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We lost our popular discussion thread about WhyPark. It was deleted by forum software when the thread starter's account was deleted (at his request). Sorry about that everyone.

This is a new thread being established to talk about WhyPark.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
oh yeah typo of trade marks are illegal! they approved me i will begin my experience. But before to begin, when i have set up my mini site with whypark, do they allow me to promote my domain putting the link inside mi mail signature or write it on social network?? Or like domain parking also whypark allows only natural traffic?
Oh Yes! You can build links.
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i build my mini website use whypark,but i find the traffic does not inncrease so sad
@Willlen - have you added unique content? Have you done any link building? Did you submit you sitemap to Google? Are your sites in a very competitive niche? Is your niche to broad?
I have been a user of whypark for some time now. I have had issues almost given up a few times,tried other hosts.
However I never put any effort into it.Add their content and done,expect to hit #1 within a week.You have to add your own content,and create backlinks with any website to get anywhere.It takes time and effort.
So I decided to buy articles from namepros member added them,now I am on the youtube thing.I added a custom page,could not add the video I took.Live chatted with kelly and within minutes I had my video on my custom page.Opened a whole new world of possibilities for me now.
I will add the link for my new custom page,hopefully I am not in violation of namepros rules,I'll find out i guess,lol but considering all factors as ease of use,templates available and such, wins hands down.Of course i say that as I dont know stuff like wordpress,I am a farm worker not a web developer,so building editing maintaining websites is not my thing.Whypark is all I know and i am so glad for all the help and support I get from their staff and forum.I wont put my websites anywhere else now,but most important is your own unique content,as with any website.
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After hearing what everyone has been saying Whypark has got a few new features. I droped all my domains and found ONE the was of real interest to me. Its been a year or two since I used Whypark. Can the original users who paid for the service still alter thier own code? I'm thinking of coming home to the old Whypark...
When I talked to Craig about upgrading my original $99 account to a monthly subscription, he said that I would go back to a grandfathered account (that had the ability to change templates and such) if I ever dropped my subscription. This makes me think that you'd still have a grandfathered account too...if it didn't get closed. Come back, and talk to Craig or Kelly. I'm sure they'll get you hooked up.
What competing services to whypark are there currently?

If anyone from whypark monitors this blog I would really like to know why when you have adsense ads you cannot have aps, I pay my money and get less features than others. At the very least you should provide an option to play slightly more and still get the aps with adsense ads.


Thanks to anyone that answers.

I'm not with WhyPark, but I suspect the answer to your question is because some apps would violate the Adsense TOS. That is, they likely base the information/products they show based on your site's content.
Right on!!! I was able to change my nameservers, customize my layout and it only took me 3hrs. :( Its only because I'm a little rusty. It looks just as good or better than before!
I am happy poking along with whypark,trying to add some subdomains to not working out just yet but will.Tim mentioned something about subdomains I think its the way to go.
I see with new content a few videos my alexa has gone from 17,980,304 down to just above 14,000,000 that rocks.
I think all the site in my sig are whypark sites check them out,whypark that is.Their grrrrreat,just like frosted flakes lol
And it does state that you cannot use third party ads if you use the apps whypark offers.I dont like the apps myself.The twitter one took over in the search results so if you ever plan on deleting them,they will be in gooogle for long time,I check often at google in search box page after page of the twitter crapola,none i see relevant to my site so no apps for this cat
not too impressed with whypark

I have 16 domains parked with whypark which have received 101 unique visitors and around 260 pages views with not a single click or single search. Zero, nada, no revenue whatsoever. When I looked at the whypark templates I had to wonder where the actual ads are - I find their offering extremely uncompelling, people are simply not tempted to click on anything, the ads are bland general terms, that is if I've even understood where and what the ads are. Altogether not a very interesting template.

I'm a web designer of 10 years experience but I'm new to the whole domain parking thing. It seems to me that if you can get to a point where you're making 3 dollars a month per domain you can make some good money. However I'm having trouble making even 3 cents a month never mind 3 dollars. I'm in the dark wondering how this works, whether all my 'visitors' are in fact bots or something, what constitutes a decent domain name for parking, what are the best kind of typo domains and how many visitors do you need and many other questions. I've poked around domainpros a lot but I'm ultimately none the wiser.

Really, you'd like to sit down with Frank Schilling and say "hey Frank, look at this computer, I've looked up a bunch of keywords and typos here and I'm thinking of registering them. What do you think of these, what would you do?"

