
Above.com Review

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formerly @stubTop Member
Where was I? I had all my .com domains at Parked and everything else at Bodis. Back in February I was waxing lyrical about Parked being back on top of their game. I had 2 months where I received almost record payouts (of all time... maybe in 3-4 years of parking). Then everything fell off a cliff and I was getting approx 2/3rds less. On 7th July I received only about $6.50 in revenue, which was abysmal. The day before that I had decided to try Above.com.

What is Above.com? In short, it's a traffic forwarder to your Parking Accounts. It decides where to send the traffic for each domain based upon which parking service gives the best returns. This sounds great. No longer do you need to park a group of domains with company A for a couple of months, enter the results into a spreadsheet, then park them at company B for a couple of months, enter the results in a spreadsheet. And so on. Now all this is done in Real Time, by Above.com.

Who are Above.com? They are part of the Trellian network of companies, who I first came across using their KeywordDisovery.com tool. So, I had confidence in them from the getgo.

It was easy to setup an account. You then go to Manage Accounts and setup the Parking Companies you wish to use from the list of companies they support. I chose Bodis, Parked, TrafficZ, DomainSponsor. The latter two I probably haven't used in a couple of years. You need to provide your username and password for each account. Of course there is a slight risk in this, but given the size of Trellian, I didn't have a real problem with this.

You can then go to Manage Folders and setup Folders for groups of domains. I however, imported everything into the default folder. Subsequently, I created two other folders, 1) Revenue, and 2) No Revenue. I moved everything from the default folder to No Revenue, and then moved them to Revenue, once Above.com reported revenue. You do this by downloading the .CSV file for the Non-Revenue domains, sort the SpreadSheet by Revenue, and then copy/past these into the Add Domains to the Revenue Folder. There is no copy/move command in Above.com. You either Add or Remove Domains, and Above.com moves the domains to the new Folder.

You of course have to add all your domains to each Parking Service individually (even if this can be done in bulk).

What is Maximizer? This is Above.com's inhouse Parking Service. They say that by some complex algorythms they monetize visitors which are poorly monetized by regular parking companies. For example, Asian traffic. When I look at the stats compared to the other parking companies (which is easy to do by clicking on Statistics and choosing what you want), I see mostly very low rates per click, like $0.02, significantly less than the rates/click for the same domain from the other parking companies. Who is to say that Above.com got it right or not? Maximizer provided about 1/5th of my Total Revenue for August. I've turned it off for Sept to see how the portfolio perform without it.

The Statistics are very comprehensive. You can select one or more parking services and a whole slew of stats like clicks, revenue, EPC etc.

How is support? I think there is only 1 support personnel. I usually get answers to my questions in about 1-3 days. So not the speediest support in the world, but I can't think of any support question which requires an immediate reply. So i'm reasonably satisfied.

How did I do? Well Above.com say it takes about 2 months to get your portfolio optimized. It's now been just two months for me. So maybe my best month will be Sept. But anyhow, in August, my 2nd month, Above.com managed to give me returns just below my record earnings of February. So, about 80-100% better than my earnings in June. This is a significant jump in earnings. It was split (in approx terms) 20% each from Bodis, Maximizer, DomainSponsor, and most of the rest from Parked. Almost nothing from TrafficZ, barely making the minimum payment for both July and August.

The website is sometimes a bit flakey. Not really surprising considering the amount of data they must be churning out. But usually it works itself out within a short time, usually minutes. My biggest gripe is that the Statistics Reports only allow you report 100 domains per page (whereas the Reports allow 1000). Also that there is no portfolio total reported in the Stats. You have to add up each page total.

Am I going to continue with Above.com? You betcha! I've disable the Maximizer to see how my portfolio performs without it and I'll probably disable TrafficZ also. I'd recommend to anyone to try Above.com. It really take away the drudgery of manually testing domains at different parking services.
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nice review. I use above.com as well and also happy with the system. Going to give keyrpm.com a try. They do basically the same as above.com, but they also optimize the keywords. Once I tried, I will post my findings.
Good review Stu! Above.com is a great service for domainers.
KeyRPM.com charges $150/month after the 1 month free trial. And that is for a limited account. You'd need to make a SIGNIFICANT increase in revenue to cover those charges. If you only increase your revenue by the amount of the charges, you might just as well remain with the status quo. Will be interested to see your findings.
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Thanks Stu for the review.

It is always great to get feedback from users.

Will make sure to improve on the points you have raised.

Wow! I didn't expect to raise the interest of Trellian themselves. I'd be very grateful if you could increase the number of domain per page on the Statistics to 1000, and provide a portfolio total somewhere, maybe at the top of each Statistics report.
I have a question for Trellian about Above.com - I started to configure an Above.com account but received an e-mail from SedoPro that Sedo is set to no longer accept domain forwarding only DNS pointing? Sedo mailing stated

"At the end of September, our ad provider will cease its provision of advertising to URL-parked pages and any parked domains that have not switched to DNS (domain name server) parking will not be served with advertising"

Since they are on a google feed is this likely only a matter of time before this is the case at all google feed based parking providers?

