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Omarosa Goes From White House to Cast of 'Celebrity Big Brother'


JN: Why would they sign her? (Hollywood) they are hoping she will go mental in the BB House (easy to do) and blurt something bad for Trump
. Why would she sign? probably make a year of WH work in three days.


Omarosa Breaks Down In Tears Over Her Time In The White House On Celebrity Big Brother


Channeling @GILSAN!

Omarosa Breaks Down In Tears Over Her Time In The White House On Celebrity Big Brother


"I'd like to say, 'It's not my circus, not my monkeys," says Omarosa, while wiping tears from her eyes. "I'd like to say, 'Not my problem,' but I can't say that because... it's bad."

Ross takes a moment before asking, "Should we be worried?"

Omarosa nods, which causes Ross to beg for some kind of reassurance that maybe there's still hope for positive change, but she can't offer any words of encouragement."

She's trying so hard to get that book deal. Give them a little taste, you want more? 10 million book deal.
She's trying so hard to get that book deal.

And your issue with that is what? It's called Capitalism. There is a market for it, so they're offering up those products.

She's simply a capitalist! Selling a book. Now it's you, you are criticizing the sale of books!. Get it straight! Lol. And don't miss out on my sarcasm this time.

Like all other celebrities, hangers-on, and wannabe whatevers and their 15 min of famers, that need attention and personal validation. Their ego's need continual stroking to reassure their place in the world. It's really entertaining that amount of the general US population is into celebrity worship.

It's ok to sell for Macy's to capitalize on a changing cultural trend. Now Burqa's or scarves or whatever you want to call them to maintain hiding your face, protecting religious dogma and foreign culture where the rest of the diverse country does not walk around with that garb on. Antifa also wears masks, so does Anonymous, so did bandits in the wild west. And modern day bank robbers wear ski masks or halloween masks. However, try entering a bank with ski mask on. But to be poltically correct now, I predict soon as more women join the muslim movement with scarves will somehow be able to enter without any request to ID themselves.

Wait till they discover the warm weather down in FL, like so many other NYC'ers. You soon will enter a bank and the teller is forced by law to allow this. The teller will simply give them money they are withdrawing as they cover their faces inane law protecting religious practices will get stretched by common sense and soon visual identity obscurity as a civil right. That's coming. Oh, I forgot, the world is changing anyway to Bitcoin so no bank tellers needed.

And here somebody poses the same question.

2014 opinion
She's simply a capitalist! Selling a book. Now it's you, you are criticizing the sale of books!. Get it straight! Lol. And don't miss out on my sarcasm this time.

Like all other celebrities, hangers-on, and wannabe whatevers and their 15 min of famers, that need attention and personal validation. Their ego's need continual stroking to reassure their place in the world. It's really entertaining that amount of the general US population is into celebrity worship.

It's ok to sell for Macy's to capitalize on a changing cultural trend. Now Burqa's or scarves or whatever you want to call them to maintain hiding your face, protecting religious dogma and foreign culture where the rest of the diverse country does not walk around with that garb on. Antifa also wears masks, so does Anonymous, so did bandits in the wild west. And modern day bank robbers wear ski masks or halloween masks. However, try entering a bank with ski mask on. But to be poltically correct now, I predict soon as more women join the muslim movement with scarves will somehow be able to enter without any request to ID themselves.

Wait till they discover the warm weather down in FL, like so many other NYC'ers. You soon will enter a bank and the teller is forced by law to allow this. The teller will simply give them money they are withdrawing as they cover their faces inane law protecting religious practices will get stretched by common sense and soon visual identity obscurity as a civil right. That's coming. Oh, I forgot, the world is changing anyway to Bitcoin so no bank tellers needed.

And here somebody poses the same question.

2014 opinion

Read your post, you're coming off like some nutball.

You're comparing somebody wearing a burqa or scarf to Antifa, bandits, anonymous, modern day bank robbers etc.

What's wrong with you?

While I'm here, forgot to ask you about this:

Geography wasn’t like a huge repeated theme when I was in school. Public schools I went to were more interested in propaganda as I recall. Always recall all the anti communist stuff, and civil rights drivel, vietnam war, nuke drills once a month to hide under the desk (stupid) all those subjects seemed to go on the news and classroom every year. My last formal real english class was in 8th grade, really was lame they didn’t force it every year. I learned much more on my own after graduating.

What did you mean by civil rights drivel?

She's simply a capitalist! Selling a book. Now it's you, you are criticizing the sale of books!. Get it straight! Lol.

