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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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“it’s bad when think like you guys...”
Proceeds to provide no evidence; somehow generalize while ostracize any who disagrees.

Same old JB

one thing I have learned about the “New”Democrats.... there is no negotiation 50/50 with them .... their way or you are flat out wrong and they oppose you.... communist like ..
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The msn link links to Wash Post
You’re smart! :ROFL: People much more likely click if see “msn” than the Compost.
mast mechanism to get past Compost paywall
Thanks JB!

Yes, mr. links to National Enquirer/NY post, Epoch Times, other garbage sites.
Yes, mr. links to National Enquirer/NY post, Epoch Times, other garbage sites.

NYPost free to all; dont have to be from NY;
ONLY GOOD Ny Newspaper; implore all trad
Epoch Times; i send free articles (their best!
National Enquirer we talked about this;
Never linked them once; and they got sold for $100M due to “cancel culture” Bezos scandal
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one thing I have learned about the Democrats.... there is no negotiation 50/50 with them .... their way or you are flat out wrong and they oppose you.... communist like ..

You want Dems to agree with stupid? That doesn't make sense.

It's interesting to see the Trumpers in this thread continue to struggle.

Following guidelines vs. not following guidelines.

Not following = more problems.

So what's happening in America, Trump/Trumpers own this.

Just even the event last night. More not following guidelines, on top of that, leaving people out there freezing.

Dumb ass Trumpers spreading the virus around.
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You want Dems to agree with stupid? That doesn't make sense.

It's interesting to see the Trumpers in this thread continue to struggle.

Following guidelines vs. not following guidelines.

Not following = more problems.

So what's happening in America, Trump/Trumpers own this.

Just even the event last night. More not following guidelines, on top of that, leaving people out there freezing.

You lose the right to call ANY garbage; sometimes i feel you fall for clickbait and list the first story you see (usually CNN) that has a psuedo bombshell clickbait; not verify; MSBC, NewYorker, DailyNews, CBS, ABC
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No, they haven't been following guidelines. Remember those big protests against wearing masks.

It's the idiots in this world that are making things worse.

well .. if that’s the case then the people who feel they must wear a mask should just stay inside ... have their groceries delivered and ect .... people are sick and tired of this ...
You lose the tight to call ANY garbage; sometimes i feel you fall for clickbait and list the first story you see (usually CNN) that has a psuedo bombshell clickbait; have no verify; MSBC, NewYorker, DailyNews, CBS, ABC

You whine a lot, then use worse sources.
well .. if that’s the case then the people who feel they must wear a mask should just stay inside ... have their groceries delivered and ect .... people are sick and tired of this ...

People are sick and tired of dumb ass Trumpers making the situation worse in the country. In America, you are the biggest spreaders. You and that stupid Plandemic stuff you post, others calling it a hoax, other idiots posting anti-mask articles all day long.

Big bag of idiots.
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You whine a lot, then use worse sources.


He in worse delusion than anyone i’ve seen.

JB, do you even pay attention to media bias?
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You want Dems to agree with stupid? That doesn't make sense.

It's interesting to see the Trumpers in this thread continue to struggle.

Following guidelines vs. not following guidelines.

Not following = more problems.

So what's happening in America, Trump/Trumpers own this.

Just even the event last night. More not following guidelines, on top of that, leaving people out there freezing.

Dumb ass Trumpers spreading the virus around.

IF ... you don’t feel your mask works to give you ample protection ... stay in .. have your groceries delivered and all that
People are sick and tired of dumb ass Trumpers making the situation worse in the country. In America, you are the biggest spreaders. You and that stupid Plandemic stuff you post, others calling it a hoax, other idiots posting anti-mask articles all day long.

Big bag of idiots.
We think Democrats are dumb asses ... so
IF ... you don’t feel your mask works to give you ample protection ... stay in .. have your groceries delivered and all that

Why are you so slow? I'm not talking about those that follow guidelines. What part of dumb ass Trumpers is not clear? How many times does this need to be gone over?

Not following guidelines = virus being spread = people getting sick/dying, hurting our economy
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We think Democrats are dumb asses ... so

all starts with the hate usually regurgitated and fed upon by us by CNN, HUFFPost, WashPost, MSNBC, NBC, ABC... It’s sad.

Conservatives happier bunch; media giants nerf; Politico “fact check”Give me break!
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Why are you so slow? I'm not talking about those that follow guidelines. What part of dumb ass Trumpers is not clear?

hey man... your the one who has a problem and is paranoid ... I have never stopped going since this began ... y'all's personal problem with paranoia and not getting the fact that if masks work.. you have nothing to worry about around people who aren’t wearing them .... personal problem
hey man... your the one who has a problem and is paranoid ... I have never stopped going since this began ... y'all's personal problem with paranoia and not getting the fact that if masks work.. you have nothing to worry about around people who aren’t wearing them .... personal problem

I'm not paranoid about anything, I'm posting reality:

Not following guidelines = virus being spread = people getting sick/dying, hurting our economy

Just look at that Rose Garden event, it was small. See how many people caught it? See how it spread?

