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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Yep, simply documenting how long Acosta has been harassing and finally he got booted.

Unbelievable WH patience they allowed him to stay on...
Even crazier is how they (WH reps at varoius press conferences) have continued time and time again to call on him despite his horrible behavior. Why the heck do they continue to call on him when there are 35-50 (???) other real journalists that are also in attendance??? So weird that they just don't pass over him...

...Not grandstanding, self absorbed a******s like him.
Yeah, Trump hates competition... (Sorry, it had to be said.)
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Its funny, while offthehandle is having a Jim Acosta/CNN tirade, Trump is in the White House getting ready for bed and worrying his ass off about Mueller, Going to jail, The Dems taking control of the House and getting a hold of his taxes and wondering if he has done enough to please Putin and the Saudi's.

Why Larry Elder May Not Be On Piers Morgan's Show For Awhile
House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal

"But the report, which the Democrats published as a preemptive strike before the Republican majority releases findings likely to charge ineptitude and deception by the former secretary of State, also revealed, apparently unintentionally, details about the eye-popping amount of money a close Clinton friend and advisor made in a contract with a pro-Clinton nonprofit."

Sydney Blumenthal Business interests in Libya. Clinton Donation Donor. Trusted advisors.

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal

"But the report, which the Democrats published as a preemptive strike before the Republican majority releases findings likely to charge ineptitude and deception by the former secretary of State, also revealed, apparently unintentionally, details about the eye-popping amount of money a close Clinton friend and advisor made in a contract with a pro-Clinton nonprofit."

Sydney Blumenthal Business interests in Libya. Clinton Donation Donor. Trusted advisors.

2 1/2yr old article.
Just pitiful.
Even crazier is how they (WH reps at varoius press conferences) have continued time and time again to call on him despite his horrible behavior. Why the heck do they continue to call on him when there are 35-50 (???) other real journalists that are also in attendance??? So weird that they just don't pass over him...

Yeah, Trump hates competition... (Sorry, it had to be said.)

Acosta has a mission, and that is to be disruptive and disrespectful at all costs since he is the chosen attack dog. Remember the Van Jones comments the night Trump won?

(In response to the notion that Donald Trump will not accept the result of the election, Van Jones says "you can't polish this turd.")

This is the start of the full court press of the CNN Attack, election night 2016

No apologies necessary. I am embarrassed also at some of the stupid crap the President does and says.
Mueller would have moved on him earlier if he had anything on him. The deep state would never have allowed him to stay in office, if he was impeachable before. The Democrats all are still in love with the Criminal Clintons, and so is the media. President Trump will NEVER in the next 6 years get a break.
There are too many useless government employees hired under Obama's full employment program of diversity and doubling the national debt who hate him and politicians who will create big stories out of nothing.

But the bottom line is the Countries direction of attempting to make our allies pay up, to get the trade balance straightened, to get China in check (Which is nearly impossible, the Bush, Clinton and Obama adminstrations allowed them to steal way too much for too many years) and understanding that he isn't doing the same crap I have seen my entire life of past "politicians", he kicks ass and takes names. He is making the world wake up- look what happened in Italy as Gilsan has pointed out. Poland and parts of Germany have populist movements. Brazil also- as Gilsan pointed out elected a guy that is willing to kick over the beehive.
America First. Not let Russia and China sell arms.

You Liberals seem to think some CashHoggy guy was murdered was more important that this event under Hillary and Obama, what about

This isn’t about “liberal” or “conservative.” A US resident was lured to an embassy and brutally butchered on the orders of the country’s crown prince. You normalize this and give them a pass and it will happen again and again. Letting it go is a cowardly response that makes the US look weak. The Saudis need us more than we need them. (Well, except for the Trump family, who they’re funding.)

Whatabout whatabout... Very different situation, and this is happening now. Start living in the present,
se habla de la posibilidad de un cruce masivo

The Morning Thanksgiving Day Parade/Stampede

“Una estampida humana sería una provocación inmediata a EEUU y una justificación para que Donald Trump afectara la dinámica económica binacional", dijo Manuel Monárrez, regidor en Tijuana."

A human stampede will cause issues to the Mexican economy, Trump has warned Mexico.
This isn’t about “liberal” or “conservative.” A US resident was lured to an embassy and brutally butchered on the orders of the country’s crown prince. You normalize this and give them a pass and it will happen again and again. Letting it go is a cowardly response that makes the US look weak. The Saudis need us more than we need them. (Well, except for the Trump family, who they’re funding.)

Whatabout whatabout... Very different situation, and this is happening now. Start living in the present,

One somewhat rational post deserves my opinion. I like the way you don't call names.

The liberal view is save the whales for jesus, global warming, make the entire world hold hands and sing we are the world. Sorry, but that isn't reality. Conservatives bark all sorts of orders out about shutting down trade with SA, punishing them, etc. similar to Liberals.