And then, where did I criticize anybody selling a book? I made no judgement on that whatsoever, just pointing out the obvious, that's what she's doing, trying to get a deal.
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What did you mean by civil rights drivel?

The liberal white asshole teacher trying to beat down white people daily in his continual rhetorical bullshit when I was a kid. That was drivel, to somehow believe instead of covering in class ALL american history, he would waste my time while I tried to sleep through the drivel... for HIS liberal jerkass agenda of negative events. One day, or a week of education was enough, not an entire semester about all the bad 60’s civil rights crap that occured. He droned on and on about how evil white people were. Fine. I get it. One week, not a semester.

It wasn’t my ancestors. Were they yours? Do you believe in reparations? None of us now, are responsible for history. Like this tearing down Columbus or Robert E Lee Statues that offend certain people. Was your father a Slave owner? Grandfather? Most likely not. Nor did you or I or anyone in the present generation have anything to do with the horrible shit that occured before we were even born, nor had any contribution to negative shit. So why should we be propagandized to feel guilty? Huh? Why?

BTW Spanish and Latinos have statues of oppressors right now, and they arent tearing them down. Streets are named Colón. Duh. For example, The Dominican Republic is a nation of former Slaves. They have Haitians there too. You don’t see them riot and tear down statutes of Trujillo.

Only in the states. The paid Ferguson riots. the BLM, the haters, Name the riots, the USA. The pathetic racists and race baiters. The haters and disrespect of our President. Elected by the people.

This school was inner city too, we were a united nations represented school, we all got along for the most part. There were shootings in fact, something I am wondering if you ever went to a school where guns appeared. Did you? The campus was like a prison, walls high and ID required to enter.

So... This new “White priviledge” crap now, brings back to the past and reminds me that in the 70’s from the left is so far off base it is pathetic. I am not going into this any more. I am glad I don’t have to deal with any of this anymore. I have friends still in CA who hate being employers in CA with all this idiocy and lopsided thinking and laws. Its all because of people who have no common sense.
Vacation, fresh air. If somebody wants to wear a burka, none of your business, has no affect on your life. Can always move to a country where it's more restrictive.

Stock Market isn't my thing, for those that do dabble, what do you think of:

Cramer: This market is seeing 'a similar version' of what sparked the 2008 financial crisis

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Its not just market going down.

You need a surprise failure.

Like a Lemand Brothers.

For it to be a 2008
The liberal white a*hole teacher trying to beat down white people daily in his continual rhetorical bullsh*t when I was a kid. That was drivel, to somehow believe instead of covering in class ALL american history, he would waste my time while I tried to sleep through the drivel... for HIS liberal jerkass agenda of negative events. One day, or a week of education was enough, not an entire semester about all the bad 60’s civil rights crap that occured. He droned on and on about how evil white people were. Fine. I get it. One week, not a semester.

It wasn’t my ancestors. Were they yours? Do you believe in reparations? None of us now, are responsible for history. Like this tearing down Columbus or Robert E Lee Statues that offend certain people. Was your father a Slave owner? Grandfather? Most likely not. Nor did you or I or anyone in the present generation have anything to do with the horrible sh*t that occured before we were even born, nor had any contribution to negative sh*t. So why should we be propagandized to feel guilty? Huh? Why?

BTW Spanish and Latinos have statues of oppressors right now, and they arent tearing them down. Streets are named Colón. Duh. For example, The Dominican Republic is a nation of former Slaves. They have Haitians there too. You don’t see them riot and tear down statutes of Trujillo.

Only in the states. The paid Ferguson riots. the BLM, the haters, Name the riots, the USA. The pathetic racists and race baiters. The haters and disrespect of our President. Elected by the people.

This school was inner city too, we were a united nations represented school, we all got along for the most part. There were shootings in fact, something I am wondering if you ever went to a school where guns appeared. Did you? The campus was like a prison, walls high and ID required to enter.

So... This new “White priviledge” crap now, brings back to the past and reminds me that in the 70’s from the left is so far off base it is pathetic. I am not going into this any more. I am glad I don’t have to deal with any of this anymore. I have friends still in CA who hate being employers in CA with all this idiocy and lopsided thinking and laws. Its all because of people who have no common sense.
Well said. People who hate their own race are worse than sewer rats. And the only race that I know of that does that is the white race and the word champions BY FAR of hating themselves are American White Libtards.

If these pathetic creatures hate themselves so much why don't they simply commit massive suicide or permanently move to a sh*thole country of their choice, preferably in Africa and become slaves to Arab or African Slave holders. There's still lots of them in this day and age.

