
GlobalWarming and Alternative Energy Domains

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Hello All,

I was recently told by one of the members here that some of my globalwarming names were too scary and no one would put money into names like that. The names he was referring to was GlobalwarmingDomain and GreenhouseDomains but I have many more much "scarier" than them.

I have names like GlobalwarmingDisaster, GlobalwarmingTax, WarmingDisaster,
WarmingWarning, and a lot of alternative energy domains.

My question is, does anyone else think think these names are scary? Does anyone here besides me invest in such names? I really haven't seen many posted in here and I'm just wondering how popular they are with others.

If you have any of this type names please post them, and I would love to hear any comments you may have on the present and future potential value of names in this area.......thanks
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Recently registered... (thanks to nicedomains for this one)
nstalk said:
There must be a balance of co2 in our world in order to have a stable climate. Burning fossil fuels for energy since the industrial revolution began 150 or so years ago has increased our co2 to excessive levels not seen in the last 100,000 years. This is not a good thing because our earth can only absorb a certain amount. The excessive co2 accumulates and forms a layer in our thin shell atmosphere and creates what is commonly known as the green house effect. This co2 and other pollutant gas layer reflects the heat back toward earth that would normally be expelled into space. The result is a higher average global temperture. The average world temperture does not have to rise much before it begins to cause problems. The instability of our worldwide weather and climate is the result.

The main thing to recognize is the average co2 and temperture matter how slight that is. When it proves to be rising consistently over a period of time...and there's no doubt that is happening now...we must do whatever is necessary to stop it. We must move to alternative energies.

GW causes our weather to become unstable and the early evidence of this is being seen and reported daily from around the planet. Mankind could very well eventually destroy all life on this planet unless we quit burning dirty fossil fuels for our energy.

So what do you think about this guys opinion/study after 9/11 ?

gazzip said:
So what do you think about this guys opinion/study after 9/11 ?


I think that video should prove beyond any reasonable doubt manmade globalwarming is real and is the most serious problem mankind faces today. If not for globaldimming, which btw is mainly caused by fossil fuel pollution, the GW climate change problem would be even more noticeable today.

Many believe, including myself, globaldimming explains the cooler post WW11 period between the mid 40's and the mid 70's. This was a time of great industrial activity when there was very little effort to capture and remove the soot, ash, and particulates from the air caused by burning fossil fuels, mostly coal, for energy. Newer technology in the late 70's allowed for cleaner particulate emissions but did very little to curtail the excessive co2 production. Globaldimming has been proved to shield the earth from the sun enough to offset some GW but of course by doing so it causes many more pollution problems.
Another problem here is the fact that our world economies will crash shortly.

Since 2002 we in America have witnessed the largest government debt ever. We had zero debt at that time and now we are running the debt at NINE TRILLION dollars.

That huge debt load is weighing on our dollar pulling other world economies down as ours sink.

My point about all this is, even if we as a nation or some other large industrial nations put real teeth into the cutback of greenhouse gases, other not so modernized nations will need energy.

Those nations when faced with shortages of gas and oil will have to use a cheaper source of fuel to produce food and heat for their impoverished masses. That policy will be very bad for clean air.

Sadly they will more than likely turn to coal which is very polluting.

No sanctions or world laws will stop them from doing so as they have no alternative.

We cannot compare southern California laws of low polluntants to a starving country or a country that has little export resources. The poor country is not in a position to use more expensive non polluting fuels.

What is the answer? You tell me.

Maybe if America became really good world advocates of peace, we would have the resouces to help those countries improve their positions. With this war in Irag and in other countries, we are at this time in history stretched very thin with capital.

Maybe I shoud re-word that statement. We have all money we want here as it has been created to fund our governments agenda, it is becoming worthless as other nations are seeing it for what it is a eroding debt, so they don't really want it.

Well they want it in a sense, but even the oil nations know it has dropped to about half its worth, so they simply double the price of a barrel of oil. Since the dollar is worth about half, they don't ask $45.00 a barrel for the oil anymore, now they ask (and get) $97.00 a barrel in U.S. money.

So inflation is not good for the world as lower grade fuels will be used. Will the advances from modern countries offset these poorer countries use of pulluting fuels? I hope so.
Its not the poorer countries of the world causing the globalwarming problem nor will it ever be imho. The richer and major countries of this world will either curb and control their co2 output or we will have a worldwide war that will end up wiping most of us out. The time is fast approaching when the brainwashing snowjobs going on now questioning the validity of globalwarming and the seriousness of it will be over. Everyday more and more people from around the world are seeing the truth and demanding actions be taken to fight this impending disaster.