But unfortunately Frank Schilling isn't sitting beside me and the next best thing - reading his blog - has left me none the wiser either.

I have a few more domains with sedo. One was motoring along with 60 views a month and 12 clicks a month which was great - even though the clicks were only 0.04 cent from a newbie point of view getting so many clicks was a result. Next I got a click of 0.23 on one other domain - great! I thought, now we're really making progress. Then the whole thing just stopped. No apparent reason, just no more clicks and very few views. I rang sedo and asked what had happened, was I being penalised. They said they thought I had probably been delisted from google for having a parked page.

Not a simple thing this domain parking business. Sorry for warbling on so much but I'd be interested if anyone has any pointers that could be useful in light of what I've written. I imagine it's a common story, at least for those who are new to this.
My sedo account has had a problem recently, so I moved many of my domains to whypark. I went with the $10 a month option so I could edit templates. I like their setup and customization options.

As far as parking revenue goes, it's not so good thus far, but I have had 2 offers in the past week, which has been quite satisfying.

I especially like the look of their sites. While they don't look like a full blown site, they look better than a lot of mini-sites I see. Here are a couple of examples of mine:
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Your coupon code site looks good. Can I ask how you made it? The 'popular searches' links are presumably to bring a potential visitor through to sponsored searches, so am I correct in thinking that whypark provides 2 click parking pages rather than sedo's 1 click pages? And using the search function people will end up with sponsored, rvenue generating ads also on the second, results page?

So how did you get all those 36 coupon code merchants and their individual pages?

From my point of view, as a web designer, I can rapidly create custom minisites using pure html templates (for speed, they're generally faster than dynamic systems like wordpress or joomla and google likes them) along with a local (i.e. on my own computer) installation of wordpress MU which I fill with autoblog info based on my chosen keywords. I then look over that info and simultaneously dictate an original version using Dragon Naturally Speaking, plug that into my pure html template and upload to my site. This way I can have a functioning, informative, perfomant and orginal website up and running in 1 hour or less. All I need then is a decent ad feed to moetise it and away I go. I don't see where whypark adds a great deal of value here since they insist on you spending time tweaking and optimising your site anyway.

The only problem is finding an ad feed that allows you to do this on a large scale and which performs as well as adsense but without all the grievous worry of offending the great G's TOS. Dealing with adsense seems like an exercise in anxiety - you're always wondering if they'll remove their financial lifeline to you (and your family) at any moment depending on whether you've transgressed one of their numerous requirements.

But domain parking is a little different. If you can work out how to make 3 dollars per domain using domain parking then you can load up on a few thousand domains over 6 - 12 months and away you go. But I'll admit I'm finding this last bit a bit tricky.
@MasterofMyDomins - Here's my post on - subdomains and WhyPark. One caveat of subdomains people should be aware of is that they may potentially have a negative impact on your TQ (Traffic Quality) score. I'm no TQ expert by any means...everything I know about TQ I learned from - this Parked Forum thread . Basically, what I got out of that thread is that all the domains in your portfolio get used to create an average TQ that determines the percentage of the funds you get from ad clicks. That is, if your TQ is a 110, and the advertiser pays $1 a click, you get $1. If your TQ is a 1 though, you presumably only get something like $0.10 per click. If the subdomains you add end up dragging your TQ down, then they need to bring in extra revenue of their own just to bring you to even. For example, let's say you have a site that earns $20 per month and has a TQ of 7. Presumably, the advertisers are paying out a potential of $28.57, and your TQ of 7 nets you your $20 (28.57 x 70% = $20). Now let's say you add 10 lower quality subdomains and your TQ drops to 1. Now that same tld that was earning $20/mo will be earning ~$2.85...ouch! Those 10 subdomains need to bring in $17.15 just to bring you back to even. This isn't saying that subdomains are bad or that you shouldn't use subdomains. I'm just pointing out that using them willy-nilly is a bad idea, and that you should always, Always, ALWAYS do the math before making financial decisions. Obviously, this whole thing depends on how Bing treats subdomains. Bing may ignore them in TQ calculations (which I personally doubt), may automatically give them a TQ of 0, or may lump them in with their parent TLD.

@domrunner - Have you done any SEO on your 16 domains? Backlinks? Submitted your site map to Google? etc? I'll gladly take a look at one of your sites if you post or pm me a link.

