
FREE Domain Transfer to Network Solutions with Free 1 Year Extension! No Limitation!

Spaceship Spaceship

Shakib K.

HostCram LLCEstablished Member

* Offer applies to new Transfer-In request initiated from a valid registrar to Network Solutions by 10/1/2017. This offer is valid only for .com, .net, .org, .info, and .biz domain names. Offer applies only to transfer in service fees, not domain name registrations or renewals. Purchase of the transfer service does not guarantee that the transfer will be successful.
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Finished mine a week ago (about 70 names)
All been transferred fully (got the mail)

Been working with them since 2015, using them for namejet backorders and all works fine.
Update from my account:

Several of my transfers have progressed from "In progress" to completed (Mix of Dynadot and Domain.com family regs). No blocks and no charges so far.
25 domains in action required. I will start putting Auth codes once domains get 60 days old on 19th of this month.
is this offer still valid?
Do I need an invite to use this free domain transfer?
Oh well, that sucks.. Thanks for your response.
NetSol has some of the HIGHEST renewal rates in the industry (about $30/yr for a .COM renewal, standard anywhere else is $8 to $12). I would not recommend this promotion, it sounds great upfront but overtime can more than double your renewal fees in the long term.
NetSol has some of the HIGHEST renewal rates in the industry (about $30/yr for a .COM renewal, standard anywhere else is $8 to $12). I would not recommend this promotion, it sounds great upfront but overtime can more than double your renewal fees in the long term.

This is over now.

Also most of them will transfer out somehow.
So.. what happened? Any updates ?

Anyone tried to transfer out now?
So.. what happened? Any updates ?

Anyone tried to transfer out now?
I will be getting ready during summer time to transfer out

little bit stress out and not sure if all can be easily achieverd
NetSol has some of the HIGHEST renewal rates in the industry (about $30/yr for a .COM renewal, standard anywhere else is $8 to $12). I would not recommend this promotion, it sounds great upfront but overtime can more than double your renewal fees in the long term.

I believe you meant to say renewal prices; rate refers to how many people continue to keep their domains there, year after year.
I'm not sure how I missed this.

Has anyone transferred out?
Yup worked a charm. No hassle managed to transfer in/out when it promo'd
I'm watching this thread for the next unlimited offer omg!!!!!!! If u have like 100 domains, Tha'ts like $800 FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!::?:
yea.. free.. unless they start using "tricks".

The reason this thread come to my mind is because I read on another forum about someone complaining about not being able to transfer out.

Register.com won't allow to transfer domain.

I have a domain at registered.com. I'm trying to transfer it to another provider but these jokers won't allow it.

Yes, I unlocked the transfer. Yes, I used their Auth Code. And, Yes my contact info is current. When I call them, they can't deal with such questions and have to redirect me but that someone else is 'not available right now'.

Now register.com isn't exactly networksolutions, however they are both web.com companies, which I personally had a bad experience with, and after reading reviews decided to never use again + make myself a rule which says: "never pay for a service before reading reviews".

I'm therefor very curious how this deal will end.
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I haven't faced any problem with NetSol yet.
Maybe i'll transfer out a few domains at end of the winter. :xf.smile:
Can't believe I missed this! WOW! :wideyed:
I believe you meant to say renewal prices; rate refers to how many people continue to keep their domains there, year after year.

Yes you are correct, thank you for clarifying :)
Regarding the transfer out process be advised that regardless of the email containing the transfer code stating "For security reasons, the auth code shown above will expire in 15 days. You may request a new code at any time online, or by speaking to our web service consultants.", in fact the code expires after 48 hours! I have just learned this chatting with NetSol's representative Joyce P. So, you wait for 72 hours for a code that will expire in the next 48 hours...


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