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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here:;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
As far as Jesus is concerned, I believe He has the best sense of humor EVER! What I recommend doing is taking a little time and go
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Personally I don't see that cartoon as disrespectful to Jesus - the butt of the joke are the "false prophet" pedophile priests.

As I recall Jesus was pretty much against the whole false teacher/prophet thing. And if you can't criticize THAT because you feel it's disrespectful to your religion, well, that's very sad (and the reason the problem persists.)

As a Catholic I'm pretty much used to a lot o disrespectful cartoons or jokes about the Catholic Church. The cartoon DU put up a few posts back I can even laugh at (I even gave him a LIKE) but when it comes to people like that POS homosexual Dan Savage who are vile and really hateful towards Catholics, then the story is quite different. Amazingly this idiot is considered a Sex Expert. Yea sure, must be an expert in sodomy.

As for Pedophile priests, you will notice that I'm very critical about that in my posts further back (if you bother to look it up). One important thing that is being omitted by the Media is that there are a lot more Gay priests than pedophile priests committing child abuses within the Catholic Church. The Media will not say this as it may look back for the gays and compromise their agenda.
The whole government/gay marriage issue should be irrelevant imo. Basically, the only reason the government needs to know your marriage status is so they can continue to tax the crap out of you in one way or another, or figure out how they can tax your estate, or common law taxes, etc. Well, plus it makes a nice data point for the database they are building on every citizen. Any reference of marriage should be stripped out of the government's vast warehouse of legislation, and the issue of marriage should be handed over to the church and lawyers. The idea of marriage is primarily a function of religion anyway, so let the various religions and their associated sects convene and pick a stance.

If the Baptist leadership decides no, it is not acceptable, then gays cannot get married in that church, since the church does not reflect their specific religious beliefs. If the Presbyterians decide, you know what, we need to be more accepting, and the church decides to support gay marriage, then that is where they get married, since that is where their religious views jive.

If heterosexual and homosexual couples are also atheist, and the government doesn't give a s--- about ANY marriages, then they can get a lawyer and draw up a civil union contract, and rent my banquet hall to celebrate.

JMO, I don't buy into the concept that if you are gay you are probably a sexually twisted pedophile-in-waiting. I just don't see it. Heck, for example, I would be willing to bet that a vast majority of the 500+ murders in Chicago last year were committed by heterosexuals. Does that make heterosexuals evil?
Gay priests than pedophile priests committing child abuses within the Catholic Church. The Media will not say this as it may look back for the gays and compromise their agenda.

I don't think it's necessary to harp on whether the abusers are gay or straight - the fact that there's ANY abuse is an overriding issue. A pedophile is a pedophile, regardless of the gender of the abuser and the child and it should never be tolerated. And no need to keep restating the obvious, since all priests are male and the vast majority of the abuse victims appear to be male. (Maybe it happens, but I can't recall any stories of nuns abusing kids - except maybe corporal punishment)

BUT that doesn't mean all gays are pedophiles. It's just a correlation and correlations by themselves are meaningless. Maybe it means that the priesthood is an attractive career choice (whether out of guilt and hoping it will help them mend their ways OR for opportunity) for catholic men who are gay AND have pedophile tendencies -

And I know you would like to see them take action against pedophile priests - your heart's in the right place on that. It was Dawg I was arguing with :).
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JMO, I don't buy into the concept that if you are gay you are probably a sexually twisted pedophile-in-waiting. I just don't see it. Heck, for example, I would be willing to bet that a vast majority of the 500+ murders in Chicago last year were committed by heterosexuals. Does that make heterosexuals evil?
You raise some interesting points about it being the religions that should decide on whether to accept gay marriage or not.

Nobody is saying that if you are gay you are automatically a pedophile. Yes there are some gay pedos but mostly you are either Gay or Pedophile. What I was explaining to enlytend is that the Media always and I mean ALWAYS portray child abusing Catholic priests as Pedophile priests, when in fact the majority of these crimes are committed by Gay priests, simply because there is a whole lot more of them.

