
RETARDED.COM - Should this domain be auctioned in the largest domain industry convention?

Spaceship Spaceship

RETARDED.COM - Should this domain be auctioned in the largest domain industry convention?

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  • NO

  • YES

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Top Member
Retarded.com - Should this domain be auctioned in the largest domain industry convention?

The term RETARDED is defined as "offensive" on Dictionary.com, Merriam-Webster.com, Vocabulary.com and Wikipedia.org. The latter one describes it: "The word retard was widely accepted in the late-1900s to refer to people with mental disabilities; however it is now more commonly used as an INSULT. The word has gained notoriety for causing a growing number of mentally disabled people to feel unfairly stereotyped."...

This insulting and offensive domain should not be part of the the largest domain industry convention. This reflects on sponsors and attendees alike. The auction has been advertised as "Super Premium" and there is nothing "SUPER PREMIUM" about offending and insulting mentally and physically challenged individuals. As a person who knows and works with autistic children I kindly ask for this domain to be removed from the sponsored industry event immediately. This domain does not and should not reflect on the entire domain industry, but at this point it does reflect, and it is insulting.... Here is a list of of the top sponsors for the convention that is promoting the auction with the offensive and insulting term to those that are physically and mentally challenged, through no fault of their own.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I deal with new regulations within my primary business that has cost me tons of money over the past three years but that's another thread. It is what it is, whether I/we like it or not.
If you start that thread let me know. I am inundated with information that I am finding harder and harder to screen, and inane local, state and fed state gov't regulations don't help being competitive with having to read, absorb, change and comply.
In my opinion the people who started this "Don't use the R-word" campaign have done a disservice to the children they've propagandized into promoting it.

They would be helping those children more by teaching them "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me."
In my opinion the people who started this "Don't use the R-word" campaign have done a disservice to the children they've propagandized into promoting it.

They would be helping those children more by teaching them "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me."

That would be The Special Olympics and hundreds of other organizations, people that support their effort.
Mental Illness is the correct term..

Mental Illness has no direct correlation with Learning Disabilities.
Just changed my avatar to show my support for the noble intent of the OP. I could imagine the amount of threats already thrown at his side :rolleyes:

I saw that many people weren't insightful enough to go beyond my two posts earlier. I've to say I can't by any means fight or sanction the owner right to get that domain sold or advertised on any platform out there.
If we're talking about censorship then we're talking about multiple levels of censorship. If anyone want to start that then better start with the ICANN itself. But is that's even possible or logical? I don't think so.

In order to fight such unethical names one of the simple solutions could be to lower their appraisals to flat $0 !

That could work for very clear special cases like this one, but soon it will break since no one can tell for sure what defines bad-words, keeping in mind the different cultures, different languages, and different moral standards out there.

Very big question indeed.

Anyway everyone is welcomed to contribute to the list of commandments if felt it's important to add an ethical dimension to this industry:

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That would be The Special Olympics and hundreds of other organizations, people that support their effort.

Thanks for that info. I see the pledge they are asking people to make is:

"I pledge and support the elimination of the derogatory use of the r-word from everyday speech and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities."

By derogatory use I assume they mean use that is insulting to, or demeaning of, people with developmental or cognitive disabilities. That's fine, I fully support that idea and just made the pledge.

But the word can also be used in ways that are not insulting to, or demeaning of, such people, so why should the domain owner have anyone saying that his property cannot be used in a socially-positive manner and is unfit to be sold in a public auction? I don't who he is, but maybe his mother has cancer and he needs the proceeds from the sale for her medical treatment.
This is ridiculous. Changing your avatars won't do anything. There are obvious detriments to the word but that all depends on the context in which it used. Just because you don't like/agree with the fact that someone is selling a domain that, based on ONE aspect of its common use is deemed inappropriate/derogatory, does not mean you magically have a superior moral compass.

I fully support the r-word.org premise, but only for that particular use for the word, since Retard/Retarded/Retardation is used in science and even other languages for example, Retard means to be late in french. In reality the use of the word is multifaceted and I will not accept the fact that people think they can censor its use based on a label that only accounts for a small aspect of its regular use.

Ex. Tu es en retard--->You are Late/You're Late!

I'm actually shocked by the audacity of people trying to due away of the term entirely, not only is that way of thinking incredibly selfish, it lacks sound logic. I'm sure the OP had sincere intent, but....you really need to be careful and think things through when you try to make posts regarding sensationalist topics like the use of the word Retard/Retarded. At the time of my post, 55.7%, of people believe Retarded.com should be included in the auction. This statistic is very important to the context of this chat, because it proves that most people have taken a pragmatic approach to the use/sale of this domain, which imho is the right way to go about it.

Think With Your Head, Not Your Heart.
retardar = the infinitive in spanish, spoken by even more people likewise is late, delay. What about the conjugated form which has other meanings? That term is derrogatory like Retardo.com, owned since 2004 what looks like by a large famous registrar themselves, records indicate the registrant also owns other famous expensive names, so it probably isn't a customer account. A parking page with cell phone and dating ads.

also: "el tren llegó con retardo" the train was late. Not that train was retarded. So you could use "el hijo llegó con retardo", or "the boy arrived late". These are other examples that we need to keep in mind that english isn't the only language.
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Absolutely silly to take offense at a word that has absolutely no context and which could have multiple meanings. It's a word with a .com attached, that's all. It's the usage and context that would determine whether it's offensive, and right now retarded.com has neither.

