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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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. If there is one country that is completely dependent on the rest of the world, it's the US. I

Thats the Globalists and George Soros agenda, but won’t happen. The US was (maybe still is) the most powerful economic power that will ever be. The most innovative meanwhile the most copied by competitors worldwide. The most sought after immigration destination also obviously.

BTW, I watched in person hundreds of auctions early 1990’s. The Chinese came over and bought up tons of manufacturing equipment at firesale prices and parts to clone made in the USA, under Clinton who allowed this informal tech transfer I saw these machines and technology bought by Chinese, great democratic leadership thanks to the Clintons. Giving away the main West coast Harbor to import Chinese under COSCO control, another brilliant move by the Globalist Clinton groups.

US dollar is used also internal to the US and if it were to be withdrawn and the US is self sufficient, who cares if you dont do external trading, no problem. Default on the Chinese debt, and thats that. Poof.

Its fun to debate and speculate on this stuff, but we all know nothing would ever happen like this. Btw as you know, ALL paper money is a ponzi scheme and manipulated by gov’ts.
There is no proof of anything crooked with the President. What proof do you have? You sound like CNN speculating again. His problem is his twitter and mouth, all it would take is to tone down a bit.

I dont agree Sanders to be some progressive, it was pandering to entitled millenials looking for free everything.

Lie? Its a political mess for Congress pandering in the swamp. The Mexican govt will pay for the wall with import tariffs soon to be announced.

Why do you post nit picking videos? You sound like CNN criticizing Melanias shoes.

Nit picking videos. Part of it was that, just a reminder of the nonsense with Obama, birth certificate, oh he doesn't have a flag pin on etc. But also part fair game with Trump. Especially for somebody that constantly goes on Twitter talking about the flag, patriotism etc. He does look lost. I don't think he knows the words to the Anthem. His son and wife seem to know more when to put your hand over your heart, stuff like that. Maybe we should play the Russian anthem and we'll not only get the words but maybe a little dance as well.

Your own isolationist spiel is just beyond ridiculous, wouldn't even know where to start with that one, but you're sounding a lot like Bannon.

Crookedness with Trump? Are you serious? Are you looking for business crookedness? I think we went thru his moral crookedness pretty thoroughly, short version:

he partied and was good friends with convicted pedophile Epstein
supported Moore, some pedo
there is a child rape allegation
multiple allegations he walked in on underage girls undressing
multiple sexual assault allegations
on tape "grab them by the......"
on tape talking about dating some 10 year old girl when she gets older as she was going up the escalator
on tape many times talking sexually about Ivanka
on tape talking about legs and boobs of 1 year old daughter

We know he lacks decency, with what he has said about POW's, mocking disabled people, every ethnicity imaginable etc.

Business crookedness, just off the top of my head:
Race discrimination from renting out properties

Long list of stiffing small businesses for work done

Trump Foundation

Trump University

Now it looks like money laundering as well. He's not releasing his taxes for a reason. He's scared to death of them looking into his personal finances for a reason.
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Trump opens immigration meeting to press and destroys democrats "mentally unstable" b/s.

Trump's not playing 4d chess, he's playing upside down monopoly, all the pieces are shoes and he's using them to kick each one of the democrats in the ass.
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Trump opens immigration meeting to press and destroys democrats "mentally unstable" b/s.

Trump's not playing 4d chess, he's playing upside down monopoly, all the pieces are shoes and he's using them to kick each one of the democrats in the ass.

So you didn't actually watch it did you? Because if anything, it just furthers the case. First, we'll figure out DACA by itself, then address the other stuff. Then flip flop and say it's part of the overall package. It's not very stable when you can't remember what you said minutes prior. Master negotiator? Whatever you give me, I'll just sign it?

Trump contradicts self repeatedly in immigration meeting
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Ok, birth certificate issue:
I suppose this video and its authors isn’t credible?
Seems pretty fishy to me.

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Ok, birth certificate issue:
I suppose this video and its authors isn’t credible?
Seems pretty fishy to me.

Wow, I'm sure you can go start some conspiracy thread, keep all the crazy in one place.
Back to reality, Trump

"As I made very clear today, our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval"
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

He's literally on tape, responding to Feinstein saying DACA will be treated first, then the other stuff.

So that's not stability, that's somebody who just flip flopped, who can't even remember what he just said. Watch the video. We'll do DACA first, then we'll do Phase 2. It's funny the chess commment. I like to have Chess level Presidents, not ones like Trump who would struggle playing Checkers.

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Thats quite a compliment to say I sound like Bannon. Thanks. He is radical, and when radical problems exist, radical solutions are required. The USA was sold out years ago like with Jimmy “do nothing” Carter, the economy was messed up with 12-15% interest rates, his great big achievement was being Santa Claus. “regalale el canal a panamá”. Things have gone down hill since. I voted the last time for Ross Perot. Both Bushes created more problems, including the Patriot act so as a democrat I would think you might agree with that as be a guise for keeping the states safe, it was simply a destruction of privacy. Clinton thats another story. Reagan was the only one I liked.

