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Sedo.com Staff
Hi All! :hi:

By request, we've decided to start a thread dedicated to Sedo. We're looking for invaluable insight into what domainers want and need out of our parking program (and marketplace, of course).

Questions, comments, suggestions, tips are welcome! We're hoping this will be a great discussion about what works at Sedo and what might not (please be constructive and respectful to others in your feedback) so that everyone involved can benefit and learn from it.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas! Happy Holidays!

(on behalf of Sedo)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Well, my names are not great, but to my mind they are certainly better than fjfjfjfjfj.com. Of course I could be missing something.
I am thinking to buy djdjdj..........and apply there, seems criteria is missing in selecting domains!
I will be interested to see how many times these lots are put into auction.
OK, I have a question about Sedo and Godaddy. A few days ago, I put buildingcontent.com up for sale at Sedo for $3900 with a minimum offer of $625. Tonight I was looking at Godaddy and buildingcontent.com was listed for sale at $950! Where did that $950 number come from?

I understand that Sedo sales will be listed at Godaddy. But does Godaddy just get to set it's own price?

This name is registered at 1and1. Has been for years. So where is this $950 price coming from?
Looks like it is listed at afternic with a buy now of $950. Godaddy is pulling the info from there. Guessing old owner did not remove listing.

Write to godaddy and tell them it is not your listing and have them remove it.
There is no old owner. I have always owned this name. This is weird.
strange then... The info seems to be being pulled from afternic. Sedo names are no longer listed at godaddy.
I sent GoDaddy an email. I'll give them a call in the morning. We'll see what's up.
There is no old owner. I have always owned this name. This is weird.
Very strange in this case though I am quite aware with this problem with afternic while adding names to portfolio and many time I need to fire mail to them for removing old listing so I can add mine.
OK, I have a question about Sedo and Godaddy. A few days ago, I put buildingcontent.com up for sale at Sedo for $3900 with a minimum offer of $625. Tonight I was looking at Godaddy and buildingcontent.com was listed for sale at $950! Where did that $950 number come from?

The problem turned out to be me! I had an old Afternic account I had forgotten about. I had deleted every name from the account except that one. Godaddy was very helpful and offered a couple of options for fixing it. Never heard from Internic. Luckily I was able to track down the old Afternic password and delete the listing myself. The way this domain keeps sticking to me I guess I might as well develop the darn thing.

I noticed that that the new (to me) Afternic interface is modern and very pleasant to use. Some others could learn from it.
My Sedo rep Georgina is away until mid Sept. She is always quick and efficient.

However, her temporary replacement that she referred me to ,Yohannes, fails to respond.

Anybody having the the same problem?
Latest transaction on Sedo did go over 24 hours... by just 17 minutes. That's from the time the buyer clicked Buy till the time the funds were in my account.

A few years ago it could take two weeks for Sedo to hand over the funds, then it got down to about three days. Nice to see improvements.

But too bad still Sedo doesn't care about mobile - good luck to anyone trying to bid or buy on a mobile device. No joking, I had to give up bidding on an auction when I tried to continue on my phone. This is costing Sedo and sellers money - it is worth fixing.
I am beginning to dislike those $60 minimum initial offers. I think Sedo should increase the minimum price for offers. Who puts a name on sedo only to get $15? But its all good Sedo.
You can set a minimum offer for each domains. But I don't like this option much, because the potential buyer may assume that this your desired price, more or less.
And you automatically put a "cap" on the ultimate price.
Sometimes, I have received initial offers that were very good and even unexpected.
SEDO is a piece of shit. Here, have a look at my experience. And this is the 2nd time they offer the shittiest customer service EVER, mocking and insulting their customers ... 3rd world company!

Had to raise a 2nd ticket:

Please redirect me to someone other than Ian Fay who's just trolling and offering incredibly terrible customer support!

As I've raised that other ticket (and I'm going to raise as many as necessary to get this thing resolved!) :
1st message
" Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/30 02.32 PM
What on earth happened to my domains descriptions?! They disappeared!
I added a thorough description for each and every one and now they all disappeared ... WTF ?!
Can you please do something about it? Can you restore the description it was before?
Thanks "

2nd message:
Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/30 02.54 PM
Never mind ... your platform sucks, fails so hard ... your support is unavailable for days and even during when it's available it takes way too long to get an answer to a simple question/problem ....

