news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Oh...still not end ? oi oi
Doctors suggest Covid-19 could cause diabetes

A cohort of scientists from across the world believe that there is a growing body of evidence that Covid-19 can cause diabetes in some patients.

Prof Francesco Rubino, from King’s College London, is leading the call for a full investigation into a possible link between the two diseases. Having seen a rise in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in people who have caught coronavirus, some doctors are even considering the possibility that the virus ‒ by disrupting sugar metabolism ‒ could be inducing an entirely new form of diabetes.
Doctors suggest Covid-19 could cause diabetes

You REALLY believe garbage like this? :banghead:O_o

BACTERIA infections caused the deaths. (Not Viruses)

Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness

Oh...still not end ? oi oi

Turn off the TV Programming and it ends :)

Absolutely pathetic that human beings fall for this garbage. Bots maybe, but a human? O_o
19 seconds LMFAO

I was curious about how Australia has fared during the pandemic. Is it true that only 909 deaths have been attributed to Covid?

If so, the country is doing something right (even though restrictions sometimes appear to be unduly strict).

Total deaths are within normal range worldwide.
= No Pandemic

Anyone smart enough to see a domain name has value ought to see the truth.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,715,584
United States: 554,104
Brazil: 290,525
India: 159,594
Russia: 94,659
United Kingdom: 126,026
France: 91,679
Italy: 104,241
Spain: 72,910
Mexico: 197,219
Poland: 49,159
South Africa: 52,035
Indonesia: 39,447
Netherlands: 16,244
Canada: 22,617
Belgium: 22,624
Chile: 22,087
Belgium: 22,650
Philippines: 12,930
Japan : 8,758
Bolivia: 12,041
Papua New Guinea: 36
EU threatens to ban AstraZeneca exports if vaccines not delivered

EU chief says AstraZeneca could see its COVID vaccine exports blocked if it does not meet its contractual obligations.

European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen has threatened to halt exports of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccines if the bloc did not receive its promised deliveries first, escalating a row that has fanned international tensions.

We have the option of banning a planned export. That’s the message to AstraZeneca: you fulfil your contract with Europe first before you start delivering to other countries,” von der Leyen told Germany’s Funke media group on Saturday.

Just remember the root word CON = With
and the root word SPIRE = Breathe

You know... inSPIRE, reSPIRate, SPIRit . . .

The original term "conspire" meant for people to gather and breathe together and intellectualize life and plan. Then the term was indoctrinated into a new meaning post JFK assassination to be used as a scapegoat for anyone who challenges any narratives that go against the fascist, communist and statist status quos.
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14 Lessons for the Next Pandemic


  • Prepare for What We Can’t Imagine
  • Put Science First
  • Figure Out Who Gets Priority Treatment
  • Don’t Leave It Up to the States
  • Stop the Mixed Messaging
  • Invest in the Numbers
  • Be Nimble in Providing Treatment
  • Don’t Let Race and Class Determine Who Lives and Dies
  • Don’t Be Ageist
  • Communities Need to Prepare Too
  • Stop With the Fringe Treatments
  • Let Teenagers Be Teenagers
  • The China Problem
  • Look in the Mirror and See Who We Are
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14 Lessons for the Next Pandemic


  • Prepare for What We Can’t Imagine
  • Put Science First
  • Figure Out Who Gets Priority Treatment
  • Don’t Leave It Up to the States
  • Stop the Mixed Messaging
  • Invest in the Numbers
  • Be Nimble in Providing Treatment
  • Don’t Let Race and Class Determine Who Lives and Dies
  • Don’t Be Ageist
  • Communities Need to Prepare Too
  • Stop With the Fringe Treatments
  • Let Teenagers Be Teenagers
  • The China Problem
  • Look in the Mirror and See Who We Are

Requires a login for that garbage news outlet. :stop:

Truth is - by pure data - there never was a pandemic. :glasses:

Total Mortality statistics have remained within normal range this entire time.:wideyed:
565,000 More U.S. Deaths Than Normal Since Covid-19 Struck

"Since March 2020, about 565,000 more Americans have died than would have in a normal year, a sign of the broad devastation wrought by the coronavirus pandemic.

An analysis of mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows how the pandemic is bringing with it unusual patterns of death, even higher than the official totals of deaths that have been directly linked to the virus.

Deaths nationwide were 21 percent higher than normal from March 15, 2020, to Feb. 13, 2021. Our numbers may be an undercount since recent death statistics are still being updated."

But for the conspiracy theorists and deniers there's no pandemic and death numbers have remained within normal range, sure :banghead:
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565,000 More U.S. Deaths Than Normal Since Covid-19 Struck

"Since March 2020, about 565,000 more Americans have died than would have in a normal year, a sign of the broad devastation wrought by the coronavirus pandemic.

An analysis of mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows how the pandemic is bringing with it unusual patterns of death, even higher than the official totals of deaths that have been directly linked to the virus.

Deaths nationwide were 21 percent higher than normal from March 15, 2020, to Feb. 13, 2021. Our numbers may be an undercount since recent death statistics are still being updated."