Trump say F that. He was voted for by blue collar workers and jobs agenda, safety, controlling borders, etc. Nobody really cares about some one guy that was murdered. Does anybody really care about anything but their house payment? Car payment? Walmart junk for Christmas? Not really. The world is selfish, self interested. There are billions of dollars of orders that the US from SA which the Military Industrial Mfg sector has not seen in years, I mean since the 1990's. There is new R&D that the US will be funded to develop more advanced weapons at the expense of this spend by SA, that keeps the world safe. It's the same idea Reagan had, and the wall came down based on strength, not apology tours like Obama did. Or police state DHS nonsense by Bush. Or looking the other way while China steals by Clinton.

Like Trump said, very simply if we don't sell SA Arms, they will buy from China and Russia instead. How can you argue with that- billions of dollars and 1000's of jobs to make a statement? huh? I am not buying it. SA and that part of the world is a brutal mess, and the more arms sent, the less troops sent imo.

Let me rephrase this. A "guy", some guy not sure if he was a reporter, a muslim brotherhood anti social spokesperson, whatever, etc. He wasn't a diplomat, he wasn't a US Citizen, he was just a guy. Born in a country that doesn't allow free speech. He was well aware of his past actions and his enemies didn't want him to speak.

He wanted to get married, so left the safety of the USA KNOWINGLY that he had written or spoke against a brutal dictatorship during whatever "Career" he had. He was murdered, the SA people danced around the issue and it is disgusting.

But it's a complex problem that is being over simplified.

How can the US be weak? Where are all the other nations voicing concerns? Merkel is too busy babysitting the Migrants caused by the Obama N African wars. Macron is no where to be found. May is going to be kicked out since she won't Brexit. Erdogan is laughing about all of this attempting to pull the US into this mess. He should be dealing with it on his own, it happened in his territory, NOT THE US!
The CIA has given subjective intelligence afaik, it was never 100%. The torture tape Trump does not want to listen to it. Do you? Do you think your family or children should hear it if CNN ignorantly broadcast it?

Sanction SA? What happens with Iran? The US being a reserve currency has forced Iran to sell Oil to India in their currency and elsewhere who are going around the embargo. Are you aware of that? Meanwhile supposed US "Allies", fake Allies in France and Germany want to do business Iran. Iran funds terrorism everywhere. They have been in a religious war forever this Shite vs Sunni thing vs. Kurds and all of these factions hate each other. So the US Sanctions SA. What happens with stability in the ME? Russia already sells arms to India, which there was another agreement. Comcasa.

India is an allie, that the US news seems to omit and never really reports on.

India and other nations still are buying Oil from Iran- for awhile. Wait til that ends soon.

Oh, and Trump stated he has no ties there financially. Slap me if I am wrong when the books get audited, but I believe it at face value.

Happy Thanksgiving.
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Roberts is a Justice, not a mouthpiece politician. He should go back and read his law books and sip coffee. The 9th circuit and SAN FRANCISCO the city full of Trump hate and liberal headquarters are obstructing for political purposes. The results probably will be the same, the Lawyer will fight elsewhere and the order will remain. They have a work around anyway. Just like the Democrats slow walking the undisclosed Hillary dossier, the DHS and Border Patrol and INS will slow walk and keep the invaders in TJ.

We will see. Isn't it nice being on an Island? I kinda feel that way, I don't really have any axe to grind nor care that deeply as I don't live in the US and no plans ever to move back, but I hate seeing the country I was born in get out of whack.

Dia de gracias. hmm. You don't celebrate that there do you? All I see is Black Friday and Black week signs everywhere here in Latin America. Can't find a decent turkey dinner after years of trying, so gave up.
Dia de gracias. hmm. You don't celebrate that there do you? All I see is Black Friday and Black week signs everywhere here in Latin America. Can't find a decent turkey dinner after years of trying, so gave up.

Usted podria comprar un pavo, cocinar su propia cena y invitar a sus amigos, no?

I don’t do Black Friday. It’s a zoo in person and “buyer beware” in many stores and online. A few great deals to get peoples attention, then a load of overpriced crap.
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The liberal view is save the whales for jesus, global warming, make the entire world hold hands and sing we are the world. Sorry, but that isn't reality. Conservatives bark all sorts of orders out about shutting down trade with SA, punishing them, etc. similar to Liberals.

Trump say F that. He was voted for by blue collar workers and jobs agenda, safety, controlling borders, etc. Nobody really cares about some one guy that was murdered. Does anybody really care about anything but their house payment? Car payment? Walmart junk for Christmas?

This isn’t about “save the whales”, my house and car are paid for and I don’t shop at Walmart so I guess I have the “luxury” of actually caring about human beings other than myself...

If you think potus actually cares about blue collar workers, or about anything except self promotion and lining his own pockets (and maybe select members of his fam), sorry but you’re living in a fool’s paradise. That’s the kool aid he’s feeding his fans, but his lifelong actions speak otherwise. Maybe he could start by paying money he owes plus interest to some of the hundreds of blue collar businesses he stiffed over the years.

