opinion Favorite Domain Appraisal Service

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domainrex.comEstablished Member
What are your favorite appraisal websites to use?

I been using Estibot & Godaddy for a while, started using Nameworth recently too

So far my favorite is probably Nameworth
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
FYI .. is not a worthless domain.

It's worthless linguistically .. but not in terms of a brand. I have no idea what it could be worth since I don't know that market well enough .. but it's certainly not $0 .. and not $100 .. likely even more than $1000.

There are TONS of 2 word combinations out there that don't make linguistic sense. MOST of them totally would suck as a brand. More than most in fact .. lol. But some are simply cool sounding. Or others simply have so much weight between the words that as long as you can say it, there's some value (as is the case with It's certainly not even worth 1% of .. but ask yourself how much is CryptoCurrency worth? Easily upper 6 figures for sure .. more likely into 7-figures for an aggressive buyer. I think $8k is high for .. but I wouldn't say impossible on a day Bitcoin jumps 25%! lol

There are some words that can have value before and after if they make sense as both a noun and an adjective. A good example of that is the word "Expert". TeaExpert is what you'd first expect to be the only way it works. But when you think about it ExpertTea works just as well but differently. TeaExpert would be good if you want to put the focus on the people (tea services) .. but ExpertTea is better to brand a product because it implies the Tea is of "Expert" quality.

CurrencyCrypto however doesn't really have too much of that reverse possibility. But the words are still so incredibly strong enough that it's borderline usable at a fraction of the cost. It's a bad example because it's truly an exception because CryptoCurrency is such a valuable term and domain.
What in the world are you talking about? Bitcoin, tea or appraisals?
What in the world are you talking about? Bitcoin, tea or appraisals?

You my friend have to spend a lot more reading about domains and branding. Can you not see the example Ategy is giving to show you how various keywords can still have value even if swapped around. It's nothing to do with "Tea", its just an example.
Interestingly enough, the Godaddy valuations do tend to put a higher price tag on higher quality domains. I have to say that using sorting GD Auction domains in order of descending GoValue really makes life so much easier whether we like to admit it or not. This is the real reason why Godaddy offers such a valuation tool for free and virtually unlimited use. The CEO and number financial number crunchers look at how profitable the Auctions Platform is for them so they continually invest and "upgrade" GoValue.
I use this simple rule:
If you do not want to miss a non english valuable domain, always use Godaddy Appraisal tool.
If you want to see search volume and cpc info, then only use estibot. I found estibot is useful only for keyword domains because it well takes into account cpc and keyword volume.
It is true that we should not depend on bot appraisal but they are certainly helpful in deciding value of a domain.
I found Godaddy tool is far better than estibot or any other tool
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this discussion is really stupid
and has been done a trillion times

use your brain

I sold that name for $8500 USD
via afternic
and godaddy knows it


estibot is even more dumb

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GD, it's faster others too much
Nameworth? The valuer who gives you prices 10 time higher than everywhere else. I don't need to pay to live in cloud cuckoo land :(

But I like cloud cuckoo land. :xf.wink:

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I honestly haven't tried Nameworth .. but last I checked they seemed to be significantly more expensive then Estibot given my stronger usage. Just double checked again and even their $99/month wouldn't be enough for me. Plus as far as I know, they don't offer much in terms of data/metrics (which is what I place most value on if you didn't notice yet .. lol), although i could be wrong on that I suppose.

We are expensive. That is true. But my intention from this was never to make a bunch of money from the software. It might surprise you to hear, if I reduced my prices in half, I would be losing money at that point. If I cut them by 25%, I'd just about be breaking even after all expenses. NameWorth doesn't operate in a box, it burns a lot of data for each lookup.

I built NameWorth for one reason, because I couldn't get accurate estimates and for my next project it's imperative that valuation data at least be in-the-ballpark. Look at the current leases I have in one of my accounts (screen capture below). There are only 2 prices that are remotely in my favor. Any other industry does not work like this. If you go to a diamond shop and buy a ring, they say "look, it appraised for $4,000, but you got this great deal at only $1,450. But in the domain industry, it was the complete opposite. It is more like, "look, it appraised at $70, and you got totally ripped off at $15,000". It's not a good look from our buyer's perspective.


So I changed it. If NameWorth had even the slightest influence on GoDaddy upping their prices by 2-3X their old appraisal prices, then that is a win for all of us. Because the closer the appraisal price is to your price and my price, the better our chances are for closing that sale.

On a side note, it does depend what you are doing with the results. If you are doing 10,000 lookups on expiring names, that can get expensive and doesn't make sense. But if you are looking up 200-300 domains that you've already filtered, then it would be a great fit.

I've also used it to stop myself from renewing bad domains. I've saved $5,810 in the last 10 months doing this by cutting my bottom 570 domains which I keep track of in a google spreadsheet. So in this case it would have been worth the $24.95 per month...for me, at least, but I have close to 7,000 domains.