But for the conspiracy theorists and deniers there's no pandemic and death numbers have remained within normal range, sure :banghead:

And for the repeaters and chattel that regurgitate NY Times as the word of god and who have zero medical training, eat fast food, drink soda and puff on cigarettes - there is a special slide show waiting for them in their life reviews.

All REAL epidemiologists know TOTAL mortality is not higher than normal.

And it is mainstream knowledge that flu deaths and flu labels are not counted as in previous years.

Armchair doctors who have never healed a single human in their entire lifetime continue to repeat rhetorics of ignorance and propaganda while the world crumbles to satanic agendas. :banghead:
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And for the repeaters and chattel that regurgitate NY Times as the word of god and who have zero medical training, eat fast food, drink soda and puff on cigarettes - there is a special slide show waiting for them in their life reviews.

All REAL epidemiologists know TOTAL mortality is not higher than normal.

And it is mainstream knowledge that flu deaths and flu labels are not counted as in previous years.

Armchair doctors who have never healed a single human in their entire lifetime continue to repeat rhetorics of ignorance and propaganda while the world crumbles to satanic agendas. :banghead:
And the ignorant charlatan continues showing his incredible ignorance to everybody.
In the middle of a world pandemic with already millions of infected people and 2.7 million deaths, he continues spreading his conspiracy nonsense and ignorance.
A complete ignorant that thinks virus cannot be spreaded by air, that this pandemic is a lie, that there's no more deaths than usual, that there's no gravity on Earth... and anti-mask and anti-vaccine, well, a total anti-science.
A clown that hasn't opened a basic biology book in his life and that his knowledge is what he sees in youtube videos of the nutters conspiracists that post more nonsense and craziness there.
Luckily the most of the people have the minimum brain to not fall into the conspiracy nonsense of this kind of ignorant charlatans and is aware of the measures to stop the virus spread like wearing a face mask and the importance of the vaccines to stop this pandemic.

People, when you have childs, be sure to take them to school so they learn the basics at least until they are16 or they can become a completely ignorant conspiracy freak.
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And the ignorant charlatan

Not anti any of that....
Not Red
Not Blue
Not duped by the flickering screens into fear mongering agendas.

I am . . .
Pro truth
Pro freedom
Pro scientific method.

last I checked between you and I - I'm the only one receiving xxx per healing session from many satisfied people :)
China embraces coronavirus vaccine passports for overseas travel, but other countries foresee concerns

China's Government has begun rolling out a digital vaccine passport to tens of millions of residents who have received their COVID-19 shots, while efforts for similar schemes in the US and Europe stall due to ethics debates about inequality and privacy.
Vaccines could prevent asymptomatic infection. Here's why that's key to ending the pandemic.

"Key to winning the race, experts say, is not only whether the vaccines will play a significant role in preventing serious illness from Covid-19, but also whether they can block people from spreading the virus.

"The ideal vaccine would have two performance features: One prevents you from going to the hospital, going to the ICU and losing your life," said Dr. Peter Hotez, co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. "But if the vaccine also halts asymptomatic spread, then you could potentially vaccinate your way out of the epidemic."

Last week, new data from Israel, where nearly 60 percent of the country's 9 million residents have received at least one dose of a vaccine, suggested that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 94 percent effective at preventing asymptomatic infections.

In Johnson & Johnson's trials, the company's vaccine was found to be 74 percent effective against asymptomatic infections. And according to a report released in December by the Food and Drug Administration, early data suggested that Moderna's vaccine may also protect against asymptomatic infections, but the company has said more research is needed."
As I was reading the news today about the Spring breakers flocking to the beaches with no regards to safety for themselves and others I was just wondering:

What were we going to do with all those low CPU animals who were only driven by their instincts and who showed no care and compassion towards others.

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I encourage those of you of intelligent design to employ the 'ignore' button against the lunatic fringe. Their posts are not worthy of your time to read much less respond to. If a troll is ignored for a sufficient period of time, it will eventually crawl back to its cave and/or hole.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,723,669
United States: 554,871
Brazil: 292,856
India: 159,790
Russia: 95,030
United Kingdom: 126,122
France: 92,167
Italy: 104,642
Spain: 72,910
Mexico: 197,827
Poland: 49,300
South Africa: 52,082
Indonesia: 39,550
Netherlands: 16,260
Canada: 22,643
Chile: 22,180
Belgium: 22,650
Philippines: 12,968
Japan : 8,790
Bolivia: 12,051
Papua New Guinea: 36
And the ignorant charlatan continues showing his incredible ignorance to everybody.
In the middle of a world pandemic with already millions of infected people and 2.7 million deaths, he continues spreading his conspiracy nonsense and ignorance.
A complete ignorant that thinks virus cannot be spreaded by air, that this pandemic is a lie, that there's no more deaths than usual, that there's no gravity on Earth... and anti-mask and anti-vaccine, well, a total anti-science.
A clown that hasn't opened a basic biology book in his life and that his knowledge is what he sees in youtube videos of the nutters conspiracists that post more nonsense and craziness there.
Luckily the most of the people have the minimum brain to not fall into the conspiracy nonsense of this kind of ignorant charlatans and is aware of the measures to stop the virus spread like wearing a face mask and the importance of the vaccines to stop this pandemic.