I say tariff all imports like some of Latin America does.

Back to Amazon, that monopoly growing daily, I am thinking like an old boss I had years ago- he called himself a benevolent dictator yep.

So you can get all your goodies delivered at home, meanwhile 10% of their workforce is subsidized by tax payers on food stamps?

All farm subsidies should be eliminated too. I mean, to stabilize prices not to grow? Thats nonsense. Especially the geniuses with giving deals to Tobacco farmers. I dont know which of the swamp is responsible, but thats idiotic.

Its a mess, nobody can fix it with a nation so divided. All that Trump is trying to piece by piece repair, some will work, some wont. I dont think you pointed out anything criminal, only some various idiotic things Trump has said which are being put under a microscope. Mysoginist? Producing beauty pageants? I dont think so. Telling Rosie Odonnell she was fat and ugly I wouldnt consider that anything but the politically incorrect truth.

I’ve only heard one side on his not paying contractors for whatever reason, no details though. The RE University, another thing I heard bits and pieces one side only.
Wow, I'm sure you can go start some conspiracy thread, keep all the crazy in one place.

You should watch it with an open mind instead of dismissing it, look at the details and the stamp and signature positioning. Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open.
You should watch it with an open mind instead of dismissing it, look at the details and the stamp and signature positioning. Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open.

I watched that type of junk when it was actually in the news. That type of stuff, 9/11 was an inside job, school shootings are some false flag etc. I'll leave that to the crazies to talk among themselves. You don't have an open mind when you believe that stuff, you have a diseased one. A let's walk into the forest and drink some Kool-Aid type one.
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I watched that type of junk when it was actually in the news. That type of stuff, 9/11 was an inside job, school shootings are some false flag etc. I'll leave that to the crazies to talk among themselves. You don't have an open mind when you believe that stuff, you have a diseased one. A let's walk into the forest and drink some Kool-Aid type one.

"I watched that type of junk when it was actually in the news."

That proves you ignored watching it. This was broadcast according to what I see on Fox 10 Phoenix, a local network. Also has Arizona Gov't officials discussing 9 places of forgery. Of course, this is all long forgotten.

Ok, here you go, more personal attacks. What's this about? I don't go off and call you names, I try to remain as straight on as I can. You are smarter than that, have some respect please.

We can disagree, no problem. You don't like the President, and continue nit picking posts of dumb things he does- hey whatever. Please end this personal attack thing on me, you don't need to stoop as low as these "Professionals" who are simply trash- like Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper or Brooke Baldwin.

"Diseased mind", I guess I must be sick in the head or senile just like your favorite subject of hate the President of the USA. Unless somebody faked the logo at the bottom, it did come on local arizona news.
"I watched that type of junk when it was actually in the news."

That proves you ignored watching it. This was broadcast according to what I see on Fox 10 Phoenix, a local network. Also has Arizona Gov't officials discussing 9 places of forgery. Of course, this is all long forgotten.

Ok, here you go, more personal attacks. What's this about? I don't go off and call you names, I try to remain as straight on as I can. You are smarter than that, have some respect please.

We can disagree, no problem. You don't like the President, and continue nit picking posts of dumb things he does- hey whatever. Please end this personal attack thing on me, you don't need to stoop as low as these "Professionals" who are simply trash- like Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper or Brooke Baldwin.

"Diseased mind", I guess I must be sick in the head or senile just like your favorite subject of hate the President of the USA. Unless somebody faked the logo at the bottom, it did come on local arizona news.

I said if /"when" you believe this type of stuff:
obama's birth certificate is fake
9/11 was an inside job
school shootings are some false flag

Then I stand by my post. Don't blame me, I'm not the one believing in that kind of crazy stuff. I believe those type of people have some sort of brain dysfunction. All that nonsense has been taken apart. If you're just watching that stuff for kicks, entertainment purposes, that's different. I don't know you, so I don't know which type you are, you tell me. Do you believe that stuff or do you watch it just for fun?

And this doesn't make sense:
"That proves you ignored watching it."

I said that type of stuff. That type of stuff was all over the place when Obama was President. Clowns like Cruz and Trump were pushing all that birther nonsense. They embarrassed themselves with it.
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Happened tonight:

Judge blocks Trump decision to end young immigrant program

"A federal judge on Tuesday night temporarily blocked the Trump administration's decision to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation.

U.S. District Judge William Alsup granted a request by California and other plaintiffs to prevent President Donald Trump from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program while their lawsuits play out in court."
You should watch it with an open mind instead of dismissing it, look at the details and the stamp and signature positioning. Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open.

He's going to see / hear what he wants. Trump isn't an articulate man. He doesn't give a crap about how these people come to an agreement on what he wants done.

"I'll sign whatever you send me"... as long as it includes border security ( wall ) , end of chain migration, end of visa lottery, end to daca.
He's going to see / hear what he wants. Trump isn't an articulate man. He doesn't give a crap about how these people come to an agreement on what he wants done.