Look at Slavery as an example. It was the African warlords that captured their own brothers and sisters, rounded them up, forcefully marched them to certain ports of West Africa and TRADED them to the white Slave traders that were waiting with their boats, ready to trade and take them away.

It was the blacks that sold their own people to the Arabs for 1000 years and then to the Whites for 300 years. Do they teach this in US schools? Or do they only teach about slavery from the point where the slaves are put in the boats and shipped to the Americas?

Do blacks hate other blacks for having sold their own people for a thousand years and still continue to do it? I don't see that anywhere.

Practically every country in the world has at one point been victims of slavery. Even here in Madeira Island we were victims of the Barbary Pirates, sometimes called Barbary Corsairs or Ottoman Corsairs, were Berber pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa, based primarily in the ports of Salé, Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli.

They primarily operated in the western Mediterranean. In addition to seizing ships, they engaged in Razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages, mainly in Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, but also in the British Isles, the Netherlands and as far away as Iceland. The main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Ottoman slave trade as well as the general Arab slavery market in North Africa and the Middle East.

They raided and pillaged coastal towns from 1530 to 1780 and as many as 1,250,000 people were enslaved. That's right, over a million White Christians were forcefully (NOT TRADED) taken away to be sold as slaves or in the case of women to be sold in the North African markets as sex slaves for the harems. They made many raids in Madeira Island and forced hundreds, mostly young women to go back with them, never to be seen again.

So Libtards, don't give me your crap about slavery every day. We know about it, because we've heard about it a million times from you. Of course you people only tell us one side of the story, so if you want to hear the whole story then you need to read up and teach it in schools... the whole truth, which I know you're incapable of doing, 'cause the indoctrination has gone too far
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Crime wave in Germany attributed to immigrants. - This is a report from NPR, not an alt-right website.

German Liberal Media feel uneasy when question by a right winger like Tommy Robinson, during a demonstration against allowing more illegals into Germany...
Tommy Robinson: Germany Fights Back!

Fight Germany, fight. Don't be like frogs in boiling water...
The idea that covering up your face with a scarf is acceptable in the Islamic culture and elsewhere, it isn’t a part of “Western” culture. I posted the same day news Denmark is banning it, meanwhile Macy’s is promoting Muslim clothing in NYC. Glad I don’t live there.

But JB says it’s capitalism, but no comment on Denmark’s ban. I stand corrected, if there is a market, sell them. I never thought that market would exist large enough for Macy’s though, which surprised me. Capitalism is all about selling: selling Burka’s, selling New crypto coins, AR15’s, 55 gallon drums of Ether or Opioid’s. It’s all up to consumer choice what they do with them. No difference. Lol.
The Hijab is a Religious tool of female oppression and should be treated as such, not advertised like a fashion accessory...
If these pathetic creatures hate themselves so much why don't they simply commit massive suicide

They need to resurrect Jim Jones. Their extreme following seem as loyal to hate, of violence and disrespect for others and the President in a group. The Media really is fueling the mess.
But it has "moisture-wicking technology and breathable mesh for cool comfort"

I am a little disappointed, not seeing a Boycott Macy's or Boycott Nike trending on Twitter. I thought the right were better organized.



We should ban kippah's while we're at it, this is 'Merica, not Jewrusalem


Then cowboy hats and hoodies. Just to start. Maybe startup a registry, toll free number so true American citizens can call the violators in, and then they can be rounded up. Use them to build that wall, free labor.
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This should be banned as well. Don't know what that is, but it should be banned.

I think he should just go ahead and shave it, might look pretty bad ass like my man Marlon Brando, I think Trump could pull it off

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Looks like we have another government shutdown but maybe only for a few hours or so

Rand Paul

Deficit Concerns
“If you were against President Obama’s deficits and now you’re for the Republican deficits, isn’t that the very definition of hypocrisy?” he said.


Frustrated Republicans accuse Paul of forcing pointless shutdown

Frustrated Senate Republicans lashed out at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Thursday evening for his refusal to allow a vote on a budget deal, a move that could force a temporary government shutdown.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the No. 2 Senate Republican, warned Paul during a heated back-and-forth on the Senate floor that he would be to blame for shutting down the government.

"I don't know why we are basically burning time here while the senator from Kentucky and others are sitting in the cloakroom wasting everybody's time and inconveniencing the staff," he said.

Cornyn added that Paul "will effectively shut down the federal government for no real reason."

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@GILSAN Thanks for posting that Mediterrean history. Being educated by libtards in formal education they never ever ONCE taught that in formal classes about the Ottoman/Arab slave trade. I have read bits and pieces on my own self education, but not much.

