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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Haitians were lined up at the Texas -Mexico Border last week... they were attempting to enter at the Laredo Texas entry point ,,,which borders Juarez Mexico ... the all were detained
I'm sure the Biden administration will soon drop them off somewhere in the US in the middle of the night and Liberal Media will know nothing about it...
I have to agree that the world is vastly overpopulated. It's obvious. It's also obvious that most of the problems people whine about (global warming, pollution, plagues etc.) wold be greatly alleviated if our population was much smaller than it is now. Most educated people instinctively know this - and it may explain why developed societies are seeing fewer kids.

It's obvious that a finite ecosystem cannot support infinite population growth. In the wild, when a species overpopulates, it dies off. We are overpopulated. Absolutely.

Now, what scares me is that a billion other people know this too. And all you need are a couple of them with the skill and the means and the necessary psychopathic traits to decide to speed the process up - for the good of humanity, of course. Like pruning a tree.

If that happens, you won't see it coming. And it won't require a widespread conspiracy of 100s of people. Only a handful can pull it off. That's the scariest part.

The Covid vaccines ain't it. And whatever it is, it will be something that kills off vastly more poor people than rich people. Because that's how these things work, whether it's nature or a psychopath with a deadly virus.

Sleep tight:)

Difficult to relate some ideas in a short post, if something doesn't make sense, feel free to ignore it.

I'm not convinced about overpopulation the way you are, and other issues take precedence and cloud the real or imaginary problems endlessly presented for consumption. For every new solution or policy enacted, more challenges will appear. There is no sure way to manage these trade-offs from occurring. Conservatives might be more willing to accept personal freedom outcomes while leftist captured academia will advance "visions of the anointed" and always see society in need of their rescue.
The world is easily understood as finite. Human activity is without sustainable harmony with ecosystems, but to only blindly extrapolate the future from the present is "the last refuge of a groundless argument." These imagined global challenges are littered with psychopathic and criminal solutions and are not hidden but documented.

I don't buy into the perception that the west or developed countries are having fewer kids due to conscious decisions and concern for the environment but rather manufactured culture and economic realities.

The covid vaccines are something. What truthful reporting about this "pandemic" have you witnessed? Every societal influence speaks with the same coordinated message while alternative views are actively shut down or ignored.

It can not be easy to develop technology to kill a vast amount of people without arousing suspicion, and a process like that will require coordinated propaganda.

Really? Funny that they would choose to kill off the most obedient part of the population and leave themselves with the vax resisters. Also funny that they haven't shipped a ton of the vaccine off to Africa. Sorry, but if this is their extermination plan, it would be like Hitler killing off all the Aryans and saving the Jews and Gypsies.

You underestimate the stupidity and the primitive desire for control that runs rampant in politicians and bureaucrats.

(And I am kind of surprised that you linked to a Marxist website.)

Sure, the incompetent psychopaths in power are using Covid to advance their idiotic utopian agenda. It will end as all attempts at Utopia do, with brutal oppression and widespread death and destruction. These fuckers never learn.

I'm answering this post again:)

The killing of the obedient doesn't have to happen right away. Even if Yuri Bezmenov claims these are first to go because they served their purpose, and their disillusionment will turn them into natural opposition.
I think biotech operations can be satisfied with continuous booster shots, especially since the narrative through MSM is well controlled. And once the obedient populace bought into the propaganda, it will probably continue to do so.

Hitlers of today are not trying to create a master race of any sort but an obedient tech-controlled gender-less populace. Do you need more proof than CRT and such?

Again, there are plenty of examples of incompetent clown world, but the global plans for society have been written decades ago and are coming to fruition.

The utopian society is a ruse while leftist ideology body count is real and served a purpose when there wasn't a softer perfected approach like the brainwashing we are experiencing now.

How would you explain why, historically and presently, major money interests controlling most of the concentrated wealth and influence always push for some form of communism? Logic would suggest they would actively oppose leftist ideologies. Yet, they risk assets, market, and fiat currency creation to a politically totalitarian idea and an incompetent gov bureaucracy.
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Boris the clown
Hitlers of today are not trying to create a master race of any sort but an obedient tech-controlled gender-less populace. Do you need more proof than CRT and such?

Again, there are plenty of examples of incompetent clown world, but the global plans for society have been written decades ago and are coming to fruition.

The utopian society is a ruse while leftist ideology body count is real and served a purpose when there wasn't a softer perfected approach like the brainwashing we are experiencing now.

How would you explain why, historically and presently, major money interests controlling most of the concentrated wealth and influence always push for some form of communism? Logic would suggest they would actively oppose leftist ideologies. Yet, they risk assets, market, and fiat currency creation to a politically totalitarian idea and an incompetent gov bureaucracy.

