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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Vaccine any day now. Plasma-blood therapy.

“Give sick patient antibody-rich blood plasma, from recovered patients to help fight the virus.” A plasma donation can potentially treat up to 3.

Feel confident in future; expect to clear trials, b the cure. Cuomo’s brother is negative for virus, positive antibody, many like him, who‘d donate:

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Wonder if gravity plays a role in this so-called "plane trig"..? Apples from trees and what-not.

Gravity is a theory. (A not very good one at that - it was ushered to the masses along with the THEORY of relativity at rapid speed after the Michelson–Morley experiment proved etheric principles and that we in fact live on a motionless plane)

Density and Buoyancy are facts.
pass Scientific Method tests ad infinitum

"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
Nikola Tesla
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Gravity is a theory. (A not very good one at that - it was ushered to the masses along with the THEORY of relativity at rapid speed after the Michelson–Morley experiment proved etheric principles and that we in fact live on a motionless plane)

Density and Buoyancy are facts.
pass Scientific Method tests ad infinitum
My (insert deity of choice here)!

Is there even one single solitary quack conspiracy theory you haven't bought in to?

(Yes, I do buy in to the theory of gravity.)
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My (insert deity of choice here)!

Is there even one single solitary quack conspiracy theory you haven't bought in to?

The only QUACKS in the medical world are the ones who use QUICKSILVER (Mercury)

That is the root of the nomenclature of the word "Quack"

By definition, a quack is a doctor who uses mercury and expects healing.

Last I checked the only medical practitioners using mercury (quicksilver) are the medical professionals injecting that along with aborted fetal tissue and aluminum into your bloodstream and labeling that medicine.
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Once again, you appear to be incorrect. (SHOCKING, I know.)


quack (n.1)

"medical charlatan," 1630s, short for quacksalver (1570s), from obsolete Dutch quacksalver (modern kwakzalver), literally "hawker of salve," from Middle Dutch quacken "to brag, boast," literally "to croak" (see quack (v.)) + salf "salve," salven "to rub with ointment" (see salve (v.)). As an adjective from 1650s. The oldest attested form of the word in this sense in English is as a verb, "to play the quack" (1620s). The Dutch word also is the source of German Quacksalber, Danish kvaksalver, Swedish kvacksalvare.
I can tell you the only QUACKS in the medical world are the ones who use QUICKSILVER (Mercury)

That is the root of the nomenclature of the word "Quack"

By definition, a quack is a doctor who uses mercury and expects healing.

Last I checked the only medical practitioners using mercury (quicksilver) are the medical professionals injecting that along with aborted fetal tissue and aluminum into your bloodstream.

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Once again, you appear to be incorrect. (SHOCKING, I know.)


It basically says what I said there without saying "mercury" but it is implied.

Bonus points for going back to the German language as that is a major root of modern English.

You're welcome to your own opinion and belief and I'll defend your right to say it!!

We're not a communist country (yet)

Ok maybe after the government gets their hands in utilities and airlines and takes a share...

oh wait, yeah, that just happened.

we're kind of already communists in the good 'ol US of A!
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Last I checked the only medical practitioners using mercury (quicksilver) are the medical professionals injecting that along with aborted fetal tissue and aluminum into your bloodstream.
And you are saying that practioners of Qi don't have any potentially lethal, harmful or deadly items in their "medical bag" of tricks that they prescribe" to their patients?

(Careful how you answer, I may have done my research.)
And you are saying that practioners of Qi don't have any potentially lethal, harmful or deadly items in their "medical bag" of tricks that they prescribe" to their patients?

(Careful how you answer, I may have done my research.)

Oh we know how to kill people really fast if we are trained in martial arts and acupuncture. And there is some value to knowing kill points in a clinical setting. The martial lens helps to see where we are most vulnerable.

The same acupuncture points for healing can also be utilized to compromise someone incredibly quickly.

And if you're going to start bringing up herbs. Herbs are our drugs and some are toxic. A wise herbalist will never have issues with their patients.

(Your deity here) knows that the powers that shouldn't be have whitewashed the web and ushered in the Rockefeller medicine rhetoric to the top of Google searches.

No value in a populous that innerstands holistic medicine to the powers that shouldn't be in a medical paradigm based on profits and keeping people fat, dumb and ignorant.
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It basically says what I said there without saying "mercury" but it is implied.

Bonus points for going back to the German language as that is a major root of modern English.

You're welcome to your own opinion and belief and I'll defend your right to say it!!

