
Geo Domains HQ

Spaceship Spaceship
Just thought I'd create a thread where we can all talk openly about Geo (Service) Domains. Seems like a hot topic which I've been discussing quite often now.

Let's get together and chat geo domains.

Advice, Questions, Statistics, Recent Sales, Venting Frustration, etc..
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
If you want to make more geo+location sales you should put up a website template, not the usual "buy now" page. Most normal people do not know what to do with a domain name. Its like I was to offer one of you guys a truck full of industrial pellets. Domain+custom website gets me more sales than just domains. I throw a wider net. Regardless of whether the buyers needs a website (he may already have one) when you offer a complete package you will interest more people or "Throw a wider net" as I already said :D

My time is my money and I do not mind closing more sales and doing the extra work on the website, compared to doing less work and less sales. After the sale I offer them SEO and Adwords promotion. The SEO work I delegate to somebody else. I do the webdesign myself and the Adwords.

Just my approach to geo+location. I do not have a particular sales strategy in picking up what town + what profession or service. Its pure luck what sells IMO.

Now that's what I like about being a part of a professional community where members are always willing to
share their experience of 'what works' to help fellow members. Many thanks for your valuable post friend. If I could, I would have pressed the 'Thanks' button 100 times.

I have couple of questions, would appreciate to know your thoughts:

1. What kind of 'website template' should we be doing when selling geo domains? A simple one-page website or a proper website with at least five six pages of content?

2. If you can give any hint, how do you approach potential buyers through your email? What type of email pitch you use to convince/inform buyers about what you are selling?

3. How do you price geo domain + website? mean so far I've learned that geo domains sell from $250 onwards. But in case of a website like you've mentioned, what prices do you through to your potential buyers when outreaching for geo domains?

Thanks again for sharing.

1) It depends on the service/product. I have no research behind this or theories, I just put up what I think will look nice. The key is that 90% of my customers do not know how to edit a website or manage a domain or anything.

2) As for what pitch I use, this is a good question, I try to increase the value of the domain to the buyer with the memorability of the domain. For example (random example) is memorable and good for billboards and business cards. If the business is called +"mikes pool cleaning" then my domain name is easier to remember + my template is prettier + it can redirect to his current site.

3) Website + Domain is $399-499. I do not sell in the 1000$+ region, its a waste of time compared to what I make with lower sales. I automate most of my work and I prefer working hard on websites than working hard on finding leads for a 1000$ sale.

4) Very important: 3/4 of all buyers are not ready to buy, at that point in time. They could be having a bad day, low on cash, fight with their wife, trouble with their car ect ect. NEVER make just one offer. Do not spam them, do not bore them every week, but DO make another offer in 2-3 months time. Make a total of 3 offers to every lead.

1) It depends on the service/product. I have no research behind this or theories, I just put up what I think will look nice. The key is that 90% of my customers do not know how to edit a website or manage a domain or anything.

2) As for what pitch I use, this is a good question, I try to increase the value of the domain to the buyer with the memorability of the domain. For example (random example) is memorable and good for billboards and business cards. If the business is called +"mikes pool cleaning" then my domain name is easier to remember + my template is prettier + it can redirect to his current site.

3) Website + Domain is $399-499. I do not sell in the 1000$+ region, its a waste of time compared to what I make with lower sales. I automate most of my work and I prefer working hard on websites than working hard on finding leads for a 1000$ sale.

4) Very important: 3/4 of all buyers are not ready to buy, at that point in time. They could be having a bad day, low on cash, fight with their wife, trouble with their car ect ect. NEVER make just one offer. Do not spam them, do not bore them every week, but DO make another offer in 2-3 months time. Make a total of 3 offers to every lead.

Appreciate it.

So putting up a nice one-page Wordpress template with some content would work; for a variety of niches; right?

Also, loved your 'points' (in No. 2) for convincing the buyer that your site is better than theirs.

You rock man. Thanks,
I have a lot of strictly geo domains: or domains, i.e. ohio . one. Would you also take approach with a template or would time be better spent trying to contact possible end users?
I actually need hlp selling GEO domains. I have a ton of them I own and need to sell. great idea to start this thread

1) It depends on the service/product. I have no research behind this or theories, I just put up what I think will look nice. The key is that 90% of my customers do not know how to edit a website or manage a domain or anything.