Rule #1 of domaining:

Never use automated appraisal tools.

Seriously, they just pick random numbers. Dont waste your time with them. Email some end-users and thats how you'll find out how much its worth.

My #1 rule of domaining is always use as much information as possible and save time. The engine is built on logic, built on linguistics, built on competition and demand. Everything that would take you 10 minutes to research, but it does it in about a second. Then you can use your remaining 9 minutes and 59 seconds to scrutinize the results to ensure you don't overpay.


If you take Mike Mann's sale of aptum for $94,888, I would guess that maybe, at best, 1-2% of the people on here would guess a figure close to that price. Yet, voila there it is. Now use the rest of your time to verify and adjust!


Last but not least. Price for big buyers, and adjust down to mom & pop businesses. I have the domain TheSchoolOfDance(dot)com. To a mom and pop business it is worth maybe a few thousand, but to a corporate company rolling out 10 locations in major cities, then how much is it worth? I have a $25,000 price on it, but a mom & pop business had no problem reaching out to me with a $2,500 offer.
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yes, all auto tools are reference only, value can not be determined by them, we should not decide by them

So I picked GD because its fast, no login, unlimited, etc. Certainly sometimes, in some special events, I'll try others
yes, all auto tools are reference only, value can not be determined by them, we should not decide by them

So I picked GD because its fast, no login, unlimited, etc. Certainly sometimes, in some special events, I'll try others

You dont need account for estibot; I think you mean "free"

acc costs money. I dont have acc; I use 1 free a day.

Go here;
As mentioned before, It's same as estibot -- yet free, "fast" no accounts.
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Try these; (1 free day no acc)
Give $0 to most Dont use to appraise
is by far best with Trademarks.
Unlimited free, no account required
Best No limits free back-link finder;
Only bad; Slow-"calculate" worth it;
Worth few minutes calculating :)
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Good afternoon all.

There is one thing to remember here. The most critical factor even.

It doesn't matter what domain investors think is the best appraisal company or tool. Not relevant.

The only thing that matters is what end users think. Which company they have heard of and most importantly which company they can trust.

I think it is in some way a false economy if you are building your portfolio based on acquisitions using an appraisal tool that end users have never heard of and probably wouldn't trust.

Unfortunately, most roads lead back to GD and at a push maybe even Estibot. I've been domaining for just over a year and these are two that I have heard of. The others mentioned on this thread are not familiar to me and as such why would I use them or trust them. If I cannot trust them why would any of my potential end users trust them?

Domaining, by true definition should on paper appear to be quite simple. Buy.Sell.Repeat. However, and for whatever reason we choose to make it more complicated than it actually is.

Also, know your place in this business and your budget and act and respond in accordance with your own skills, attributes and gut feelings. Making some money is better than sitting on a portfolio that is worth hundreds of thousands. It will just become a decreasing asset as running costs such as renewals and portfolio fees will eat into any potential profits.

Also, if I were a 'Somebody' within our business but not as a domain investor I would be gathering my own research and constructing an algorithm about you all.

I could easily identify the ones I would want to have dinner with, the ones I'd want to hang out with, the ones I'd want to go into business with and the ones I'd want to buy domains from.

We should all be singing from the same hymn sheet. Are you someone who is looking for the hymn book in a dusty old cupboard, someone who has put in the hard graft and learnt the hymns or someone who will skid into the third decade of the 21st century on your electric eco Harley and download the upload from your implanted chip and get your words on a HUD?

There is one thing that we can all agree on. Algorithms will never crack gut instinct, savvy, perception or the human factor.

E=Mc Squared if E is equal to endusers with M for money and C equates to the confidence they have in you and the tools that you use. Do not try to blind them with science as you may not be the smartest person in the room. They want the best fitting domain name for the least amount of money.

What would you rather have if you were a BeeKeeper (Apiarist) ?

Buzz-Buzz.Buzz which is worth the $1.20 I paid, or

Beekeeper .com which is worth six figures, maybee even seven.


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It is always "funny" to see how many domainers spend thousands in gd auctions just because they see a gd appraisal over $3000 or $5000.
Whatever sh*t valued over $4000, there you will see dozens of bidders bidding for hundreds or thousands of dollars.
It's amazing the lack of self-appraisal for what they are buying, and the gd appraisal relying of many domainers.
GD has a low bidding day? No prob. They will appraise a few average domains over $3000 and there will be dozens of people bidding for whatever it is.

Man, think a little for yourself and stop relying on GD appraisals for your bids!

Now to the related question. My favorite domain appraisal service? Me, myself and I.
Peers here on name pros although not buyers they do have wallets.
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Does mean “ZooKeeper” is worth 7 figures?

Don't know. But if it were mine, I wouldn't sell for under $600k normally. With the current companies with similar names, I would shoot for $1-2 million.