Enlytend explained it pretty well in her last post and I quote her:

"BUT that doesn't mean all gays are pedophiles. It's just a correlation and correlations by themselves are meaningless. Maybe it means that the priesthood is an attractive career choice (whether out of guilt and hoping it will help them mend their ways OR for opportunity) for catholic men who are gay AND have pedophile tendencies - "

As for the "500+ murders in Chicago last year were committed by heterosexuals. Does that make heterosexuals evil?"

Since gays represent 1-2% of the population it's obvious their murder rate is going to be much lower. In Chicago as you well know, it's the gangs that do the vast majority of the killings. The Black gangs are on top of the list followed by Hispanic gangs in terms of murders, and interestingly most murders were committed with guns in a city that apparently has some of the strictest gun controls in the US :|
As for Pedophile priests, you will notice that I'm very critical about that in my posts further back (if you bother to look it up). One important thing that is being omitted by the Media is that there are a lot more Gay priests than pedophile priests committing child abuses within the Catholic Church. The Media will not say this as it may look back for the gays and compromise their agenda.
Tell me why there is a disproportionate amount of child molesters among priests. Isn't it proof that religion is evil ?

South Africa cardinal says pedophilia not a crime

You see, the catholic religion you cherish so much doesn't have a good track record when it comes to child abuse. It's not just that it attracts bad apples. It does little or nothing to make things right after the fact.
I could make sweeping statements like you do and claim Christians in general condone or downplay pedophilia.
South Africa cardinal says pedophilia not a crime

It's an illness AND it's a crime. Like kleptomania, only worse. Get the perps treatment, but make them pay for their crimes, keep them far away from kids even after they serve their time. And get treatment for the victims too so it doesn't perpetuate the cycle. (People who were abused as kids often grow up to be abusers themselves.)

the Media always and I mean ALWAYS portray child abusing Catholic priests as Pedophile priests, when in fact the majority of these crimes are committed by Gay priests,

But anyone who sexually abuses a kid is a pedophile, whether male or female, gay or straight. So ALL those priests abusing kids, regardless of gender, are pedophiles first and foremost. Their orientation and gender "preference" is secondary.
Tell me why there is a disproportionate amount of child molesters among priests. Isn't it proof that religion is evil ?

South Africa cardinal says pedophilia not a crime

You see, the catholic religion you cherish so much doesn't have a good track record when it comes to child abuse. It's not just that it attracts bad apples. It does little or nothing to make things right after the fact.
I could make sweeping statements like you do and claim Christians in general condone or downplay pedophilia.
Evil is all over, not just in the churches. Besides I'm all in favor of these child molesting priests being kicked out and put in prison. And it's not just in the Catholic Church that these crimes happen, it's in all churches, but the media concentrates mostly on the CC.

I think that the main reason that there are so many child molesting priests is perhaps because they thought it was a safe haven for them to practice their deviate tendencies without much fear that people would come out and talk about what they had done. Many of the children abused probably felt a sense of shame to admit such a thing could happen from a priest who was held in high regard by most followers.

Once again I say, kick them out of the church and let them face a court of law and pay for their crimes, not only the pedophile priests but also the gay priests, because the crime they both committed was the same..
As far as priests and abusing children, it is pedophilia. Why is it mainly boys? Because it's whats available to the pedophile. If it was altar girls, then it would mostly girls. Most places it's still mostly boys.
I'm terribly bored.
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Malaysian Government Sponsors Touring Musical Warning Young People Not To Be Gay Or They Will Be Killed By Lightning, Told To Follow Islam Instead…

That is just ONE item among so many coming to light each and every day.

Yet, liberals still love islam, and just look the other way and ignore just how anti-gay the muslims are.
Malaysian Government Sponsors Touring Musical Warning Young People Not To Be Gay Or They Will Be Killed By Lightning, Told To Follow Islam Instead…

That is just ONE item among so many coming to light each and every day.

Yet, liberals still love islam, and just look the other way and ignore just how anti-gay the muslims are.

