
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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I just heard that the vaccination rate has increased substantially here. it seems the recent outbreak has motivated hesitant people to take the plunge.

Yeah, the flag has dropped and the bs of the anti-vaxxers is revealing itself more, now. It can't even get off the start line, except in their own minds.

About 99.999% of fully vaccinated Americans have not had a deadly Covid-19 breakthrough case, CDC data shows

"More than 99.99% of people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have not had a breakthrough case resulting in hospitalization or death, according to the latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

"Most of the breakthrough cases -- about 74% -- occurred among adults 65 or older."

Murders outpace Covid deaths 3 to 1 in DC and Chicago
NYC Becomes Largest U.S. City To Require Proof Of Vaccination For Indoor Activities

New York City will require workers and patrons at indoor businesses to show proof of vaccination starting on September 13, becoming the first major U.S. city to take such action amid a surge of new cases nationwide driven by the highly transmissible delta variant.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the new mandate on Tuesday, saying it will apply to indoor dining, gyms and entertainment venues.

The mayor said New York was the first major city in the U.S. to issue such a mandate.

"You want to enjoy everything great this summer in New York City? Go get vaccinated," de Blasio said.
I just heard that the vaccination rate has increased substantially here. it seems the recent outbreak has motivated hesitant people to take the plunge.

Same thing has just happened here in Sydney.

Hundreds of thousands (millions?) of people panicked and rushed to get vaccinated at the same time.

I think our media has a lot to answer for after over-hyping the AZ side effects. It's disturbing to watch the shock jocks who have been making a living spreading that AZ vaccine hesitancy (or worse) suddenly about-turn and plead for everyone to get vaccinated - without even batting an eyelid.
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These scientists are using virtual reality to develop COVID-19 treatments

As COVID-19 began its deadly rise in Italy, a group of 8 scientists convened in virtual reality. Their mission? To examine molecules that might be a treatment for the rapidly spreading coronavirus in three dimensions. Traditionally this kind of work is done in 2D, on paper, but 3D allows scientists to glean more information about how the molecules work and how they might engineer a drug that could prevent a virus from entering human cells. Now, they've finished clinical trials for a generic osteoporosis medication to be used as a treatment for COVID-19.
Breakthrough cases aren’t the cause of the US Covid-19 surge

Unvaccinated people still make up the vast majority of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. They’ve made up more than 94 percent of reported Covid-19 cases in states with available data, a report last week from the Kaiser Family Foundation found. They’ve also made up similar, or higher, shares of hospitalizations and deaths.

Then there’s what really happened in the Provincetown outbreak. The headlines noted three-fourths of people infected by the virus were vaccinated. But among the more than 900 cases tracked as a result of the outbreak, just seven led to hospitalization — and there were zero deaths. If this was 2020, when there were no vaccines, closer to 90 people would have been hospitalized and about nine would have died, based on hospitalization and death rates over the last year.

If they didn't adjust their 2020 estimates for the Delta variant being involved at Provincetown, then their 2020 estimates should be higher than they're stating. imo
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China shuts down transport routes as it battles worst Covid outbreak in months

Every province has advised residents not to leave as flights are cancelled and Beijing suspends more than a dozen rail lines

China has dramatically tightened travel restrictions as it seeks to control the country’s worst outbreak in months, with hundreds of Delta variant cases linked to airport employees.

The latest outbreak has so far infected more than 400 people in 25 cities, including the capital city, Beijing, and in Wuhan for the first time since it contained the initial Covid-19 outbreak last year. Cases have been reported in 17 of the 31 provinces.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of Noon EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 4,265,109
United States: 630,534
Brazil: 558,597
India: 426,300
Russia: 161,715
United Kingdom: 130,000
France: 111,993
Italy: 128,115
Spain: 81,773
Mexico: 241,936
Poland: 75,269
South Africa: 72,191
Indonesia: 100,636
Netherlands: 17,839
Canada: 26,607
Chile: 35,671
Belgium: 25,251
Philippines: 28,231
Japan : 15,219
Bolivia: 17,882
Australia: 927
Peru: 196,598

"Federal regulators have been under growing public pressure to fully approve Pfizer’s vaccine ever since the company filed its application on May 7. “I just have not sensed a sense of urgency from the F.D.A. on full approval,” Dr. Ashish K. Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, said in an interview on Tuesday. “And I find it baffling, given where we are as a country in terms of infections, hospitalizations and deaths.”
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Due to censorship from the American president dr. Joe Mercola is forced to delete more than 15.000 articles from his website!

that is how blatant Communism begins and always has through out time … Sadly enough .. there are people who want this type of censorship and Communism to flourish .. they think they want it .. just wait until it kicks in .. these people will not want what the wished for at all .
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In other news., .net, .org, .net, .org

all registered.

edit. None are mine.
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that is how blatant Communism begins and always has through out time … Sadly enough .. there are people who want this type of censorship and Communism to flourish .. they think they want it .. just wait until it kicks in .. these people will not want what the wished for at all .