The coupon site is using one of WhyPark's domain apps...aptly enough, it is teh coupon domain app. It is a simple plug-in and go thing. This is one of the features that makes WhyPark better than minisites IMO.

And Yes, WhyPark is predominantly a 2-click lander. Meaning you click pone of those related searches links before you get taken to a page with ads on it. If you use Tags (in the custom pages part of your whypark admin panel), those will also display a list of ads, because they are just like the Related Searches links. You can essentially stuff a few more keywords in here. ;)

My advice is to not view WhyPark as a domain parking option. Yes, you can put a domain there and ignore it just like sedo or parked, but WhyPark is really a rapid domain development platform. It does require slightly more work than simple parking but less work than building a minisite. And you don't have to worry about breaking G's TOS.
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I think Tim_Myth covered everything that you asked, but I will add a couple of things.

WhyPark payouts have been low for me so far. I was making quite a bit more with sedo, but with WhyPark you can do a lot more than just parking.

My main objective is selling domains, and I like that you can fully customize sites on WhyPark to optimize for sales. I have been getting more offers through the WhyPark sales form than I did at sedo, AND when I make a sale, I get all the profit instead of paying commission. Now if WhyPark would add an an escrow service :)

You can make changes to groups of many sites at once. For example, on around a hundred of my geo-service domains, I stripped most of the WhyPark default template, including their ads, and installed a simple custom directory template. What would have taken me days in WordPress took me around 2 hrs with WhyPark. Now, I still have to go through and add local businesses to each site, but it was very nice to get all the templates set up at once.

Apps also add functionality. While they could be better, they enhance user experience quite a bit. I think there are only a couple that are monetized, though. Here are some examples of my sites that use the WhyPark apps:

Local Directory




Hotel Directory




I'm thinking about trying to find a ppc program to use soon, but as you alluded to, adding AdSense with WhyPark is probably asking for trouble. I feel like I already have enough risk there with my WordPress sites.

Having said all of that, it sounds like you may be wanting to use parking revenue as a business model. I doubt WhyPark will work too well for that, but I also doubt any program will. For me, parking rev is a nice bonus, but it's not something I can make a living from. If you have killer domains, though, it may be different for you.
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Nice to see some posts in the whypark threat @Tim I will check your links out and explain my subdomain strategy and why i want to use subdomains tomorrow
I been reading everyones posts,trying to learn and i am learning alot from all this.I admit i have alot to learn,and am gonna explain why I like the subdomain idea.maybe is wrong,tell me so comments and critisism are always welcome.
@Tim-links are very important no doubt and i visited both sites you recommended about information.Also visited your sig links and am impressed enough with your ideas and alexa rank for cheap one way links I will sign up after this post.The more links sunny dot ca has the better :)

My site I want to develop most is ,it is my rrsp and will cash it in 20 years from now.First the traffic quality score i dont care about,if you dont have any visitors you aint gonna make no money.Now i see a sub domain as a seperate domain,so imo you can make 1000 domains from one domain,and in the casae of sunny dot ca i want to categorize it for every city,town,village in canada.To do it all in one site imo would clutter it immensly.And it appears there are about 10,000 call them locations,towns,cities,villages in canada probably more.I want each one to be distinct,so if you are searching for toronto info you can find it easy,or montreal,or the two towns i live in,Oliver and Osoyoos,where most of my content is from right now.So rather than clutter them on one site,I see subdomains as making them distinct,as well as more sites in search engines,therefore more chance of being found.Setting up my subdomains to this point has driven me nuts,dns,"a" records,and using netfirms email all must be done a certain way.I have set up 5 subdomains so far,some are resolving some are just being weird.I have to learn to be patient I guess :)
my subdomains are
see where i am going,I feel subdomains categorize each geographical area better.5 down,9995 to go.
Now on each subdomain I can be more specific to that geographical area.Sure i would like to make money from my goo ads or the whypark ones,made more in last 2 days than last 2 weeks,maybe my link building,advertising is paying off,I been seeing people at haynes point which is a campground and telling them check out my video of haynes point at my website,maybe they been telling their friends.I even made myself business cards,simple ones so people can remember my domain name.But i want to make money from people wanting to advertise on my website,banners,links,I will create a page for your restaraunt in toronto at cheap too,a domain name only costs 3 cents a day to own.Build you a page for your reataraunt,maybe with complete menu for 10 bucks for 6 months,one advertiser i pay for the entire domain and network of subdomains.This will also create a link for this business website as well as provide information.maybe it is the wrong approach,building subdomains,if so i want to find out asap so i dont make a mistake and create a liability instead of an asset.But i feel to categorize things subdomains is the way to go.Either way its gonna be alot of work,maybe i will have to pay someone to help me set it up,whatever it takes effort and time to make money,and links,right Tim :) and like i said before if you think you can add a site to whypark,add their content,and expect a whole pile of traffic and clicks in a few days or weeks it wont happen.All that duplicate content may get you in trouble.So rather than have 100 domain names I would rather have 1 and 100 subdomains creating them when I am ready.Maybe i will have to make one for each province,and then link each town,city,subdomain from there linking them all together.Reciprocal links there called,just learning the value of them after all these years of buying stupid domain names like and expecting an offer of 1000 dollars for it and 100 uniques a day with no effort put into it.I have bought about 500 names so far,sold 3 dropped 460,leaving me with my 30+ names that i want to develop cause the better developed they are the more they are worth.Thats how i feel anyways,and thats my reason for subdomains.Like i said maybe this is totally wrong approach,if you think that tell me why,and what you think would be the best approach to categorizing all the geographical areas seperately.Now i am gonna go click on Tim's sig and buy some one way links,so people can find my site,and boost the old alexa at the same time.i am cheap,tight,call me scrooge but i think it is a worthwhile investment.And I believe a link from a site with alexa rank of 727,000 will help my rank which is currently about 14,700,00
couple weeks ago,my rank was 18,000,000+ so i must be doing something right to pass 4,000,000 other sites.
I look forward to hearing your opinions and comments.
And my autism website,building that with my friend Kathe who's son has autism is different template and color cause her son Cole,his favorite colour is blue.I have tried to change the color on the sunny template but never figured out where the code is to change that.
Almost hockey time,eh? GO CANUCKS!!!!!