I'll just try and re-do the descriptions for 10 domains which was totaling over 10,000 characters ... of written text ... "

3rd message:
" Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/30 03.13 PM


4th message:
" Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/30 03.25 PM
UGH, I've HAD to delete ALL OF MY DOMAIN DESCRIPTIONS by selecting "apply this description to all of my domains" because somehow your system fucked things up further more than just making 10 domain descriptions disappear, they put the same description to ALL of my domains when I was trying to correct YOUR SYSTEM FUCKED UP FAILURE in the first place, by changing descriptions one-by-one !!!! .... so your system failed even MORE!

And don't even try to say I accidentally clicked the "apply this description to all of my domains" because I didn't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've modified descriptions over 100 times and never made such a mistake. "

And all Ian Fay has to say is:
"I'm so sorry for the trouble.
However, I've tested this on a test account we have and am not currently having any issues.
Could you please try to do so again and let me know if it occurs again?"

That's not fixing it, that's just mocking the customer and having a laugh on his problems.
Please do so again, WHAT ?!?! (it just makes no sense) ... DO WHAT again??? RUIN EVERYTHING ?!?! It's already ruined you Stupid Ian idiot ! If it occurs again ?!?! What's left to be occurring, cos I'm not going to invest another 100+ hours to redo all the descriptions that I don't even remember what each and everyone was ....
If you don't have a way to restore previous descriptions from history, then your platform truly is the shittiest that's ever existed.

Ian Fay should be FIRED !

My last reply to him:
"Do you NOT understand ?!?! I haven't accidentally cleared all of my domain names descriptions !
I have 50 domains that I've spent many days writing descriptions .... I CAN'T REDO THEM ...

FIX THIS or I'm seconds away from leaving SEDO and spreading the word on the entire internet how fucked up the platform and it's customer support is!"

His last response was:
"Hi Cristian,
Thank you for your reply.
We don't have any way to "recover" the previous settings, sorry.
What I'm trying to do now is to see if the issue is still occurring on your end so we can prevent it from happening again.
So, again, could you please change a single domain in your account as you did before and see if it affects all your domains as it did before?
If you have any further questions or comments, please visit our Customer Support Center.
Best regards,
Ian Fay
Customer Care Specialist"

And he marked my issue as SOLVED !!!! Un-FUCKING-Believable .... This Customer Care TROLL !!! This Ian Fucking Fay, or Rajesh asshole indian should be fired and never hired before in Customer Support ... It's not the first time he trolls me!
Man, I didn't have to read the rest of your message because it is disgusting. Just because they are a customer rep does not give you the right or temerity to speak with them however it pleases you, neither should they like your ass or bow at your feat.

You approach reeks of a disorganised person. Learn to speak to people politely and they will reciprocate by same measures because your aren't talking to robots on the other end but humans with feelings just like your fucked brain.
Really. Your approach reeks of an ignorant person who judges others in a biased subjective manner without really analyzing the whole thing objectively. You draw your conclusions without even reading the whole thing. This says it all.

I can't wait for you to work your ass off for 100+ hours and LOSE everything because of someone else's fault, only for that other person to say "ah well, it happens." with a smile on his face. And with your attitude, it will happen.

No support over the weekend, not even during reasonable hours like 11 am to 6pm, when other marketplaces like Flippa respond at any time, to my surprise even somewhere between Sunday and Monday.

Have you ever considered that perhaps we, the customers, are HUMANS too and have feelings??? I guess not. You lack complete empathy for what just happened to me and how devoid of sympathy/empathy his response was. I guess you're just like everyone else and you're the reason this world is so fucked up - utter lack of empathy.

Here, how about this previous time this SAME customer representative treated me:

"Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/12 05.56 AM


In the case of these two domains:
# domain1.com
# domain2.org

Given that I can't activate the SedoMLS premium, but it seems SedoMLS basic could activate, what would be the fees I'd have to pay if i were to sell a domain?

Domains are parked, but can't benefit from the fully SedoMLS premium.

Thanks for clearing things up.


Was this, polite enough for you? I was of course expecting a commission percentage (%) in my case.

His response:

"Response Ian via E-Mail 2014/08/12 10.03 AM
Thank you for contacting us.

Please see our price list:

sedo (dot) com/us/services/price-list-for-services/

under Selling.

Offers from MLS Basic partners follow the same rules.
If you have any further questions or comments, please visit our Customer Support Center.

Best regards,

Ian Fay

Customer Care Specialist
Sedo GmbH :: Im Mediapark 6 :: 50670 Cologne :: Germany

tel +49 221.34030.230 :: fax +49 221.34030.102
sedo (dot) co (dot) uk "

My response:
"Customer Cristian via CSS-E-Mail 2014/08/12 05.41 PM

You're not very clear at all. Shoving me a template down my throat won't solve anything, Jan!
Of course I'm aware of your pricing list.
What SAME rules, which one ???