2) As for what pitch I use, this is a good question, I try to increase the value of the domain to the buyer with the memorability of the domain. For example (random example) is memorable and good for billboards and business cards. If the business is called +"mikes pool cleaning" then my domain name is easier to remember + my template is prettier + it can redirect to his current site.

3) Website + Domain is $399-499. I do not sell in the 1000$+ region, its a waste of time compared to what I make with lower sales. I automate most of my work and I prefer working hard on websites than working hard on finding leads for a 1000$ sale.

4) Very important: 3/4 of all buyers are not ready to buy, at that point in time. They could be having a bad day, low on cash, fight with their wife, trouble with their car ect ect. NEVER make just one offer. Do not spam them, do not bore them every week, but DO make another offer in 2-3 months time. Make a total of 3 offers to every lead.
Some great suggestions man.

I'm sure it's the same with many others but I tend to be all over the board when it comes to geo domains keywords. Because of this, it would be pretty expensive to buy a WP template for each type of service (unless you use cracked ones). Although if I get $400 instead of $280 for a domain with the website, I'll pay the extra $49 for the WP template.

How do you go about handing off the domain + website to the new buyer? Do you zip up the contents and database then email it to them? (and hope they know how to extract that and get it all up and going) Just curious..

I usually write someone on Monday, give them a week then follow up the following monday. If I don't hear anything still... I mark the domain as unwanted and move on.
Some great suggestions man.

I'm sure it's the same with many others but I tend to be all over the board when it comes to geo domains keywords. Because of this, it would be pretty expensive to buy a WP template for each type of service (unless you use cracked ones). Although if I get $400 instead of $280 for a domain with the website, I'll pay the extra $49 for the WP template.

How do you go about handing off the domain + website to the new buyer? Do you zip up the contents and database then email it to them? (and hope they know how to extract that and get it all up and going) Just curious..

I usually write someone on Monday, give them a week then follow up the following monday. If I don't hear anything still... I mark the domain as unwanted and move on.
Well i just wait for 2 days for a reply , if no one replies then it means no one interested.

Wouldn't it be better to use a sales page like thatbid flippa instead of a website?

Also 000webhost provides free hosting and you can make a website for free as well( grest templates) .
Hi Thanks for this thread first of all. We own the name Where might be the best place to sell this name? We're not developers.
Hi Thanks for this thread first of all. We own the name Where might be the best place to sell this name? We're not developers.
You should contact end users , Type the keywords on google and email/call potential end users.

You can use wordpress no problem. As long as you can make it look nice its all the same to the buyer.


I do not contact them before the template is set up. I do not want to sell just the domain name it is not in my best financial interest, and my chances of closing a sale are less with just the domain name. If he does not want the website this is fine, I will use the template with another customer.


I mostly end selling them cheaper hosting than they already have (they sign up with my affiliate link) and I install everything for them. A few of them will have a friend do it for them but in general I end up doing the whole thing.

As for your strategy to email on monday and wait a few days, I can not over stress that 75% of buyers are not ready to buy at that specific point in time when you email them. They might be having a bad day, low on cash at the time of your offer, fight with wife, there's 100 reasons why. Never ever write a lead off on your first attempt, email them in 3 months time. Most will not remember your offer from a few months ago at all. The new email you send will definitely reach him when he is in a different mood, with a different financial situation, be it good or bad. Its like dealing a new deck of cards, a new poker game.

Never give up on the first attempt, but do not harass them. Once in 3 months is fine. You can lower the price on your 3rd attempt for example. Sweeten the deal. Making a discounted deal is better than making no deal at all.

You can use wordpress no problem. As long as you can make it look nice its all the same to the buyer.


I do not contact them before the template is set up. I do not want to sell just the domain name it is not in my best financial interest, and my chances of closing a sale are less with just the domain name. If he does not want the website this is fine, I will use the template with another customer.


I mostly end selling them cheaper hosting than they already have (they sign up with my affiliate link) and I install everything for them. A few of them will have a friend do it for them but in general I end up doing the whole thing.

