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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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What is great about taking healthcare away from people? Give your best argument.

or @.X.

tackle the question. People will literally die.

I don't think she will go after ACA .... probably some revisions to it ... Abortion... she will go after... possibly Gay marriage
I don't think she will go after ACA .... probably some revisions to it ... Abortion... she will go after... possibly Gay marriage

Oof... The irony.

Wasnt Ruth known Women and LGBT rights?

Now it all makes sense. Amy’s in a Catholic study group
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I don't think she will go after ACA .... probably some revisions to it ... Abortion... she will go after... possibly Gay marriage

She's going to go after it, she has some past opinions on it, seems pretty clear. That's one you actually like. That'll go away. People will get sick, people will die. What a nice Christian she is.

The other stuff. Abortion, gay marriage. Rights people have fought for. You're ok with taking rights away. That seems Anti-American to me, going backwards in time. Those are also 2 issues the majority of Americans favor.

Americans favor ACA

Americans favor the right to choose

Americans favor Gay Marriage

Republicans want to go against this country.

3 major issues that the majority of Americans favor. Republicans want to take it all away.

They're not the party for Americans. They're literally the Anti-American Party
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Joe's perceived strength is as a traditional family man, while Donald doesn't have a set of core values IMO
Oof... The irony.

Wasnt Ruth known Women and LGBT rights?

Now it all makes sense. Amy’s in a Catholic study group

If we had a vote for Gay Marriage and LGBTQ rights then it would be a majority wins.... I don't know if the LGBTQ would win in that vote.... but there should have been a nation wide vote.... So Amy may leverage off that
She's going to go after it, she has some past opinions on it, seems pretty clear. That's one you actually like. That'll go away. People will get sick, people will die. What a nice Christian she is.

The other stuff. Abortion, gay marriage. Rights people have fought for. You're ok with taking rights away. That seems Anti-American to me, going backwards in time.

i’m neutral towards it all.

In Middle Eastern Countries they throw gays off roofs. USA rights b all right.(Holy hyperbole)

How can ACA b killed; with no apt replacemnt?
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She's going to go after it, she has some past opinions on it, seems pretty clear. That's one you actually like. That'll go away. People will get sick, people will die. What a nice Christian she is.

The other stuff. Abortion, gay marriage. Rights people have fought for. You're ok with taking rights away. That seems Anti-American to me, going backwards in time. Those are also 2 issues the majority of Americans favor.

Americans favor ACA

Americans favor the right to choose

Americans favor Gay Marriage

Republicans want to go against this country.

I think ACA will be revised ... not thrown in the trash altogether..... It works... its a good thing... just revisions IMO
If we had a vote for Gay Marriage and LGBTQ rights then it would be a majority wins.... I don't know if the LGBTQ would win in that vote.... but there should have been a nation wide vote.... So Amy may leverage off that

Again, majority of Americans favor gay marriage.

Again, how does this make sense?:

Americans favor ACA

Americans favor the right to choose

Americans favor Gay Marriage

Republicans want to go against this country.

3 major issues that the majority of Americans favor. Republicans want to take it all away.

They're not the party for Americans. They're literally the Anti-American Party
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Lets go vote and see if that is true... that is fair

I’m sure i know how Texas would vote 😜

LOL; prob right; but focus “gender neutral” BS
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It was already voted on, it's legal. All polls show the majority of Americans favor it.

It wasn't voted on by the people of the US.... why are you fighting to have a simple vote on the matter?? If it is voted as a majority by the people.... then its all good IMO
It wasn't voted on by the people of the US.... why are you fighting to have a simple vote on the matter?? If it is voted as a majority by the people.... then its all good IMO

Stop lying all the time. Every poll favors it. I just posted one. It's LEGAL RIGHT NOW

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I’m sure i know how Texas would vote 😜

LOL; prob right; but focus “gender neutral” BS

we would vote it down ... of course
Stop lying all the time. Every poll favors it. It's LEGAL RIGHT NOW

okay... its legal... i know its legal.... you have a big problem with having that vote to keep it legal..why??
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okay... its legal... i know its legal.... you have a big problem with having that vote to keep it legal..why??

That's not how things work. People don't vote on individual stuff like that. If every poll shows American's favor it, how in the world do you think a people vote would be different? That makes no damn sense.
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You strict;

Let me kno Texas chills Cannabis laws 🤣😜

Cannabis is a split in Texas.... I am pro legalization... but it is about 50-50 right now
Cannabis is a split in Texas.... I am pro legalization... but it is about 50-50 right now

Yes; aye now in favor of you; all in Texas

It’s in our state November Poll.

Guess what voting for 🔥🔥 along wit who 😜
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That's not how things work. People don't vote on individual stuff like that. If every poll shows American's favor it, how in the world do you think a people vote would be different? That makes no damn sense.

Ok... don't wanna national vote... strike the shit down Amy!!!

I tried LOL.... damn.. a simple vote of yea or nea ... you know it wouldn't pass is why you are so adamant about not having a national vote on it
Ok... don't wanna national vote... strike the shit down Amy!!!

I tried LOL.... damn.. a simple vote of yea or nea ... you know it wouldn't pass is why you are so adamant about not having a national vote on it

What is wrong with your brain? I just pointed out to you, people don't vote on individual stuff like that. And if they did, why would it be different from the polls? They poll people. Stop and actually think before you post.
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Bill Maher Accuses Trump SCOTUS Pick Amy Coney Barrett of Being a ‘Speaking in Tongues’ Catholic
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What is wrong with your brain? I just pointed out to you, people don't vote on individual stuff like that. And if they did, why would it be different from the polls? They poll people. Stop and actually think before you post.

because the polls lie ... obviously ... you can't dispute the polls were wrong in the 2016 election.... i have told you they are once again wrong in 2020... we will settle that Nov 3rd ....

Anything that the people have brought into their daily life country wide needs to be voted on by the people .... It can be stricken down as fast as Obama brought in...
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