And my name is Cristian, as one would say Kristian, not Christian.

He's incoherent, doesn't even bother to understand the question I had for him one bit, doesn't give a fuck about customers at all!
And then he just shoves a copy/paste as if the customer is too stupid to have followed the link at all.
And I did say I was aware of their pricing list.

"Response Ian via E-Mail 2014/08/12 05.45 PM
Hi Christian,

Thank you for your reply.

That's our price list. It lists our prices, including our commissions.

As I said in my previous email, the specific section you'll need it under Selling.

As you seem to be overwhelmed by it, I'll just paste in that section for you.

Sale Type

Buy Now sale originating on Sedo's Domain Marketplace
in which the domain is also parked3 with Sedo

10% of sale price
(minimum fee applies for category II TLDs)
Sale originating on Sedo's Domain Marketplace

15% of sale price (minimum fee applies)
Sale originating on the SedoMLS® Promotion Network

20% of sale price (minimum fee applies)
Sale originating on the SedoMLS® Promotion Network that is sold as Buy Now and is also parked3 with Sedo.

20% of sale price
(minimum fee applies for category II TLDs)

That's our commission structure. As you can see, it varies depending on your pricing and the offer, thus I can't offer a singular, definite price for a domain.
If you have any further questions or comments, please visit our Customer Support Center.

Best regards,

Ian Fay

Customer Care Specialist"

Now ... he insulted me and I have every right to respond accordingly.

"Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/12 05.49 PM

You're not very clear at all. Shoving me a template down my throat won't solve anything, Jan!

Of course I'm aware of your pricing list.

What SAME rules apply, which ones ?!!?
Do I really have to explain it to you like I'm talking to an INDIAN ?!



And my name is Cristian, as one would say Kristian, not Christian."

"Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/12 05.53 PM "
Yes, I'm overwhelmed by your stupidity. Who the fuck hired you ?!?
Jesus Fucking Christ !"

His last response:

Hi Cristian,

Thank you for your reply.

My apologies. You seemed to not understand the commission structure after I linked it given your response. Clearly I was mistaken.

Your original email lead me to believe you thought that our MLS transactions were somehow following a separate commission structure.

I mentioned that it's the same structure specifically to clarify any questions you might have. Given your last response:


I feel I was correct, but clearly I phrased it unclearly.
Let me state is flatly, then.
There is only one commission structure. Period.
As follows:

This one:

Sale Type

Buy Now sale originating on Sedo's Domain Marketplace
in which the domain is also parked3 with Sedo

10% of sale price
(minimum fee applies for category II TLDs)
Sale originating on Sedo's Domain Marketplace

15% of sale price (minimum fee applies)
Sale originating on the SedoMLS® Promotion Network

20% of sale price (minimum fee applies)
Sale originating on the SedoMLS® Promotion Network that is sold as Buy Now and is also parked3 with Sedo.

20% of sale price
(minimum fee applies for category II TLDs)

If you have any further questions or comments, please visit our Customer Support Center.

Best regards,

Ian Fay

Customer Care Specialist
So he says he clearly was mistaken but later on considers he was correct. This ... arrogant ...#$@
And he still hasn't answered me if there is a difference in the commission percentage (%) between SedoMLS BASIC and SedoMLS PREMIUM.

I had no choice but end it up there and try raising another ticket with someone who actually reads and understands what I'm asking him.

"Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/12 05.57 PM

Perhaps this support line of work is too much for your IQ which is lower than plant life and insulting customer support skills.
Go pick up a garbage bin and make yourself useful some other way.
I'll ask my question to someone else."

When I said "... like I'm talking to an INDIAN ? " , I didn't even considered that he might be an indian, I assumed he's german or something given his email signature that says "Germany" - he would have said some other Sedo location if he was from Sedo India ....
But after I said it and saw the way he writes in english and his lack of basic communication skills needed to understand my question (even after rephrasing it 2-3 times), I realized he must be Indian!

But guess what, after this other encounter mentioned in the post above, I looked him up and he's actually from the US: THIS IS HIM: on (dot) fb (dot) me/1lHtK32 , look him up! He's the one who's disgusting.

NOW, even after being the mockery and insult of Sedo's customer support, this is the new support ticket I've written. Does it satisfy your quality standards, Jideofor? Is it not politely? Is it disorganized?