As for your strategy to email on monday and wait a few days, I can not over stress that 75% of buyers are not ready to buy at that specific point in time when you email them. They might be having a bad day, low on cash at the time of your offer, fight with wife, there's 100 reasons why. Never ever write a lead off on your first attempt, email them in 3 months time. Most will not remember your offer from a few months ago at all. The new email you send will definitely reach him when he is in a different mood, with a different financial situation, be it good or bad. Its like dealing a new deck of cards, a new poker game.

Never give up on the first attempt, but do not harass them. Once in 3 months is fine. You can lower the price on your 3rd attempt for example. Sweeten the deal. Making a discounted deal is better than making no deal at all.
There seems to be a fine line between sweetening the deal by offering the domain at a discount on the 2nd email vs them assuming the domain may not be that good after all and that no one else wants it since you're lowering the price.

For a sample set of 10 geo domains I regged 1.5 weeks ago, 5 of them have people who are "very interested" and "ok, how do we proceed" in their replies to me. I've emailed them back, phoned them and can't get any further responses out of them. It's been about a week now. I figured I should wait until this coming Monday, then call them all up and see what's up with them. The last thing they probably want to do on a Friday is spend more money... your thoughts?
There seems to be a fine line between sweetening the deal by offering the domain at a discount on the 2nd email vs them assuming the domain may not be that good after all and that no one else wants it since you're lowering the price.

For a sample set of 10 geo domains I regged 1.5 weeks ago, 5 of them have people who are "very interested" and "ok, how do we proceed" in their replies to me. I've emailed them back, phoned them and can't get any further responses out of them. It's been about a week now. I figured I should wait until this coming Monday, then call them all up and see what's up with them. The last thing they probably want to do on a Friday is spend more money... your thoughts?
Same is happening to me , have 3 of my domains as "interested" but no response since 3 days.

My effort is long term with each domain. I reg/dropcatch/auction about 10 domains /day and end up sending say 300-400 emails/day (Automated). I have not seen a real pattern in my sales and efforts other than pure luck and hard work. Or better said, hard work over lots of time x 1000-s of domains.

I get lots of "interested" emails as well, and most of them never reply as well. But what makes my sales is that I reg 10 domains/day and send out the emails almost every day. Sometimes I get sales from email offers I made 3 months ago, sometimes I make a sale from the first email. The more people I contact the more sales I make.

It does not matter to me whether its a monday or any other day.

As for lowering the price and somehow making my domain seem less valuable, I do not worry about this, I just worry about closing sales. I do "sellouts" when the domain is about to expire and if I do not want to renew I will offer it for 100$ total with website (one page lander nothing elaborate). Sometimes I will offer just the domain at 20$ if I do not want to renew. 20$ is better than 0$.

This is what works best for me. I salute everybody who does 1000$+ sales, but my model is lots of quick flips at lower prices.

My effort is long term with each domain. I reg/dropcatch/auction about 10 domains /day and end up sending say 300-400 emails/day (Automated). I have not seen a real pattern in my sales and efforts other than pure luck and hard work. Or better said, hard work over lots of time x 1000-s of domains.

I get lots of "interested" emails as well, and most of them never reply as well. But what makes my sales is that I reg 10 domains/day and send out the emails almost every day. Sometimes I get sales from email offers I made 3 months ago, sometimes I make a sale from the first email. The more people I contact the more sales I make.

It does not matter to me whether its a monday or any other day.

As for lowering the price and somehow making my domain seem less valuable, I do not worry about this, I just worry about closing sales. I do "sellouts" when the domain is about to expire and if I do not want to renew I will offer it for 100$ total with website (one page lander nothing elaborate). Sometimes I will offer just the domain at 20$ if I do not want to renew. 20$ is better than 0$.

This is what works best for me. I salute everybody who does 1000$+ sales, but my model is lots of quick flips at lower prices.
Wow! Buying 10 domains/day and sending 300-400 emails/day... can't even fathom that but maybe it's cause I only have around 2hrs in my domaining day outside of my full time job.

I've only once found enough relevant contacts to add up to over 100 emails to send out (for a tourism domain in a big city). How are you finding 300 - 400 prospects for geos? I can't think of any services (florists, locksmiths etc..) in even a large city where there would be 300 - 400 competitors.

You may have already mentioned it but what tool do you use for the automated side of finding your leads and reaching out to them?

