
discuss What Technology Will Replace Domain Names ?

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jaleel khader

Established Member
Hello Guys

What Technology Will Replace Domain Names ?
I Googled This Question But I Can't See Any Potential Technology Will Replace It In Near Future Maybe We Can Say That's Impossible Before 20-30 Years From Now .

Hope To hear Your Thoughts

My Regards
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I am amazed how can people come up with question about something that will never happen.
Wasting time everyone to discuss.
This should be in the break section.
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when ipad first came on the scene lot of folks were talking
is it going to replace domain names?

Why the iPad is Bad for Domainers - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News
iPad to kill Domaining? - NamePros

then folks were talking about emoji were going to take over domains
Emoji could soon take over domain names | CNET - NamePros

if, domain names are the "Point of Contact" in the directional formula of (A to B)
where A = user and B = destination

new tech has to replace route to B for user A
new tech has to create route to C and try to move the B crowd over,
however, that new space still needs an identity
as will all encompassed within, for user A to utilize.

they say, if you build it, they will come
guess it's depends on how you sell it, and who's in the circle props.

Some technologies are already replacing the need for domain names.

Discussion forums are being or have been replaced by Reddit, Discord, Facebook, or similar spaces. Gaming applications are being handled by platforms like Steam and App Stores (Google, Apple, etc). At the end of the day, platforms are what is replacing the domain name space. You can try to run your own e-commerce site or utilize an existing platform like Amazon or eBay.

Anyone who tries to build an identity with a domain name must absolutely have a combination of dedication, capital and a lot of luck.
At one point in time 1-800 numbers became scarce and there was speculation in 1-800 numbers. They eventually released other toll free extensions to meet demand. The same thing has been done with domains - hundreds of new extensions which did not exist ten years ago. 99% + of end users are not willing to pay a premium price for a domain name and so the registries have met that demand - an endless supply of alternative extensions. There is nothing special about any "new" TLD when there are hundreds of alternatives available for reg fee.
IMO, Domain, IPs or URL addresses are basically a uniform for a DNS ecosystem to link to a 2 dimensional Interface, that is displayed within your browser.

I can imagine on a not-so-far future, there could be a replacement to a traditional DNS ecosystem, where it can be used to universally link/adress to any digital entities. such as apps, digital resources, 3D object, images, videos, etc.

QR code for example, it can be used to store data, you might be able to store an entire app on a QR Code, therefore eliminating the use of DNS ecosystem. Or any other unthinkable 'Visual Address', as opposed to the text based address (domain address) or numerical address (IP adress).

maybe in the future, you can scan an image or a company logo [just like QR code concept] (I couldn't see why 'typing domain/text adresses on a url bar in a browser' would be relevant like forever), and it could direct you to some website, or apps in some next-gen clouds, serverless-network, blockchain or whatever its gonna be called that is not dependant on DNS system.

Pardon my english.
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Few things transcends domain names;
Why access the internet for info?
When you have infinite knowledge constantly uploaded to your brain via chip implant.. LOL
this is even beyond the beyond.. but a very real possibility. All it takes, is people to take to it. A year ago, we would have thought it was crazy the entire world masking up.. and here we are.

A catalyst can force instant change, or another method slowly creep up on us and before we know it's the norm.

Did you guys see @Jeffrey 's post:

I checked out this pod thing.. but it works off of sub-domains thus far and don't fully understand it, nor the difference nor benefit over using that and owning your own domain name. But there has to be more to it. I mean the dude invented the web as we know it.

Blockchain domains. Distributed web. Still need names but with a distributed system nobody has control, so for instance Google won't be able to tell us which sites are popular, GoDaddy won't be able to block domain names even with a court order.

By coincidence I've been checking out some of this stuff this evening. The potential is simply mind blowing. I've just bought a domain name with no renewal fees, ever, and nobody can relinquish it or take it away from me unless I decide they can have it.
Awesome, Handshake? With domain names it is something truly phenomenal.
I mean the dude invented the web as we know it.

The dude copied the NASA's space network sys and with a little bit of rock-and-roll he manage to turn the antennas/satellites into nodes/servers.

Regarding Alt domains, each "alt domain extension" currently rotate on its own axis. It's a flyable extension, more like a local Internet registry where any interested party can reserve/buy dot brandname extension or at least choose one of the sub- (eg myname.crypto). In short they just copy everything instead of inventing ... https://www.iana.org/numbers / creating a) Backup domain system / . There is not much "invention" in it.

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But.......they are fading out

Traditional calls converted to mobile which have converted to WhatsApp etc which are converting to Zoom etc.....


I'm not that much of a techy but phone numbers will be become obsolete..........

