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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Liberals protest conservative Katie Pavlich with dildos and screaming but it's not sexual harassment b/c Katie is a conservative aka, a Gun Nut and this is what democracy looks like on college campuses in 2017.

Liberals protest conservative Katie Pavlich with dildos and screaming but it's not sexual harassment b/c Katie is a conservative aka, a Gun Nut and this is what democracy looks like on college campuses in 2017.

LOL... Now that's one I would never have dreamed up, even if I was a leftie:

Democracy = Cocks, not Glocks
I know you like to dodge questions (see Trump and his daughter) but just out of curiosity, are you against this:

"Scientists have used fetal tissue since the 1930's; such experimentation was instrumental in developing the polio vaccine. Current studies are using the tissue to research maladies including AIDS, muscular dystrophy and Parkinson’s."

Are you against medical research that can help find cures, vaccines for diseases?

1) Trump and his daughter... again. You're obsessed.

2) Well, if 1930's eugenicist thought it was a good idea, that good enough for most liberals I guess.

3) You are arguing it's a good idea to kill babies b/c scientist need tissue to experiment on? There aren't enough babies dying of natural causes we need to another supply?

Old and busted: It's just a clump of cells.

New hotness: It's not a human baby until is passes through the magic vagina so it has no rights.
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1) Trump and his daughter... again. You're obsessed.

2) Well, if 1930's eugenicist thought it was a good idea, that good enough for most liberals I guess.

3) You are arguing it's a good idea to kill babies b/c scientist need tissue to experiment on? There aren't enough babies dying of natural causes we need to another supply?

Old and busted: It's just a clump of cells.

New hotness: It's not a human baby until is passes through the magic vagina so it has no rights.

You ducked the question as expected. I guess you're ok with fathers sexualizing their daughters and against using fetal tissue for medical research in trying to find cures to disease.

It's funny seeing you guys getting upset about talking about Trump in a political forum when he's President. Who do you think we were talking about before the Election when Obama was President? I realize Trump is so bad, you want to change the conversation as soon as possible.

b b b Weinstein

Also funny seeing people say how Hollywood should have spoken out against it, and they should but Trump supporters struggle to speak out against Trump's actions on a domain forum where it has no adverse affect on them. Mr. X can't even say anything negative about it.

Was watching FOX News earlier saying the same but I guess they forgot how many people have lost their jobs at FOX for doing the some of same things.

New hotness: It's not a human baby until is passes through the magic vagina so it has no rights.

That's what the bible says for those religious folks out there protesting, not until you take the first breath.
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Investigators just announced what they’re gonna do with the Las Vegas shooter’s brain
The Clark County coroner has completed his autopsy on Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, and has decided to send his body off for additional testing.

What does he think?
John Fudenberg announced Friday that he had completed his autopsy on the 64-year-old and said that he wouldn’t announce the results for several months. However, he did confirm that he didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.

Meanwhile, Paddock’s body is being sent to Stanford University for further study — especially on his brain.

Why the brain?
According to the New York Post, investigators and researchers are going to probe Paddock’s gray matter to search for more clues to explain why he committed the massacre. Some people who knew Paddock thought he had an undiagnosed mental illness.

This is another diversion to put the reasons hidden from the public.

I'll bet they found large traces of LSD (Liberal Syndrome Disease) in his brain, but will not say it...
This far predates the Flynn offer, and there are nine other women named as accusers in the subpoena.
And that's just during the campaign.
Guys admitted on tape to assaulting women and the number of women who have stepped forward in total is up in the Weinstein /Cosby numbers , why are you still making excuses for him?,

Here's something very American and presidential. Gloat about negatively influencing the stock market.


People you govern have jobs in those companies. People you govern have 401k and investment accounts that include those stocks.
Wonder how many of his family sold off before he signed the exec order?

He's screwing with peoples lives out of pure spite. Taking away the subsidies will sabotage the program, but not before drastically raising premiums and affecting availability in some places by encouraging more companies to drop out. Those short term policies he wants to bring back are total crap - low premiums but less coverage and extremely high out of pocket. People will gamble their lives for the low premiums.. Some will lose.

Austrians may want to read up on some history lest it repeat itself...

A baby becomes a separate life when it's born. Despite dumps hhs sneakily trying to define life as beginning at conception (which would potentially outlaw several forms of birth control, like IUDs.) Nothing "new" about that. And the mother should definitely have the right to terminate a pregnancy that endangers her health or life, is the result of rape or incest, has a severe fetal abnormality (often not detectable before 20-25 weeks). Or for that matter if she can't afford to have /raise a baby.
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This far predates the Flynn offer, and there are nine other women named as accusers in the subpoena.
And that's just during the campaign.
Guys admitted on tape to assaulting women and the number of women who have stepped forward in total is up in the Weinstein /Cosby numbers , why are you still making excuses for him?,
Has Trump been convicted of any sexual misconduct or assault till now? This is all orchestrated but that man-hating feminist, Gloria Allred. Anything she and now her daughter does is Fake

Austrians may want to read up on some history lest it repeat itself...
MAGA - Make Austria Great Again

Time to stop this...