A lot of religions, especially the extremes are anti-gay. Nothing new. Just continues to show how backwards they are. I don't see liberal thinking it was ok to be anti-gay, regardless of where it's coming from.
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That's true. They practice their deviant tendencies and when the Cardinals find out (or someone whistleblows) they just move them to another church, cover it up and pretend like nothing happened.

The safe haven was/is the church.

But this is not what the Catholic church does. When you are Catholic you are a part of an organization that has continually failed to stand up to the needs of innocent victims and one that has spend hundreds of millions dollars in settlements and avoiding cover up scandals.

If 20-25% of the Catholic priests are Gays and Pedophiles then you can bet that a similar % of the Bishops and Cardinals are also.

This isn't rogue pedophiles... this a problem at all levels of the Church that they have STILL failed to acknowledge and correct.

In Ireland - people are rejecting the conservative church (I don't get the Catholic but don't believe in the Pope thing)... bout time people did the same all over the world. Perhaps this is part of the reason that Dan Savage saves such vitriol for the's a position of supreme power and what have they ever done for the people that needed them? Nothing.

I agree, the Church needs to change and get rid of these deviates and have them punished. Not an easy task, but hopefully this new Pope will move the church in the right direction, because if there's one thing that I disagree more than gay marriage, it's the church hierarchy not getting rid of these priests and punishing them for what they've done to young children.

Wikipedia says that "many cases of clerical sexual abuse of minors have been reported and prosecuted in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other countries. Since 1995, over one hundred priests from various parts of Australia were convicted of sexual abuse."

So the ball has started rolling, at least in some countries.

As for Dan Savage, (someone you've admitted that you admire) I can only say this; Dan, go shove your fu-king vitriol up your sh-thole because that's what you're really good at doing.
But then, no Lutheran, Methodist, or other Christian religion has killed any gays.
So unlike the nation of islam...

But then, you guys think the wrong way and think that islam is really a religion of peace and they love gays.
Be a gay in Iran and get hung until death.

Or stoned to death in Saudi Arabia.
But then, no Lutheran, Methodist, or other Christian religion has killed any gays.
So unlike the nation of islam...

But then, you guys think the wrong way and think that islam is really a religion of peace and they love gays.
Be a gay in Iran and get hung until death.

Or stoned to death in Saudi Arabia.

Where do you see anybody saying that was ok? If somebody actually said that, you would be able to quote them. Of course it's wrong, it's why most Muslims don't even like that stuff.

You're acting like all Muslims are like that. It's why you keep avoiding my question. If you say something like high 90%, you'll look crazy. If you say an extremely low number, you would be right and agreeing with me.

Here it is again, the question you're so scared to answer:

"I'm curious, what percentage of Muslims do you think are just good decent, people? Do you think decent Muslims exist, or are they all just evil in your mind? Looking for a number."

And actually you can find instances of Christians killing gays and preaching it as well, right in the U.S.,d.eWU&fp=aa7899e64e1d28d6&biw=1280&bih=563
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I'm terribly bored.
When you get terribly bored do you usually erase your posts?

At least you get a "Like" for getting bored. :o
As far as priests and abusing children, it is pedophilia. Why is it mainly boys? Because it's whats available to the pedophile. If it was altar girls, then it would mostly girls. Most places it's still mostly boys.
And it's for the same reason that in prison heterosexual inmates have sex with other heterosexual inmates: because that's what is available to them.

But then, no Lutheran, Methodist, or other Christian religion has killed any gays.
So unlike the nation of islam...
You need to revisit history. Christianity has caused many wars and killed a lot of people - not just gays.

But then, you guys think the wrong way and think that islam is really a religion of peace and they love gays.
Be a gay in Iran and get hung until death.

Or stoned to death in Saudi Arabia.
And Uganda, a Christian nation almost added the death penality to its anti-gay bill.

Homosexuality is still an illegal act in a lot of countries, not all of which are Islamic.

However, non-democratic countries are typically less tolerant than democratic countries, regardless of their respective histories, traditions or systems of beliefs.

