

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
For those who have/do create logos to market their domain names on their landing pages or social media--

How much difference do you think that it makes? I have the ability to make them, but I don't need to add something else to my plate.

If you felt that it did have a positive impact on sales, what service/designer have you used? For a large number is it best to just get something cheap, or am I throwing money away.

General thoughts on the value add of logos and shops to check out or avoid.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Personally, I don't thint it adds any real value. We tested this a while back and it made no difference. A good domain will sell itself...
Having a logo may possibly help selling to endusers, particularly when using outbound marketing.
The pricing factor is of importance: names with xx-xxx price range will benefit more from being associated with a logo, than those from the higher shelf.
It is one of those things that help but not a make or break.

Images are clearly meaningful humans are the symbol using animals.

It's like wearing a tie to an interview. It can only help to make you stand out , but it won't cause them to hire you if are not fit for the job.
Don't think a logo sways the decision for those interested in one way or another.
They like the name and will make it their own should they want to develop it.
I think the logos are just eye-candy. I think they have almost zero impact on a domain sale. I think the cost/benefit of adding logos to your portfolio is infinitesimal. IMHO. They also take up a huge amount of space on a webpage.
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Here is one of my many logos. An augmented reality startup company might see it and instantly feel this is what their brand should look like to best represent their vision. Sometimes logos can speak to us in ways words can't. arBlend.com

...It's like wearing a tie to an interview. It can only help to make you stand out , but it won't cause them to hire you if are not fit for the job.
Great analogy. Spot on! (y)
if your selling names - and you can quickly open up adobe illustrator , or whatever you prefer, even just the name in a cool font, if it sways a purchase in 1 out of every 20 names, it could be worth it. - Also if you share your posts or auction listings outside (which you should) It helps on social media where images can bury text.

Especially in facebook groups where your image is put in a hightlight table on the top - if you dont have the image, then .... your missing out on many eyes
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logos are important to sale domain name
Here is one of my many logos. An augmented reality startup company might see it and instantly feel this is what their brand should look like to best represent their vision. Sometimes logos can speak to us in ways words can't. arBlend.com

Sorry. That logo did nothing for me. But maybe I don't live in an Augmented Reality :) And it took up a lot of space. But to each their own :)
Here is one of my many logos. An augmented reality startup company might see it and instantly feel this is what their brand should look like to best represent their vision. Sometimes logos can speak to us in ways words can't. arBlend.com

I am sorry, but your logo doesn't look good at all. Imho , logo can give a + or - to your potential buyer. Your logo definitely a (-) .
Everyone has their own opinion. This is the beauty of life. There are so many logos that don't look good but their meaning speaks loud. Having the A and R blend together and become the L is a unique concept. Plus, it speaks to what augmented reality is. It's not always about blowing your mind with eye-candy. Just look at google. Who would have thought?
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