Show off your customized parked pages

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Show off your customized parked pages!

Hi everyone,

I would love to see examples of what other people have come up in terms of customizing their parked pages. I think this is a good idea since it will inspire people to do better with their pages when they see what can be done with the limited customize options.

To kick it off, here are a few of my custom pages at Bodis: (Problem is, I think I am giving people what they want, the area codes, so there is no need for them to click anything!) (Silly handdrawn logo using Paint and goofy pirate text using as many pirate buzz words as I can muster in a tiny space.) (My attempt at a Spanish site. My limited Spanish vocabulary forced me to double check it all using Babelfish. Wish the links could be in Spanish too. But yes, that LONG url does get visits!)

BTW, this thread does not have to be limited to Bodis. Feel free to show off some of's new features too!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Love it. I would adjust the capitalization on the "BMW"s in all your headers to maximize it's association. said:
Baskeballegends is really neat.

I just got done throwing some content, visuals and video together for

Opinions welcome :)

trlsker01 said:
Nice Job Gil. How is your revenue on this www.Best4Refinance.comwith Bodis?
I would like to know as I have similar sites for Real Estates.

Maybe you should goog and look for information on about the refinancing process and add it in the middle of your welcome. This works wonder for the crawlers.

Thanks Art. I've had in Bodis for 2 months, with 20 visitors and 0 clicks. So it's been doing crappy to put it bluntly. But that's because I only customized the colour schemes + keywords and left it abandoned all this time.

Like you say it needs some content, and I'm planning on doing that on it as well as the remaining 70% of my domains at Bodis (I have 100 domains) that still don't have content. As you probably know it is quite time consuming to research for and write content. Maybe another 3-4 months.

Here are a few more examples: - -

this entire thread is a joke
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cjbay said:
this entire thread is a joke

Here's another joke for you cjbay:

If I have a mothball in one hand and a mothball in another hand, what do I have?
Answer: A big moth.

Like the man from Jamaica says "Just smile and be happy" otherwise you may have to pay a visit to

Have a nice day

GIL :)
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I'm new to this site and as such this is my first post but i have been a BODIS member for a few months now and made about $55 with 4 domains, 1 of which does more than the other three. As a Front End Developer I have a few improvements to BODIS in mind that could help out immensely in terms of SEO as well as actually cleaning up the code that is generating our sites as it doesn't produce valid HTML something that gets penalised in Google quite heavily.
I'd love to volunteer my services to sort out the output pages and a bit more customisation would be great. Looking through this thread it appears the owner of BODIS peruses it occasionally, feel free to get in touch regarding creating some nice CSS-P templates optimised for SEO.

Keep up the good work....

pixelcellar said:
I'm new to this site and as such this is my first post but i have been a BODIS member for a few months now and made about $55 with 4 domains, 1 of which does more than the other three. As a Front End Developer I have a few improvements to BODIS in mind that could help out immensely in terms of SEO as well as actually cleaning up the code that is generating our sites as it doesn't produce valid HTML something that gets penalised in Google quite heavily.
I'd love to volunteer my services to sort out the output pages and a bit more customisation would be great. Looking through this thread it appears the owner of BODIS peruses it occasionally, feel free to get in touch regarding creating some nice CSS-P templates optimised for SEO.

Keep up the good work....


Welcome to NamePros Tim. Your excellent sugestion has been mentioned before in the giant "The new REVOLUTION" thread if I'm not wrong. I don't think Matt is making any more major changes in the Beta version but lets wait and see what Bodis version 2 brings, which according to Matt may come out in another month or 2.

GIL :)
It's a great offer, but just to clear something up, Google doesn't penalize for invalid HTML. If you have actual structural errors such that the bot can't figure out your site, yes, you will have problems. But Google's own page doesn't validate, nor do most of the sites in the index. And if you use AdSense for Search, your page won't validate unless you make a very slight change to the code (which is against TOS) But you won't be penalized or lose ranking for HTML that doesn't validate.

using the simple BODIS template.... PLEASE tell me what you think....

here is another one that doesnt use an animated gif but gets a decent click through rating.....
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SMBGeek said:

using the simple BODIS template.... PLEASE tell me what you think....

here is another one that doesnt use an animated gif but gets a decent click through rating.....

The dragon spitting fire is very interesting in the beggining but after a while it becomes a distraction. Maybe it's a good technique to get people to click on the links to avoid getting burnt by the flames!

I prefer your investment firms domain. Nice colours and very informative.