Thanks :)

I do not find 300 leads per domain, I do 10 domains/day, and on average I find 30 quality leads/domain. So its 300-400 emails total for all 10. Some leads will have broad range keywords and have 100s of quality leads but they are far and few between. I am a full time domain investor and its hard work.

At risk of sounding like my whole posting in this thread was to pitch my own product in my sig, I use my own customs software. I would like to make it clear that its not a magic domain selling software, it simply automates repetitive and time consuming work. Like an excavator automates digging holes in the ground. You can quickly research the amount and quality of leads before you decide to acquire a domain for your portfolio, quality input gives quality output. You can also automate most of the selling process. Its very good at finding geo+profession leads and also websites competing for the same keywords.

The tool will not make you money unless you work with it regularly, I constantly compare it to prospecting for gold. Excavators by themselves will not help much unless you dig a LOT. Do not buy one unless you plan on moving some serious dirt. Somebody who got an excavator to dig a small hole in his back garden would think that excavators are useless for finding gold, the same goes for my software. I would not want people to think its useless because they started a few campaigns and got no results and quit.

Hard work is the magic selling tool I would like to pitch in this thread :)

Lets say that 30% of my sales are from the first emails. I do 2 more cycles and this is maybe 30% of my sales and then I give the domains to my colleagues at work, they find their own leads, do their own cycles and this is 20% of my total sales (they get a 30% cut) and the rest are sellouts at low prices. I am just talking about total sales, Its hard to estimate but lets say I sell 30% of my domains and 70% I do not manage to sell. It is a one year effort for each domain. Literally: 70% of my sales come from repeated efforts<-----this! this is what allows me to live from domain sales only.

I do not find 300 leads per domain, I do 10 domains/day, and on average I find 30 quality leads/domain. So its 300-400 emails total for all 10. Some leads will have broad range keywords and have 100s of quality leads but they are far and few between. I am a full time domain investor and its hard work.

At risk of sounding like my whole posting in this thread was to pitch my own product in my sig, I use my own customs software. I would like to make it clear that its not a magic domain selling software, it simply automates repetitive and time consuming work. Like an excavator automates digging holes in the ground. You can quickly research the amount and quality of leads before you decide to acquire a domain for your portfolio, quality input gives quality output. You can also automate most of the selling process. Its very good at finding geo+profession leads and also websites competing for the same keywords.

The tool will not make you money unless you work with it regularly, I constantly compare it to prospecting for gold. Excavators by themselves will not help much unless you dig a LOT. Do not buy one unless you plan on moving some serious dirt. Somebody who got an excavator to dig a small hole in his back garden would think that excavators are useless for finding gold, the same goes for my software. I would not want people to think its useless because they started a few campaigns and got no results and quit.

Hard work is the magic selling tool I would like to pitch in this thread :)

Lets say that 30% of my sales are from the first emails. I do 2 more cycles and this is maybe 30% of my sales and then I give the domains to my colleagues at work, they find their own leads, do their own cycles and this is 20% of my total sales (they get a 30% cut) and the rest are sellouts at low prices. I am just talking about total sales, Its hard to estimate but lets say I sell 30% of my domains and 70% I do not manage to sell. It is a one year effort for each domain. Literally: 70% of my sales come from repeated efforts<-----this! this is what allows me to live from domain sales only.
Oh, that sounds better. lol Was wondering where you were getting 400 leads for one domain from. ha!

I'll take a look at your domaining tool, thanks man. And yes, I believe hard work is key to success in almost anything. With having a full time job I can only afford to buy 10 domains and the work behind them every couple weeks or so. You said in the end if the domains don't sell, you give them to your coworkers.. do you run a domain brokerage business or something?

I do not find 300 leads per domain, I do 10 domains/day, and on average I find 30 quality leads/domain. So its 300-400 emails total for all 10. Some leads will have broad range keywords and have 100s of quality leads but they are far and few between. I am a full time domain investor and its hard work.

At risk of sounding like my whole posting in this thread was to pitch my own product in my sig, I use my own customs software. I would like to make it clear that its not a magic domain selling software, it simply automates repetitive and time consuming work. Like an excavator automates digging holes in the ground. You can quickly research the amount and quality of leads before you decide to acquire a domain for your portfolio, quality input gives quality output. You can also automate most of the selling process. Its very good at finding geo+profession leads and also websites competing for the same keywords.

