
discuss Something About Me Most People Don't Know!

Spaceship Spaceship


Domains88.comTop Member
Probably old threads about this but I thought I would start a new one!

I'll kick this off!

Something about me that most people don't know.

Almost every night, I fall asleep then wake up in the middle of the night for ice cream. It's the weirdest thing.
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@Silentptnr and then you have ice cream in the freezer every time?
Maybe if you have icecream before you go to bed you won't need to get up in the middle of the night.
Stick the ice cream to the ceiling and let it drips. Sleep with your mouth open.
After 3 nights you will not crave for ice cream anymore.
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Almost every night, I fall asleep then wake up in the middle of the night for ice cream. It's the weirdest thing.

Suddenly your avatar takes on a new meaning.

I can't stand the feel of cardboard. Coardboard boxes are okay but those cardboard trays the drinks come in at fast food restaurants are out of the question.

The sound of the drinks coming out and cardboard "rubbing together" (such as when the box is flat and you have to fold the flaps together to make a box and it goes uuuurrrrrrrtscreeeeetch) also drives me up the wall like nails on a chalkboard.

If you guys start posting cardboard drink tray pics I'll hunt down every last one of you.
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Maybe someone else could share something that most people dont know them?

Heres another one about me...

Im a total neat freak. Dont know why, i just dont like messes. My desk, house, car...basically everything..i like neat.

Drives me nuts when my domain spreadsheets get backed up and out of order. >:(
@Silentptnr Possibly one of the best and legendary members here.
Something about me that most people don't know

I wake up almost every night and search for people who wake up almost every night and eat ice cream. :xf.grin:
Something about me that most people don't know.

Back in the day, I once owned Goo/gle/com and sold it for a dollar.

Newbie mistake. :xf.grin: :xf.wink:
True story...

About roughly 20 yrs ago, i had saved up about 8000 dollars. A few friends of mine had started an investment club ($25 a week) where each week we would meet, have a beer and present a stock we had researched. The group would decide on the best stock and we would buy it as a group.

It was really cool. The rules allowed us to invest more on our own if we wanted to.

One week, i had found a little known company, presented it and our group bought in that week. I liked it so much that i invested all 8k in it. Few years later, i had 250k. I started my first company with it. :)

That stock was Yahoo. :)
True story...

About roughly 20 yrs ago, i had saved up about 8000 dollars. A few friends of mine had started an investment club ($25 a week) where each week we would meet, have a beer and present a stock we had researched. The group would decide on the best stock and we would buy it as a group.

It was really cool. The rules allowed us to invest more on our own if we wanted to.

One week, i had found a little known company, presented it and our group bought in that week. I liked it so much that i invested all 8k in it. Few years later, i had 250k. I started my first company with it. :)

That stock was Yahoo. :)

Wow dude, awesome story!

You can buy a lot of ice cream with all that dough
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