I'm not sure about the subdomain strategy. It seems like it would take a lot of SEO to rank each site individually. I'm trying to think of sites that use subdomains, and the only one I can think of that is mainstream is craigslist, and their traffic is huge. Anyway, good luck with however you go.

I have done a couple of changes to my WhyPark sites. I implemented using the metatag <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> so my sites wont get banned from google, as they will never get into google in the first place... I had a lot of sites indexed already, but I just can't risk having the domains banned. If I add unique content in the future to any of the sites, I will remove the tag.

I also disabled 3rd party ads and started using ads. I will report back on revenue from that later. One downside of disabling 3rd party ads, though, is that one can no longer use the WhyPark apps. My domains get about 400 uniques a day. With WhyPark ads, I was making around .50 per day. takes a while to start reporting stats, but I hope it will be better. If it isn't I will switch back to the WhyPark ads.

One thing is for sure, though, if you are trying to sell domains, if you place a contact form in a visible location, you will get more inquiries/offers. I now have 700 domains at WhyPark (switched 600 from sedo last week), and I have had 3 offers in the last 7 days. I sold 1 name (Jan '11 reg fee) for low XXXX.
thanks for input jds i plan on doing each one as i am ready created a few already with a close to expiring domain name just to test
i have seen other subdomains have excellent alexa but they are big companys with money to develop.thanks for your input :)and i understand about being banned i had alot de indexed when i first started with whypark upgrading helped create better articles even a subdomain with two articles should be fine but we will test the system. i liked the apps overall but hate the twitter one

example subdomain visit see subdomains at top of page another is a major internet,cable company in canada

cheers,eh what about those canucks :) hope your not in chicago lol
A brief report on my experience with Chitika ads. I changed about half of my names @ WhyPark to Chitika ads a couple of weeks ago. After 2000+ impressions, I have received $0.44 worth of revenue :).

I switched all of my names back to the WhyPark ad feed today.
On a general note can anyone say what they would consider a decent daily return for a site on Whypark ? $1 a day ? 10 cents a day ? $10 a day ?
some friend of mine says that realize site with whypark is sensless because the spider are clever now and as soon as they see that we have redirect our nameserver to a site like whypark automatically deindecize us.
what do you think about this things?
some friend of mine says that realize site with whypark is sensless because the spider are clever now and as soon as they see that we have redirect our nameserver to a site like whypark automatically deindecize us.
what do you think about this things?

Not true, have a couple hundred domains at WhyPark with quite a few indexed.
Not true, have a couple hundred domains at WhyPark with quite a few indexed.

but these domains was already indexed before putting on whypark or they gain indexing after building them on whypark?

anyone on this question??
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