From an outsiders perspective, the issue here is that mavericks promoting and profiting from snake-oil cures and wacky conspiracy theories are under the spotlight in your country.

For you to naively group censorship solely with communism almost smacks of McCarthyism propaganda in itself.

For better or worse, censorship has been used by many governments and rulers throughout history during times of war and social upheaval to keep the population united and silence dissent.

Censors were established in Rome in 443 BC, and were voted in by the people under the Comitia Centuriata. They certainly weren't communists.

Censorship was employed by BOTH SIDES during both recent world wars.

I don't like censorship, but in some emergency situations, it could be a necessary evil.

There is really no need to bring communism or any other ideologies into the discussion.
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Yes.. for peoples own sake. Censorship is justified in this fight against invisible enemy. :)
Forced to delete 15k articles? He can't prove all he said in most or any of those?

Dr. Anthony Fauci proved without any doubt everything what he ever said :)
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Dr. Anthony Fauci proved without any doubt everything what he ever said :)

Don't try and deflect from the Mercola issue you brought up.
Don't try and deflect from the Mercola issue you brought up.

I'm not deflecting anything. Despite being documented liar (virus origin, masks, experimental gene therapy so called vaccines) dr. Anthony Fauci is still not censored from US president's administration. I wonder why?

And I also wonder how many of those 15.000 articles from Mercola you've read so you came up to that conclusion that he can't prove anything?

The essence of Mercola's teaching is that there is no scientific consensus. And now we are having scientists like him being censored.

At googles first page there is still saying: "If it's consensus it isn't science. If it's science it isn't consensus". I wonder for how long we'd be able to find this saying in future? :)
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I don't like censorship, but in some emergency situations, it could be a necessary evil.

The problem is who get to decide what is "some emergency situations"? & what have "emergency situations" allowed authoritarians on all ends of the spectrum to do? You either have the freedom to speak or you dont have any freedoms at all.
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The problem is who get to decide what is "some emergency situations"? & what have "emergency situations" allowed authoritarians on all ends of the spectrum to do?

In a democracy, the people who have been elected by the majority. Most governments have some sort of legal procedures to step through.
From an outsiders perspective, the issue here is that mavericks promoting and profiting from snake-oil cures and wacky conspiracy theories are under the spotlight in your country.

For you to naively group censorship solely with communism almost smacks of McCarthyism propaganda in itself.

For better or worse, censorship has been used by many governments and rulers throughout history during times of war and social upheaval to keep the population united and silence dissent.

Censors were established in Rome in 443 BC, and were voted in by the people under the Comitia Centuriata. They certainly weren't communists.

Censorship was employed by BOTH SIDES during both recent world wars.

I don't like censorship, but in some emergency situations, it could be a necessary evil.

There is really no need to bring communism or any other ideologies into the discussion.

I think the separation finally ran it’s toll .. it’s almost a perfect 50-50 divide … who knows how it ends but I think it will end soon one way or the other.. my reason for bringing Communism into the equation is because there are people who openly want a Marxist - Communist government in the US .. the speech oppression has been a one sided thing for the most part .. the people I consider bad .. can say or post anything they want with very little censorship.. Covid has been these bad peoples moniker to carry out their narratives the last year and half .. they like the oppression put on others .. it allows them to flow freely with their agendas …

Trying to force inoculate citizens with the covid vaccine in the US is a huge task for those who support doing it … it appears that they are going in the direction of forced covid inoculations.. I doubt very seriously they will achieve that goal ..
I think the separation finally ran it’s toll .. it’s almost a perfect 50-50 divide … who knows how it ends but I think it will end soon one way or the other.. my reason for bringing Communism into the equation is because there are people who openly want a Marxist - Communist government in the US .. the speech oppression has been a one sided thing for the most part .. the people I consider bad .. can say or post anything they want with very little censorship.. Covid has been these bad peoples moniker to carry out their narratives the last year and half .. they like the oppression put on others .. it allows them to flow freely with their agendas …

Trying to force inoculate citizens with the covid vaccine in the US is a huge task for those who support doing it … it appears that they are going in the direction of forced covid inoculations.. I doubt very seriously they will achieve that goal ..

You lost me a bit with that opening line:
I think the separation finally ran it’s toll .. it’s almost a perfect 50-50 divide … who knows how it ends but I think it will end soon one way or the other..

What separation?

I'm not really up to speed with this because I don't pay a lot of attention to American politics ;)
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