We're not a communist country (yet)

Ok maybe after the government gets their hands in utilities and airlines and takes a share...

oh wait, yeah, that just happened.

we're kind of already communists in the good 'ol US of A!
NO, it doesn't. Once again, you have projected your own interpretation (that doesn't exist) in to something.
NO, it doesn't. Once again, you have projected your own interpretation (that doesn't exist) in to something.

What do you suspect was in the salves that were being hawked in that example?

I imagine you can see that


means mercury in the German language?
You really don't like giving a straight answer to a question, do you? You always need to deflect or redirect.

The only QUACKS in the medical world are the ones who use QUICKSILVER (Mercury)

That is the root of the nomenclature of the word "Quack"

By definition, a quack is a doctor who uses mercury and expects healing.

Last I checked the only medical practitioners using mercury (quicksilver) are the medical professionals injecting that along with aborted fetal tissue and aluminum into your bloodstream and labeling that medicine.

Oh we know how to kill people really fast if we are trained in martial arts and acupuncture. And there is some value to knowing kill points in a clinical setting. The martial lens helps to see where we are most vulnerable.

The same acupuncture points for healing can also be utilized to compromise someone incredibly quickly.

And if you're going to start bringing up herbs. Herbs are our drugs and some are toxic. A wise herbalist will never have issues with their patients.

(Your deity here) knows that the powers that shouldn't be have whitewashed the web and ushered in the Rockefeller medicine rhetoric to the top of Google searches.

No value in a populous that innerstands holistic medicine to the powers that shouldn't be in a medical paradigm based on profits.
So let me answer this one for you...

YES! Traditional Chinese medicine does use ingredients that can be toxic if used in the wrong manner or in the wrong dosage.

There, that wasn't so hard was it???
Oh we know how to kill people really fast if we are trained in martial arts and acupuncture. And there is some value to knowing kill points in a clinical setting. The martial lens helps to see where we are most vulnerable.

The same acupuncture points for healing can also be utilized to compromise someone incredibly quickly.

And if you're going to start bringing up herbs. Herbs are our drugs and some are toxic. A wise herbalist will never have issues with their patients.

(Your deity here) knows that the powers that shouldn't be have whitewashed the web and ushered in the Rockefeller medicine rhetoric to the top of Google searches.

No value in a populous that innerstands holistic medicine to the powers that shouldn't be in a medical paradigm based on profits.
So let me answer this one for you...

YES! Traditional Chinese medicine does use ingredients that can be toxic if used in the wrong manner or in the wrong dosage.

There, that wasn't so hard was it???

I said yes and said herbs are the wildcard.

Of course someone could cause a pneumothorax with a needle, though when this happens it is almost always a Physical Therapist who has very minimal training using needles that is the culprit.

Someone could burn the s**t of someone if they are not good at fire cupping or moxibustion.

Don't dose too much aconite or gobble up 500 apricot seeds
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Reading comprehension much?!?!?

quack (n.1)

"medical charlatan," 1630s, short for quacksalver (1570s), from obsolete Dutch quacksalver (modern kwakzalver), literally "hawker of salve," from Middle Dutch quacken "to brag, boast," literally "to croak" (see quack (v.)) + salf "salve," salven "to rub with ointment" (see salve (v.)). As an adjective from 1650s. The oldest attested form of the word in this sense in English is as a verb, "to play the quack" (1620s). The Dutch word also is the source of German Quacksalber, Danish kvaksalver, Swedish kvacksalvare.

What do you suspect was in the salves that were being hawked in that example?

I imagine you can see that


means mercury in the German language?
And you are saying that practioners of Qi don't have any potentially lethal, harmful or deadly items in their "medical bag" of tricks that they prescribe" to their patients?

(Careful how you answer, I may have done my research.)

Not sure if it applies to Qi, but homeopathy uses the principle of like heals like, "According to homeopathic understanding, that which a substance is capable of causing, it is also capable of curing."

Reading comprehension much?!?!?

quack (n.1)

"medical charlatan,"

Dig deeper before you pin your truth on something outside of you.

quack (n.1)

You prompted me to remember a short paper I wrote 13 years ago. Not my most eloquent material, but the facts are here:

Once a scarce unheard of disorder, autism is now so prevalent many are calling it an "epidemic." Prior to 1970, the prevalence of autism was 1 in 2000. In 1970 it was 1 in 1000 and in 1996 the NIH estimated it to be 1 in 500. In 2000, reports from the education sector revealed an incidence of autism at 1 in 150. What has created a more than 1300% increase of autism prevalence in our children over the course of a single generation?