Now look at those big rallies. Look at the other people out there not following guidelines.

It's going to be those mostly on the Right. Basically Trumpers are screwing things up. I imagine most Dems can follow simple guidelines. You guys struggle with it. You are the biggest spreaders.
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hey man... your the one who has a problem and is paranoid ... I have never stopped going since this began ... y'all's personal problem with paranoia and not getting the fact that if masks work.. you have nothing to worry about around people who aren’t wearing them .... personal problem

Starting off any post “Why are you slow...?”

i wouldve stopped reading right there.

Remember when i said; personal when lose or get embarrassed by any facts
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all starts with the hate usually regurgitated and fed upon by us by CNN, HUFFPost, WashPost, MSNBC, NBC, ABC... It’s sad.

Conservatives are happier bunch; Media giants nerf; Politico “fact check”Give me break!

yeah... they are all punks ... go up to people wearing a MAGA hat and start shit with them over just wearing a damn cap... they are thin fucking ice.. I can tell you that much
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Starting off any post “Why are you slow...?”

i wouldve stopped reading right there.

Remember when i said; personal when lose or get embarrassed by any facts
It's called being honest. Something else you guys struggle with.

You are slow if things have to be repeated.

What part of this do you not get:

Not following guidelines = virus being spread = people getting sick/dying, hurting our economy

What part of we can save 130,000 lives by Feb if 95% wore masks?
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I'm not paranoid about anything, I'm posting reality:

Not following guidelines = virus being spread = people getting sick/dying, hurting our economy

Just look at that Rose Garden event, it was small. See how many people caught it? See how it spread?

Now look at those big rallies. Look at the other people out there not following guidelines.

It's going to be those mostly on the Right. Basically Trumpers are screwing things up. I imagine most Dems can follow simple guidelines. You guys struggle with it. You are the biggest spreaders.

once again ... if your mask works... you are protected .... it’s that simple .... apparently you question the effectiveness of the mask
once again ... if your mask works... you are protected .... it’s that simple .... apparently you question the effectiveness of the mask


I just told you I'm not talking about me.

You guys are spreading it. If it goes up, things can shut down. How can I stop you guys from being idiots? That's on you. I can't make you guys smarten up, follow guidelines.

I just went thru this 2 posts ago.
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once again ... if your mask works... you are protected .... it’s that simple .... apparently you question the effectiveness of the mask

JB/KH are trying to re-trash the economy to negate mitigate Trump’s greatest feat.


Joe said “just made his wall st friends richer”
You’re right! He’s a socialist. and a punk. We see the truth when you talk, Joe; we’re not all your nonexistent 🐑
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They are trying to re-trash the economy to negate mitigate Trump’s greatest feat.


Joe say “just made his wall st friends richer”
You’re right! He’s a socialist. and a punk. We see the truth when you talk, Joe; we’re not all your nonexistent 🐑

No he doesn't know.

If he did he would encourage following guidelines. If you did, less sickness/dying/cases etc. Economy does better. Are you really taking Finance?

The struggle with understanding basic stuff.
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No he doesn't know.

If he did he would encourage following guidelines. If you did, less sickness/dying/cases etc. Economy does better. Are you really taking Finance?

“guidelines” the best way to say regulations.
I’m sorry EPA man. I truly am.
They got hurt the most. Life will go on.

But there will be a boon to oil & gas.
I think I read somewhere produce the most energy exports in the world. finally.

After Trump’s glorious 8 years, if “change” happens focus renewal will be reamplified;
I laugh “Green New Deal” worst fail history.
Cow farts :-P

Joe is more moderate in regulation climate but still more aggressive than Trump/Pence pres
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'The best take on socialism yet:
A guy looked at my Corvette the other day and said, " I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost."

I replied, "I am not sure, but it fed a lot of families who built it; it fed the people who make the tires; it fed the people who made the components that went into it...

Nice car... wonder what's under the hood? Does it ride on Goodyear tires? Components from...? Alot of the low-end market GM are cheap Chinese imports...
All illegals have to pay good money to traffickers to take them to Europe and almost all of them are from Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia. On average they pay between 3,000-4,000 Euros.

That's a lot of money in their countries. They could start lots of different businesses, that would be beneficial to their countries, instead of enriching a few hundred traffickers and bringing problems to Europe!

Maybe your gov't could sponsor them and put 'em on their own reservation...how quaint, lol.:xf.wink:
“guidelines” the best way to say regulations.
I’m sorry EPA man. I truly am.
They got hurt the most. Life will go on.

But there will be a boon to oil & gas.
I think I read somewhere produce the most energy exports in the world. finally.

After Trump’s glorious 8 years, if “change” happens focus renewal will be reamplified;
I laugh “Green New Deal” worst fail history.
Cow farts :-P

Joe is more moderate in regulation but still more aggressive than Trump/Pence pres

And this is your usual where you respond to something, talking about entirely different things.
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