
question Any Vax side effects?

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Mods, please don't bury this message by moving it elsewhere, yet

Did you or anyone you know get a covid vax? Any side effects?
Asking because I heard of thousands of deaths,
and hundreds of thousands of adverse side effects.

These are official records, but they can still be faked , as part of
revolution.. and vaxes may have been replaced with water.
this is my only hope for brainwashed people.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

Anyone,.. what is the best reference for this story.

Lol. I was the one who got unscientific? So sorry for not giving the death of Mullis conspiracy theory the respect it deserves.

I mentioned no "conspiracy theory"
I mentioned his work and contributions to humanity and his views.

Why ....when so many people are threatened out of their confirmation biases, they say "conspiracy theory" like robots and attack?

That term was not used before the CIA indoctrinated it into the masses after the JFK assassination (as he broke his Masonic oath and called out secret societies so look what happened to him)

A friendly reminder CON = WITH SPIR = TO BREATHE LIFE

Be well
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I mentioned no "conspiracy theory"
I mentioned his work and contributions to humanity and his views.

Why ....when so many people are threatened out of their confirmation biases, they say "conspiracy theory" like a robot and attack?

That term was not used before the CIA indoctrinated it into the masses after the JFK assassination (as he broke his Masonic oath and called out secret societies so look what happened to him)

A friendly reminder CON = WITH SPIR = TO BREATHE LIFE

Be well
You're seeing an attack where there was none. "Conspiracy theory" is a common term, which I used to accurately describe your implication that Mullis was intentionally killed because of his misrepresented views on the PCR test.

Definition of Conspiracy Theory:
"a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event"

Simply speaking... you're making an accusation of underhanded wrong-doing, without proof, in an attempt to discredit commonly accepted facts that you do not accept. That is a conspiracy theory.
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You're seeing an attack where there was none. "Conspiracy theory" is a common term, which I used to accurately describe your implication that Mullis was intentionally killed because of his misrepresented views on the PCR test.

Definition of Conspiracy Theory:
"a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event"

Simply speaking... you're making an accusation of underhanded wrong-doing, without proof, in an attempt to discredit commonly accepted facts that you do not accept. That is a conspiracy theory.

My point it is that term was unknown and not utilized before the JFK Assassination.
It was fabricated to mean something that did not mean anything before those times...
to create a narrative for the future so people - particularly now - use often to defend the status quo narratives....

The words and phrases people use in our cultures are curated.

Like I see Brad and his troll farm saying "vaccine hesitancy" as a term that is being curated now to indoctrinate into the ether of the hive mind . . .
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Correct. The so called covid19 virus has never been isolated.
There are places that haven't had it but there is always chance of it spreading. Once in an area it is hard to isolate. When people have been asked to isolate they thought it was a good time to protest. Every effort becomes some other rights issue.
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My point it is that term was unknown and not utilized before the JFK Assassination.
It was fabricated to mean something that did not mean anything before those times...
to create a narrative for the future so people - particularly now - use often to defend the status quo narratives....

The words and phrases people use in our cultures are curated.

Like I see Brad and his troll farm saying "vaccine hesitancy" as a term that is being curated now to indoctrinate into the ether of the hive mind . . .
I'm not sure why it matters where the term originated from. Would you prefer I just use the word "Theory"? I can do it if you like, but it's not as accurate, since we're talking about a very specific type of theory.

As for overly dramatic terms that are used to attack and promote negative feelings for one point of view or another, I agree that those definitely exist:
  • Anti-vax
  • Mainstream Media
  • Plandemic
  • COVID deniers
They're marketing gimmicks used to create an emotional reaction. I avoid them.
There are places that haven't had it but there is always chance of it spreading. Once in an area it is hard to isolate. When people have been asked to isolate they thought it was a good time to protest. Every effort becomes some other rights issue.

That is not what I meant by isolated.
This is not directed at anyone, but reading through this thread, you don’t realise just how nuts some people are on here.

For all conspiracy theories on what the vaccine does, you do realise what covid ACTUALLY does to persons body right? There are young gym fit people (even athletes) who can no longer run or even walk very far anymore after covid.

Let anti-vaxers get on with it is what I say, the results of how successful the vaccine program is there for all the see, the carnage and devastation covid has left on the world is also there to see, getting covid if you was aged 80+ or having underlying health problems was basically a death sentence, now many of these people are protected, vaccines are the only way out!

Unfortunately what it takes for these people to realise is actually catching covid, we’ve all seen videos of covid deniers in hospital with an oxygen masks on saying how wrong they were, these people also go on about freedoms a lot, let me just say don’t have the vaccine, you will be stuck where you live so what good is your freedoms then? To travel you are going to have to be prove you have been vaccinated (maybe to even do some things domestically too) and rightfully so, countries are not going to spend huge amounts of resources and time vaccinating their whole population for 1 person to walk in and potentially spread a new variant around a country and ruin it all.