The tool will not make you money unless you work with it regularly, I constantly compare it to prospecting for gold. Excavators by themselves will not help much unless you dig a LOT. Do not buy one unless you plan on moving some serious dirt. Somebody who got an excavator to dig a small hole in his back garden would think that excavators are useless for finding gold, the same goes for my software. I would not want people to think its useless because they started a few campaigns and got no results and quit.

Hard work is the magic selling tool I would like to pitch in this thread :)

Lets say that 30% of my sales are from the first emails. I do 2 more cycles and this is maybe 30% of my sales and then I give the domains to my colleagues at work, they find their own leads, do their own cycles and this is 20% of my total sales (they get a 30% cut) and the rest are sellouts at low prices. I am just talking about total sales, Its hard to estimate but lets say I sell 30% of my domains and 70% I do not manage to sell. It is a one year effort for each domain. Literally: 70% of my sales come from repeated efforts<-----this! this is what allows me to live from domain sales only.
Thanks man , So you use a tool instead of google to find leads? I'll checkout the tool.
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We started off small too, it was 5 years back, just a few regs here and there. Worked our way up. We are not a brokerage we buy and sell for our own account and for each other.


No, we use google + our tool. Our tool is not artificial intelligence, it does a good job but a human will always do better but slower. Our tool will find similar domains real fast and domains competing for the keywords. But a second pass done by a human always gives new results. Our tool comes in to its own when you do bulk, for people with just a few domains it gives little value.
@Domain Lead Finder thanks for educating newbies like me. It is really helpful when pros like you share their knowledge in educating new comers in the domaining industry.

And now, question time, lol:

1. I am still a bit confused as to how to "start" the email? Either introducing myself, opening with an unusual comment to grab reader's attention (comment about their company/website, or something from their blog/updates/news), or directly start with my domain sale pitch?

2. How long do you keep your email pitch, and how long do you suggest it should be?

3. What works best for you, including the domain price in your first email or later on?

Again, really appreciate your guidance.
@Domain Lead Finder thanks for educating newbies like me. It is really helpful when pros like you share their knowledge in educating new comers in the domaining industry.

And now, question time, lol:

1. I am still a bit confused as to how to "start" the email? Either introducing myself, opening with an unusual comment to grab reader's attention (comment about their company/website, or something from their blog/updates/news), or directly start with my domain sale pitch?

2. How long do you keep your email pitch, and how long do you suggest it should be?

3. What works best for you, including the domain price in your first email or later on?

Again, really appreciate your guidance.
Let me help you .Keep the email short and simple.

{Start off stating that "i thought that you would interested to know that the domain"" is for sale".Leave a line and then write the advantages etc that it's short memorable etc(be short).

Leave a line and state the price or state "We're offering it for a small price" etc.

End it by asking that they may reply if they are interested and you're contacting other companies too.}

Regarding the price, it's upto you to mention it or not , All the sales that I got until now , i mentioned the price later on but since yesterday I include the price in the first email as suggested by fellow domainers.

The title of the email is their website. For example "About". If they do not have a website the title will be the domain name I am trying to sell. If he is a miami pool cleaner (for example) he will be professionally interested in anything pool cleaning+his location. You will get more opens this way.

I cut straight to the pitch. Try to keep the email as short as possible, but still including pertinent information about the sale. If I am trying to sell domain+website I will write something like this:


I own, I am selling it with a beautiful custom website that will be tailored to the needs of the new owner and is a very memorable geo+service domain name. It is ideal for promoting on billboards and business cards, when people need pool cleaning in miami, this is the name they will remember the easiest. I am offering a complete solution, you do not need to hire a web designer or have technical knowledge to set up the new website, I will be happy to help you with any technical issues that you may have.

If you are interested feel free to give me a call any time at xxxx-xxxx-xxxx or email me for more details,

Kind regards,
[email protected]
Linked in profile

I do not use a gmail accont, I use my real name so that they can check me out, I also give them lots of material like my linked in, so they can do more due dilligence, and I do not give them a price in the first email. If they ask "how much" I will not try to use any fancy tactics I will just come out with the price and explain the process and work involved under the price and the estimated time of delivery for the website.