The USA is to blame for the world's current globalwarming problem as a result of the industrial revolution that began about 150 years ago. No one wants to admit it but todays world climate instability caused by excessive co2 production from burning fossil fuels for energy is the price paid for our nations wealth and power. Now China and India are doing the same things with their own industrial revolutions and dirty energy. I don't think our planet can maintain stability from these three super powers long enough for us to be concerned by the small output from the poorer countries.

The USA is in a denial mode. We refuse to recognize the problem and do something about it. Instead we print more money and cause more inflation. This cannot continue for much longer. I believe we are in for big changes with a new presidential adminstration....we better be if we expect this country and the world to survive.
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If you are a very large corporation you can clean up your act or you can "purchase co2 credits" and keep polluting, something is not right with that Imo
goodkarmaco said:
If you are a very large corporation you can clean up your act or you can "purchase co2 credits" and keep polluting, something is not right with that Imo

Or you can do some of both. The logic behind co2 offset credits is to lower the overall total GHG emissions without having to shut down an entire plant or industry. Once a required offset program is law (and I believe it will be eventually) each factory or plants GHG emissions will be set at a certain limit and if they emit more than that limit they will be required to purchase credits to 'offset' the amount emitted over their set limit. They will purchase the offsets from other factories or plants that don't need theirs because they've found ways to emit less than their own set limits.

It is hoped a system such as this will encourage the purchase and installation of new technologies that will effectively reduce GHG emissions. After a while, as newer technologies with new alternative fuels and energies are implimented and put to use, the globalwarming problem can be controlled.

There are many different kinds of co2 offset programs being discussed. Some are individual programs and some are public city/state programs as well as private industry programs. Some are also worldwide as well as local.

I think the private industry programs will be the most successful because the big money private enterprize guys will always find a way to benefit and when that happens the program will really take off. Thats when we will see a totally new energy sector being born. We'll all be wondering why we didn't do this long ago.

I have heard it many times before and know in a small way it is in use today.

What I have reservations about is the policy encourages a company not to be innovative in ways to keep pollution low. If you have the money you will be able to keep polluting by buying carbon credits.

It is similar for large factories today. The EPA, that to my knowledge has no government power over them, can and does fine factories that cause to much pollution.

Some times paying out money is not a problem for a thriving industry when faced with such fines. Sometimes the fines are cheaper than spending the money to install more scrubbers or equipment to reduce the pollution.

This way of doing business may not change the overall pollutants spewing out from our nations fossil fuel dependant users. Then add to that, more smaller countries will be using more coal.
Not to get off topic but did anyone hear the debates last night? The Democrats touched upon alternative energy (Wind, solar, green) I was encouraged by this.

had it for a few months and gets some traffic and $2+ a click!

also have the ...
goodkarmaco said:
If you are a very large corporation you can clean up your act or you can "purchase co2 credits" and keep polluting, something is not right with that Imo
You need to keep purchasing the credits for your emissions, in the long term it does not make business sense. On the other hand "cleaning up your act" has positive PR value. You would need to be the worst of GW negationists to not consider moving forward and look into reducing your emissions.
Carbon credits not the answer

Most polluters don't give a damn about paying a little extra.

Lets put this on a human level. Lets assume we tax travelers for a clean air tax. If it cost some money for carbon taxes to pay to travel to a different country as you are considered to be polluting then many will not travel.

Will that cut greenhouse gases? No it won't, under a system like that, the lower income people will place ads in their local papers and simply sell their carbon credits to others who can afford and who do travel alot.

Same amount of pollution. The only difference is government gets more of everyones money and when a government agency is created to collect all these tax monies to pay for the carbon credits it ends up taking out more energy than it saves. Think about the offices, cars, computers, taxis all for the new carbon credit police. In the end we will loose resources. No that is not the answer.

The answer is fuel sources that can compete with fossil fuels that are renewable and non polluting.

sirengirl said:
Not to get off topic but did anyone hear the debates last night? The Democrats touched upon alternative energy (Wind, solar, green) I was encouraged by this.

