
.info Launching a new .info in 2015 - or

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Which would you use for the primary address of a new .info site? Also do you think .info been around for long enough so that most people would know is a website when they see it written down? Or is it still better to play safe and use the longer www. widgets. info?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I still prefer the www version although it actually doesn't matter because you should always do a redirect from one version to another. This is better for your SEO efforts and also if someone types in the non www version so that they get redirected to the actual website..

Edit your robots.txt file for the redirect and you are good to go.
When a web address is written/printed on some form marketing material as an address that they should visit, for example, a business card/poster/ etc, I'd include the "www". That way anyone that may be confused as to whether it is really a web-address, will know that it is.

But say you are mentioning the domain in a sentence or phrase, I'd lose the the "www" because it makes the sentence/phrase flow a bit better.

For development purposes: both should resolve.
Recent versions of cPanel/WHM or Plesk automatically generate both addresses and redirect them to the same point.
Recent versions of cPanel/WHM or Plesk automatically generate both addresses and redirect them to the same point.
What happens in the user's browser addresss bar? Say you type www. when you click on a link to a new page does it remain on www. or does it redirect to And the same for the non www?

www redirects to non www
non www redirects to www
or they both coexist depending on which the user starts out on?
You can make them co-exist (just google it, depending on your hosting type, if windows or unix, what version, etc), but usually the www redirects to the non www.
I always skip the www, if printed it's http:// or https:// in front of it anyway.
I always skip the www, if printed it's http:// or https:// in front of it anyway.

Hadn't even thought about using http:// & https:// - I need to check out a range of different magazines and adverts .... Thanks! Perhaps it varies from country to country or sector to sector?
Hadn't even thought about using http:// & https:// - I need to check out a range of different magazines and adverts .... Thanks! Perhaps it varies from country to country or sector to sector?

It probably do yes, only time I could think of the need to use www. instead of just http:// is when there is an ad in a magazine where the domain is in the center of it however I would still use the redirect from www to the non www version.
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