
question Any Vax side effects?

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Did you or anyone you know get a covid vax? Any side effects?
Asking because I heard of thousands of deaths,
and hundreds of thousands of adverse side effects.

These are official records, but they can still be faked , as part of
revolution.. and vaxes may have been replaced with water.
this is my only hope for brainwashed people.
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Western philosophy and thought owes much to the Athenians, in particular, Plato, Socrates and Aristotle.

Plato's greatest work was called, "The Republic". Plato was Socrates' teacher. The Socratic method, a critical approach to inquiry, was developed by Socrates.

Socrates wasn’t loved by everyone by any means. His unorthodox political and religious views gave the leading citizens of Athens the excuse they needed to sentence him to death for corrupting the morals of the youth of the city. In 399, he was ordered to drink a brew of poison hemlock, which he did in the company of his students. The event is documented in Plato's Apology. (437-347) was,to devote himself to philosophy.

Aristotle was also a student and colleague of Plato. He wrote the first book on psychology. He also wrote extensively on all branches of medicine, including ophthalmology, cardiology, and obstetrics.

He is attributed with the statement, "The physician heals, Nature makes well."

Following the many developments over the past 2 Millenium, IMO, with all the so-called free thinkers in today's society what I find most lacking is, "Common Sense". :xf.wink:

I'm a fan of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle. They gave us some good thinking tools, which I enjoyed learning. Still remember most of them. I think. :)

But Edward de Bono refers to them as The Greek Gang of Three, and points out the limitations and problems with using their thinking system as much as we do, if we're to deal effectively with conflict, advancement.
Side effects may or may not occur post vaccination. Our concern in my country is not about post vaccine side effects but vaccine availability. The Fu**ed up politics and policies here may make it impossible for common man to get vaccination for months to come, may be year(s).

God bless all.
Edward de Bono refers to them as The Greek Gang of Three, and points out the limitations and problems with using their thinking system as much as we do, if we're to deal effectively with conflict, advancement.

He definitely examines the limitations of thought that we are continually faced with :unsure:

The Inadequacy of Argument
"There is a place for argument, and argument is a useful tool of thinking. But argument is inadequate as the main tool of thinking. There is a need to design new possibilities, not just to argue between two existing possibilities." - De Bono

He also comments on the new possibilities of development in thought (y)
Those vaccines are very similar. I think the issue with Pfizer's storage has been addressed.

Ultra-Cold Storage Of Pfizer Vaccine No Longer Required By FDA

The FDA approved Pfizer's application for a change in policy that allows its coronavirus shot to be transported and stored in ordinary freezers. The move could make it easier to administer shots from more locations around the U.S.

Makes sense, because their only purpose is to inject some nanobeast into people toward their agenda, and temperature is irrelevant in this story.
Side effects may or may not occur post vaccination. Our concern in my country is not about post vaccine side effects but vaccine availability. The Fu**ed up politics and policies here may make it impossible for common man to get vaccination for months to come, may be year(s).

God bless all.

Then, common man in your country is the lucky one.
He also comments on the new possibilities of development in thought (y)

If there's one place where I think I've especially fallen down when it comes to 'right thinking', it's been way underutilizing the thinking tools of his that I was taught. Best results I've had when it comes to practical application innovativeness is when I've used his tools. I'm going to see if I can make up for some of that falling down, lost time, through my and projects.
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If there's one place where I think I've especially fallen down when it comes to 'right thinking', it's been way underutilizing the thinking tools of his that I was taught.

"Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed. In the second, it is opposed. In the third, it is regarded as self-evident."
- Marianne Williamson
This one is for Muderna but lacking details.
Her obituary says she died “suddenly and without warning.” Dr. Credit was the first female pastor at the Boonton Township Mount Zion Baptist Church in its 100-year history. She had a master’s degree in divinity and a doctorate in ministry. Dr. Credit founded The Preaching Lab Podcast.