Here are some political domains: My apologies to all the other candidates! - -

GIL :)
GILSAN said:
The dragon spitting fire is very interesting in the beggining but after a while it becomes a distraction. Maybe it's a good technique to get people to click on the links to avoid getting burnt by the flames!

I prefer your investment firms domain. Nice colours and very informative.

Here are some political domains: My apologies to all the other candidates! - -

GIL :)

I like the pages... Do you get decent traffic on any of them... One suggestion would be to search a wikipedia article on the candidateand then paste it into the bodt of your bodis page.... Even if it was a small article it woudl still give visitors the sense of good content....

Hope it helps..
Here is one for World of Warcraft fans

I get good traffic at this domain, but don't generate good revenue. Hopefully this makeover will make at least a minor difference.
SMBGeek said:
I like the pages... Do you get decent traffic on any of them... One suggestion would be to search a wikipedia article on the candidateand then paste it into the bodt of your bodis page.... Even if it was a small article it woudl still give visitors the sense of good content....

Hope it helps..

Excellent idea SMBGeek. In fact these last few days I've noticed that some peaple are using Wikipedia articles and I was thinking of doing the same for some of my domains. Just need to invent some time to do that.

I get very little traffic with those Presidential candidates Domains.

Here are some more: - -

I have most of the 300+ domains of mine on bodis set to automatic. Because, well, I don't have the time and I have found people are generally impatient and the automatic pages work quite well. However, I just did up a couple so tell me what you guys think. If you think I should change the images or colors.... please... any input is appreciated. (I had 250 visitors to this site the first 3 days it was parked at sedo, but couldn't figure out why. The traffic comes from the US, Europe, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, ect.... I threw it up on bodis and realized people would click no matter what the keyword was on bodis. Soo.. I just gave it a theme that everyone likes. FREE STUFF. :) )
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bradskid your looks good,

I just added a little text to and pictures and text to this 2 click lander
DnPresident - I really like the way that a simple picture floated to the left with some text splits up that parked page. I think I am going to do that on my pages that are getting decent traffic.

Also, I had a page that was indexed on sedo, and was actually the first result on google for a common typo of a word with over 150,000 searches a month. Needless to say, I was pretty happy when I parked it at and got a 1 click lander with 4-5 clicks the first hour or so. However, the next day it had dropped to like 500 or something on google. Do you know if this is because it was a 1 click lander and since I had no text, and only advertisements with the CORRECT spelling that I got dropped? Would adding text to the bottom of the one click lander like you have with the mispelling help out? Im new to and it seems like you are pretty acquainted with their system.

Nice pages. :)

and thanks for the comment on airadvisor. It's amazing how 2 minutes in photoshop can make a page actually look somewhat like it isn't parked. :hehe:

GILSAN said:
trlsker01 said:
Nice Job Gil. How is your revenue on this www.Best4Refinance.comwith Bodis?
I would like to know as I have similar sites for Real Estates.

Maybe you should goog and look for information on about the refinancing process and add it in the middle of your welcome. This works wonder for the crawlers.

Thanks Art. I've had in Bodis for 2 months, with 20 visitors and 0 clicks. So it's been doing crappy to put it bluntly. But that's because I only customized the colour schemes + keywords and left it abandoned all this time.

Like you say it needs some content, and I'm planning on doing that on it as well as the remaining 70% of my domains at Bodis (I have 100 domains) that still don't have content. As you probably know it is quite time consuming to research for and write content. Maybe another 3-4 months.

Here are a few more examples: - -


If it means anything, here is my input on domains referencing subjects such as refinancing, loan consolidation, ect.

They are only going to work well as parked pages with a good amount of genuine content and a very crafty layout. Most people who are looking to refinance their homes aren't going to be the obtuse apples that many of the other people who click on parked pages are. They are most likely somewhat knowledgable and proficient (after all, they own a home and are economically minded enough to research refinancing it) Therefore, they can smell a parked page from a mile away. Now if it was a page like, then I could see that client type clicking on links. ;) but refinancing is going to be a tough sell on any parking service. Why not develop the site into a nice little mini-site with a clever adsense layout. Then you might see very different results.

(Now this has made me think about why I just changed my page. Although I had only had 8 visitors since I put it up, i had 5 clicks when it was set to automatic. I wonder if anyone looking up recession will even fall for it now that I customised it. haha. We will see..)
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Hi everyone... I just wanted to say that you all are very helpful in the learning curve... I have been with godaddy for the last 5 months and out of 270 links only made about $350... Not very good... Well I wish I would of found this forum berfore I purchases... Regardless here I am and would like to hear your thoughts on a few pages of mine...
We signed up for and and both are much better than GD... I like the flexablility of and hope to move all to

Anyway, some of my links are as follows... I have alot of work to do still with meta tags and design. I really need ideas on how to get some impressions or traffic...

