
Spaceship Spaceship
Many of the directories have long process to submissions, captcha not working quite well, or loading slowly which actually waste a lot of time.
What are the qualifications of a good directory, there are many of them out there especially the free ones. How will i know which is good or not.

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I have free directories where there are 1000+ submissions per day :D Out of which 990 are always junk and you know what.

If I keep checking those 1000+ submissions then 24 hours per day will be less for me.

On the other hand I have paid directory where I charge for reviewing the links and I take money for it. Now on it there are around 5 submissions per day. All perfect.

Plus if there is an earning a guy could hire some more helping hands to make the directory better and the more better the directory is the more benefits the listing owners will get.
Take a look at the PR of the directory, this will give you some idea about the directory value.

Install Google toolbar, it will help you see PR of directories.
weblord said:
i use this link:
to get the list of directories to submit to, because vilesilencer's staff test the user friendliness of each directory's submission process before it gets listed for free.
why has pr 3 if they are guru on directories? they used to hold more than 3 before :td: ,
link: Results 1 - 10 of about 1,780 linking to
i guess they do toomuchseo and toomuchlink ...
i think linking must take time , and relevant and not to worry about seo more than necessary
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alibaba said:
why has pr 3 if they are guru on directories? they used to hold more than 3 before :td:
they might have been google slapped.
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