I think you complicate things. The moneyed already have plenty of money. The only thing left for them is power and control. That's Communism. They don't need capitalism anymore. Sure the plan is to make people stupid and pliable - and I think they have mostly succeeded.

If you have read any classic science fiction (including 1984) you'll note that future societies are always run by an elite few, whether they are utopian or dystopian. This is how most people see the world. Maybe it's an extension of the tribal elders of the past. They want to believe that there are wise men and women who can bring us a perfect world, if it wasn't for all those unwashed. People with oodles of money start to believe that they are part of that group of wise and enlightened leaders. They must be smart, because they are so rich, right? I have felt a tingle of that, until I went broke again. It's human nature.

No I don't think there is a grand plan to exterminate people. That will only be born out of frustration when the other grand plans of the "elite" fail. They are not that competent or cooly ruthless. They are idiots like the rest of us, grubby and seeking greater glory for themselves. We are all just monkeys in nice clothes, reined in by civilization and society. The elite monkeys think they know better, and will bring destruction to the world.

Destroying society the way they are is destroying the fabric that holds us together. They are honestly too stupid to grasp that. That's why they play these dangerous games.

But again, this is a Western disease. You don't see it in Asia - even in China with their neo-Nazi bureaucracy. People don't want to destroy society.
That guy in the video was an idiot to pair Cuba and Slovenia. Slovenia is a beautiful country - certainly a far better lifestyle than in the US. Just ignorant.

I agree that the examples were not well chosen, but their purpose was to impress the American audience, which could have succeeded even if they came off as slightly crude.
Cuba reports some inaccurate stats, which is well known, so not a good comparison either, but I agree with the speaker's sentiment.
I think you complicate things. The moneyed already have plenty of money. The only thing left for them is power and control. That's Communism. They don't need capitalism anymore. Sure the plan is to make people stupid and pliable - and I think they have mostly succeeded.

If you have read any classic science fiction (including 1984) you'll note that future societies are always run by an elite few, whether they are utopian or dystopian. This is how most people see the world. Maybe it's an extension of the tribal elders of the past. They want to believe that there are wise men and women who can bring us a perfect world, if it wasn't for all those unwashed. People with oodles of money start to believe that they are part of that group of wise and enlightened leaders. They must be smart, because they are so rich, right? I have felt a tingle of that, until I went broke again. It's human nature.

No I don't think there is a grand plan to exterminate people. That will only be born out of frustration when the other grand plans of the "elite" fail. They are not that competent or cooly ruthless. They are idiots like the rest of us, grubby and seeking greater glory for themselves. We are all just monkeys in nice clothes, reined in by civilization and society. The elite monkeys think they know better, and will bring destruction to the world.

Destroying society the way they are is destroying the fabric that holds us together. They are honestly too stupid to grasp that. That's why they play these dangerous games.

But again, this is a Western disease. You don't see it in Asia - even in China with their neo-Nazi bureaucracy. People don't want to destroy society.

I agree with most, I just don't see the globalist project as a purely human endeavor.

Covid shot fertility issues should be appearing right away, more so than what was observed so far, but I'm always wishing to be wrong.

What can possibly drive the elite to create a multi generational plan for global government? This is not a natural human psychotic behavior, eventually people are satisfied and do not constantly seek more control.
What makes the elite so sure they will be the ones calling the shots in a global communist regime?
Why such hatred towards people that they wish to control all aspects of freedom?

It is only a Western disease because other countries and regions serve a different purpose. Globalists were courting China ever since Chinese Civil War and I don't doubt they succeeded.

you can’t smoke pot like cigarettes… that is what I see going a lot today .. I like pot .. but it has its draw backs and the human brain is not conditioned to withstand constant levels of THC .. or any other foreign chemical for extended lengths of time … legalization opened the door for high usage daily .. i am 50/50 on the legalization for those reasons ..
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I thought all this was about George Floyd and White Police abusing power on Black men ?? Oh yeah .. that ended after two weeks and the whole White race began getting attacked for a year and half and still counting … carry on as it will .. the more people are lied to and deceived.. the less sensitive they become .. many are pretty desensitized at this point
Been watching the Olympics and noticed that the women swimmers have these lovely lanky bodies and no boobs... just a couple of mosquito bites!!!

@iowadawg please send us some women swimmers with some bouncies!


Been watching the Olympics and noticed that the women swimmers have these lovely lanky bodies and no boobs... just a couple of mosquito bites!!!

@iowadawg please send us some women swimmers with some bouncies!



there is weird shit in the water .. literally

my wife told me “No Competition” Simone Biles dropped out of the team final and “I am Better Than Serena Williams” Naomi Osaka got beat by a Czech Republic player ..

