends for many years, does anyone really believe he cares about anyone at this point? He is a psychopath and anyone who still thinks he is a good guy is just beyond hope.
Derek, I don' t know who all the shareholders and creditors are, but what I do know is that at some point in this mess, someone made the decision to not just take the $9000 commission that they were due, but to take 100% commission. It appears that began happening in late August/early September. All I had done until that point was park my domain at Epik and put it up for sale. It sold on September 27th, and I was told that Epik had been restructured, and that Brian Royce was now CEO. When my money was taken, I reached out to Rob and was upset that he took my money. He said he did not take my money, and said that Brian Royce did. I said well you appointed him as CEO, so can't you tell him to give me my money back, and he said that Brian was not listening to him, and that he was listening to someone else. Whoever made the decision to take 100% commission instead of 9% commission is the individual that made me a victim. Innocent victims were suddenly pulled into this problem that never had to be on the radar screen. I am upset with Rob Monster, Brian Royce and JJE for this situation and anyone else who contributed to it. My life has sucked for 6 months, and all I did was finally sell a domain that I have tried to sell for 12 years to try to recover my financial life after being sick for 8 years. And it's a bunch of wealthy people that did it to me. I feel sorry for every victim here, including Luigi.
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Derek, I don' t know who all the shareholders and creditors are, but what I do know is that at some point in this mess, someone made the decision to not just take the $9000 commission that they were due, but to take 100% commission. It appears that began happening in late August/early September. All I had done until that point was park my domain at Epik and put it up for sale. It sold on September 27th, and I was told that Epik had been restructured, and that Brian Royce was now CEO. When my money was taken, I reached out to Rob and was upset that he took my money. He said he did not take my money, and said that Brian Royce did. I said well you appointed him as CEO, so can't you tell him to give me my money back, and he said that Brian was not listening to him, and that he was listening to someone else. Whoever made the decision to take 100% commission instead of 9% commission is the individual that made me a victim. Innocent victims were suddenly pulled into this problem that never had to be on the radar screen. I am upset with Rob Monster, Brian Royce and JJE for this situation and anyone else who contributed to it. My life has sucked for 6 months, and all I did was finally sell a domain that I have tried to sell for 12 years to try to recover my financial life after being sick for 8 years. And it's a bunch of wealthy people that did it to me. I feel sorry for every victim here, including Luigi.
I totally get the frustration. Who would not be frustrated in the same situation?

It is unknown where the funds went, but the only certainty is the funds did not go to you...the person whose asset was sold and deserves the money.

It was not their asset. It was not their funds to do with as they please.

Whoever has the money essentially just stole it from you and should be held financially and legally accountable for the scheme to deprive you, and others, of their funds.

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They panicked when I mentioned execution, and they tried to understand what I meant, and probably wondered, if I knew something. Sounds like they have crimes beyond financial crimes, and lying. Trump's white-hat military, and NSA should take a quick look. Maybe they will find something. Meanwhile Epik needs to remain operational, I mean, at least domain management part should be fully functional ("except" registration/renewal, no hope in that direction at the moment), otherwise some unrepairable damages can be created. Money part is easy,..but may require time. I suspect this thing can be fixed after June, because everyone will have money. Until then, at least record your all evidence, list of domains, orders, balance etc.
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They panicked when I mentioned execution, and they tried to understand what I meant, and probably wondered, if I knew something.
I don't know who "they" is, but using the term "execution" is probably not wise.

Can we just focus on the company, instead of all this unrelated stuff?

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How could the arms barons deal with domains?
It will probably be removed soon.
It will probably be removed soon.
It would be a rare time that I actually support a review being removed.

It basically has no details on how the person was scammed and just promotes some other company.

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