Reading that, I look and reflect back thinking about my own public school education was censored. What a messed up situation in the public schools I attended. Many (but not all ) Poor quality teachers. When you are a kid, you don’t judge unless they are really bad. Now, thinking critically- it was mostly all ridiculous, it was income based I believe too as neighborhoods I was in.

I recall one supposed history teacher an old woman ready to retire, read the newspaper in front of us. No lectures. No instruction. We were supposed to read, I dont recall all the self activity. Can you imagine? Paid by taxpayers, protected with tenure to read the news while students did nothing. I recall an Astronomy instructor in public funded Jr college who refused to be interrupted or answer any questions, only after class, by appointment! Great Geology teacher though, and another on the History of the Americas. I had (2) in 15 years of school, who taught decent history. I am sitting here reliving this is shock.

I was lucky my own kid had a better neighborhood and school, than I did.

I guess that most were forgetable except my photography, Art and Shop teachers as I recall, and where I won an district industrial arts award for simply creating things (really was no big deal, just doing what everyone else should have done) while most of the losers did nothing but goof off or made weapons. Can you imagine? Grinding down files they stole from the school to make knives.

Then with the liberal civil rights guilt ridden politicians, we had forced integration and busing, which I recall my first experience of violence and personal theft, losing a radio then seeing in the hands of an import from another neighborhood.
California has always been a joke, this latest trend isn’t new.

I had a customer in the early 90’s who owned an industrial training school and was a recent immigrant from England, he complained about how poor the basic math skills of Americans were as he had to reeducate 100’s of people in basic Trig as adults, instead of focusing on the real course. I do believe the CA public school system was fragmented and many bleeding heart liberals were at my schools since the better teachers refused to go to inner city schools, so they were focused on political stuff during Vietnam, and it all started in the late 60’s. That and the “experimental” teaching programs, more liberal inventions of the day. I graduated with honors, but could not write an essay ( got a C in dumb dumb english in college) . I still don’t write succinct or very well. Ha.
The Hijab is a Religious tool of female oppression and should be treated as such, not advertised like a fashion accessory...

Pretty ironic timing, in the middle of all the Weinstein etc. scandals. I never thought of that as a symbol of oppression, simply a cultural norm. Good point, so Macy’s is selling products supporting female oppression.

I see a Nike symbol on a religious scarf. That should cause an uproar mixing the two.
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Pretty ironic timing, in the middle of all the Weinstein etc. scandals. I never thought of that as a symbol of oppression, simply a cultural norm. Good point, so Macy’s is selling products supporting female oppression.

I see a Nike symbol on a religious scarf. That should cause an uproar mixing the two.

Really oppressive heat when they workout. It is a cultural norm, you had it right.

Let me ask you a question, 2 of them.

How is it any of your business what a woman wears?

How does this affect your life at all?

"That should cause an uproar mixing the two."

Maybe only from the uneducated people from the right. Most normal people understand it's just traditional garb for some. It's a Nike clothing product available at Macy's, they can buy it if they want. Read the reviews.

"Before Nike pro hijab, I was always worried about how to do my hijab for gym. But now I just put this on and viola! Plus I get compliments. "

"Bought this hijab for my 8yo and It’s super cute. She wore it to school and got so much compliments on I.T. She even got her pic taken to add to the school newsletter. "

"Perfect for my workout and outdoor activities. It’s breathable "

Do they seem really torn up in wearing it?

What are your views on people wearing kippahs or yarmulkes? It's just traditional clothing.

I remember Ibtihag Muhammad from the last Olympics, on the U.S. Fencing Team. I guess you would have a problem with that? Maybe, back in the day, you would consider her some import from another neighborhood?

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Normal volatility as the market adjust to higher interest rates and possibly inflation.

The swings are (imo) caused in part by automated trades triggered by investors taking profits or moving assets.

Hit's a low, automated trading starts getting back into the market. Investors follow. Small investors will do better by sitting out. Unless you have money to buy on the lows, no point in trading. Long-term.. it'll pass.

These swings are large but not as bad % wise b/c the market is larger than 10 years ago.

Spend the day watching CNBC, then FOX Business during market hours. Everybody has an opinion.

Vacation, fresh air. If somebody wants to wear a burka, none of your business, has no affect on your life. Can always move to a country where it's more restrictive.

Stock Market isn't my thing, for those that do dabble, what do you think of:

Cramer: This market is seeing 'a similar version' of what sparked the 2008 financial crisis

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