A baby becomes a separate life when it's born. Despite dumps hhs sneakily trying to define life as beginning at conception (which would potentially outlaw several forms of birth control, like IUDs.) Nothing "new" about that. And the mother should definitely have the right to terminate a pregnancy that endangers her health or life, is the result of rape or incest, has a severe fetal abnormality (often not detectable before 20-25 weeks). Or for that matter if she can't afford to have /raise a baby.
In my opinion women can have as many abortions as they like, but when I'm forced to pay for it then I should have a say, the only exceptions being rape, incest or if the mothers life is at risk.

Why should I have to help pay for abortions so that these young girls/women can carry on "having a good time"

Since these young women and guys know exactly what may happen if they are not careful in their sexual relations. then they should be held responsible for the pregnancy and don't ask me to help pay for an abortion.

Here in Europe all the Governments are complaining that women are having less babies and the population is not growing, thanks in part for the liberal Abortion policy.

So what do these pathetic leaders do?

Instead of giving great incentives for families to have a minimum of 2 or more children, they open the fu*king borders to allow all the Muslim and African freeloaders of the world who have an average of 5-6 or more children, to compensate for the low population growth.

That's how these POS politicians do their maths. Really simple... Whites don't have enough babies so lets let the Muslims and Blacks in. That solves that problem...

This is what we have here. Cowards as Leaders with no foresight and intelligence.

That's why I say Make Austria Great Again, because France, Netherlands and Germany are still in need of more Muslim terrorist attacks and rapes before they realize it's time to change this suicidal policy.

And when people say that the right wing governments are gonna be like Hitler they don't have the foggiest idea of what they are talking about.

Europe will never have another Hitler. What a lot of us want is a Europe like we had before, where we could go to London or Paris, or Stockholm or Berlin or Brussels without fear of being blown up to smithereens because some "Allahu Akbar" fanatic has a grudge against infidels.

The problem is we have dozens of thousands of very radical Islamists here in Europe ready and anxiously waiting for the right time to kill us and which our leaders and courts refuse to kick out and sent back to their hell holes, because of their fu*king human rights.

Time for Muslims living in Europe to decide if they want to remain in 7th century Sharia or jump to the 21st century Western Civilization.

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So the California fires have so far left 40 confirmed dead (humans, probably countless pets, animals and wildlife), destroyed nearly 6000 structures, displaced 100,000 people.
45 has yet to make one tweet, one speech, or show any compassion for the victims. Why is that?
Oh. Blue state. Right.
Tip: if you get elected president you serve and are responsible for the entire country, you don't get to pick and choose.
Has Trump been convicted of any sexual misconduct or assault till now?
No, and neither has Weinstein. Yet. For that matter, Clinton was never convicted of sexual misconduct yet you're ready to believe his accusers...

Women don't make accusations like this and hire lawyers just for fun. Where there's smoke ...

In my opinion women can have as many abortions as they like, but when I'm forced to pay for it then I should have a say, the only exceptions being rape, incest or if the mothers life is at risk.

Why should I have to help pay for abortions so that these young girls/women can carry on "having a good time"

The issue is about legality, not just whether insurance pays or not. There are right wing extremists who believe women should be forced to carry rape and incest pregnancies.

And it isn't just about "young girls/women having a good time." First, for each pregnancy I guarantee you there was some guy having a "good time." It takes 2 to make a baby, maybe the men who are impregnating these girls need to use condoms, have vasectomies, or keep it in their pants. But they're not the ones who bear the brunt of the consequences...

How about married couples who can't afford it (birth control failures happen) or a couple looking forward to their baby's birth only to find out at 23 weeks via amnio or sonogram that there's a severe development issue (missing parts of their brain, organs malformed and or outside the body, serious genetic disorder ...)
'The scarlet letter is yours and it's S for SHAME': Rose McGowan tears into Lisa Bloom claiming the celebrity attorney is a 'snake' who tried to pay her $6million to say 'Harvey's changed'
  • Rose McGowan alleged that attorney Lisa Bloom offered her money through her literary agent in exchange for public support for Weinstein
  • She claims she was offered a settlement of six million dollars which she refused
  • Bloom vehemently denies the allegations and says she doesn't know her agent
  • The attorney has said she made a 'colossal mistake' representing Weinstein
  • She claims Bloom said she should care about Weinstein's reputation and family
  • Over 30 women have accused the movie mogul of sexual misconduct or rape
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-Lisa-Bloom-offered-money.html#ixzz4vh4bF881

Like Mother like daughter... total hypocrites

Attorney Lisa Bloom (pictured November 2016) said representing disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein was a 'colossal mistake' and denies allegations she offered to pay Rose McGowan to publicly support Weinstein
No, and neither has Weinstein. Yet. For that matter, Clinton was never convicted of sexual misconduct yet you're ready to believe his accusers...
What I'm bashing mostly is the hypocritical Liberal Media that are constantly bashing Trump for everything he does or doesn't do.