I don't think banning names from a domain auction that almost nobody outside of domaining is even aware of is helpful to the people the OP wants to help. Why not buy the name and use it as an educational site with a provocative title?
Per the Terms of Use at NameJet.com they don't allow antidiscrimination domain names on their site. If one could ever be that this is one of them, discriminates against the handicapped etc..

Obama did pass Rosa's law, therefore maybe NameJet.com would like to respond on what their Terms of Use mean when it comes to words like this, or is it just overlooked sometimes?

If this one doesn't apply to their terms I'd sure like to see the ones that do. :xf.wink:

6.2 Restricted Activities. Your Information (or any domain names that you list for auction on our Site) and all of your activities on the Site shall not: (a) be false, inaccurate or misleading; (b) be fraudulent or involve the transfer of hijacked or stolen domain names; (c) infringe any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy; (d) violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, antidiscrimination or false advertising); (e) be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing; (f) be obscene or contain child pornography or; (g) create any liability for NameJet, LLC or its members, officers, directors, employees or agents, or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) services provided to us from our third party suppliers.
Per the Terms of Use at NameJet.com they don't allow antidiscrimination domain names on their site. If one could ever be that this is one of them, discriminates against the handicapped etc..

Obama did pass Rosa's law, therefore maybe NameJet.com would like to respond on what their Terms of Use mean when it comes to words like this, or is it just overlooked sometimes?

If this one doesn't apply to their terms I'd sure like to see the ones that do. :xf.wink:

6.2 Restricted Activities. Your Information (or any domain names that you list for auction on our Site) and all of your activities on the Site shall not: (a) be false, inaccurate or misleading; (b) be fraudulent or involve the transfer of hijacked or stolen domain names; (c) infringe any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy; (d) violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, antidiscrimination or false advertising); (e) be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing; (f) be obscene or contain child pornography or; (g) create any liability for NameJet, LLC or its members, officers, directors, employees or agents, or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) services provided to us from our third party suppliers.
It does not apply to article a,b,c,d,e,f or g.

Molestation.com, Ch*ldPorn.com and PreTeen.com would.

In addition to this Rosa's law is as follows:

“Rosa's Law,” the law removes the terms "mental retardation" and "mentally retarded" from federal health, education and labor policy and replaces them with people first language “individual with an intellectual disability” and “intellectual disability.”

The law itself applies to the language used within federal, health, education and labor policy. It has no jurisdictional power/validity over the actual public use of the term. Its essentially a law that changes how people with intellectual disabilities are referred to when new policies are written.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO CORRELATION with this law and Name Jets Terms of Use and I would be very careful with referring to them in the way you did, its completely out of context and gives them the appearance of being ignorant towards the law, which they aren't.
It does not apply to article a,b,c,d,e,f or g.

Molestation.com, Ch*ldPorn.com and PreTeen.com would.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO CORRELATION with this law and Name Jets Terms of Use and I would be very careful with referring to them in the way you did, its completely out of context and gives them the appearance of being ignorant towards the law, which they aren't.

Rosa's law is merely an example of how the term is found offensive.

So childporn would be banned at at NameJet.com per your reply but not retarded? Why?

Don't you feel this could be used to stop child porn, the table turns. LOL
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I would be very careful with referring to them in the way you did, its completely out of context and gives them the appearance of being ignorant towards the law, which they aren't.

You need to not read in to what I'm saying, or advise me because your a bit confused IMO..

This is a forum questions are asked..
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Rosa's law is merely an example of how the term is found offensive.

So childporn would be banned at at NameJet.com per your reply but not retarded? Why?

Don't you feel this could be used to stop child porn, the table turns. LOL

Childporn violates NameJets terms of use. Retarded does not, take the time to actually think about what each article entails.

You used Rosa's law to say that the word retarded, goes against anti-discrimination law, when in fact it doesn't. One aspect of its use may be derogatory but that does not equate to the whole. The disabled community accounts for a small aspect of the word retard, and considering the fact that their correlation with the term is seen as derogatory the disassociation will continue over time. As stated before its used in other languages like French and Spanish as well as in science.

Not only are you jumping to conclusions you lack any sound reasoning with your arguments. Its not like I don't care about the disabled community, I'm pointing out the very clear fact that no single part is more important than the whole. The whole R-Word thing is not meant for people to stop using the word retard/ed. Its to stop associating the word retard with those who are intellectually impaired.

All you guys did was jump on the hype train with a sensationalist attitude not realizing the actual complexities of what you were proposing.

Domains that explicitly discriminate against the handicapped community would be more along the lines of I hate retards.com or F*ckHandicaps.com etc not Retarded.com.

Retarded actually means delayed or held back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. The offensive use of the term is a new age colloquialism that is dying out thanks to initiatives like the r-word.org.

