
various Report Completed Domain Name Sales Here

Spaceship Spaceship


Domain BuyerTop Member
This thread is a central location to report domain name sales of any dollar amount.

As much information as you can include about the transaction is welcome, but at a bare minimum please include the domain name(s), the sale price, and whether you were the seller.

Good luck with your sales!

Please use the Like and Thank links on a post to indicate that you like it or are thankful for it being shared.

Do not post only, "great sale" or similar as this doesn't contribute to the thread. (Don't reply for the sole purpose of complimenting.)
  • Tip: Use the Like/Thanks feature instead.

Questions are allowed, but do not post commentary. If you want to discuss or comment on a sale in this thread, quote it and then post it in the following thread instead:

Suggested template (bold details are required):

Domain name:​
Sale venue:​
Listing type:​
Listing upgrades:​
Asking price:​
Sale price:​
Purchase venue:​
Purchase price:​

Suggested values / explanations:
  • Sale venue: Sold at NamePros, outbound direct, inbound direct, etc.
  • Listing type: Make Offer, Fixed price, Auction, Auction with Buy-It-Now, Reverse auction, etc.
  • Listing upgrades: Premium package, featured listing, etc.
  • Seller: me, a friend, a friend of a friend, a colleague, someone else, unknown, etc.
  • Purchase venue: Where (and the year) the seller purchased the domain name originally.
  • Details: Any additional details or comments about the domain name like how you bought it (e.g., hand registration), how long you had it before it sold, its age, whether you did outbound, etc.


Domain name:​
Sale venue: NamePros (2016)​
Listing type: Make offer with Buy-It-Now​
Listing upgrades: Featured listing​
Seller: Me​
Asking price: $950​
Sale price: $830​
Purchase venue: NamePros (2015)​
Purchase price: $25​
Details: Acquired from a reseller. 5 years old domain. Had for 1 year before resold.​

Domain name:​
Sale venue: GoDaddy Auctions (2012)​
Listing type: 7-day Public Auction​
Listing upgrades: N/A​
Seller: Someone else​
Asking price: N/A​
Sale price: $60​
Purchase venue: Hand registration (2009)​
Purchase price: $8​
Details: I watched its auction. The auction description said it was hand-registered the same day it dropped (from expiration).​

  • If you don't want to provide any other information about the sale besides what you've posted, then include "no further details" or "NFD" in your post.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Sales price: $100 BIN
Held for 12 months
Sales price:$125 BIN
Held for 8 months
Has a website on it already
Sales price: $495 BIN
Held for less than 24 hours.
Did outbound on this name with no response and buyer just went straight to buy it.

All sales through DAN
T/o/r/g/ - means trade, trading in russian.
sold for $125 through Afternic

it was hand reg - fresh drop, spent $1 on netsol 1 year ago


still waiting auth code cuz domain on 60 day lock (contact email was updated 1,5 months ago) registered with networksolutions, I could push it but Afternic has no push option.

Domain was hosted with Dan. com the buyer ignore landing page and choosed Godaddy /Afternic. 😐
Hello NamePros...

Small sale from February end...

Registered 23 Feb 2019 + 1 renewal : total under $25

Sold on 28 Feb 2020
Sale price: $399 (net $363)
BIN at Undeveloped (DAN)

I registered this name considering huge search volume for that particular term...It has 16 million+ searches...

I was not planning to renew it so changed price to $399 BIN on DAN a month ago...

Received email from DAN it was in pending delete at GoDaddy... renewed to get the domain.
And pushed to DAN escrow account at GD.

I believe the buyer uses it for forwarding the traffic/ for marketing purposes.

No further details.

P.S: stay safe and stay updated with your gov authority info on present conditions.
And also it's going to be a bumpy plan accordingly.

Please no more follow up questions or tagging.

Best regards,
Venue: SquadHelp
Price: $2,249 (via 6 months installment)

June 2019 handreg
Hold time: 9 months
First Squadhelp Sale in a few weeks.

Nice one @JudgeMind, congrats

I just sold a name on Squadhelp today as well! It's my first sale on the platform. I listed 24 names around July/Aug last year and another 120 in Jan/Feb this year. I list very small portion of my portfolio on SH and BB to diversify and test out different things. The name sold today is part of the first batch of 24.

Name: l o g y s t i c . c o m
Sold for: $2000
In-pocket: $1350
Acquisition: $xx
Hold time: about 10 months

Interesting stats:

For this particular name reported by SH:
49 shortlists

Squadhelp portfolio overall:
145 names (now 144)
2331 shortlists

I listed this name because I also own l o g y s t i c s . c o m (which I think is a much better name as "logistics" is a noun and "logistic" is an adjective) and wanted to spread them out and diversify the venues.