Doctors and researchers have been hypothesizing why the sharp increase in autistic related disorders has been happening. So far, the leading culprit in the minds of many researchers is mercury.

The earthly chemical element of mercury (aka quicksilver) is a rare metal found in the earth's crust, which is found in cinnabar and other minerals. During the 19th century and through the middle of last century, a process called "carroting" was used to make felt hats by rinsing animal skins in a compound made of mercuric nitrate, separating the fur from the pelt to make hats. The vapor this process manifested was incredibly toxic. Breathing these fumes lead hat makers to insomnia, dementia, tremors, emotional lability and hallucinations. Lewis Carroll's "Mad Hatter" in his book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was based on mercury poisoned hat makers. The United States Public Health Service banned the use of mercury in the felt industry in December of 1941.

Commonly used as medicine centuries ago, mercury is less common in medicine now that the toxicity of the chemical element is better understood. Mercury is used in thermometers, barometers and other scientific tools, however concerns about the toxicity have lead to alcohol-filled, and digital thermometers becoming standard. Mercury is considered harmless in it's insoluble form, but considered poisonous in it's soluble form.

The mainstream mercury controversy began in 1997, when Frank Pallone, a Democratic congressman from New Jersey attached an amendment to an FDA reauthorization bill, requiring the FDA to "compile a list of drugs and foods that contain intentionally introduced mercury compounds and to provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the mercury compounds in the list." This bill evolved into the landmark FDA Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA) and was signed into law on November 21, 1997.

Two population-based studies are often cited as the basis for calculations on the neurotoxicity of mercury in utero. However, these studies only studied methyl mercury. In the first, a study from the Seychelles, infants were exposed to mercury in utero when their mothers ate a high daily consumption of methyl mercury-containing fish. The mothers had mean mercury levels in their hair of 6.8 ppm. No developmental defects were detected. In the second study from the Faroe Islands, infants were born to mothers with mean hair levels of 4.3 ppm. In contrast to the Seychelles mothers, these mothers were exposed to mercury through intermittent "bolus" consumption of pilot whale meat. Lower scores on memory, attention, and language tests were associated with methyl mercury exposure in the children. These tests proved inconclusive as no defects were reported in Japan. However, in the 1960s in Minamata Bay, Japan, women ate fish contaminated with methyl mercury from pollutants and children exposed to the high levels of mercury in utero were born with developmental and neurological disorders.

The mercury compound, thimerosal was introduced as a vaccine preservative in the 1930s. At the time it was viewed as a safe and reliable, defender against fungal contamination. Thimerosal was added to vaccines during production to offset production-related contamination. Thimerosal's greatest asset was thought to be in the field where it acted as a fail-safe against imperfect aseptic handling, especially valuable for multi-dose vaccines, when needles become more vulnerable to bacteria infestation.

Thimerosal contains 49.6% mercury by weight and is water-soluble. In the human body, thimerosal is metabolized to ethyl mercury (not methyl mercury) and thiosalicylate. Toxicological information on the chief metabolite of thimerosal, ethyl mercury, is extremely limited. In accordance with congressman Pallone's bill, the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) began adding up the total amount of mercury given to children through vaccines in the U.S. immunization schedule. Thimerosal was present in over 30 licensed vaccines in the U.S in concentrations of .003% to .01% According to the study, an infant of six months, receiving all vaccines on schedule receives: 75 micrograms of mercury from three doses of DTP. 75 micrograms from three doses of Hib and 37.5 micrograms from three hepatitis B vaccines, grand totaling 187.5 micrograms of mercury. The EPA, FDA and agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) ruled this amount of mercury to be within the safe limits, however this analysis is based on methyl mercury, not ethyl mercury. The research and literature on ethyl mercury toxicity was so limited that these researchers based the toxic limit criteria on methyl mercury.

Thimerosal surfaced as a safety issue in Europe in June of 1999, when the Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), completed an 18-month inquiry into the risks and benefits of using thimerosal in vaccines. The EMEA concluded: "Although there is no evidence of harm caused by the level of exposure from vaccines, it would be prudent to promote the general use of vaccines without thimerosal."

Once mercury and its compounds are outlawed from vaccinations, we will be able to determine the correlation between autism and mercury based vaccinations, however do not be surprised to see the U.S. government fight this from happening as the implications that vaccinations are damaging the central nervous systems of infants and have been for decades is something no government wants to admit has been happening.