A virus so deadly you have to be tested to see if you have it. You can even catch it from a motorcycle or car accident. You can also, catch it from falling off a ladder. Remember to always wear a mask. That cheap ass $1.00 mask offers maximum protection.
A virus so deadly you have to be tested to see if you have it. You can even catch it from a motorcycle or car accident. You can also, catch it from falling off a ladder. Remember to always wear a mask. That cheap ass $1.00 mask offers maximum protection.

Remember to always wear a mask. That cheap ass $1.00 mask offers maximum protection.

When you sneeze or cough do you cover your face? How many times do you need to be reminded?

Masks were never designed to be 100% effective against protecting the wearer. They are used to help prevent the spread of the virus, especially in a closed environment without proper ventilation. Coughing or sneezing may shed the virus if you're infected, even exhaling or speaking.

Wearing a mask reduces the distance the virus can travel. If both wear a mask, the risk of infection is reduced further. Doctors wear masks in the surgery room so they don't infect patients. It's the same idea.

What part of this concept don't you get? It's not rocket science. O_o
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When you sneeze or cough do you cover your face?

Doctors wear masks in the surgery room so they don't infect patients. It's the same idea.

This is bottish, but hey'll I'll bite.....

Anyone who wears a white coat is taught to sneeze and cough into their shoulders ;)

Doctors wear SURGICAL MASKS in the surgery room so debris from their mouths and BACTERIA does not fall into the surgical area.

What part of this concept don't you get?

Check out that box warning label again if you're confused IMHO
Studies on mask effectiveness and corona viruses, before the politics of pandemic hijacked public policy, were honest in their findings and none showed them to be statistically significant.

Studies on mask effectiveness and corona viruses, before the politics of pandemic hijacked public policy, were honest in their findings and none showed them to be statistically significant.
Source? Also please define "statistically significant".
When you sneeze or cough do you cover your face? How many times do you need to be reminded?

Masks were never designed to be 100% effective against protecting the wearer. They are used to help prevent the spread of the virus, especially in a closed environment without proper ventilation. Coughing or sneezing may shed the virus if you're infected, even exhaling or speaking.

Wearing a mask reduces the distance the virus can travel. If both wear a mask, the risk of infection is reduced further. Doctors wear masks in the surgery room so they don't infect patients. It's the same idea.

What part of this concept don't you get? It's not rocket science. O_o

I'm not anti-mask, and there might be some truth to it, but we need to look at statistics to be sure.
I heard from many people that it is useless (I suppose, they mean, on the average).

Masks for everyone everywhere
Kill all germs
Always keep a 6 foot satanic distance
(in the same way 6 million jews were killed everywhere, just like speed of light, it doesn't change)

This would lead to herd stupidity , not herd immunity.
We need to be exposed to microbes to get natural immunity.
Our body and our friendly microbes need to be familiar with them, maybe be friends with them.
Being immune is not only about antibodies. There are other mechanisms.

Masks can be useful against thin dust, but wearing masks everywhere all the time just because there might be dust around doesn't makes sense.

Lockdowns don't work either (I mean, statistically).
I suspect this "disease" is partly "transmitted" via electronic devices, like smart phones.

Remember Pokemon GO (I never played it).. People go to places they would normally not go to find pokemons, as if there are any. And this way deep cloud gets more data for free.
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Source? Also please define "statistically significant".

Statistically significant.. You need to study central limit theorem/ gaussian (normal) distribution.
Statistically significant would roughly mean , a deviation from expectation "well beyond" standard deviation.
For example you can toss a coin a million times, you expect to get about half million heads and as much tails. Standard deviation would be like 1000, square root of million. it would be like "width" of the curve.
Most of possible outcomes would differ from expected number by at most a few thousand. For example it is extremely unlikely to get less than 400,000 tails. But probability of getting 500,000 tails and probability of getting 499,900 tails would be almost equal.
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Statistically significant.. You need to study central limit theorem/ gaussian (normal) distribution.
Statistically significant would roughly mean , a deviation from expectation "well beyond" standard deviation.
For example you can toss a coin a million times, you expect to get about half million heads and as much tails. Standard deviation would be like 1000, square root of million. it would be like "width" of the curve.
Most of possible outcomes would differ from expected number by a few thousand. For example it is extremely unlikely to get less than 400,000 tails. But probability of getting 500,000 tails and probability of getting 499,900 tails would be almost equal.
Awesome. Now tell me how to apply that to wearing masks.
Boy, that guy sure said a lot of things! What are you suggesting any of it proves?