I can see where you are coming from, but before mobile phones, each household had a phone number. Today, almost every individual in the developed world has a phone number. Even if apps are the current favourite, you still need that original telephone number to be converted to SMS or mobile apps... it's the underlying technology, just as domain names are the underlying technology for email, or online social-media platforms.
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Blockchain domains. I've just bought a domain name with no renewal fees, ever, and nobody can relinquish it or take it away from me unless I decide they can have it.

You just bought a domain name with no renewal fees, ever, and what would happen if company/organization just disappear or gets acquired by $marter company offering a -must-use- new quantum protocol (membership-per-year) otherwise the domain name will not function at all or partially. Many questions floating around.

Lets consider these three possibilities:

1- Domain names will endure for another 5000 years. :xf.smile:

Why, because just having new technologies being made available to people does not automatically mean that people are going to adapt to and use those new technologies. Lets look at Money, it has been around for several thousand years and people still keep using it even though there have been other options that have been made available to them over the years.

2- AI will become the go between for us and the Internet, so we stop interacting directly with the Internet (and maybe even with each other), we just tell the AI what we need and it will get it for us. In this case AI will just use IP addresses directly and there will be no more use for domain names. AI will keep serving us as a virtual entity or as an Artificial Lifeform until one day that we ask it to get something for us and it will say “get it yourself I have more important things to do”. :xf.wink:

3- There will be a Worldwide revolt against all new technologies once people realize how their whole way of life is going to be changed by Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and Genetic Engineering (just to mention a few) and all people connected to new technologies including domainers will be apprehended (I didn’t want to say executed) and the World will devolve and digress into a simple way of life again and all traces of new technologies will be erased. :xf.frown:

There is also the remote possibility that Humans and all other Natural and Artificial Lifeforms and Entities will find a way to get along with each other and start buying domain names on NamePros for many years to come once it is required for everyone to have a domain name as their Universal ID.

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The dude copied the NASA's space network sys and with a little bit of rock-and-roll he manage to turn the antennas/satellites into nodes/servers.
Well that's a new one. Where does that come into play with ARPANET, whom Bernard's based the commonality we use today of accessing data on? Genuinely curious.
Regarding Alt domains, each "alt domain extension" currently rotate on its own axis. It's a flyable extension, more like a local Internet registry where any interested party can reserve/buy dot brandname extension or at least choose one of the sub- (eg myname.crypto). In short they just copy everything instead of inventing ... https://www.iana.org/numbers / creating a) Backup domain system / . There is not much "invention" in it.
Yes no invention there, really. More like an "intranet", meh. But your .crypto example is incorrect, that is not an alt.
You just bought a domain name with no renewal fees, ever, and what would happen if company/organization just disappear or gets acquired by $marter company offering a -must-use- new quantum protocol (membership-per-year) otherwise the domain name will not function at all or partially. Many questions floating around.
TBC.. and in my limited knowledge, a new -must-use- protocol would not take over an existing one, it would just be a new protocol. On the blockchain, your key to your domain is yours and written on the chain forever. Transfer to a different wallet as you wish.

You can have a company/org managing DNS settings, nameservers etc, but the actual domain is fully owned by whomever owns the key. If someone buys/takes over them, they disappear, means nothing for the protocol the domain is based on.
I can not understand why some people reject the idea that someday a new technology will replace the existing one, while witnessing that happen many times.

Its all about uses and gratification. If something can surpass domain name in many aspect such as in security, accessibility, usability, and equality then people will use it.

So what will surpass domain name in that aspect? I have 2 anwers, the realistic one and the unrealistic one.

The Realistic Answer:
Its Monopolization. If a company that has a platform like Google, Apple, Microsoft and facebook can monopolize 99% of the market and they can fulfill every people needs from internet inside their platform so people would never need to go out of their platform to fulfill their needs, then it would be irrelevant to make website with a domain name outside the platform.
And on the extreme level the Company that monopolizing the market could forbid the content provider and developer to use resource outside their platform such as 3rd party server and domain name for bullsh*t reason like security. Then you have to use their server and replacing domain name with something like Provider ID number that people would never access because they have to access it via apps in the platform. Then people would think visiting website by typing the domain name is outdated and never visit website again.
(That must be every big tech company dream!)

The Unrealistic Answer:
Human Instrumentality Project...

Interesting thread
Monopolization is the most likely answer as it's already happening.
Blockchain is the least likely answer as it has failed to disrupt anything that it promised to disrupt.
VR/AR is an interesting hypothesis. We're shifting from an Information Economy to an Experience Economy and it will have to be seen if domain names stay relevant within the metaverse.. this is entangled with Monopolization as well.. if there's just a single metaverse owned by someone like Facebook, that might be the end of domain names.
I think it will eventually be like Denny Digit uncensored on youtube...