I was encouraged also but the dems have been advocating a fight against GW for some time now while the gop hardly even recognize the problem. Huckabee and McCain are the only two gop contenders who offer a real fight plan, imho.

goodkarmaco said:
Most polluters don't give a damn about paying a little extra.

Lets put this on a human level. Lets assume we tax travelers for a clean air tax. If it cost some money for carbon taxes to pay to travel to a different country as you are considered to be polluting then many will not travel.

Will that cut greenhouse gases? No it won't, under a system like that, the lower income people will place ads in their local papers and simply sell their carbon credits to others who can afford and who do travel alot.

Same amount of pollution. The only difference is government gets more of everyones money and when a government agency is created to collect all these tax monies to pay for the carbon credits it ends up taking out more energy than it saves. Think about the offices, cars, computers, taxis all for the new carbon credit police. In the end we will loose resources. No that is not the answer.

The answer is fuel sources that can compete with fossil fuels that are renewable and non polluting.


I agree we must have fuel sources that compete with fossil fuels but I also think we must put incentivies in place that will make the money hungry ceos turn to alternative energies. They won't do it without laws and regulations forcing them to and if we have a carbon trading plan such as the one talked about here that will offer a money saving incentive to them they will choose the most beneficially way.

Once a plan is in place it can be fine-tuned and perfected along the way to achieve the desired goal of an alternative energy industry. Its the only way we can get there imho.
Here is another example why thinking placing controls on big business never works, we had controls in place to reduce pollution in America before Bush took office. When gas hit $3.50 a gallon the government went away from the pollution controls and allowed refineries to start producing fuel with less stringent clean air standards.

When the economy really tanks we will, and the world will bend the pollution laws in order to keep the masses from suffering due to the shortages of these resources.

That is only one scenario that can and does hamper real progress to reduce pollution.

My only point about this and in my research I have found much truth in this is, when our economic structure starts showing real weakness, ( this is happening right now) then these feely good ideas start taking a back seat to reality.

Reality is resources will be used to keep our offices warm, our homes warm and our vehicles running down the freeways. The shortages of fuel will also push ahead developement in areas we are now saying developement cannot happen, such as oil exploration in the sensitive tundra areas of Alaska.

Great harm can be done by these actions including off shore oil exploration in Americas oceans.

Really, to reduce carbon we need a government that does not inflate our money supply and runs a responsible spending budget. The way it is now, we get economic boom and bust cycles.

When the boom is in place every industry is going full steam ahead, which by nature is polluting the world.

Then when the bust hits we find super high prices for natural resources and we the consumers pay the additional inflation prices this cycle creates, such as $5.00 a gallon for gasoline.

This is a reality and will more than anything else change behavior for Americans.
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All my environment friendly domains have been doing really well, there is a lot of interest in this subject and is growing rapidly. My parked pages have also shown a high performance compared to other domains.
They do get good traffic, but the ppc are low.
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munkybrain said:

had it for a few months and gets some traffic and $2+ a click!

also have the ...

I see you have this with sedo...have you gotten other clicks besides the $2 one? Do you have other globalwarming, green, or alternative energy names with sedo and if so how are they doing?

I appreciate your help as I have quite a few with parked and not doing so well there.
not sure about exact per clicks $ (don't know how to find that history), had it up a couple months and has 5 clicks and $7 total - think the 2+ click was the highest
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You may have already seen these sales...but it serves to show the interest in this new domain sector. $25,000 $21,975

I've recently registered the ones below.... (EmissionsCarbonCaptureStorage) (CarbonDioxideCarbonCaptureStorage) (GreenHouseGasCarbonCaptureStorage)

If you've registered or bought/sold any please share them with us....thanks
The solution is obvious.. Getting the right leaders and legislation in place is the tough part especially when money and greed are the main factors that influence political outcomes. Anyway, as we evolve environmental focus will be huge and domains in that sector shall certainly gain value. I recently picked up, I think the extension really goes well with the words. btw, some of the best epc revenue I have earned comes from these types of domains..
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i bought at TDnam weeks ago : $15 (EcoFriendlyProducts.Com sold for $2xxx) $20

i think it was a good buy :)
dalBono said:
i bought at TDnam weeks ago : $15 (EcoFriendlyProducts.Com sold for $2xxx) $20

i think it was a good buy :) - That's pretty cool :tu:
nicedomains said: - That's pretty cool :tu:

yeah, couldnt believe that somebody dropped it, im the lucky one :sold:
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