For example it sounds like Pfizer is admitting there is no virus which makes people sick, or there may be some, but they do something totally unrelated.
Awesome. Now tell me how to apply that to wearing masks.

We need data to interpret. Without data I can't say anything. But many people claim masks are useless (I mean serious people), and of course they mean statistically..of course there might be one case where masks would make a big difference. .. I was just answering your question: what does statistically significant mean.
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I'm not anti-mask, and there might be some truth to it, but we need to look at statistics to be sure.
I heard from many people that it is useless (I suppose, they mean, on the average).

When I work in dust or mold, I wear a mask, though some dust particles still get through. Viruses are smaller, that's why n95 respirators are recommended (95% efficiency). To assist in sealing edges a surgical mask is recommended.

Example: mold removal



You can imagine my lung/sinus exposure imagine without a mask :xf.eek:

I would definitely wear both on an airplane. I don't wear masks outdoors. Be sensible and safe...
For example it sounds like Pfizer is admitting there is no virus which makes people sick, or there may be some, but they do something totally unrelated.
Yes, this certainly does make it sound that way. And yet that's not what Pfizer said.
We need data to interpret. Without data I can't say anything. But many people claim masks are useless (I mean serious people), and of course they mean statistically..of course there might be one case where masks would make a big difference. .. I was just answering your question: what does statistically significant mean.
Well yes, I could have ran to Google and copy/pasted that definition myself. I wanted to know what statistically significant means in this context.
Well yes, I could have ran to Google and copy/pasted that definition myself. I wanted to know what statistically significant means in this context.

It would mean something like, there is not big enough difference * to reach a conclusion..

*: between two things, one of them can be a hypothesis, and the other can be an observation.

you can copy paste, but this doesn't mean you understand it. but lucklily it is easy to understand intuitively.
In this context:
Let's say there are 1 million people in city A, 1 million in city B.
In city A masks are always on, in city B there are no masks.
In city A there are 1000 deaths from covid, and city B there are 1005 deaths.
Can we say from this data, masks would help? No
because the difference is "statisticaly insignificant".

For example if there is a biased coin and we get 299,500 tails after tossing it 1M times, then it would be very likely that probability of getting tails was very close to 30 percent, but extremely unlikely to be close. say, to 35 percent.

You can apply statistics to election results, and (in theory) conclude that there is a very high chance that there was a fraud... No knowledge of statistics may be needed, I mean commonsense would usually work, but in court you may need numbers as well. Those numbers will never be 100 percent accurate.. statistics is like probability theory in reverse. For example if you see 50th wagon of a train, then you can guess that there are about 100 wagons in total. How realistic is this,.. depends on the probabilitistic model.. choose one that seems to make sense. and then you can make a computation.
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I'd like to see examples of doctors losing their licenses for speaking out against vaccines.
Please note that I refer in my statement ...

Doctors (as well as other "publicly relevant" persons in this context) who turn openly
critical against this conspirative COVID agenda will lose their license sooner or later, we know that and they know it even better, there are regularly examples of it.


Aside that, it is understandable that the vast majority of doctors (as well as other "relevant" persons in this context) can not afford to lose their (license / work / money), in other words, from this aspect it is understandable (although not rightfull as there is always an alternative) that they prefer to (figuratively spoken) close their eyes and to blindly follow this conspirative agenda instead to speak out against it.

... to the entire conspirative COVID agenda and not specifically to "vaccines".

The argument that they make money for administering is highly flawed. Both pharma companies and doctors actually make very little on vaccines.
As you can see in my original post ...
Another point is, they (doctors and producers etc.) make money (remember, money works) with every single "jab", this fact should not be underestimated (money works and works and works and continues to work).
... I did not state this fact as the significant factor, so I just wrote it should not be underestimated - but it seems you do exactly this. The administration of "vaccines" can generate a lucrative financial plus for all better frequented doctor's offices.

And regarding your statement that pharma companies are doing very little with vaccines, I'm not sure how you mean it - but in case you meant that their "vaccines" are only a small factor in their overall product line, I would agree. This "niche" however is obviously still big enough for them to make profit and it seems the profit is lucrative enough for them, otherwise they would leave this "niche".
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I think their main motivation is not "to make money from vaccines", although there is a trillion dollar profit to be made every year.. The main motivation for this hoax is depopulation, and then slavery. So they want control, not money. Money, they can just print, if they have enough control. Don't be suprised if they give millions of vaccines to poor crowded countries for free. Another thing, they may want to kill rich people who are not elites. This way they would steal their money.
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