Further they also stated that;

"DNS parked domains often have a higher CTR, due to the better load time, which results in more parking revenue for you"

How will this effect Above.com?
It won't. Above uses DNS Parking.

I must say that the first three days of Sept have been a disaster. About half of Aug. That cannot all be explained away by stopping Maximizer and TrafficZ. But then again, performance isn't Above's fault, unless they're sending the domains to the wrong provider.
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It won't. Above uses DNS Parking.

I must be missing something - from above.com when setting up Sedo

Redirect URL

You can specify a custom redirect URL to use when sending traffic to SEDO. If left blank, the default redirect method will be used.

Note: Use the $D variable where ever a domain name needs to be inserted.

Example: http://www.sedoparking.com/$D

How does it use dns parking? It appears that it functions by pointing the domains to above.com (via their dns ns1.above.com) and then they URL forward your domains to various parking providers. Sedo is discontinuing any URL forwarding. Stub you are saying that is not the case??
All that stuff is if you don't use the default nameservers ns1.sedoparking.com & ns2.sedoparking.com. You only need to enter a) your sedo username, 2) your password, 3) tick Enabled, 4) tick Add Account. Above.com will use the above nameservers.
I have a lot of domains. Can I use my dns server?
I don't use Above.com the way you use them, I just use them as a way to view all of my stats from the various parking companies in one place.

And you are right to be using DomainSponsor again. I've been using them a few months now and they are blowing away Parked.com
Well my results for the 1st third of Sept have been very disappointing after August. I am running about 50% below my August figures... and I thought the portfolio was supposed to be optimized within 2 months. It's so bad, I've had to turn back on Maximizer. It's almost my best performing service. Now that's saying something since it's supposed to be for visitors that don't perform well anywhere else. Only TrafficZ is still turned off. Bodis is performing pretty well, at the moment.
Yes. But you need to sign up with the individual parking companies themselves before you can use a particular service.
Well another month completed. I think if I hadn't turned off Maximizer for the first 10 days, I would have been quite close to my August figures. As it was. I was about 15% off from August. Also I had a big reversal in my Domain Sponsor account which considerably effected my figures. So, all-in-all I'm satisfied with this month's results.

Bodis results getting better and better. Parked is holding up but is being b#stardized by the other providers. Domain Sponsor a dissapointment. Maximizer is pretty much essential to turn on. I'm going to be trying Smartname this month.
what is the revenue that above shows in the upper right on above control panel; revenue from 404s?.I notice that sometimes domains in there system go directly to ad pages and bypass the parking services;is that revenue kept by above or split? I also notice sometimes domains resolve www.anyparked.com/?nobid=1 what does that signify?
The figure on the right is the amount which you have earned from Maximizer. When that reaches $100+ you will get paid whatever the figure is at the end on the month, by 25th of the following month. So be sure you have your payment options defined. They don't use PayPal MassPay, so you will lose 4%+ covering PayPal fees. The amount stated is your share.

When they go to Ad Pages they're going to Maximizer Revenue Sharing pages.

You should read more about Maximizer from their help pages.

Sorry I have no idea what anyparked.com is all about.
OK. Halfway thru Oct. Results are worse than Sept. So unless things pick up in the 2nd half, like they did in Sept, I'm closing down Smartname, TrafficZ and DomainSponsor, and will keep only Bodis, Parked, and Maximizer. Personally, I think the amount of dollars being earned by the 1st three, is only being taken away from the last three. I think I should break-even at worst on this change. By which I mean, domains getting higher revenue (are quite few) might not do quite so well at the last three, and domains being tested at the first three are making less revenue than if they'd stayed at the last three. This will also make optimization easier.
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OK. Oct is going to be slightly worse than Sept. I'm keeping DS for Nov because they came on strong in the end of the month. TrafficZ and SmartName, didn't seem to cope as well as Parked with Yahoo!'s transition to Bing Search Results in Oct. They were both extremely disappointing, so I'm removing them for Nov (and probably never add them back again). So I'm going with Bodis, Parked, DomainSponsor, and Maximizer in Nov.
Thanks for the review! Keep up the good work :)
Up to 10th Nov, it looks like it going to be a bumper month. Maybe my best recorded on Above. This Parked/Bodis/DomainSponsor/Maximizer looks to be my best combination to date. I know every month is different, but it kinda implies what I was suspecting, that too many Parking Companies, can detract from the total income due to domains being tested at lower paying companies. It's also a good idea to have at least 1 Google and 1 Yahoo feed in the mix.

One other change I made on the 10th was to blacklist all Yahoo Restricted and Blocked Domains from Parked, even though a handful (maybe 1-2% of them) were paying their way at Parked.
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Thanks stub, keep up the reviews!

edit: i removed my questions posted here regarding above.com. coz when i look at the faq's at above.com, there we have all answers to the most common questions.
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Still on track for my best month ever using above.com after half a month.
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