Maybe Simone Biles can win in the individuals .. when you wear shirts around that say “No Competition” you might want to back it up

Naomi Osaka is a BLM Pawn IMO .. every time I have seen a picture of her she is wearing a mask having to do with BLM narratives ..
there is weird shit in the water .. literally

my wife told me “No Competition” Simone Biles dropped out of the team final and “I am Better Than Serena Williams” Naomi Osaka got beat by a Czech Republic player ..

Maybe Simone Biles can win in the individuals .. when you wear shirts around that say “No Competition” you might want to back it up

Naomi Osaka is a BLM Pawn IMO .. every time I have seen a picture of her she is wearing a mask having to do with BLM narratives ..
Simone Biles dropping out was strange. She seems to be accusing the pressure when not having a good performance.

Naomi Osaka losing to a top 100 player is not so strange in tennis. She didn't play this years Roland Garros and Wimbledon tournaments, because she refused to have post games interviews, which apparently causes her a lot of emotional stress...
Simone Biles dropping out was strange. She seems to be accusing the pressure when not having a good performance.

Naomi Osaka losing to a top 100 player is not so strange in tennis. She didn't play this years Roland Garros and Wimbledon tournaments, because she refused to have post games interviews, which apparently causes her a lot of emotional stress...

in both cases .. the mind controls the body … it very well could be that Simone Biles feels a tremendous pressure to perform at an unprecedented level … I think she may feel that she is expected to … I am hoping for her to come back .. relax and do what she does .. if she can do that .. she can win Gold in a individual event .. she is also 24 and has won most everything .. it could be she is ready to live her adult life and move on now … she is a tremendous athlete.

Naomi Osaka some what the same .. apparently she has completely lost her focus .. she is not and will never be near Serena Williams IMO .. but I think she may have turned the lights out in her mind as to what her priorities are .. and what she really wants out of life …

the condition of the world certainly isn’t helping either one of those ladies right now .. I personally felt that the Olympics shouldn’t have taken place … but one side of me said .. maybe it will make people feel a little better if the games do take place
in both cases .. the mind controls the body … it very well could be that Simone Biles feels a tremendous pressure to perform at an unprecedented level … I think she may feel that she is expected to … I am hoping for her to come back .. relax and do what she does .. if she can do that .. she can win Gold in a individual event .. she is also 24 and has won most everything .. it could be she is ready to live her adult life and move on now … she is a tremendous athlete.

Naomi Osaka some what the same .. apparently she has completely lost her focus .. she is not and will never be near Serena Williams IMO .. but I think she may have turned the lights out in her mind as to what her priorities are .. and what she really wants out of life …

the condition of the world certainly isn’t helping either one of those ladies right now .. I personally felt that the Olympics shouldn’t have taken place … but one side of me said .. maybe it will make people feel a little better if the games do take place
Naomi Osaka (#2 seed) lost to Marketa Vondrousova (#42 seed)
Yesterday we saw a big upset as well when Australian Ash Barty (#1 seed) lost to Sara Sorribes Tormo (#47 seed)

Hopefully Simone Biles gets her confidence back, because she is magnificent when on top form...
I am not gonna lie … I watched “The Bad News Bears “” last night on HBO and it made me feel better to see that old movie 😂😂

I am very used to traveling .. California .. Florida … New York … for my ex business my son now owns .. i have taken up masonry work as of late … Quickcrete is my new best friend … I have made new paved walk ways .. redone my patio .. it’s driving my wife crazy 😂…. I thought about doing carpentry work around my place .. I don’t particularly love carpentry .. so .. nah … I can’t breed pigmy goats and sell them any longer because of the Plandemic … it’s now heat of summer here now … so all day outside stuff is out … fuck it .. maybe I will go and be a security guard or something 😂.. .. I have ruled out full time domaining .. my brain ain’t what it used to be lol ..
I personally felt that the Olympics shouldn’t have taken place … but one side of me said .. maybe it will make people feel a little better if the games do take place

The Olympics disgust me, not that I was a big fan before. Thomas Bach basically took the Nazi colonizer approach and said the games are happening "no matter what the Covid situation." He said this despite knowing that 80% of the Japanese people were against holding the games. The politicians fell in line. For them, they foolishly think an Olympics will help their elections. For Bach and his team, it's all about the money. Most of their profits comes from sponsors. No Olympics, no sponsor revenue. It is so bad that one of the largest sponsors, Toyota, pulled all of their commercials from the Olympics - even though they still have to pay for them. Because they know the event is that unpopular among the Japanese.

Nothing against the athletes, but the games themselves are just a racket for the wealthy. The absurd nationalism, the egos, the corruption, the silly protests, the politics, the debt of the hosting nation.... No thanks.
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