Customer Cristian via CSS-Web 2014/08/12 06.34 PM

Hello there,

Perhaps you could clarify this, as you colleague Ian Fay not only misunderstood the question, tried to get rid of me with a general template response that didn't answer my question one bit - only made it more confusing, but he even insisted on his useless responses and that I WAS the one overwhelmed by the information, insulting me and from the very beginning by addressing to me with a name which I do not have (which even after correcting him, he continued to mistype my name). I tried in many ways to explain to him exactly what I need to know, many approaches and everything in perfect English, but his low IQ, combined with poor English communication skills and a lack of interest and respect towards Sedo's customers, made it impossible for him to understand what my question was.

I really hope you can answer my question, since it's not such a difficult one:

Let's say I have one domain for sale and it has a [Buy It Now] price and also [Accepts Offers]. I tried to activate SedoMLS Premium, but it could only activate SedoMLS Basic. (I believe it takes 60 days for new registered domains to be eligible for SedoMLS Premium's instant transfer - this is the reason why it can't activate, because it can't transfer the domain in case of a sale to a new registrar)

In this case, if my domain were to sell using SedoMLS Basic, what would the Sedo comission percentage (%) be exactly? 20% like if SedoMLS Premium was activated? SedoMLS Basic = SedoMLS Premium = 20% ?

Please keep in mind I am well aware of your selling fees table:
sedo (dot) com/us/services/price-list-for-services/?tracked=&partnerid=38758&language=us

This was the question that Ian Fay could not answer in any way at all.

But If I may, to have a greater grasp of what the benefits are and to see if the commission percentage for SedoMLS Basic is worth it, I have a few more questions:

Does SedoMLS Basic offer the same "reach" (potential buyers, exposure to the same number of people) as SedoMLS Premium?
Is it exactly like it says here? sedo (dot) com/us/sell-domains/sell-domains-overview/
The only downside is that I wouldn't receive payment in just 1 business day, I wouldn't benefit from the Sell Now Assurance and my domains wouldn't instantly transfer?

If I understand correctly, there is no commission percentage (%) discrepancy when selling using SedoMLS between having your domain just with a [Buy It Now] price / having it with a [Buy it Now] price & [Accept Offers] / or any of the previous combinations WITH or WITHOUT having your domain [Parked]
Is this correct?

If there's anything unclear regarding my question, just say the word and I'll try to rephrase it or give more information.

FEEDBACK: It would be really useful if you'd write in your selling fees tables "Sale originating on the SedoMLS® Promotion Network (SedoMLS Basic / Premium)

Best Regards,

And to prove my point that my question really was an easy one if understood correctly, the SEDO's Customer Support response solved it in 1 try this time!!!

Response Thomas McNichols via E-Mail 2014/08/12 08.00 PM


Thank you for your email.

The commission remains 20% if you activate Sedo MLS basic or premium, even if it is buy now or buy now with offers. You can deactivate Sedo MLS at any time you would like. The exposure is the same for basic and premium although with premium there are other benefits like the instant transfer.

If you have any further questions or comments, please visit our Customer Support Centre.

Best regards,

Sedo Customer Care Team

Why does it take so much effort, stress ... to get proper customer support. Does you really have to go through 2 separate tickets to get things solved? I want to believe that Ian Fay is the problem, not the entire customer support team ...

Now, looking at the way I structured this response, how I placed colors to be easier to follow, do I look disorganized?
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Man, I didn't want to respond to you initially but it seem like you are just hyper-maniac to calm the fuck down and learn to appreciate courtesy gesture.

You fail to realise that this folks are following orders... in the first 2 response, I didn't see any insult in the reply from the C.C rep, rather he/she was trying to let you know that they have laid down policies that must be followed,which isn't any fault of the C.C rep.

Everyone who has dealt with SEDO at any point in time understand that that is their way of responding--copy and paste already made templates. It's no fault of theirs but that of the company structure.

And no one should get fired just because they want to please your sorry ass.

These folks receive and follow orders from the management who call the shot.

It was you who was rather being insultive. No one holds you any apologies... shit happens as there are no perfect system in existence anywhere to the best of my knowledge.

If you don't like SEDO, take your domains elsewhere...

I detest arrogance!
trying again....
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You have a history of rude, insulting, and racist remarks on here. Case in point: https://www.namepros.com/threads/insticts-com.831318/#post-4685884

as well as others you've posted. You have zero self-control. If I were you I would wonder how long my account will remain active on this forum but I cant determine which will happen first, you getting banned or you alienating yourself from everyone.
Thank you. please edit your post. You make it seem like I made those comments and it's not cool,AGAME
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Thank you. please edit your post. You make it seem like I made those comments and it's not cool,AGAME
Yes I saw that and agree, though I doubt it was intentional.
Yes I saw that and agree, though I doubt it was intentional.

WOW! how did that happen???? I do not like this new forum at all. hold on...
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