Commission hurts a bit, but I'm hoping their sell through rate will make up for it. I think popular market places bring in customers that don't already know what they want to name their company, which creates a new market for us. But I still prefer to list most of my names myself with landing pages and list on Afternic/sedo, as I can control prices better and I think I've achieved much better prices and profit at the end. I'm also a believer that good names sell themselves, so I always focus on quality.
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...$300...makeoffr.. no outbound... 1yr handreg
Sold last week:
Name: U//P//K//I//K// in .com
Venue: SH
Price: $1999 (30% commission goes to SH)
Have about 80 names on SH. So far since Jan 2020 averaging 1 sale a month on there.
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@brandsly @JudgeMind, congrats on your sales :)

Two days ago I sold my first .com name on SH for $3599 ($2519 in-pocket).
Name: O/w/o/r/x
Hold time: 1 yr
Acquisition: low $xx

Since March 2019 I had 25 names (now 24) listed there just to test the platform as well. Most of my brandable names are on BB (240 currently) where I have the most sales (41) and Brandpa (9 currently, no sales). My other brandables and keyword names are listed with Dan landers and on Sedo/Afternic.
No outbound. All three domains are .com.

From last few weeks:

Ax // Investments
Cost: $1 (NetSol promo) + renewal $8.47
Sold: $499 BIN, Afternic DLS Network

Shore // Invest
Cost: $1 (NetSol promo) + renewal $8.47
Sold: $299 BIN, Afternic DLS Network

From August 2019. My first four-figure sale:

Hydro // Financial
Cost: $1 (NetSol promo)
Sold: $1,600, Afternic DLS Network, BIN was $1,999
small sale.. but always feels good and rewarding to sell a hard to sell extensions.. p.s. buyers more and more tell me they less have money due to corona virus... some may use it as way to pay less, but... we all know corona virus is real... sold:


$ makeoffr.. no outbound... handreg since 2017
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Domain name: ZKUX.COM and YSUW.COM
Sale venue: &
Listing type: Buy It Now
Listing upgrades: None
Asking price: $ 334
Sale price: $ 334
Sale date: March 25, 2020
Purchase date: November 8, 2019
Purchase venue:
Purchase price: $ 190
Details: I kept these domain names for 139 days
Hand-reg - $5.99 Dynadot
Sold for $130
Inbound DAN.

Initial offer was $100.
v l o o z .com
Sold for $2299 at Squadhelp
Registered by SH
My commission $574
Sharing my first sale on

B X Y A .com

Selling price: $1899
My commission: $1234

Listed on SH: less than 7 months ago

Total Premium Listings on SH: 8

SH team handled the negotiation with the buyer and I am very happy with the overall process (From communications to followups to support).

In these times, advertising and marketing are very important to get sales and I am happy to see the massive advertising by SH in trying to get buyers.
I had my first sale on SH a few weeks ago. The name was sold in a couple of days after it was listed, it did not even have a logo. I must have been extremely lucky!

Name Sold: M y d o q/dot/com/

Selling price: Original $1899 and after negotiations $1549
My commission: $1084

Listed on SH: Stayed for a couple of days

Total Premium Listings on SH: Now 45 and growing

I was surprised as I received an email from SH explaining there was an offer on this name the next day I have listed it. I authorised them to make all negotiations with the buyer, the deal was done in the same day and got payed after 12 days.

Turned out the buyer had a similar name registered and is now using my name to redirect to his.

Very happy with the support team that guided me through the process as it was my first sold domain ever!
I had my first sale on SH a few weeks ago. The name was sold in a couple of days after it was listed, it did not even have a logo. I must have been extremely lucky!

Name Sold: M y d o q/dot/com/

Selling price: Original $1899 and after negotiations $1549
My commission: $1084

Listed on SH: Stayed for a couple of days

Total Premium Listings on SH: Now 45 and growing

I was surprised as I received an email from SH explaining there was an offer on this name the next day I have listed it. I authorised them to make all negotiations with the buyer, the deal was done in the same day and got payed after 12 days.

Turned out the buyer had a similar name registered and is now using my name to redirect to his.

Very happy with the support team that guided me through the process as it was my first sold domain ever!
Congrats on the sale

And courious to know what is your acceptance rate for premium domains
Currently is about 15% but this includes 20 domains I have bought from the wholesale market, so probably my true rate should be absolutely dismal!
W/i/n/n/e/r/a/m/a .com
Sale venue: BrandBucket
Sale price: 2,035 USD
Date registered: 2019-06-15
Air\Timor\.com, 1000, GoDaddy, inbound.
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