If he tweets it's because he's an ass for tweeting and when he doesn't tweet he shows no compassion. It makes no difference what he does he is no good in the eyes of ALL Liberals.

Clinton admitted publicly what he did with Monica. Was it all his fault? No I don't believe so, cause it takes 2 to tango. She could have said NO... but she didn't

Weinstein is another story. He looks like a pig for starters and apparently acted like one as well. The circumstances are different. Hundreds if not thousands of wannabe actresses more than likely, sold their souls + silence + bodies to this POS, who took advantage of his power and position to abuse these women. But he is not totally to blame, though he is the main culprit. Most of those actresses (not all) knew what was required of them, that allowed him to do as he pleased and are obviously also to blame.

And it's not just Weinstein, it's the majority of Hollywood actors, actresses, directors etc that are rotten to the core and that's why I've been so critical of Hollyweird since this thread started 4-5 years ago.

And the most hypocritical part is that the vast vast majority of the Hollywood trash are Trump and Conservative hating Liberals that get massive amounts of airtime on TV, radio, written press and internet to spew their hatred on everyone that doesn't think like them.

Why did famous, powerful, highly paid actresses like Gwynith Paltrow, Angelina Jolie or Jane Fonda to name just a few, only now come out with some of the truth. Why were they quiet all this time?

THEY ALL KNEW... and kept quiet

Hollywood is disgusting... and so is the Liberal Media

Women don't make accusations like this and hire lawyers just for fun. Where there's smoke ...
Maybe, maybe not. Where there's smoke? ... Even without smoke you will find lawyers like Gloria Allred and her daughter... once they smell the many $$$$$ they can make out of false claims they creat the smoke.

And it isn't just about "young girls/women having a good time." First, for each pregnancy I guarantee you there was some guy having a "good time." It takes 2 to make a baby, maybe the men who are impregnating these girls need to use condoms, have vasectomies, or keep it in their pants. But they're not the ones who bear the brunt of the consequences...

How about married couples who can't afford it (birth control failures happen) or a couple looking forward to their baby's birth only to find out at 23 weeks via amnio or sonogram that there's a severe development issue (missing parts of their brain, organs malformed and or outside the body, serious genetic disorder ...)
Let me make a copy paste of my previous post on both the guy and the girl:

"Since these young women and guys know exactly what may happen if they are not careful in their sexual relations. then they should be held responsible for the pregnancy and don't ask me to help pay for an abortion."
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Make America Great Again

Make The Rich, Richer

Take Back America

Make The Poor, Poorer

God Bless America!

Land of The Free

Taking A Knee

Home of the Brave

Freedom of Speech

Right to Bear Arms

My Country Tis Of Thee

Sweet Land of Liberty

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You ducked the question as expected. I guess you're ok with fathers sexualizing their daughters and against using fetal tissue for medical research in trying to find cures to disease.

It's funny seeing you guys getting upset about talking about Trump in a political forum when he's President. Who do you think we were talking about before the Election when Obama was President? I realize Trump is so bad, you want to change the conversation as soon as possible.

You have some weird fixation on Donald and Ivnaka Trump. Do you have some evidence of wrong doing or are you just excited by her modeling pictures?

I've been very clear on what I think of President Trump's boorish behavior. If you have something besides allegations, let's hear it. That's not an invitation to copy and paste from Wikipedia again.

b b b Weinstein

Also funny seeing people say how Hollywood should have spoken out against it, and they should but Trump supporters struggle to speak out against Trump's actions on a domain forum where it has no adverse affect on them. Mr. X can't even say anything negative about it.

Now your just strait up lying, which is pretty pathetic. I didn't let you change the subject to Trump but I've been very critical of him in the past.

Was watching FOX News earlier saying the same but I guess they forgot how many people have lost their jobs at FOX for doing the some of same things.

That's what the bible says for those religious folks out there protesting, not until you take the first breath.

Now you're rambling b/c you lost this debate days ago. Just stop digging.
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You just asked me if I have something, after I just literally linked to an article that came out today about Trump. Scroll back up and read, then address it.

Trump campaign subpoenaed over sexual assault allegations
So, nothing about his daughter.. that one you've been talking about for a week?

You just asked me if I have something, after I just literally linked to an article that came out today about Trump. Scroll back up and read, then address it.

Trump campaign subpoenaed over sexual assault allegations
So, nothing about his daughter.. that one you've been talking about for a week?

I guess that's 2 things you won't touch. You'll go on and on about other stuff, won't touch him sexualizing his own daughter. Why is it so hard for you to speak out against that?

What about the news today?

Want to discuss that? Or would you rather litter the thread with more Weinstein posts? Same behavior. Using power/money over women. You can discuss that video or the articles that came out today about him. The allegations is the same stuff he talks about on the video. Tackle that.
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Grab them by the pussy 'he' said. He knows what he's talking about here (for a change).
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