This doesn't come from the Quran:
Leviticus 18 and 20

Chapters 18 and 20 of Leviticus, which form part of the Holiness code, contain the following verses:

18:22 Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable. (Leviticus 18:22 NIV)[2]

20:13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. (Leviticus 20:13 NIV)[3]
Christianity is not a religion of love and tolerance, not more than any other religion.
That's why it's not good to have religion merged with the State, or religions that are too powerful.
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Yet, liberals still love islam, and just look the other way and ignore just how anti-gay the muslims are.

Nobody's saying that Islam is the greatest thing since sliced bread (or bacon), BUT there are a lot of normal, decent muslims who live and work in suburban America, live in nice homes, kids go to school with all the other kids etc.. Painting all practitioners of that faith as crazed terrorist killers is unfair to those people.

I dislike extremist fanatics of any religion equally. Extremists and fanatics distort principles of their professed religion for political gain.
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When you get terribly bored do you usually erase your posts?

At least you get a "Like" for getting bored. :o

No. I post when I'm terribly bored... then realize it was a bad idea because I don't want to argue... then I delete it :)

You have captured it anyway ! I was too slow.
Not totally true.
A couple of months ago or a year ago a 70 year old man was stoned to death in Philadelphia. The killer, in his twenties referred to "the bible" (Old Testament) to justify his actions.

And what about the (pending) "kill the gays bill" in Uganda. The influence of US-(and Ugandan) evangelicals is enormous there..Ever seen the BBC-documentary on Youtube "The worst place to be gay ?" And Nigeria seems to willing to follow the example.

But then, no Lutheran, Methodist, or other Christian religion has killed any gays.
So unlike the nation of islam...

But then, you guys think the wrong way and think that islam is really a religion of peace and they love gays.
Be a gay in Iran and get hung until death.

Or stoned to death in Saudi Arabia.
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But then, no Lutheran, Methodist, or other Christian religion has killed any gays.
So unlike the nation of islam....

How would you know if any Christians have or haven't killed gays? Just because there aren't government supported executions of gays in the States? Next thing you know, I'll be reading how Christians have never been involved in any hate killings at all.

What do you actually know as fact about the "Nation of Islam"? Where are you getting your information about gays there, and why, after all the criticism of the media, do you believe what you read or hear?
NY Muslim Calls for Beheading Of Gays on NY1 TV show

And love you guys for the responses you give to me telling you the truth.
And no, I am not arguing with anyone, but happy to discuss with anyone (reasonable people only, not you inbred lefties).

Heh, that's about the first positive thing I've seen you write about gays (albeit possibly unwittingly). They can't be accused of inbreeding.
NY Muslim Calls for Beheading Of Gays on NY1 TV show

And love you guys for the responses you give to me telling you the truth.
And no, I am not arguing with anyone, but happy to discuss with anyone (reasonable people only, not you inbred lefties).

Lots of people don't know or don't want to know the truth about Islam. The Liberal media through it's political correctness won't show most of the negative news about Muslims wanting to implement Sharia law in the lands where they have immigrated to.

In Europe and especially in the UK there is already Sharia Law being implemented, and Muslim leaders there have vowed to implement full Sharia law once they become a majority in the big cities of Europe, which will be within the next 15-30 years.

Gays will be one of their key targets. Many Christians may not like the Gay lifestyle but they don't go around killing them for just being gay. Muslims on the other hand simply have zero tolerance for the word gay. If some people in this thread are not aware of this fact, then it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.

There is tons of information about this, including hundreds of videos on Youtube that corroborates what I'm saying.

Muslim Day (1 of 3) "Homosexuals Must Be Killed" Muslims speak out
[ame=""]Muslim Day (1 of 3) "Homosexuals Must Be Killed" Muslims speak out - YouTube[/ame]

Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady (this is a must see video)

QUESTION: Does anyone know why some YT Videos only show a link, like the one above?
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The "truth" about Islam from an "ex-Muslim lady"? There is no "truth" about all of Islam that could be explained in a YouTube video. Even when it seems clear cut, it isn't. It's like trying to explain why there are so many Confederate flags flying in the Southern States and the undercurrents associated with that historical time period that still persist today.
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