If you read some of the psych data on conspiracy theory believers, you might see that maybe it's not really their fault in ways, that you're dealing with people who have mental challenges.
One article that could give you some idea of what could be going on with many of them:

People, when you have childs, be sure to take them to school so they learn the basics at least until they are16 or they can become a completely ignorant conspiracy freak.

I don't know if they have any classes focused on right reasoning before 16, but if not, I'm thinking they should at least have some introduction to the basics. Something more in depth should be mandatory by the later high school years. My thoughts on it, anyway.
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Anti-lockdown protests break out in Europe amid new COVID wave

As European countries brace for another wave of infections, new coronavirus restrictions are triggering unrest.

Protesters in Germany clashed with police on Saturday over coronavirus measures, with officers using water cannon, pepper spray and batons against people trying to break through police barriers.

Protests against government measures to rein in the pandemic also were reported in several other countries across Europe, including Austria, the UK, Finland, Romania and Switzerland.

But protesters say the measures such as the closure of non-essential shops, hotels, restaurants and gyms are a threat to their freedom.
Study Estimates Two-Thirds of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Due to Four Conditions

A study estimates four pre-existing conditions may have led to a majority of preventable U.S. COVID-19 hospitalizations.


The study, published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) and led by researchers at the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, used a mathematical simulation to estimate the number and proportion of national COVID-19 hospitalizations that could have been prevented if Americans did not suffer from four major cardiometabolic conditions. Each condition has been strongly linked in other studies to increased risk of poor outcomes with COVID-19 infection.

“While newly authorized COVID-19 vaccines will eventually reduce infections, we have a long way to go to get to that point. Our findings call for interventions to determine whether improving cardiometabolic health will reduce hospitalizations, morbidity, and health care strains from COVID-19,” said Dariush Mozaffarian, lead author and dean of the Friedman School. “We know that changes in diet quality alone, even without weight loss, rapidly improve metabolic health within just six to eight weeks. It’s crucial to test such lifestyle approaches for reducing severe COVID-19 infections, both for this pandemic and future pandemics likely to come.”

The researchers estimated that, among the 906,849 total COVID-19 hospitalizations that had occurred in U.S. adults as of November 18, 2020:

  • 30% (274,322) were attributable to obesity;
  • 26% (237,738) were attributable to hypertension;
  • 21% (185,678) were attributable to diabetes; and
  • 12% (106,139) were attributable to heart failure.
Contentious Hunt for Covid’s Origin Points to China Animal Trade

Scientists tracing the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic believe they’ve identified a possible transmission source: China’s thriving wildlife trade.

The highly anticipated findings from experts convened by the World Health Organization and the Chinese government are expected to show parallels to the spawning in 2002 of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, a bat-borne coronavirus spread by civets that killed 800 people. The path trod by SARS-CoV-2 -- as the new coronavirus is known -- before it emerged in central China in December 2019 remains a mystery, though it’s one researchers say can be solved.


In Wuhan, where the first cluster of cases occurred, scientists involved in the hunt identified four hypotheses to explain the virus’s genesis, including two that stoked controversy even as they were deemed unlikely. The idea that the virus was introduced via contaminated food or packaging is one embraced in Beijing, while the Trump administration said it may have been the result of a laboratory accident. But the most plausible theory, say experts involved in the mission, concerns China’s wildlife trade for food, furs and traditional medicine, a business worth about 520 billion yuan ($80 billion) in 2016.

In Wuhan, where the first cluster of cases occurred, scientists involved in the hunt identified four hypotheses to explain the virus’s genesis, including two that stoked controversy even as they were deemed unlikely. The idea that the virus was introduced via contaminated food or packaging is one embraced in Beijing, while the Trump administration said it may have been the result of a laboratory accident. But the most plausible theory, say experts involved in the mission, concerns China’s wildlife trade for food, furs and traditional medicine, a business worth about 520 billion yuan ($80 billion) in 2016.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,729,181
United States: 555,314
Brazil: 294,115
India: 160,003
Russia: 95,391
United Kingdom: 126,155
France: 92,305
Italy: 104,942
Spain: 72,910
Mexico: 198,036
Poland: 49,365
South Africa: 52,111
Indonesia: 39,711
Netherlands: 16,275
Canada: 22,676
Chile: 22,279
Belgium: 22,707
Philippines: 12,972
Japan : 8,812
Bolivia: 12,060
Papua New Guinea: 36
Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines

In the US, the first two available Covid-19 vaccines were the ones from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. Both vaccines have very high "efficacy rates," of around 95%. But the third vaccine introduced in the US, from Johnson & Johnson, has a considerably lower efficacy rate: just 66%. Look at those numbers next to each other, and it's natural to conclude that one of them is considerably worse.

Why settle for 66% when you can have 95%? But that isn't the right way to understand a vaccine's efficacy rate, or even to understand what a vaccine does. And public health experts say that if you really want to know which vaccine is the best one, efficacy isn't actually the most important number at all.

What a vaccine's "efficacy rate" actually means.

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