Abnormal Child Psychology, a widely used university textbook, brushes on the vast increase in autism. "Many causes for this dramatic increase have been proposed--vaccines, mercury, diet, antibiotics, allergies, environmental pollutants, and electromagnetic radiation-but none have been scientifically substantiated to date." It continues, "It seems likely that most, if not all, of the rise in prevalence [of autism] is caused by a broadening of the criteria used to diagnose autism over the years and to the greater recognition of milder forms of autism. However, whether there is also a real increase in prevalence due to an unidentified cause remains an open question." So, the textbook that opens with a psychological breakdown of Lee Harvey Oswald as the apparent assassin of John F Kennedy, while most Americans believe he was a patsy does a sufficient job to steer away readers from investigating or thinking critically about the reality behind the horrible increase in autistic related disorders.

The most important time in a human's development is while inside the mother and the first two years of life, thereafter. While the brains of our children are developing at the most sensitive time of their lives, we must avoid any exposure to toxic elements to prevent neurological defects and brain damage. The last thing infants and unborn fetus' need is to be subjected to a proven toxin that damages the central nervous system. The bottom line is why do we knowingly continue to inject mercury into our unborn children and infants?
I don't have time - or the patience - to listen to another one of your outlier videos.

If you aren't willing to accept the general accepted understanding of something, why in hell should I accept your alternative facts version???

Dig deeper before you pin your truth on something outside of you.

Speaking of not having time, I thought you only had time to spend with those that were paying you money to teach them. Business slow right now???
I'd rather focus on teaching the medicine to people who use it in their lives and practices. (and pay me to teach)
Honestly, I didn't read your post, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that used in an appropriate way and at an appropriate level/dosage, the the overall good outweighs the harm.

On that note I have to go. The delivery I've been waiting for all day is here so I no longer have to kill time taking issue with 99.9% of what you post.

Love and kisses until next time!

You prompted me to remember a short paper I wrote 13 years ago. Not my most eloquent material, but the facts are here:

Once a scarce unheard of disorder, autism is now so prevalent many are calling it an "epidemic." Prior to 1970, the prevalence of autism was 1 in 2000. In 1970 it was 1 in 1000 and in 1996 the NIH estimated it to be 1 in 500. In 2000, reports from the education sector revealed an incidence of autism at 1 in 150. What has created a more than 1300% increase of autism prevalence in our children over the course of a single generation?

Doctors and researchers have been hypothesizing why the sharp increase in autistic related disorders has been happening. So far, the leading culprit in the minds of many researchers is mercury.

The earthly chemical element of mercury (aka quicksilver) is a rare metal found in the earth's crust, which is found in cinnabar and other minerals. During the 19th century and through the middle of last century, a process called "carroting" was used to make felt hats by rinsing animal skins in a compound made of mercuric nitrate, separating the fur from the pelt to make hats. The vapor this process manifested was incredibly toxic. Breathing these fumes lead hat makers to insomnia, dementia, tremors, emotional lability and hallucinations. Lewis Carroll's "Mad Hatter" in his book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was based on mercury poisoned hat makers. The United States Public Health Service banned the use of mercury in the felt industry in December of 1941.

Commonly used as medicine centuries ago, mercury is less common in medicine now that the toxicity of the chemical element is better understood. Mercury is used in thermometers, barometers and other scientific tools, however concerns about the toxicity have lead to alcohol-filled, and digital thermometers becoming standard. Mercury is considered harmless in it's insoluble form, but considered poisonous in it's soluble form.

The mainstream mercury controversy began in 1997, when Frank Pallone, a Democratic congressman from New Jersey attached an amendment to an FDA reauthorization bill, requiring the FDA to "compile a list of drugs and foods that contain intentionally introduced mercury compounds and to provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the mercury compounds in the list." This bill evolved into the landmark FDA Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA) and was signed into law on November 21, 1997.

Two population-based studies are often cited as the basis for calculations on the neurotoxicity of mercury in utero. However, these studies only studied methyl mercury. In the first, a study from the Seychelles, infants were exposed to mercury in utero when their mothers ate a high daily consumption of methyl mercury-containing fish. The mothers had mean mercury levels in their hair of 6.8 ppm. No developmental defects were detected. In the second study from the Faroe Islands, infants were born to mothers with mean hair levels of 4.3 ppm. In contrast to the Seychelles mothers, these mothers were exposed to mercury through intermittent "bolus" consumption of pilot whale meat. Lower scores on memory, attention, and language tests were associated with methyl mercury exposure in the children. These tests proved inconclusive as no defects were reported in Japan. However, in the 1960s in Minamata Bay, Japan, women ate fish contaminated with methyl mercury from pollutants and children exposed to the high levels of mercury in utero were born with developmental and neurological disorders.

