
Newsy parking — does it work?

Spaceship Spaceship


Lyrical GangsterUpgraded Member
Hi guys. I stumbled upon Newsy.co & love the idea, I’m just wondering if it works in practice. A couple of questions. Thanks in advance!

1. Have you used Newsy or know of another similar service?
2. Have you been able to sell a domain name using their landing page?
3. Do you earn any meaningful income from parking/ads?
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I've never used them, but did check it out.

Nice looking website. It could work as a domain placeholder, but not sure how it would help you make money. All the articles link to a 3rd party site.
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work or not apparently they suck at advertising cause nobody ever heard of them in like one trillion years. I bet their client count is less than my 10 fingers.
Thanks, @sbweb! They allow you to use your own ads / affiliate links.
Thanks, @sbweb! They allow you to use your own ads / affiliate links.
That's cool, but where is the traffic coming from? Because SEO is non-existent and those articles are on 3rd party sites. So basically you have no content to drive traffic.
That's cool, but where is the traffic coming from? Because SEO is non-existent and those articles are on 3rd party sites. So basically you have no content to drive traffic.

That’s something I wondered about. Thanks for mentioning it; it’s this sort of feedback I was looking for as I’m still pretty new to domaining in general.
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