This incident was a premeditated, state sponsored atrocity. Did Khashoggi commit some horrible crime? Was he a murderer? A mass murderer? A rapist? A thief? No. He was lured to the embassy under false pretenses and without any kind of trial or due process, where he was dismembered with a bone saw while still alive. They were likely planning to just “disappear” him, based on the team member his height and build later videoed wearing his clothes, but the audio tape screwed up their plans.

(He leaves behind 3 children and a fiancée. If he was your father I suspect you’d feel differently about it.)

The team of 15 included high ranking officials close to MBS. There’s no way he didn’t know about it or sanction it. If by chance he had no clue, what does that say about him as a leader? He’d have to be mind numbingly incompetent and unable to control his own reports.

Assuming he DID authorize it and is now lying about it, is that someone you trust as a business partner?

This was a state sponsored human rights violation and a violation of the norms of society. Whether you’re dealing with heads of state or with your toddler, it’s important to set boundaries, Give them a pass and it will happen again and again, and next time it might be an American citizen.

You bring up Iran. Good point. The Saudis NEED us because of Iran. They need us to buy their oil. They need our presence at sea on the gulf region. They need us to sell them arms.

Could they buy arms from Russia or China? Sure. But they’re so heavily invested in US equipment and systems it would take them years or even decades to transition over. It’s not like trading in your old car. BTW, that $110 billion is a deceptive figure. Most if it are memos if intent stretching well into the future. There are 6 specific items adding up to 28 billion and those aren’t even locked in yet.

As for potus denying any financial interest, he seems to forget that a while back he was bragging about all the real estate they bought from him. They’re not cutting him personal checks, but he’s profited “yugely” from deals with them going back to the 90s. And interestingly right after their recent visit to SA the Saudis announced a $20 billion investment in a fund managed bythe group that finances Kushner family deals. Coincidental timing on that - maybe something those forensic accountants on the intelligence committee will want to investigate...

As for saving the whales - I’m not going to make a lengthy case, but any time you increase or decrease a species or affect its environment, you affect the balance of many other things. That includes human population and the use of modern human-created technology. Long term, there are consequences.
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As usual, the lead is buried, "Although the federal rules may not have prevented the Yuma outbreak".

The farm named as the source already test for e-coli. Farms that grow leafy veggies like lettuce and spinach test regularly and submit to state inspections.

Inspectors believe the lettuce may have come from several places. So it was processed and packaged after it left the farm.

When mindlessly slashing all regulations to increase business profits is a really bad idea...

The author paints a conspiracy between farmers and the FDA because the FDA won't make new rules that likley wouldn't have prevented e-coli contamination but would effect EVERY FARM IN THE USA.
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Roberts is a Justice, not a mouthpiece politician. He should go back and read his law books and sip coffee. The 9th circuit and SAN FRANCISCO the city full of Trump hate and liberal headquarters are obstructing for political purposes. The results probably will be the same, the Lawyer will fight elsewhere and the order will remain...

I believe it is generally recognized that the 3 branches of government are co-equals.

Just as the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House are considered to be the lead spokespeople of the 2 halves of the Legislative Branch, John Roberts is the Chief Justice and as such is the lead spokesman for the Judicial Branch. ALL branches are (supposed to be) independent branches.

As independent co-equals, NONE of the leaders of these other branches are subservient/responsible to the President or serve at his leisure. As such the Chief Justice has every right -- and responsibility -- to speak out should they desire.

But the "norms" have been that the Judicial Branch rarely "speaks" other than through their decisions. It could be that since the President has thrown presidential "norms" to the wind, the Chief Justice feels it's appropriate to no longer stick with the "norms" set by his predecessors. Go figure...
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By the way,


(Offthehandle - That SUCKS that you're not able to find a decent turkey dinner...)
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The Latest: No holiday break for Trump's court criticism

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and President Donald Trump (all times local):

8:05 a.m.

President Donald Trump has begun his Thanksgiving Day by resuming his public dispute with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts over the independence of the American judiciary.

Trump started the back-and-forth this week with remarks critical of a judge who was appointed by President Barack Obama and who rejected Trump's migrant asylum policy. Roberts responded Wednesday in a statement by saying there are no "Obama judges or Trump judges" but instead "an extraordinary group of dedicated judges."

Geezzz :xf.rolleyes:

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This is pure gaslighting. The antisematisim in the DNC, especially under Obama was plain. His ex staffers loudly opposed moving our Embassy to Jerusalem, along with wild claims of calamity.

Pres. Trump's grandchildren are JEWISH. This is disgusting.

This is pure gaslighting. The antisematisim in the DNC, especially under Obama was plain. His ex staffers loudly opposed moving our Embassy to Jerusalem, along with wild claims of calamity.

Pres. Trump's grandchildren are JEWISH. This is disgusting.
I took it down before you replied only because its Thanksgiving.

I will put it back up later, until then we can see in your reply :)
Plenty of legit reasons to criticize President Trump, you don't need to make stuff up.
Plenty of legit reasons to criticize President Trump, you don't need to make stuff up.
That is a Commentary on his actions and things he says...."Both sides" remember?
Not too mention just about all memes are Making Stuff Up.
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