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Don't know. But if it were mine, I wouldn't sell for under $600k normally. With the companies with similar names, I would shoot for $1-2 million.

Show attachment 152522

Thanks! i agree.

:O not literal Beekeeper

good brand, but seriously bees going extinct! No clue if it affects value. Probably not since that company isnt bee farmer.. interesting...

So many things go into value; idk how you do it
You’re a brave man, venturing into that field.
Reconsider giving 1 free a day like estibot.
What’s the worst that can happen ;)
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My #1 rule of domaining is always use as much information as possible and save time. The engine is built on logic, built on linguistics, built on competition and demand. Everything that would take you 10 minutes to research, but it does it in about a second. Then you can use your remaining 9 minutes and 59 seconds to scrutinize the results to ensure you don't overpay.

Thanks, I will pass on using any of them. I prefer to do my own research and that way I know its correct and I can then find out the true value of the domain by approaching buyers with the name
how do you find end buyers ? i have been using go daddy and also estibot and i do find a big imbalance in valuation...are go daddy doing it to draw you in as once you have registered a name through their site u have to sell it on their sight .. . also once you have registered a name through go daddy if you want to sell elswhere it will cost you a fee also to move it! and im assuming 1 in a 1000 might sell their registered domain through go daddy before they renew it otherwise go daddy will be doubling their revenue from everyone else who are stuck on their ridiculous appraisals who are being charged year on year hahaha ... i could be wrong but what do i know . still learning and want seeking better strategies as time goes yeah end buyers i think id prefer to go down this route..
how do you find end buyers ? i have been using go daddy and also estibot and i do find a big imbalance in valuation...are go daddy doing it to draw you in as once you have registered a name through their site u have to sell it on their sight .. . also once you have registered a name through go daddy if you want to sell elswhere it will cost you a fee also to move it! and im assuming 1 in a 1000 might sell their registered domain through go daddy before they renew it otherwise go daddy will be doubling their revenue from everyone else who are stuck on their ridiculous appraisals who are being charged year on year hahaha ... i could be wrong but what do i know . still learning and want seeking better strategies as time goes yeah end buyers i think id prefer to go down this route..
Search at for similar domain sales with your domain keywords, thats the best way to find out how much are your domain worth.
If you just reach to possible buyers asking them about the price of your domain, 99% of them will tell you that your domain is worth $10.
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how do you find end buyers ? i have been using go daddy and also estibot and i do find a big imbalance in valuation...are go daddy doing it to draw you in as once you have registered a name through their site u have to sell it on their sight .. . also once you have registered a name through go daddy if you want to sell elswhere it will cost you a fee also to move it! and im assuming 1 in a 1000 might sell their registered domain through go daddy before they renew it otherwise go daddy will be doubling their revenue from everyone else who are stuck on their ridiculous appraisals who are being charged year on year hahaha ... i could be wrong but what do i know . still learning and want seeking better strategies as time goes yeah end buyers i think id prefer to go down this route..

Good afternoon and welcome to NP.

The first step was joining here. There is so much information available it can be overwhelming sometimes but you need to soon learn which particular route you are going to choose which obviously depends on the amount of money you have to spend, the knowledge and skills that you already possess and how prepared you are to learn and how many hours per day you can invest.

If, for arguments sake you want to get to 100 domains I think that ultimately there will be some you sell or drop and in your first year you may have to drop more than you realize as exactly one year from now you will be faced with renewals. Follow some of the more established people on the forum and see what they are buying and selling and for how much.

You may eventually drop 50% of the original 100, namely 50 names but you will add this to your portfolio as you go along and you will always have your core 50 names which you believe in and know that you can sell.

Please always remember that buying domains is easy...literally, anyone with $5 bucks can do it. The hard part is selling them. You have to have a plan when you start which suits you and your situation but you always have to re-visit your plan as you move along and improve and hopefully make some money.

Please don't just jump onto something that is trending today. In most cases that means that you have already missed the boat and all, if not most of the top domains have already been snapped up and will soon be appearing for sale on the NP Chat forum.

Do your own research and know where your skills lie. Know where you fit into the equation. Only you know your market whether that be around your neighborhood or further afield.

Be patient. Slow and steady can also win the race.

Good luck with your journey and learn from the mistakes of others who have gone before you but also be brave enough to make your own mistakes as that is a quick way to learn too.


Rule #1 of domaining:

Never use automated appraisal tools.

Seriously, they just pick random numbers. Dont waste your time with them. Email some end-users and thats how you'll find out how much its worth.

Giles is correct about this.

Even if I use automated appraisal tools such as Estibot / NameWorth to help determine math behind a valuation, I never look at the recommended price.

Ultimately consumer demand will determine valuation. You can have the best 3 on market -- but if an end-user will never want it, welcome to the world of wholesale value.
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