This one is for Muderna but lacking details.
Her obituary says she died “suddenly and without warning.” Dr. Credit was the first female pastor at the Boonton Township Mount Zion Baptist Church in its 100-year history. She had a master’s degree in divinity and a doctorate in ministry. Dr. Credit founded The Preaching Lab Podcast.
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Show attachment 189182

I read stories like this just about everyday.

Numbers don't match, don't add up to 100 percent.
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You are being misled by the conspiracy brigade taking the word 'Poison' out of context.

The Poisons Standard is the legal title of the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP).

Read up on the classification of Poisons under the Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 (WA), specifically scheduled substances that can be classified as a poison by the Governor, on the recommendation of the Minister.

The "conspiracy brigade" is not where you think it is, it is on the other side.

These "vaccines" are indeed poisons, they are classified as such but labeled / sold / used as "vaccines".
I used & use the word "poison" within the right context.

Don't get poisoned by these "vaccines" / don't get "vaccined" by these poisons.
"Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences."

CDC to drop PCR Ct for post vaccination covid testing to 28.
"one set of rules for me, another for thee"
Post vaccination PCR cycle guidance is for 28 cycles.
Pre- vaccination PCR cycles in Alberta are 40-45.
“They” conveniently control the PCR sample magnification results.
This is the reason PCR was chosen as the narrative driver.
PCR is not a test.
PCR is an amplification method.
Adjusting the number of cycles up or down gives “them” complete control of fear factor spin
and or showing efficacy of vaccine.
Eg. When they want “negative media spin fear mongering” to up the asymptomatic “case numbers” they just up the PCR cycles to 40-45.
When they want “positive media spin” to falsely show efficacy of vaccine and lockdowns the dial down the PCR amplification cycles down to 28.
Those who choose to get vaccinated will receive vaccinations (depending on availablity and scheduled rollout).

Those who choose not to be vaccinated (not mandatory) are simply exercising their right of refusal.

After all is said and done, nature will take its course. :xf.sick:
Those who choose not to be vaccinated (not mandatory) are simply exercising their right of refusal.
If exercising the right to refuse results in other rights being taken away from you (or burdening you with other obligations to safeguard the other rights), then the right to refuse is not more than a farce.
If exercising the right to refuse results in other rights being taken away from you (or burdening you with other obligations to safeguard the other rights), then the right to refuse is not more than a farce.

The Pandemic, as with Nature, will take its course. The best we can do is to mitigate its impact or ours. :sick:
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It's probably just COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination Identity Document) forever, the number is just there to let it look more serious but in fact it (the number) is a distract and meaningless.

It's defintely been a distraction and cost the lives of 3 million people to date. Many will recover, many will not. However, the numbers will continue to go up before they go down. I'm not a fan of tracking, but I suppose you can get a faux VID card :sneaky:
The Pandemic, as with Nature, will take its course. The best we can do is to mitigate its impact or ours. :sick:
Which pandemic?

There is no other pandemic than a psydemic.

But in regards to the nature and aside and independently from this global conspiracy, you are right when you say the nature take its course.

Of course, the nature follow its rules.

Since I am a part of the nature I do also follow its rules and one rule of my human nature is to reject obvious propaganda as my nature tells me there is no other pandemic than a psydemic.
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Which pandemic?

There is no other pandemic than a psydemic.

Since I am a part of the nature I do also follow its rules and one rule of my human nature is to reject obvious propaganda as my nature tells me there is no other pandemic than a psydemic.

Yup, it's definitely a distraction from business as usual. The only thing constant is change.

But in regards to the nature and aside and independently from this global conspiracy, you are right when you say the nature take its course.

Of course, the nature follow its rules.


And they run when the sun comes up
Gotta follow the laws of the wild.
With lives on the line
Out here only the strong survive
To see another day.
The hunter and the agile prey
No guarantee
Which will succeed
Strong or Weak.

- Jamie Christopherson
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