Anyone had any luck with placing a you tube video in their page in order to help with placement? Thanks in advance... K

(with video)

(without video)
bradskid said:
If it means anything, here is my input on domains referencing subjects such as refinancing, loan consolidation, ect.

They are only going to work well as parked pages with a good amount of genuine content and a very crafty layout. Most people who are looking to refinance their homes aren't going to be the obtuse apples that many of the other people who click on parked pages are. They are most likely somewhat knowledgable and proficient (after all, they own a home and are economically minded enough to research refinancing it) Therefore, they can smell a parked page from a mile away. Now if it was a page like, then I could see that client type clicking on links. ;) but refinancing is going to be a tough sell on any parking service. Why not develop the site into a nice little mini-site with a clever adsense layout. Then you might see very different results.

(Now this has made me think about why I just changed my page. Although I had only had 8 visitors since I put it up, i had 5 clicks when it was set to automatic. I wonder if anyone looking up recession will even fall for it now that I customised it. haha. We will see..)

Your coments on "domains referencing subjects such as refinancing, loan consolidation, ect." make sense. I'll probably change mine to the auto landing page to see how it behaves.

I also like your

On the I would change the background colour to a very light yellow.

The other domains look nice as well, but for my personal taste I would change to very light background colours.

Here are some moreexamples: - - - -

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Ok...been spending some time customizing.Opinions welcome.

Gilsan...took your advice and toned down the colour on the childrens party one. :hehe: the spanker
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Bradskid, i like your customisations. However I think that on the airadvisor info site you should center the airplane as half of it is out of the picture and it doesn t look too good.

If you are looking for books go to (Bodis parked page...) what do you think? :)
Has anyone noticed a difference in Traffic, CTR or Google Indexing after you customized one of your parked pages?

I'm trying to figure out if its worth the time and effort to make some changes to domains I have over at
xxfireflyxx said:
Ok...been spending some time customizing.Opinions welcome.

Gilsan...took your advice and toned down the colour on the childrens party one. :hehe: the spanker

Yes Jason the is looking much better though I'd still either lighten the Background a little, or darken the Header a wee bit as they both have very similar, but not identical colours. looks great. I would personally prefer a darker shade of the Header blue on the Left Navigation. colours match the doggie colours perfectly. looks hot. Try changing the Header Text to the same yellow on the Left Navigation Text to see if it looks better.

Nice work Jason

Here are some more examples, some of which I added Wikipedia content untill I have time to add my own. Would like your opinions on wether the Wiki content is too long etc. - - - -

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Thanks for the replies. I changed the color on like you said Gil, and I must say, it looks much more "cordial" with that light yellow.

And I also centered the airplane on - Looks better now too.

So thanks for the input. :)

Now to customize the other 400 or so domains I have at bodis. AHHH!! And after that it is working on the ones at then namedrive..... (and well, not sedo, because there is nothing to customize at sedo.. rofl)

Oh, and gil, does that site about hybrids get any hits?

I have sitting around somewhere.. not even sure if it is parked.... but if you are getting traffic let me know and I might park it. Unless you don't want competition. :hehe:
bradskid said:
Thanks for the replies. I changed the color on like you said Gil, and I must say, it looks much more "cordial" with that light yellow.

And I also centered the airplane on - Looks better now too.

So thanks for the input. :)

Now to customize the other 400 or so domains I have at bodis. AHHH!! And after that it is working on the ones at then namedrive..... (and well, not sedo, because there is nothing to customize at sedo.. rofl)

Oh, and gil, does that site about hybrids get any hits?

I have sitting around somewhere.. not even sure if it is parked.... but if you are getting traffic let me know and I might park it. Unless you don't want competition. :hehe:

Both your sites are looking better. is getting an average of 40 visitors and 2 clicks per month. Not too good as you can see but better than some other domains I have.

Competition is always healthy bradskid, so bring it on and I hope it does better than mine! Thats a lot of work ahead of you. Good luck!

Some more examples: - - - -

:) Just realized this is post #100
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Some text and a picture

Just added Some text and a picture to stands for pc manufacturer

DnPresident said:
Just added Some text and a picture to stands for pc manufacturer

What do you think about ? I'm thinking it might be too much text
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.