"I'll sign whatever you send me"... as long as it includes border security ( wall ) , end of chain migration, end of visa lottery, end to daca.

You're quoting and responding to offthehandle talking about some birther video, not Trump.

As far as Trump, I see and hear the actual video, straight from his mouth.

How do they know what he wants done, when it changes constantly? One minute, clean DACA bill, few minutes later part of some comprehensive package. He was just sitting there, with arms folded, looking lost.

What he wants done? Let me quote Trump:

“I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with,”

He's just along for the ride. You were posting as if this meeting, let me quote "destroys democrats" and "all the pieces are shoes and he's using them to kick each one of the democrats in the ass"

When everybody left more confused than ever and just furthers the "mental stability" issues.

Just watch the video again, I did. Just check the 3:14 mark to the end, in literally 24 seconds, he says 2 different things. Or just the beginning where he's literally agreeing with Feinstein on a clean DACA bill, which he's been attacking.

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FYI, we don't need you to explain who or what we're talking about.


You're quoting and responding to offthehandle talking about some birther video, not Trump.

As far as Trump, I see and hear the actual video, straight from his mouth.

How do they know what he wants done, when it changes constantly? One minute, clean DACA bill, few minutes later part of some comprehensive package. He was just sitting there, with arms folded, looking lost.

What he wants done? Let me quote Trump:

“I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with,”

He's just along for the ride. You were posting as if this meeting, let me quote "destroys democrats" and "all the pieces are shoes and he's using them to kick each one of the democrats in the ass"

When everybody left more confused than ever and just furthers the "mental stability" issues.

Just watch the video again, I did. Just check the 3:14 mark to the end, in literally 24 seconds, he says 2 different things. Or just the beginning where he's literally agreeing with Feinstein on a clean DACA bill, which he's been attacking.

He's going to see / hear what he wants. Trump isn't an articulate man. He doesn't give a crap about how these people come to an agreement on what he wants done.

You're reading far too much into this.

He "isn't articulate" because he doesn't have a clue wtf he's doing and his brain is disintegrating into pudding.
Right. He didn't suddenly became a word salad master in November of 2016. I don't see much change between now, republican primary or election.

You're reading far too much into this.

He "isn't articulate" because he doesn't have a clue wtf he's doing and his brain is disintegrating into pudding.
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A Louisiana teacher was forcibly removed from a school board meeting and arrested after saying that pay raises for leadership on the board was a "slap in the face" to all teachers.

Local station WGNO reported tensions escalated when middle-school English teacher Deyshia Hargrave asked why superintendent Jerome Puyau was being offered a contract that gave him the opportunity to earn as much as $US38,000 more per year, while teachers and school workers had gone years without a raise.

"I feel like it's a slap in the face of all the teachers, cafeteria workers, and any other support staff," Ms Hargrave reportedly said.

"We work very hard with very little to maintain the salaries that we have."

Soooo, this un-democratic School Board didn't like being questioned about it's superintendent receiving a $38.000 pay raise and subsequently ordered a dumb ass marshal to hand cuff and arrest her?

And those snowflake teachers, especially the males, just sat there and did nothing? WTF country is this? This would NOT happen in Europe without most teachers showing solidarity. Most teachers would revolt and NOT allow that to happen.

In fact I'm willing to bet that this situation would never happen if those teachers were mostly African-American. They would revolt, and rightfully so, It wouldn't come as a surprise that these white teachers are probably mostly Liberal, so they would only protest if someone talked about Trump.

That whole pathetic School Board, along with the useless Marshal, should be sent on a one way trip to the South Pole and forced to count the Penguin population just to keep busy and be of some use, for a minimum of 10 years... WITHOUT PAY.
It was an awful abuse of power.
The others filmed it on their phones. So there will be plenty of evidence for the upcoming lawsuit.
Teachers in general aren't known for street fighting law enforcement.
In fact I'm willing to bet that this situation would never happen if those teachers were mostly African-American. They would revolt, and rightfully so, It wouldn't come as a surprise that these white teachers are probably mostly Liberal, so they would only protest if someone talked about Trump.

This is what Oprah was talking about, old racists.
Right. He didn't suddenly became a word salad master in November of 2016. I don't see much change between now, republican primary or election.

Do you think Pence is behind this? Take somebody with diminishing capacity, parade him in front of the cameras? I would never trust a man who is afraid to be alone in a room with a woman**. Or maybe some Never Trumper Republicans?

First, put Trump at some halftime show, biggest and most watched college game of the year, stumbling with the National Anthem. Then the very next day, invite the Press, to watch him flip flop continually on immigration, looking confused and lost.

Then next day -

Come in and seem like the rational one? Politics is dirty.

** I also don't trust male college cheerleaders. There should be some law against them being able to run for President. They're not the QB on the field, throwing the TD for the win, they're the guy on the sidelines cheering them on. Bush had your basic Napoleon Complex. Short in stature, male college cheerleader, it's why you got that ole, "Bring it on" yee haw, talking about terrorists and getting us into all those wars.
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