Childporn violates NameJets terms of use. Retarded does not

Let them speak, not you, unless you have the authority.

You used Rosa's law to say that the word retarded, goes against anti-discrimination law, when in fact it doesn't.

Used it as an example but never said that.

The disabled community accounts for a small aspect of the word retard, and considering the fact that their correlation with the term is seen as derogatory.

Stay focused it's retarded.

As stated before its used in other languages like French and Spanish as well as in science.

Doesn't look like an IDN to me but rather English, who's actually using Google translate with this one?

Its not like I don't care about the disabled community The whole R-Word thing is not meant for people to stop using the word retard/ed. Its to stop associating the word retard with those who are intellectually impaired.

Actually it is a campaign to stop the use of the word, not sure how you missed that!

All you guys did was jump on the hype train with a sensationalist attitude not realizing the actual complexities of what you were proposing.

Just stating how I feel, it does have merit.

Domains that explicitly discriminate against the handicapped community would be more along the lines of I hate retards.com or F*ckHandicaps.com etc not Retarded.com.

Your opinion only..

Retarded actually means delayed or held back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. The offensive use of the term is a new age colloquialism that is dying out thanks to initiatives like the r-word.org.

Go key it in at youtuble.com and see how many results you get with that, it's 2017 and words change.. The harm is increasing not dying out, again your're wrong IMO..
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The whole R-Word thing is not meant for people to stop using the word retard/ed. Its to stop associating the word retard with those who are intellectually impaired.
That is not true at all. The words FIRST USE associates with intellectually impaired, with or without intent, unknowingly or knowingly. If you look at the SECOND and THIRD USE, they too are associated to a certain degree.
I don't need google translate. I'm Canadian, from Ontario, where we have to take french from grade 1. En Retard, is a common french phrase. There are no IDNs with this word in french, no e accent aigu/grave.

Your rhetoric will get you nowhere. Like I said before the offensive use of the term is a new age colloquialism. Words do not change, the context in which we use them do. Also regarding those hypothetical domains that I spoke about early. They DO explicitly discriminate against intellectually impaired. I doubt any one would argue otherwise and doing so would be counter-intuitive to the entire premise of this discussion. How can "Fuck Handicaps" and "I hate retards" not be seen as explicitly discriminatory to the intellectually impaired? Its not only my opinion, its the obvious truth.
That is not true at all. The words FIRST USE associates with intellectually impaired, with or without intent, unknowingly or knowingly. If you look at the SECOND and THIRD USE, they too are associated to a certain degree.
The words first use does not associate with the intellectually impaired. The words use COMBINED with the word MENTAL/LY associates with the intellectually impaired "Mental Retardation", "Mentally Retarded". From here the colloquialism was made with the word retard/ed.
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The words first use does not associate with the intellectually impaired.
Every dictionary online shows the FIRST USE as associating with intellectually impaired. If you have other facts, please share it...
Like I said before the offensive use of the term is a new age colloquialism.

You must be young because if you think this abusive/offensive term is new age, wrong! I can assure you it was used back in the 70's when I was in high school, not in a good way. :xf.wink:
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In the sense less advanced in development than is usual for one's age, retarded dates from the late 19th century. It has acquired offensive connotations and has now been replaced by terms such as learning-disabled or having learning difficulties.

It has ACQUIRED offensive connotations, like I said the offensive use of the term has been a new age colloquialism and not something that was common in the past. Also the latest definition states itself as "DATED, OFFENSIVE", words like redskin are also dated, offensive.

Source: Oxford Dictionary

In the sense less advanced in development than is usual for one's age, retarded dates from the late 19th century. It has acquired offensive connotations and has now been replaced by terms such as learning-disabled or having learning difficulties.

It has ACQUIRED offensive connotations, like I said the offensive use of the term has been a new age colloquialism and not something that was common in the past. Also the latest definition states itself as "DATED, OFFENSIVE", words like redskin are also dated, offensive.

Source: Oxford Dictionary


How about doing this since you seem to know it all. Show me one way I can purchase/use Retarded.com from the ROTD auction and NameJet.com to where I can profit without insulting Millions of people and those impaired?

Don't think this one will pass the radio, or even TV test. :xf.wink:
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How about doing this since you seem to know it all. Give me one way I can purchase Retarded.com, from the ROTD auction and NameJet.com to where I can profit without insulting Millions of people and those impaired?

1. How would I insult "Millions" of people who have no idea who I am, what I'm doing or what I am buying? This isn't prime time tv, no one cares or knows about Namescon other than domainers and a select few end users.

2. If you have the money to buy Retarded.com then you should be able to pay a developer and content writer to create a relevant website discussing and educating others regarding intellectual disabilities and then sell your own white label ebooks on different kinds of intellectual disabilities, with a % your proceeds going to relevant charitable organizations. Its a win-win. If you don't like using the term Retarded.com then use the type in traffic as a redirect to your main website, intellectualdisabilities.edu or something. Rather than dispel the word use its popularity as a mechanism to educate others.

There are other more offensive ways to monetize this website but this is one of the more ethical possibilities.
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