
discuss Post ideas why you have not invested into 4 letter .net-s

Spaceship Spaceship

Have you invested into 4 letter .net-s?

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Ok, there are so many 4 letter .net lover threads out there.

Lets discuss why its a bad idea nad waste of money.

I start.

1) there is no end-user demand for them
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
There is demand for 4L .net domains (without AEIOUV).

I have got offer $100 for only Chinese premium I have. I have around 25 4L non Chinese. Seems that demand is lifting up.

Read here about 4L .net:
There is demand for 4L .net domains (without AEIOUV).

I have got offer $100 for only Chinese premium I have. I have around 25 4L non Chinese. Seems that demand is lifting up.

Read here about 4L .net:

not really the thread for that kind info.
its more of haters thread. not lowers. there are plenty of those
2). Nooone wants them. They are not easy to sell
3). most are registered just 2 months. thats makes it bubble
4). if you register 4 letter .net in 2015 november they right away have value of $100. it dosen´t matter that for 30 years they where not registered
5). Someone who usually buys/registers 4 letter .net is some cheapskate, who dosen´t have money. He dosen`t want to buy the .com and then registers .net for almost free. Why would he buy it from you?
6). Someone who invested into them, ususally was late for the .com party. then he thinks that .net = .com
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They are not .com

.net is not peoples first choice, or even their second...
We as domainers may say it's behind .com but if you go to the average person on the street or a startup, they will not choose a .net. They will choose .com, .org or even a new extension. Domainers have created their or our own world or value system apart from reality. Most .net sites i visit are not developed. I am not sure but even .org might have a better stat if you compare the ratio of "registered: developed". So more registrations doesn't always equal better.

As of now I am not investing in an extention with little to no end users...I cannot let my investment be swayed to and fro by the chinese economy.

But my thinking could evolve..After-all China is a huge place. If they like an extension.. that could be something worthwhile...and sometimes in domaining you have small windows of opportunities with ballooned prices/value where you can make a good flip.
7). all symptomps point to pyramide scheme. Igor invites two of his friends to register .net etc.
8). So called reseller value has gone up too fast. It dosen´t match the real demand.
9)eventually everyone wants to make money, even the high buyers. they have nooone to sell
@domeen Why not post your points in one post?
Use the numeric list option?

You comments, though I agree with most..look like spam.
My honest opinion. that's all.
@domeen Why not post your points in one post?
Use the numeric list option?

You comments, though I agree with most..look like spam.
My honest opinion. that's all.

It looks cooler that way. IMO. but I resepect your opinion
10) lovers say there are many 4 letter .nets developed. - Don´t get me wrong there are. But this dosen´t make it more valuable.
11) Chinese so called investors are really taxi drivers, stay home moms etc.. They have no idea of real domain value. Or what people want to buy or use.
12)developing .net will always give edge to the .com owner. .com owener gets a lot of your type-in traffic. net owner will lose traffic - Traffic thats is valuable.
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13). I have seen .com version domain selling for $10k, and the .net still available. I have seen .com sell for $3200, then registered the .net and tryed to sell it to the .com owner. The .com owner told me to fuck myself
I'm glad so much of domainers attention is going this way ... makes it easier for me to register proper names :)
14) Hard to find end-users for .com-s. You sell 1% at the best in year to end-user. in .net case its almost 0
15) belive me, if money making would be so easy, someone would have been making it before you!
I am not surprised that you created thread for this.. You are the guy that puts blackmail on everything that you can't get. But no worries you can state all your thoughts , however we all know they are obsolete.

- According to your points, everything except .com is piece of shit. And you are the so called "Guru" of .com for 10 years who stopped buying any domain 2-3 years ago and sold all Chinese domains for $500 3 months ago where as they are now $1350..So you have nothing to do except blackmail other investing topics. And your ignorance of all other extensions are rising at the moment because there is a big change in domain industry which you lost to take oppurtunity..

- According to your thoughts domains are only to create websites.. They can not be investing instrument, and when there is no real demand to create website nobody shouldn't buy any domain. However, you have no understanding of Chinese investors at all and nation of 1,300,000,000 people 674,000 of them internet users. Because your western mind only thinks in old traditional way which buys domains for websites and domains for websites can not be like L and N domains. However, if you consider keyword domains sold in the past were all English keywords which has no sense in all other nations. Especially if you think about Chinese, Indians, Russians etc.. all these nations do have scripting different and Letters and Numbers have more sense to them than just English keywords.

- According to your thoughts .net is piece of shit and crappiest thing ever. Where as today as we see in market all the extension are being traded and sold. .com .net .org .cc .co .info .biz etc. They are all traded. You can stick with your beloved .com but market needs all different variety of instruments and .net extension is very common extension for many years. And it's all about budget if you don't have $15,000 you can not buy but you can buy for $1,500. If you don't have $250 you can not buy but you can buy for $25. It's all about budget every domain has different price.

There are not only two colors black and white in the world.. We all should accept all other colors exist in the nature... And one person should not try to dominate environment against others..
Please keep LOVERS comments for LOVERS threads.
this is haters list
16). lets be real. why should anyone in right mind use 4 letter .net for a company site? dosen´t it sound a little cheap.
17)Also, don't you think that if the .com owners wanting the .net versions of their names, they would have reg'd them long ago? lets say 20 years back
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