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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Why are Democrats okay with a COVID-19 ID card but fight so hard against voter ID to secure US elections?
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This is something Americans need to see. The CCP is not your friend. The first link I posted was broken.

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Trump is not playing into the hands of the puppeteers , The Globalist and Chi-Com have to be worried right now, If the US doesn't surrender to them, they don't get what they want. we are the resistance

Ah yes, "puppeteers" & "globalists", here's an idea, learn what those terms actually mean and who these people actually are instead of just parroting brain dead propaganda sources.

Fact: Instead of "draining the swamp" this current Conman in Chief is in the process of draining our Country of it's tax dollars in the largest transfer of wealth in US history. $4.2 Trillion USD courtesy of his Banking & Wall St swamp creatures who themselves wrote up the plans that he has agreed to execute for the 1%.

Congrats though for electing and supporting a six time bankrupt sociopath that required a $4 billion bailout from the Rothschild banking cartel in the 80"s that could never be paid back...or could it. Wake the F up from your ignorance and gullibility or you are no better than a walking dead parrot.
Ah yes, "puppeteers" & "globalists", here's an idea, learn what those terms actually mean and who these people actually are instead of just parroting brain dead propaganda sources.

Fact: Instead of "draining the swamp" this current Conman in Chief is in the process of draining our Country of it's tax dollars in the largest transfer of wealth in US history. $4.2 Trillion USD courtesy of his Banking & Wall St swamp creatures who themselves wrote up the plans that he has agreed to execute for the 1%.

Congrats though for electing and supporting a six time bankrupt sociopath that required a $4 billion bailout from the Rothschild banking cartel in the 80"s that could never be paid back...or could it. Wake the F up from your ignorance and gullibility or you are no better than a walking dead parrot.

"you are no better than a walking dead parrot."

Oh nO, you will see up and coming, It is coming soon! keep your eyes open!

You think were shocked by Trump getting elected, you ain't seen shit yet Pal!
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Mother Fuckers are still playing with the "Silent Majority" who voted President Trump in, We have waited for this shit, we knew this shit was probably coming when we elected Trump president in 2016 and shocked the World, The "Silent Majority" is alive and well and waiting our call
"you are no better than a walking dead parrot."
Oh nO, you will see up and coming, It is coming soon! keep your eyes open!
You think were shocked by Trump getting elected, you ain't seen shit yet Pal!
Please, please tell me you are not a QAnon zombie, I'm still holding out a little bit of hope for you.
Please, please tell me you are not a QAnon zombie, I'm still holding out a little bit of hope for you.

This is the first i have seen or heard of any "QAnon" I Googled it to find out what the hell it was, I would never be apart of a "Freak show allegiance" That appears to be what those people are. I am just an American who loves his country.
This is the first i have seen or heard of any "QAnon" I Googled it to find out what the hell it was, I would never be apart of a "Freak show allegiance" That appears to be what those people are. I am just an American who loves his country.
Well as s a self described American Patriot, I'm sure you must have some reply to (below) havn't seen it yet:
Fact: Instead of "draining the swamp" this current Conman in Chief is in the process of draining our Country of it's tax dollars in the largest transfer of wealth in US history. $4.2 Trillion USD courtesy of his Banking & Wall St swamp creatures who themselves wrote up the plans that he has agreed to execute for the 1%.
@E-Promote , Just to clarify and make clear who the "Silent Majority" are, We have no affiliation aside from own, with any groups , no affiliation with anyone aside from our selves, that pact made in early 2017 amongst us all.

If we had voted in Hillary Clinton in 2016, we would have already defaulted our country right now, with the COVID taking place and a depression looming on the horizon. she would have folded.

I have said this before here, but i will reiterate, The Silent Majority for the most part did not vote for Donald Trump because we think Trump is the best president or person, we voted for him because we knew our country was at stake, Hence that is why we are called the "Silent Majority" , most of us are independent voters, we are only interested in keeping our country, our freedom, our constitution, that is our sole agenda, not a democrat or republican or independent.

