
fun PigeonSh*tNames.com like the King - Do you own any?

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Resolves to the Domain King Rick Schwartz
at: www.DomainKing.com

It obviously has value to him because he coined the phrase.

Now you can own...


Get it now before it's covfefe
Once it's covfefe it will sell for a lot more!


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This is so much topper then the top of top.
So.... do I hear 10 bucks as an appraisal?

Dare I say 15 bucks?
HaHa thank you.... remember the domain king has plans for his version of this domain.

It is going to be




To the Victor go the spoils!!
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Pigeonsh*tNames is a better alternative than *domains
@Rick Schwartz may be interested in this particular pigeon shit . . . ;)
OK guys.... the appraisals have to be higher than 50 bucks.

I just got my first offer at the big 50 !!

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Hard to appraise, the value is increasing by the minute :)
Just overhead the conversation of two Pidgins flying above, :pigeon::pigeon:
they are very thankful for even considering the discussion of their favorite past time (poopin) in this renowned forum and of course they will not forget to poop on everyone participating in this thread as a token of gratitude. :)
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I have the perfect development. Domainers that totally give up on a domain (just want it out of their account), but it still has some renewal time left on it. They push the domain to PigeonSh*tNames.com and other domainers can pick up the names they like for a small fee.

After it is well-known people will be writing PigeonSh*t scripts. Putting on NP auctions stating "This domain was a Five Star rated domain on PigeonSh*tNames.com" There will be NP threads called "Post your PigeonSh*tNames Gems"

Eventually, there will be a PigeonSh*tNamesBot that give out appraisals. And PSN parking and landers.
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I have the perfect development. Domainers that totally give up on a domain (just want it out of their account), but it still has some renewal time left on it. They push the domain to PigeonSh*tNames.com and other domainers can pick up the names they like for a small fee.

After it is well-known people will be writing PigeonSh*t scripts. Putting on NP auctions stating "This domain was a Five Star rated domain on PigeonSh*tNames.com" There will be NP threads called "Post your PigeonSh*tNames Gems"

Eventually, there will be a PigeonSh*tNamesBot that give out appraisals. And PSN parking and landers.

OMG, it's like you're a mind reader!! :xf.laugh:

And how much do you think the PigeonShit website will be worth :ROFL:

I'm starting to feel like the @KINGOF.TOP

This domain could be the most expensive domain ever appraised!!!
Pigeon Sh*t Can Actually Make you go Blind!
Morning Folks!!

Want to make $1000 before noon TODAY? Then do what I do. Each morning I go into my account and shut off auto-renewal on a dozen or more domains. I look at each domain at $100 each over the course of the next 10 years with the increases etc. So each time I take a domain off auto-renewal and prepare for it to drop, I make $100.

We all have pigeon shit. Been talking about it for 3 years. Remember back then that the way folks made up for not having quality was having quantity? So where did all the 6 figure domain holders go? Most are long gone. Swallowed up by their own overhead. They never even wrote a goodbye letter. They just went bye bye.

Pigeon Shit can make you blind!

I have dropped 4000 domains in the past 2 years and I plan at least 1000 more. Each 1000 domains frees up $100,000 to buy ONE REAL DOMAIN.

Look, with time we learn things. Some things don't pan out. Some do. Each day, each year we get new information and the new information is what turns a domain into one worth tossing. Some pigeon shit eating domainer will pick it up and then you will have defined things even more.

I know it is hard to let go. I know as well as anyone. But what works works and what does not work is called a recurring bill. That's not an asset. That is a liability. So if your domains are a liability, wtf are you doing?

Overhead is what makes or breaks anyone or any business. Things change, things evolve, we learn and grow. Phrases used just a few years ago are now obsolete. That's what happens when you are on the cutting edge of things. You get things that get outdated quickly.

So what makes you a domainer? If you can't rattle off a half dozen impressive domains........then what are you doing? I can't tell you how sad it makes me to see portfolios with 1000 domains and not a one worth registration fees. That domainer can right his ship, but he still FIRST has to learn what makes one domain have value and another one have only a bill. Piece of glass vs a diamond. You would think one would take a DAY OR TWO to figure it out.

I am not happy to say that Pigeon Shit Farmers outnumber domainers by some 100-1. That's the number folks. 100-1. Maybe more. There are well over 100,000 that call themselves domainers but less than 1000 that actually qualify.


Rick Schwartz

This quote was taken from Rick Schwartz's website and I have to say that he inspires me. In fact this whole mock thread is kind of a tribute to him.

Yes I too own pigeon shit but fortunately I have found people that appreciate good fertilizer on occasion so I do fairly well.

That said.... I am never too old to learn and will definitely take advice from some of the heavy hitters in the industry.
Did anyone drop some pigeon shit today?

Maybe give us a heads up and lot us know what pigeon names you let drop.
Pigeon sh*t always goes down in value in over time, what with rain and people stepping on it and sh*t like that. So, taking that into consideration, perhaps we should see how little the name can sell for, rather than how much?

Starting bid: .50 cents
Winner actually gets paid to to take the name..

Just a thought...:xf.rolleyes:
Pigeon sh*t always goes down in value in over time, what with rain and people stepping on it and sh*t like that. So, taking that into consideration, perhaps we should see how little the name can sell for, rather than how much?

Starting bid: .50 cents
Winner actually gets paid to to take the name..

Just a thought...:xf.rolleyes:

HeHe.... Too late @HotKey..... I already had an offer for 50 bucks.

See the earlier post on page 1
Yes I know there was a starting bid MD! My suggestion was .50 cents and work our way down not up, till you pay someone to take the name.:smuggrin:

Of course it's moot by now.
My offer $100 :)
Offer stands for the next 48 hours !!
Then it would again be a pigeon sh*t name for me :)
Right now under alcohol !!
I'm still waiting for Rick Shwartz to pop up with an offer you can't refuse.

Good Luck! ^_^
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