The mercury compound, thimerosal was introduced as a vaccine preservative in the 1930s. At the time it was viewed as a safe and reliable, defender against fungal contamination. Thimerosal was added to vaccines during production to offset production-related contamination. Thimerosal's greatest asset was thought to be in the field where it acted as a fail-safe against imperfect aseptic handling, especially valuable for multi-dose vaccines, when needles become more vulnerable to bacteria infestation.

Thimerosal contains 49.6% mercury by weight and is water-soluble. In the human body, thimerosal is metabolized to ethyl mercury (not methyl mercury) and thiosalicylate. Toxicological information on the chief metabolite of thimerosal, ethyl mercury, is extremely limited. In accordance with congressman Pallone's bill, the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) began adding up the total amount of mercury given to children through vaccines in the U.S. immunization schedule. Thimerosal was present in over 30 licensed vaccines in the U.S in concentrations of .003% to .01% According to the study, an infant of six months, receiving all vaccines on schedule receives: 75 micrograms of mercury from three doses of DTP. 75 micrograms from three doses of Hib and 37.5 micrograms from three hepatitis B vaccines, grand totaling 187.5 micrograms of mercury. The EPA, FDA and agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) ruled this amount of mercury to be within the safe limits, however this analysis is based on methyl mercury, not ethyl mercury. The research and literature on ethyl mercury toxicity was so limited that these researchers based the toxic limit criteria on methyl mercury.

Thimerosal surfaced as a safety issue in Europe in June of 1999, when the Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), completed an 18-month inquiry into the risks and benefits of using thimerosal in vaccines. The EMEA concluded: "Although there is no evidence of harm caused by the level of exposure from vaccines, it would be prudent to promote the general use of vaccines without thimerosal."

Once mercury and its compounds are outlawed from vaccinations, we will be able to determine the correlation between autism and mercury based vaccinations, however do not be surprised to see the U.S. government fight this from happening as the implications that vaccinations are damaging the central nervous systems of infants and have been for decades is something no government wants to admit has been happening.

Abnormal Child Psychology, a widely used university textbook, brushes on the vast increase in autism. "Many causes for this dramatic increase have been proposed--vaccines, mercury, diet, antibiotics, allergies, environmental pollutants, and electromagnetic radiation-but none have been scientifically substantiated to date." It continues, "It seems likely that most, if not all, of the rise in prevalence [of autism] is caused by a broadening of the criteria used to diagnose autism over the years and to the greater recognition of milder forms of autism. However, whether there is also a real increase in prevalence due to an unidentified cause remains an open question." So, the textbook that opens with a psychological breakdown of Lee Harvey Oswald as the apparent assassin of John F Kennedy, while most Americans believe he was a patsy does a sufficient job to steer away readers from investigating or thinking critically about the reality behind the horrible increase in autistic related disorders.

The most important time in a human's development is while inside the mother and the first two years of life, thereafter. While the brains of our children are developing at the most sensitive time of their lives, we must avoid any exposure to toxic elements to prevent neurological defects and brain damage. The last thing infants and unborn fetus' need is to be subjected to a proven toxin that damages the central nervous system. The bottom line is why do we knowingly continue to inject mercury into our unborn children and infants?
Love and kisses until next time!

I'm home with my son now, multitasking, zoom meeting, reading, tending house

I sense the persona you have created around your belief structure is ready to be rattled free of the cognitive dissonance static. We have all been MKUltrad to believe things to be other than as they are.

Waking up from the mind control ought to be of a priority to humanity, yes?

When you're done believing the theories of other people....

And believing the mainstream media and politicians....

and instead trust your inner knowing, ....

perhaps you'll thank me for these nudges in twenty years :)
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(Edit: Sorry. Was moving to fast and hit post by mistake prior to finishing my post.)

Now I'm done!

It's good you have a sense of humor.

Most certainly those who have perfected the art of mind control *COUGH* Project Paperclip.....

They laugh at us too.
OK, you got me to add one more post.



Now I'm done!

Laughter is healing :joyful:

I'm home with my son now, multitasking, zoom meeting, reading, tending house

I sense the persona you have created around your belief structure is ready to be rattled free of the cognitive dissonance static. We have all been MKUltrad to believe things to be other than as they are.

Waking up from the mind control ought to be of a priority to humanity, yes?

When you're done believing the theories of other people....

And believing the mainstream media and politicians....

and instead trust your inner knowing, ....

perhaps you'll thank me for these nudges in twenty years :)

Easy now Morpheus :baby:
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