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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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Fake News.

What? That's some heavily edited video. You're still dodging listing your sources for some reasons. Do that, finally, with your next post. Stop running and hiding from it.

This is what Trump cares about
“Trump” is leading in all swing states. Heavily biased Democrat Poll, just like 2016. Biggest “enthusiasm” lead ever!

Biden was out talking to the people. Trump was hiding in the bunker scared of them.

Coach Pop


"The people in Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns... And if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I'm highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns." - Sheriff Polk County
Just like you debated Gilsan about racial crime stats.
No but you probably got owned, called me names, then edited your post to include "quotes" from me so you could say you won.

You've never owned anybody, I think you dream of it. Just proves your memory issues:

Just like you debated Gilsan about racial crime stats.

That probably went over your head as well, basic math you should have learned in elementary school. His stats were right, but presented it a way to reflect his racism. His post was "beware of black people" when actually you're 4x more likely as a white to have a violent crime committed against you by another white.
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7 pallets of bricks were found under the 121 highway bridge at Plano Pkwy in Texas, I heard several pallets were found behind a grocery store in Lewisville Tx , they should have learned from the COVID response in Texas, we will see tonight I guess, I hope it doesn’t start up in the suburbs of Dallas and Fort Worth, but if it does I think you folks will see different results than you have seen in Minnesota, Chicago and ect.
@iowadawg How are things up your way?

Heard about a few antifa criminals in Klamath Falls, read a report of antifa heading into Portland suburbs but no news about what happened.
Independent autopsy says George Floyd died of “asphyxiation from sustained pressure”.

I wonder if either coroner tested for drugs.
Independent autopsy says George Floyd died of “asphyxiation from sustained pressure”.

I wonder if either coroner tested for drugs.

They do in these type of cases. It's in all the articles:

"Preliminary autopsy results cited in the complaint involving Chauvin said combined effects of being restrained, any potential intoxicants in Floyd's system and his underlying health issues, including heart disease, probably contributed to the man's death. Toxicology results can take weeks."

Independent autopsy says George Floyd died of “asphyxiation from sustained pressure”.

I wonder if either coroner tested for drugs.

Toxicologies takes weeks. All in due time.

“awfully drunk and not in control of himself.”

This alleged initial description of “perpetrator”
At this point? To assume any drug; conspiracy, speak ill of dead, but nothing surprise this point nor justify end.

He died recklessly.. Hope serves 10+ yrs. He knew he was on camera, imagine what does if no camera. Scary. Thank God for cameras.
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Active Duty U.S. Military Forces deploying to DC. Showing up at White House right now. Bunker Boy is holing himself in.
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Toxicologies takes weeks. All in due time.

“awfully drunk and not in control of himself.”

This alleged initial description of “perpetrator”
At this point? To assume any drug; conspiracy, speak ill of dead, nothing surprises this point nor justify end.

He died recklessly.. Hope serves 10+ yrs. He knew he was on camera, can only imagine what does if not on camera. Scary. Thank God for cameras.

I"m not defending the police, just expressing my thoughts. Believe me when I say I have no sympathy for police brutality.
I"m not defending the police, just expressing my thoughts. Believe me when I say I have no sympathy for police brutality.

im saying the initial “drunk” complaint makes me expect anything.

nothin justify end but expect anythin toxicology
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im saying the initial “drunk” complaint makes me expect anything.

nothin justify end but expect anythin toxicology

I don't want to say what I think because it's probably not correct. More than one cop should be charged imo.
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Active Duty U.S. Military Forces deploying to DC. Showing up at White House right now. Bunker Boy is holing himself in.

about three days late
These young folks certainly don't deserve to have the baton passed to...

I would like to see the video for the previous minute or so, it picks up right as the people get run over, but there is no background, did the people jump in front trying to stop the truck, did the truck go after the pedestrians, there is no context to frame the answer as to whether he should or should not have pushed forward.
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Recognize any resemblance?


Honestly, if the President doesn’t have anything constructive say, I wish he would just remain silent
Active Duty U.S. Military Forces deploying to DC. Showing up at White House right now. Bunker Boy is holing himself in.

I don’t think Trump can deploy any military on the US citizens with out a Congress approval?? Correct me if I am wrong
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