So whoever we feel threatens that, we will vote against, period, we are over 100,000 per state in the USA strong, we have our own lines of communications to each other.
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@E-Promote , Just to clarify and make clear who the "Silent Majority" are, We have no affiliation aside from own, with any groups , no affiliation with anyone aside from our selves, that pact made in early 2017 amongst us all.

If we had voted in Hillary Clinton in 2016, we would have already defaulted our country right now, with the COVID taking place and a depression looming on the horizon. she would have folded.

I have said this before here, but i will reiterate, The Silent Majority for the most part did not vote for Donald Trump because we think Trump is the best president or person, we voted for him because we knew our country was at stake, Hence that is why we are called the "Silent Majority" , most of us are independent voters, we are only interested in keeping our country, our freedom, our constitution, that is our sole agenda, not a democrat or republican or independent.

So whoever we feel threatens that, we will vote against, period, we are over 100,000 per state in the USA strong, we have our own lines of communications to each other.

Well it's time to stop being silent, it's also time to stop being stupid. This d-bag in Office is not your friend, he is not a Patriot, in fact he is a traitor to our Constitution and our Country. He does not care about you, your family or our Country. Do a little research (surely you love your Country enough to do so) and you will see where his allegiances lie. Happy to expand but I guarantee you that his allegiances all revolve around his narcissistic ego and his compromised past.

I'm no fan of any of the current powerful in both major parties, they are all puppets of the 1%, don't fall for the trap of thinking Trump is any different. The right claims to hate elites till one comes along (barely a few years repub btw) and ex realty TV show host, charlatan, huckster, grifter style convinces you that he cares.
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This is the first i have seen or heard of any "QAnon"

Me too. E-promote seems somewhat overly obsessed with this obscure fringe group.

Well it's time to stop being silent, it's also time to stop being stupid. This d-bag in Office is not your friend, he is not a Patriot, in fact he is a traitor to our Constitution and our Country. He does not care about you, your family or our Country.

Your solution is...? Generally speaking, governments do not care about people - they care about power and money. Put in Bernie Sanders - he'll loot the people as well. You think he cares about anything except getting power and putting his hairbrained schemes into place to prove he was smarter than everyone all along? Initially the stolen money will go to different people but the end-result will be the same. A bankrupt nation.

There is only one solution, and that is a dramatic cut in government size and power. Try a 90% cut. That doesn't look like it will happen soon, as most people seem to still expect the government to do something to save them from the problems the government itself caused. The USA will have to follow the experience of the USSR as it is slowly run into the ground. Since the CCP is so focused on helping, it may be faster rather than slower.
Peter Navarro on why its crucial to buy American
Me too. E-promote seems somewhat overly obsessed with this obscure fringe group.
"The lady doth protest too much, me thinks" - Hamlet. But hey, let me give you some credit for another intelligent & perceptive observation, like so many others we have come to expect from you. You know, observations like "Overly obsessed with this obscure fringe group". Indeed having mentioned it once since 2003, right here just a few posts ago. But hey, like most political hacks we wouldn't expect you to allow facts to get in your way. Good to know how well researched all of your other posts must be.
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Well it's time to stop being silent, it's also time to stop being stupid. This d-bag in Office is not your friend, he is not a Patriot, in fact he is a traitor to our Constitution and our Country. He does not care about you, your family or our Country. Do a little research (surely you love your Country enough to do so) and you will see where his allegiances lie. Happy to expand but I guarantee you that his allegiances all revolve around his narcissistic ego and his compromised past.

I'm no fan of any of the current powerful in both major parties, they are all puppets of the 1%, don't fall for the trap of thinking Trump is any different. The right claims to hate elites till one comes along (barely a few years repub btw) and ex realty TV show host, charlatan, huckster, grifter style convinces you that he cares.

Being Stealth is what makes us what we are, we have people spread out very well, attending functions regarding all political parties, getting inside is the best way to know each parties agenda, being stealth is what shocked America in the last election, we were parting on Skype because we knew Trump would win the election as we had intended. the concession by Hillary Clinton just hours after the results was a bit surprising, other than that, the election went just a we had projected. We have A LOT of current active military as well as retired military in "Silent Majority" , they do fantastic work, we will remain stealth and keep doing our part as Americans
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