I have long given up on psychology and tactics and focused on working as many offers as possible and this seems to give me the best results. I have not done many tests with sending out prices first or sending out longer or shorter emails.

If they do not answer back I email them again in 3 months. And then again in another 3 months with a discounted price. I get very little complaints because I check out every lead before emailing, so my offers are very relevant and maybe 1 in 1000 people will tell me to fuck off or that I am a spammer/squatter/scammer/whatever :D

I am no guru, I do not claim to know more than everybody else, I just do lots of hard work for long periods of time and it adds up in sales. I suggest that you try my approach and also other approaches to this, what works for me may not for you, and vice versa. Hard work is 90% of success. The other 10% is luck/method/tactics ect.
1. about new gtlds, .com will always be king because . com renew is about 10-15$ a year and most of other gtlds renews are 100$+ or even 1000$+ a year.

2. I recently acquire and maybe I will need broker from USA to do phone calls so if someone is interested pm me for details.

The title of the email is their website. For example "About". If they do not have a website the title will be the domain name I am trying to sell. If he is a miami pool cleaner (for example) he will be professionally interested in anything pool cleaning+his location. You will get more opens this way.

I cut straight to the pitch. Try to keep the email as short as possible, but still including pertinent information about the sale. If I am trying to sell domain+website I will write something like this:


I own, I am selling it with a beautiful custom website that will be tailored to the needs of the new owner and is a very memorable geo+service domain name. It is ideal for promoting on billboards and business cards, when people need pool cleaning in miami, this is the name they will remember the easiest. I am offering a complete solution, you do not need to hire a web designer or have technical knowledge to set up the new website, I will be happy to help you with any technical issues that you may have.

If you are interested feel free to give me a call any time at xxxx-xxxx-xxxx or email me for more details,

Kind regards,
[email protected]
Linked in profile

I do not use a gmail accont, I use my real name so that they can check me out, I also give them lots of material like my linked in, so they can do more due dilligence, and I do not give them a price in the first email. If they ask "how much" I will not try to use any fancy tactics I will just come out with the price and explain the process and work involved under the price and the estimated time of delivery for the website.

I have long given up on psychology and tactics and focused on working as many offers as possible and this seems to give me the best results. I have not done many tests with sending out prices first or sending out longer or shorter emails.

If they do not answer back I email them again in 3 months. And then again in another 3 months with a discounted price. I get very little complaints because I check out every lead before emailing, so my offers are very relevant and maybe 1 in 1000 people will tell me to f*ck off or that I am a spammer/squatter/scammer/whatever :D

I am no guru, I do not claim to know more than everybody else, I just do lots of hard work for long periods of time and it adds up in sales. I suggest that you try my approach and also other approaches to this, what works for me may not for you, and vice versa. Hard work is 90% of success. The other 10% is luck/method/tactics ect.

Sounds like this is working for you so that's awesome! :)

If I can sell the domain+website for $400 - $500, then it might be worth it. But how much time on average does it take you to setup the website?

I know it takes me quite a while to:
- install WP
- finish activating the theme & installing the plugins
- installing the demo content
- editing any sliders and contact forms
- replacing the demo content with my own content and articles

Then if/when someone buys this, you either send them the zipped up website & database details or you have them signup for hosting, give you the welcome email so you can hop into their hosting, extract and setup the website on their end?

I might have asked this before but my memory is bad! lol


I work 8 hours/day literally every day. Today was a work day just like any other day, work is vacation from bankruptcy, and I am on vacation every day :laugh: so I have routine and work fast and putting up pre-prepared templates with "your logo here" is automated for me because setting up 10 domains/day would be inefficient.

If i cant find better things to do, I would do 100$ domain+lander no problem because its 2-3 hours total work for me for a template. The changes I make are logo and text and insert pics but changes to the coding costs extra, if they want a site coded this will cost 200-500$ depending on how much work.

Maybe 30% of all customers want me to do everything. The others do not need so much assistance, there is no 1 type of customer. Some have hosting, some buy from me, it depends. You will encounter literally every possible situation. I have people who got just hosting and did not buy the domain or website I initially offered.
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