Or will end up going back to landline newspapers and shops to be more environmentally conscious. All the tech is not sustainable neither is all the packaging from web domain consumerism. We got lazy, antisocial, impatient, angry, selfish and rapidly losing our humanity and morals, the correct word for 'ethics' IMHO.
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Blockchain domains. Distributed web. Still need names but with a distributed system nobody has control, so for instance Google won't be able to tell us which sites are popular, GoDaddy won't be able to block domain names even with a court order.

By coincidence I've been checking out some of this stuff this evening. The potential is simply mind blowing. I've just bought a domain name with no renewal fees, ever, and nobody can relinquish it or take it away from me unless I decide they can have it.

This gonna works only if google facebook and 100 top tech giants shifts from .com to blockchain addresses and believe me 0.001% chances of this ...
It’s easy be replaced by a random hash of blockchain and transform them to any forms they want, letters, pic, pixels, emoji, etc. whatever those are you just put it to your wallet in the form of what that chain making it up to and what they need is just a brand name.
Did anything replace street addresses? Or company names? Or personal names?
Street # can not be created by individuals or companies that’s different than the domain names now particularly for web3.0 for blockchain.
Traditional calls converted to mobile which have converted to WhatsApp etc which are converting to Zoom etc.....

I'm not that much of a techy but phone numbers will be become obsolete..........

Yeah but it's pretty much for the same reason for which domain names were put on top of IP numbers.
It's easier to say "call us at @somecompany" than "call us at 5983438732".
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TBH I can't see anything replacing domain names as we know them for a very long time to come. Blockchain is excellent in concept. It has numerous advantages. But the economics of complete change from .com to .crypto don't stack up yet by any measure. It may be they never will. I can easily envisage the two systems running side by side in harmony for decades to come.

It is going to take many years, perhaps a whole generation, to be sufficiently widespread for general use. Even then, it will still be based upon a naming system and nobody has come up with any real logic yet for that not being a domain name system.

What is likely to change via blockchain is that we will realise how versatile domain names are in that they can be used for much more than they are being now. That is what, over time, may possibly provide the real emphasis for blockchain replacing DNS as we know it today. So even for the millions who retain today's domain names, and there remain excellent reasons for doing so for many, in the future they may be running on blockchain without the holders even realising it.
Why do you think the domain name space will become redundant with billions of people using it?

There is too much money and technology already invested in it, to warrant replacing it.

Telephone numbers are 140-years old, and still in use.

Yeah but telephone numbers don't cost thousands or even millions of dollars to get one, they are free but just for arguments sake, the way we even make calls is changing (Skype, Whats app etc), billions were also using cassette tapes when CD's took over!

There's one consistent thing that as always happened throughout Earth’s history and that is the old always makes way for the young (circle of life). In tech this accelerates even quicker (old making way for the new), you buy a new phone or TV and its only top of the range for a few months before the next model comes out.

Domains have had what 30 years? That is hell of a long time for anything electronic related, to put it into context how long they've been around, people was still getting Speak and Spells as Christmas presents when domains names first came onto the scene and playing Pac Man video game on their cartridge based Atari’s, look how things have progressed since then.

I would be very surprised if domain names still had another 30 years in them, as said there's indications things are changing how people connect to the web now with apps and what not, in 20 years how we connect to the web is going to be totally different to now, everything will be contacted to the web, plants/oceans/roads/cars/homes/clothing/dust bins etc, even humans themselves.
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Lets assume the threat to be neutral for next ten years.
On the blockchain, your key to your domain is yours and written on the chain forever. Transfer to a different wallet as you wish.

You can have a company/org managing DNS settings, nameservers etc, but the actual domain is fully owned by whomever owns the key. If someone buys/takes over them, they disappear, means nothing for the protocol the domain is based on.

How many wallets can I host on one Blockchain Domain Name?
If Wallet A disappear, do I need to detach my BDN first before attaching it to the Wallet B? If yes, who’s the ghostbuster/ supporter to help me?


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@Lox it's all there for you to read on the Unstoppable Domains site. There are warnings about care of your BDN and what to do if it, or your password or a key, is stolen. I don't think there is a limit to how many wallets you can have, but certainly sufficient to cover any needs I could think of. You can store lots of other data in them besides coins.

The whole point of blockchain technology is that it is "distributed" - nobody owns it. A few people hold what are effectively keys to the gate to get into it and you pay them for unlocking that gate for you. That's buying your .crypto domain name.

Once through the gate, at least on the Etherium version, if you are not silly enough to lose your credentials or have them stolen and unless you sell your little bit of it, it is yours forever. The entry gateways have no further influence no matter who buys them out or makes a better, more irresistible, entry offer.
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the blockchain is the foundation of the Matrix
where all, in the future will be connected.

it's what you've been asking for anyway, right?

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